Oh Baby Momma

By koovoobi

560K 42.9K 5.6K

Pregnancy is a unique journey that test everyone's physical and emotional strength, not only mom's but also d... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Coming Soon

Chapter 48

5.9K 519 49
By koovoobi

The following morning, Taehyung was reading a random magazine while relaxing in the living room with a casual outfit on. "Oh. Did you get ready? Where is Jungkook? Let me change my outfit, fast." Mrs Kim said. Taehyung hummed and Mrs Kim rushed to her room.

"Tae. Did you take the file?" Taehyung turned to see Jungkook approaching him while wearing a chain around his neck. Taehyung lifted and showed him the file that was kept on the couch. "Ah. I was checking it in our room." he said and fixed his t-shirt again. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was still sitting idly on the couch, and said, "Are we not going?" with doubtful gaze. "Mom is also coming." he informed. "Ah. Okay." he said and sat beside him.

After a few minutes, Mrs Kim approached them, following Jimin. "Don't do anything. Eat your lunch and leave the plates there. Aunt Lee will wash it. Take care of Soo." she informed. Jimin nodded. "We will come back soon, hyung." As they made their way to the hospital, Jungkook said goodbye to Jimin.

"Are we going to that hospital? Mm. Care?" Mrs Kim asked. "No.. City Hospital. He was admitted there." Taehyung informed his mom as he drove off to the hospital. "Ah. Okay. Is that a good doctor?" she asked. "Mm. I liked her. She was comfortable to talk with." Taehyung said. Jungkook sighed and rubbed his knuckles as he remembered everything that happened some days back.

As they reached the hospital, Taehyung headed to reception with Jungkook and Mrs Kim. "Kim Jungkook." Taehyung said to the receptionist and provided her their appointment card. "Oh. Please go to the first floor. The doctor is available." she informed and three of them went to the first floor.

A quarter of an hour later, the nurse called their token number, and they entered the physician's cabin. "Jungkook. How are you now?" the doctor smiled widely. He sat down close to the doctor and said, "I am fine, doctor," as the other two took seats across from them. "Did your bl..ding stop?" she asked. Jungkook nodded. "Can we take a quick scan then?" She asked. Jungkook nodded. Jungkook and the doctor got up and made their way to the closest bed equipped with ultra scan technology.

"Please lay on the bed." she said, wearing her hand gloves. Jungkook did the same. The nurse lifted his shirt and rolled it till his chest. The doctor squeezed the gel on his lower stomach and rolled the scanning equipment over his abdomen. She checked thoroughly for a few minutes before standing up from the seat. The nurse wiped his stomach and asked him to get up.

After taking the seat, the doctor said to Taehyung and Mrs Kim, "He is fine. The pregnancy tissues have passed away." she asked. Taehyung nodded and looked at Jungkook, who came to them by fixing his clothes. "I will prescribe some vitamins. And I recommend you both to wait a week before getting intimate. Even when bl..ding stops, the possibility of infection persists. And after a month or two, you can try again for pregnancy." She said, writing a couple of tablets. "Okay, doctor." Taehyung said. "That's it, Jungkook. Have a good day ahead." she tapped on Jungkook's shoulder and said. Jungkook smiled in return and took the prescription sheet from her hand.

Taehyung took the prescription from Jungkook's hand as soon as they headed out of the room. "I will buy it and come. You both wait here." he said and went to the pharmacy to buy medicines. "It's alright." Mrs Kim said to Jungkook after squeezing his hand a little. And they both sat in the waiting longue. Jungkook sighed and looked ahead at a mom and son duo, who were walking to the other side of the corridor.

After a few minutes, Taehyung came to them with the medicines. "Can we go?" he asked, after giving medicines to Jungkook. "Yes. Are we going to check the building next?" Mrs Kim asked. Taehyung nodded. From the hospital, they headed to the see the building for day care.

