Convergence [KLONNIE]

By numinousx

74.4K 3.4K 1.6K

{Book One} "There is no surprise that you do not trust me, Bonnie Bennett," Klaus began, taking a long sip of... More

cast โ”
โ†ณ act I
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
โ†ณ act II
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven

chapter forty-three

386 22 18
By numinousx


Chapter Forty-Three

2 Months Ago - Limbo

Esther Mikaelson woke with a gasp. Her pale hands clawed at her throat, wondering if any of this was real. As she looked at her sides frantically, her heart sank in her chest when the darkness she had known for centuries was taking her in once more. She could feel the weight of death hold down her very movements. She could recognize this wretched place from a mile away.

She stood to her feet, looking around for her husband. Perhaps her plan failed, but surely, Mikael's didn't. At least she would have a smile knowing that maybe one of her children was here too... that she did something to right her wrong from centuries ago.

"I believe your efforts have been in vain," she heard a voice behind her echo. She turned around fast, seeing a familiar face. Esther gulped, her hands turning sweaty in an instant. Backing up, she shook her head. "Your husband has already left, vowing to leave you forever as he should have when you sired that bastard a millennia ago."

Esther shook her head, an apology on her tongue. "Cora–"

"You've angered a mother today, Esther," Cora started again, cutting the Original Witch off. "And it wouldn't make a difference if said mother wasn't a Bennett witch yet... here I am."

Esther held her hands up, trying to bring forth a spell that would help her. "I never meant to hurt your daughter."

"Hurt?" Cora Bennett chuckled. "I saw my daughter today... my twenty-two-year-old daughter." With every word, she steps closer to the Mikaelson witch. "My daughter who hasn't lived a fraction of your daughter's lifetimes."

"I didn't–"

"There's one thing you should know about the Bennetts, Esther," Cora started, sucking in a deep breath. "Unlike you Mikaelsons, we don't tolerate traitors."

Esther turned around, looking both ways frantically. One by one, as witches started to surround her, she winced. "I only meant to right my wrong. Please... sisters."

"We are not your sisters," Esther heard another witch say behind her. Her back now to Cora, she watched as an army of Bennett witches surrounded her. "You were no longer a sister when you came for our family."

"Look at me," The angry mother commanded. Esther obeyed, her eyes filling with tears at the dozens of Bennett witches surrounding her. "When your skin feels like it's on fire and your soul never knows peace, remember that is because you took my baby from this earth before her time."


As Cora connected hands with the Bennett witches, they chanted, forcing Esther to her knees. She pulled her long-sleeved shirt up, watching as angry red lines began to appear. Soon her skin became hot to the touch, feeling as if she was being burned alive.

The heat started as a mere prick setting in her stomach, but as it grew, her entire body felt like it was being lit aflame. As the pain quickly became unbearable, she let out a heartfelt sob. She didn't have the voice, or the strength, to beg the witches for mercy.

"This," Cora panted as the spell continued. Esther withered in pain as her bones began to break. Her screams only magnified as they continued to chant. She rather peel her skin from her bones than feel whatever fire they were putting her through. "–is for Mina."

As her screams finally halted, Cora opened her eyes and watched as Esther Mikaelson started to fade away. Cora watched in content as her daughter's killer would have no chance at peace, for her soul had been banished to nothingness.

"Cora!" She heard someone yell. "We found these two nearby."

Elijah and Kol stumbled as they were pushed toward the Bennett witches.

"More Mikaelsons?" Cora began. Looking closer at the two men, she locked eyes with Elijah. "You're the one who broke my daughter's heart mere months after my death?"

"Ms. Bennett–"

Elijah dropped to his knees instantly, a painful groan escaping from his lips.

"Your family is very unlucky today, Mr. Mikaelson."

"Cora, stop it," Elijah heard someone command, but the magical force that kept him down didn't let up. "He saved Bonnie, Cora–"

"I don't care, Shelia" Cora bit. "This family has been torturing us since before any of us existed. I'm sick and tired of Mikaelsons using and abusing our people. Since it seems like my sisters can't stop them, maybe I can."

Sheila Bennett sighed, watching the scene unfold. She had watched as Bonnie's bravery had ultimately been Esther's demise. It was something about the quickness of Elijah's actions that made the older witch feel for him. Yet, no matter how bad she felt, she would not intervene. For she would do the same if it had been Bonnie.

