The Scott Family

By shaunj1212

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J.J is a fourteen year old boy going through up and downs as a teenager with the help of his father, his brot... More

First day of high school
J.J punishment
Learning respect
Night terrors
The party
The aftermath of the party
School rumors
James dads
In trouble with my teacher
Maya's back/Travis intro
Daddy spanks J.J hard
J.J appendix brust
Frankie fights J.J part 1
Frankie fights J.J part 2
Oliver's punishment
Friendship part 1
Friendship part 2
J.J vs his grandparents
Travis kiss J.J part 1
Travis kiss J.J part 2
My mom shot me
First date with travis
Chores and disrespect
Sunday Part 1
Sunday part 2
Missing assignments part 1
Missing assignments part 2
The talk
The wilsons house
Staying home
The truth about Sammy's death
Gym class part 1
Gym class part 2
Sammy cooks dinner
J.J bought a jockstrap
Grandpa and pops house
New rules part 1
New rules part 2
Mean teacher part 1
Mean teacher part 2
J.J in big trouble
Career day
James's dad visit
J.J's sleepover at grandpa's house
Sunday part 1
Sunday part 2
James comes home
The hospital
Room for new baby
Oliver sneaks out part 1
Oliver sneaks out part 2
Oliver gets bullied
J.J boyfriend sleeps over
J.J disobeyed his dad
Oliver fights in school
Merry Christmas
J.J birthday party
J.J stop taking his meds
J.J cat goes to the vet and James goes grocery shopping
James found out about Oliver's bet
Josiah makes a mess and Kenny comes home part 1
Kenny is home part 2
night time
J.J spends the day with Kenny
second semester
relationships part 1
relationships part 2
relationships part 3
Travis spends the night
J.J's bad day
James and J.J spend the day together
J.J gets a phone call home
chapter 74
J.J goes to work with daddy part 1
James finds out about his wife's affair
J.J comes home late
J.J gets suspended part 1
J.J gets suspended part 2
Travis breaks up with J.J
James and Sammy goes on their romantic getaway part 1
James and Sammy goes on a romantic getaway part 2
Josiah gets in trouble at school
Sammy and J.J spend the afternoon together
parents teachers conference
James and Sammy's engagement dinner part 1
James and Sammy engagement dinner part 2
Episode 90
Justin comes through for J.J
J.Js sick day
J.J missing homework
James skips school
Kenny comes home late
Kenny and j.j get in trouble
Lance hits J.J
Justin gets in trouble while J.J is at his house
James yells at J.J
Justin and J.J sneaks behind parents back
The boys go shopping
A vistor from the social worker

J.J goes to work with daddy part 2

65 1 0
By shaunj1212

J.J is 3 years old

Kenny is 8 years old

Oliver is 5 years old

3 hours later

At Franklin middle school*

In Ms. Thompson class*

Hannah: hey my mommy says I can come to your house on Saturday

Kenny: well you can't because I'm grounded

Hannah: that sucks

Kenny: it is what it is

Ms. Thompson: Kenny and Hannah stop talking

Kenny put his head down

Ms. Thompson: okay class let's read silently to ourselves Kenny can I speak to you for a minute outside

Kenny gets up out of his seat and goes outside and the teacher follows him

In the hallway*

Ms. Thompson: I just spoke to your father this morning do I need to call him

Kenny: I didn't even do anything

Ms. Thompson: your talking in my class

Kenny: Hannah was talking too

Ms. Thompson: I'm not talking to Hannah am I

Kenny: whatever

Ms. Thompson: excuse me

Kenny: nothing

Ms. Thompson: you will go inside and sit down and read your book and if you talk in my class again I will call your father is that understood

Kenny: yes ma'am

Ms. Thompson: go

Kenny: fine

Ms. Thompson: that attitude needs to stop

Kenny: I don't even have an attitude you do

Ms. Thompson: okay I'm calling him

Kenny: I don't care

Ms. Thompson: stay right here

Kenny: okay

Ms. Thompson takes out her phone and calls James

On the phone

James: hello

Ms. Thompson: hello Mr. Scott we talked this morning

James: what did he do

Ms. Thompson: talking in class and giving me attitude

James: let me talk to him please

Ms. Thompson: here its your dad

Kenny: no

Ms. Thompson: take it

Kenny takes the phone and put it to his ear

Kenny: dad

James: bud what's going on

Kenny: nothing

James: don't tell me nothing

Kenny: I was talking in class and then I gave the teacher attitude

James: didn't I tell you to behave yourself this morning

Kenny: yes

James: do you need me to spank your butt

Kenny: no dad

James: don't make me come up to that school and embarrass you because I will

Kenny: dad

James: don't dad me I told you to behave yourself

Kenny: okay

James: and stop giving the teacher attitude

Kenny: yes dad

James: I better not get another call from your school now go and do what your told