Taehyung pulled into the large parking lot in front of the building. "It's a four storey building. Dad said the rooms are in ground floor." Just as Jungkook was getting out of the car, Taehyung said to him. "It's a commercial building, Tae. I want a single storeyed one. You know, it's just a little montessori." Jungkook said, looking around. "And also the safety of children will be at risk if it's in between some shops. My ideal location would have to have just one building enclosed by compound walls, in a serene and tranquil area." Jungkook informed. "Okay. "Let us search for a building of that kind," he stated. "Yes. That's right. There will be risks to children's safety here. You can also see that the main road is just a few meters away." Mrs Kim also agreed with him. "Mm. Then let's inform this to dad. We will look into other options," he remarked. With pursed lips, Jungkook nodded.

"Can we stop in the studio before going home?" Taehyung asked as they settled in the car. "Okay. I don't have a problem. What about you mom?" Jungkook asked Mrs Kim. "No problem. Let's go. It's been a while since I have visited your studio." Mrs Kim said. Taehyung smiled and they drove off to his studio.

Half an hour later, they reached the studio. The receptionist greeted Mrs. Kim and Jungkook with a big smile. "When is your due date, Nuna?" Jungkook asked her. "Next month. "I will be here until the following week," she said. "Oh. Have proper rest, Nuna. We will come to see your baby." Jungkook stated. In response, she grinned. 

After a few more amicable conversations with the receptionist, Mrs. Kim and Jungkook went to see Taehyung, who had already left for the studio room because he had a photo shoot. Mrs Kim choked hard as soon as she stepped into the room after seeing a girl sitting on the podium with a th.ng and a bracl.t. Anxiously, Jungkook gave her a smile. "If this is what I am supposed to be expecting here, I should have gone home," she told Jungkook. "I appreciate my son for being loyal to you." She said proudly. "Haha. See. He will stand still for the entire shoot. There won't be an expression change." Jungkook said, pointing at his husband, who is taking the pictures with a blank and serious face. "Let's sit there, mom." he said and both of them sat on the couch.

"Oh god. Jungkook. How can you stay calm, after observing her posture and the way he took the photo? I am feeling shaken." Mrs Kim said. "Haha. It's his profession, mom. His professional and personal life is entirely different." he said with a smile, when he saw Targeting walking towards them. "After one more change of clothes, the photo session is over. I will snap photos of the two of you after this." Taehyung said. "Outfit? Is that what you refer to as an outfit? Mrs Kim rolled her eyes. Taehyung laughed and pinked her cheek. "Cute." he said and went back to resume the photo shoot when he saw the model is back in the podium.

Once the model.stepped out of the podium, he gestured to Jungkook and his mom to come over. "Send the final output. I will take a proper look, then." Taehyung informed his assistant, who agreed and left the room along with the other staff but after bowing at Jungkook as well as Mrs Kim.

"If you both want to doll up. You can." Taehyung said. "No. This is fine." Mrs Kim said, fixing his dress and hair a little. Jungkook took his weapon out and rubbed it all over his pink lips and chapped it a few times, before grinning widely. Taehyung cooed over his baby, who resembled a sweet and spicy snack.

"Mom, sit there and Jungkook, put your hands on her shoulder." Taehyung gave the first instruction and both of them followed it. "Perfect." Taehyung said after reviewing the photo he had taken. "Now. a side pose, please." he said and both of them stood side to side. "Haha. This photo is so adorable," he laughed, and Mrs. Kim and Jungkook approached him to view the images that had been taken. "haha. Mom looks lovely." Jungkook complimented. "Let's do some single snaps then" Taehyung said and asked his mom to go first. He took a few stunning photographs of her before asking Jungkook to step on the podium.

Taehyung took a few photos calmly, before Jungkook decided to pull his sassy and bratty side. "Why are you lips pouting so much?" Taehyung asked, after checking the picture. "It's natural." he replied. "Oh, are you a gold fish or what?" he asked. "Kind of." Jungkook pulled the shirt from the shoulder and posed in a simple white vest.