"Please, Miss," Kol begged. He knew better than to try to physically interfere, so he decided to back up and plead. "Mina forgave Elijah–"

"Is a vampire arguing with me about my child?" Cora questioned sarcastically, looking around at her people. Her hand remained outstretched, forcing Elijah to the ground completely. Finally, she looked up at Kol.

Before she could attack, however, Sheila put a hand on her shoulder. "Let him talk. Vampires can't hurt us... not here."

Kol raised his hands in surrender, lowering himself down to a kneel. It didn't matter if he could attack or not... He wouldn't. Not when she so easily had Elijah on the ground, obviously in agony. "He died saving Bonnie. He threw away a life with Mina in protection of her cousin... your family. All I'm asking is that you spare us. We are already dead."

Cora looked down at Elijah's body, painful moans making his own pleas incoherent. She ceased her spell. She walked over to the original, kneeling at his height. "Mina is powerful as ever now that she is one of you; she will bring you back."

"Cora–" Sheila tested. She knew that as angry as the woman was, there was nothing she wouldn't do.

"If you ever, and I mean ever, hurt my baby girl again," Cora started, grabbing Elijah's jaw and forcing him to look up at her. "You will meet a death so painful, even your wicked father will weep for you."




Just as they had done almost every single day for the past two months, Bonnie and Klaus sat down on the balcony outside of Klaus's room. Peering over the edge of the city, Bonnie's feet were in Klaus' hands as he slowly massaged them. While Klaus was looking at the people below them, Bonnie was cuddled up with a book in hand.

"Can I ask a question?" Bonnie started, sitting up. When Klaus looked up at her, she took that as a sign to continue. "Why does Rebekah and Henrik call you Nik but everyone else calls you Klaus?"

Klaus tensed at her question but thought about an answer anyway. This question, undoubtedly, would force him to think of his siblings... The siblings he couldn't find a way to bring back yet. "When I was only a boy, I was always Nik to all of my siblings."

"Nik!" The blonde boy heard his sister scream from inside of her room. Thinking the worst, and knowing that Father was out for the hunt and Mother was collecting healing herbs, Klaus took off running, his elder brothers Finn and Elijah coming up behind him.

He pushed open the door to the cottage, glancing left and right, desperate to figure out where Rebekah's terrified screams had come from.

Finally, he noticed that the door to Mother's bedroom was opened when normally it was closed.

"Nik, please. Make haste!"

As Elijah and Finn entered behind him, Niklaus rushed over to Rebekah, picking up her small frame from the chair.

"What is wrong, sister?" Finn asked quickly. "What has frightened you?"

"Tell us what it is and we shall rid it of its life as quickly as it came," Elijah threatened, using his body as a shield to protect both his younger brother, Niklaus, and his sister who had just let out a terrifying scream.

"It's a–a–"

"Mouse?" Klaus finished for her hearing the rodent scamper against the hardwood floors. "Is that is, sister? Is that what has you fearsome?"

"P-Please, brothers. Remove it."

Klaus picked his little sister up bridal style, smoothly keeping her head from banging against the wall. "I've got you," Niklaus soothed. He nodded toward Elijah and Finn and his brothers nodded back, both of them understanding

"Take her to the garden, Nik," Finn commanded softly. "Keep her there until we come to fetch her."

Rebekah hugged Klaus's body, acting as if she let go then she would die. "Thank you, Nik. I-I couldn't tell where it was."

"It's alright, sister," Klaus countered with a small smile. "When I was only of nine winters like you, I had a terrible fear of the creepy crawlers that would appear in our shoes. Father was plenty annoyed," At this, Rebekah giggled. "Mother dug them out every time regardless of her feelings so it is only fair Finn, Elijah and I help you with your fear."

"Nik," Elijah's voice called. "Come," He commanded. "We have released the creature."

Placing Rebekah on the ground, she dusted off her dress before giving each and every one of her brothers a peck on the cheek. "You all are so brave."

