The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

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This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43

Chapter 42

302 7 2
By BL_Fan_62

Last Time

Noé looked at Vanitas "Try to ignore his-" Noé words were cut off by Mikhail as he smirked at them both. "I'm not lying big brother you really killed father and tried to kill me! See here's proof!" Mikhail showed them his left arm.

Back To The Story

Mikhail left arm was a metal one, Vanitas eyes widen at that. "I did that..." He mumbled to himself as the younger nodded with a smile "Yep! You cut it off and tried to kill me!" Mikhail tells him.

Noé had enough of this "Shut up! You're just hurting-" Mikhail cut Noé off "You know big brother, you were in a relationship with this person but you broke up with him because he found out about how you kill for money. You also told him about father and me." Noé eyes widen at how Mikhail knew about their relationship.

Vanitas looked at Noé "Is that true?" Noé looked down and nodded "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to suffer anymore Vanitas, that's why I kept quiet." Noé paused as he looked at Vanitas and grabbed his hand surprising him.

"I'm also still in love with you, Vanitas." Noé confessed to Vanitas really shocking him but Vanitas suddenly had tears streaming down his cheeks. "You really do love me..." Vanitas asked Noé.

Noé nodded with a loving smile and wipes the tears of Vanitas away. "Of course I do and I'll protect you Vanitas." Noé holds Vanitas in a protective hug. Mikhail clicked his tongue and glared at both Noé and Vanitas.

Before Mikhail could do anything police sirens were heard "Looks like the neighbors called the cops for me." Noé says while looking at Mikhail who is still glaring at him "This isn't over!" Mikhail shouted as he quickly made an escape.

Because of all this Noé and Vanitas had to talk to the cops of course they kept secret about certain things that they talked about with Mikhail. About two hours of talking with the cops they finally left, Noé swept up the glass and looked at the broken balcony door.

"Why not just move your book shelf there for now and in the morning you can call someone." Vanitas walked up next to him and suggested to him. Noé nodded with a smile "Alright." Noé moved the book shelf.

Once done the two laid back down in bed but Vanitas couldn't get all the stuff out of his head. Noé knew that Vanitas was thinking about what Mikhail revealed to him about his forgotten past.

Noé brought Vanitas into a tight hug "Whats wrong Vanitas?" Noé softly asked him. "I was thinking about what that Mikhail told me." Vanitas told Noé what he was thinking about honestly which surprised him.

"How could you be near a murderer like me..."

Those surprised Noé as he looked down at Vanitas but he didn't let him go. "You know when Mikhail told me that I kill for money...I didn't really feel guilty at all for doing it. I think that part of me is still there that's why I didn't feel guilty or didn't care about the killing part." Vanitas tells Noé.

It became quiet between the two "What part did hurt to hear then..." Noé managed to say with a sad look, he was glad Vanitas couldn't see his face right now. "..The part of breaking up with you hurt the most..." Vanitas honestly told him.

"Nous ne pouvons pas être ensemble." Vanitas says as Noé eyes widen at that as he let Vanitas go "Why can't we?!" Noé shouted at him, Vanitas sat up looking him in the eyes "Being together will just bring you pain." He tells him.

Hearing that made something in Noé snap 'He's pushing me away again like before!' Noé shouted in his head. This time Noé wasn't going to give up on Vanitas again, he wasn't going to leave him alone and let him suffer again.

Noé brought Vanitas into a hug surprising Vanitas by this "Hey let me go now!" Vanitas struggled as he tried to get out of the hug "No I will not let go of you at all! I won't let go of you this time Vanitas!" Noé shouted at him as he didn't loosen his grip on the hug.

Vanitas eyes widened as he slowly stopped struggling out of Noé hug. "Why? Didn't I hurt you once? Aren't you afraid of me at all for what I do?" Vanitas asked Noé questions.

Noé could feel Vanitas tightly grabbing his shirt "Yes but I also hurt you because I didn't even give you any answers. It's not that I'm afraid...I just don't get why you do those kinds of things. I want to understand you better Vanitas, I love you." Noé tells him all he wanted to know.

"You're such an idiot you know that." Noé chuckled at that "Yeah I know that." He responded to Vanitas but he wants to hear Vanitas feelings. "How about you Vanitas?" Noé asked him, he knew it might be a long shot to get Vanitas to confess.

Vanitas hid his face in Noé chest but he was blushing, he was glad Noé couldn't see his face right now. 'This fool is really an idiot if he can still love someone like me. But I don't think I can say it out loud...' Vanitas thought to himself.

Noé looked down at Vanitas, he was about to speak until he heard Vanitas mumble. "Huh? What was that Vanitas?" Noé asked him, he felt that Vanitas grip had tightened a little bit "I-I said that...I-I also l-l-l-l-love you...t-too...!" Vanitas stutters while blushing like crazy.

Hearing those words made Noé eyes as he wrapped his arms around Vanitas tight again. "I will protect you, I promise you Vanitas." Noé told Vanitas as he didn't move but just looked at his chest and still had his hand gripping his shirt.

To be continued

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