"F.ck, why is your n.pples hard?" Taehyung whispered inside his ear and fixed his shirt. "Cold, maybe." he replied. "Cold? Due to cold weather or a cold husband?" he teased. "Weather." he replied and turned around. He kept both palms on his b.tt and pushed it slightly towards the camera and turned his head to face the camera as well. "F.ck." Taehyung murmured and checked his mom before adjusting his pants a little. "Mom is here." he whispered to Jungkook. "I know. Take it fast." he said. Taehyung took the snap immediately. Jungkook now turned to face him. He kept one of his hands on the wall and leaned back by pushing his chest in front. "Jungkook. Stop it. I am having a hard time." Taehyung licked his lips, zooming his camera on to Jungkook's chocolate chips in his chest. "Did you forget the camera is connected to the system?" Targeting coughed badly, when he heard his mom. "Mom. Ah." he immediately pulled off the code that was connected to the system. "I.. I was.. Mm." Taehyung scratched the back of his neck, while Jungkook gave a death glare. "I don't find you this p.vert while taking the pictures early?" his mom, flatten her lips. Taehyung gulped visibly and resumed capturing Jungkook's pictures.

"I will keep this picture as my header. See." Taehyung showed Jungkook, a picture of him and his mother. Jungkook gave a thumbs up. "Can we go now? To home or do you have anything to buy?" Taehyung asked his mom as they walked out of the studio. "Let's buy some meat and snacks. We will be traveling for a staycation tomorrow, right?" she asked. Taehyung hummed as they drove off to the supermarket.

While walking between the rack with Taehyung following him, Jungkook ran into someone. "Jungkook." As soon as Jungkook saw the other person, he gave Taehyung a quick sidelong glance. "Mingyu," he said with a broad smile and a handshake. "Kookie Teacherrr." he laughed when a little boy came running and hugged his legs. "Hey Eun, how are you?" he crouched down and stroked his cheeks and asked. "I miss you so much." he said with a pout. "Me too." Jungkook replied and stood up. "Eun said you have resigned. What happened?" Mingyu asked after ruffling his son's hair a bit. "Thought to take a personal break." Jungkook replied. "Taehyung, right?" he asked, once he noticed the other and he shook his hand with Taehyung. "We have met twice, I believe." Mingyu said. "That's right." Taehyung smiled and gazed at Jungkook.

"Visit our home once, Jungkook." Mingyu said. "Ah. I will" "Jungkook?" he turned when he heard the other person. He gave the woman in her early sixties a small bow. "Oh. You are in Seoul? I thought you were in some foreign country." she said. "I moved here after getting married," he answered. "Ah. I heard about your marriage from him. It's been three or four years, right? She asked. Jungkook nodded. "I still remember the day. That was the first time my son had ever spoken to me angrily in my life." Jungkook looked at the woman, then at Mingyu. He gave a slight smile. "My husband." he held Taehyung's bicep and said, who bowed a little. "I am happy to meet you again, Jungkook. I.. I sometimes regret everything. Please don't keep anything in the heart. I was immature that time." she said. "It's fine, aunty. Something is meant to happen for good." he said. "Mm. But when I see my son. I.. Anyways leave it. Visit us someday." she said smiling. "Sure Aunty." he assured. "Can we pay the bill then?" she asked Mingyu, whose gaze was fixed on Jungkook all this while. "Yes. Let's go." he said, breaking the trance. "Appa said Kookie teacher would be my momma if Appa was not bratty like Eun." At that, the little boy caught everyone's attention. "Ah. It's nothing like that." Mingyu gave a nervous chuckle. "Come. Let's go." his mom immediately held Eun's hand and dragged him from there along with Mingyu. With a tense smile, Jungkook rushed to Mrs Kim. Taehyung glanced at the vanishing figure before turning to face the person behind the cash register. He tilted his head to the left and right, rolling his tongue against his cheeks, and then walked over to Jungkook and his mother.

..to be continued..

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