"Before vampirism, before violence, before betrayals, I was simply Niklaus or mostly known as Nik," Klaus admitted, continuing to slowly massage Bonnie's feet. While he didn't miss being human, being weak, he couldn't act like everything wasn't easier then. Changing the subject before Bonnie could ask more questions, he said, "I am sorry that I was not the one who took that shot for you. If only I had not chosen–"

"Wait, what?" Bonnie said surprised, pulling her feet from Klaus' hands. Was he seriously apologizing for not dying?

"I should've been there for you–"

Bonnie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why do you think you don't deserve to live? To be happy?"

"Excuse me?" Klaus questioned. "I–"

"No," Bonnie shook her head frantically. "If you had been there, my baby would be missing a father."

"Bonnie," Klaus tested. "Regardless of my actions these past months, I have aided in your pain for a long while. I only mean to correct–"

"You are not the villain in my story anymore," Bonnie admitted, taking Klaus' hands in hers. "You tried to hurt me, kill me, and do the same to my friends, yet in the darkest time of my life, you were the only person there. You think that I don't notice that you open the balcony door at night because you know the breeze helps me sleep without nightmares? Or that someone always stocks my favorite cereal despite no one in the house actually needing to eat? Or that instead of leaving at night, you sit in that chair," She pointed at the leather chair in the corner. "To watch me and wake me up if I have a nightmare."


"You don't get to leave this, Klaus. You have made me need you. I need you, Klaus. Not for protection, not as the father of this child, but because I, Bonnie Bennett, need you. I'm not sure how this family is going to look after what's happened, but Klaus, as long as I have you, living, whatever life this is, will be worth it."

Klaus reached out, tugging her chair and making her fall into his hold. Giggling as she landed in his lap, he pulled her in placing a kiss on her lips. "This is our child. Our legacy." Klaus began. "I can admit, I do not know what I will do without Elijah, but with you and the rest of this family, I believe that we will be okay. I believe that I can construct a home for you... for them."

The word family made a shudder go down Bonnie's spine. "Family..." She whispered, sitting up on Klaus's lap. She sighed. "There's something I need to do."

"And that is?" Klaus questioned.

"I need to tell my family that I'm pregnant," Bonnie sighed, leaning into Klaus. "And they... are going to be quite angry."

"We will handle it together," Klaus promised, holding her protectively. "Just as we have everything else."




Davina Claire sat with her legs folded under her. She looked around the freshly painted room. She had been in the Compound before... long before the Mikaelsons originally came back yet no one had ever decorated this room.

All of a sudden, she heard a long knock on the white wooden door.

"Come in?" She offered, putting the pencil she was using to draw down. When it opened to reveal her father figure, she smiled. "Marcel."

Marcel gently closed the door behind him. Taking a seat at the desk chair Rebekah insisted on getting, he coughed. "I take it you're settling in well? I hope your room isn't too... pink. This was Rebekah's doing."

"No, no," Davina smiled, looking around some more. The room wasn't a vibrant pink, no. It was more subtle. There were a lot of white accents, even down to the computer that was sitting on her glass desk. It reminded of her what she used to have. "It's pretty... it's normal."

Silence descended over the two for a couple of seconds before Marcel broke. "You've been back for some time now... How are you feeling? I know my family can be overwhelming." By the time Marcel realized what he had said, it was too late. 

"Your family?" Davina questioned. "When they first came into town they were the enemy. Now they're family?"

"It's... complicated, D," Marcel sighed. "Klaus has been every bit of my father for almost two centuries. His reappearance makes my feelings a bit more complicated than I would've first imagined."

"But you wanted him dead?" Davina asked with an eyebrow raised. "I don't get it. You hate him."

"It's hard..." Marcel started, searching for the words in his mind. He knew it wouldn't make sense to everyone. What family wanted to stay together for a thousand years? Most families grew up, grew apart and only called on birthdays yet the Mikaelsons were the opposite. "It's hard to hate someone you've loved for so long. If you don't want to be here, I'm sure I could find you an apartment or something–"

"No," Davina shook her head. "I'm not leaving you alone with them."

Marcel sighed and sat up in his chair. "They would never hurt me. I know that now." 

Davina smiled. "That's perfectly fine. I'm staying." 

"Davina, Klaus is–" 

The witch cut him off. "Your father... just as you are mine. I'm not leaving," Davina repeated. "Now get out," She commanded, picking up her pencil. "I was trying to draw." 

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