Kenny: but dad she didn't talk to Hannah she was talking too

James: Kenny

Kenny: fine

James: thank you and stop the attitude right now and let me talk to your teacher

Kenny gives the phone to the teacher

Ms. Thompson: yes hello

James: yes I will have a long talk with him tonight but in the future ask questions before you call me I gotta go bye

The phone call ended

Ms. Thompson: go sit down and close your mouth

Kenny: yes ma'am

2 hours later

At Eric and EJ house

At J.J little table

Eric: so 1+1 is

J.J: 2

Eric: very good now time for your abcs I want you to trace them

J.J: can I trace with crayon

Eric: sure go ahead

J.J: yay

EJ: okay babe I'm going to pick up the boys

Eric: okay

J.J: bye papa

Eric: J.J focus on what your doing okay babe no problem I see you when you get back

J.J: me done

Eric: let me see

J.J gives paper to his grandpa and Ej grabs his car keys and Olivers car seat and leaves the house

Eric: okay very good

J.J: me play

Eric: how about after you take a nap

J.J: me don't like naps

Eric: come on it's nap time

J.J: yes grandpa

Eric gets up and walks over to J.J and grabs his hand and they goes upstairs to his room

In Eric and EJ's room*

Eric: come on

J.J: okay

Eric: I will wake you up in 1 hour

J.J takes off his house shoes and gets in the bed and his grandpa tucks him in and kiss him on his forehead

Eric: here is your monkey

J.J: thank you

Eric: your so welcome alright you want me to read a story

J.J: no thank you

Eric: okay

J.J turns on his side and squeezes his monkey tight and goes to sleep and Eric leaves the room and close the door and goes downstairs and clean up J.J stuff and put in his book bag and went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine and went into the living room and started watching TV

20 minutes later

EJ, Oliver and Kenny walks through the door

Kenny: no you lost

Oliver: Pop-pop he cheated

Eric gets up and walks to the kitchen

Oliver: grandpa

Eric: hi shh I just put your brother down for his nap so please be quiet

Kenny: ooh grape juice

EJ: no that's not grape juice

Kenny: then what is it

EJ: it's grown up juice

Kenny: dad drinks grown up juice too

Oliver: can I play

EJ: um excuse me dont you have homework

Oliver: yes

EJ: then go and do it and Kenny your grounded so don't think about going on that game

Kenny: but

EJ: what did I say

Kenny: not fair

Eric: maybe next time you will behave yourself now homework now

Kenny: fine

Oliver and Kenny runs to the dinner table and take out their homework and sit down

Kenny: grandpa can you help me

Eric: sure I'm coming

Kenny: okay

Eric: looks like my parents days aren't over

EJ: you know babe if you want another kid–

Eric: babe I told you no

EJ: why not

Kenny: grandpa

Eric: we will talk about this later

EJ: fine

Eric walks to the dinner table and sit down

Kenny: my teacher doesn't know how to teach math grandpa

Eric: Kenny don't start

Kenny: but she doesn't

Eric: okay let's see

Kenny: its one digit multiplication

Eric: you got the first one right

Kenny: I did

Eric: yes and did your dad teach you how to multiply

Kenny: yes

Eric: okay then use the strategy he gave you

Kenny: okay

Eric: okay take out your times tables chart

Kenny reach in his bag and take out his times tables chart

Eric: you can use that to get the answers

Kenny: thank you grandpa

Eric: your welcome Ollie give me the iPad now

Oliver: but

Eric: now

Oliver: here

Eric: thank you when your dad picks you up I will tell him that your on your iPad playing games instead of doing your homework

Oliver: no

EJ: Ollie close your mouth right now

Oliver starts crying very loud

Eric: hush your mouth up you know better

Oliver continues to cry

Eric: what did I just say Ollie

Oliver: no

EJ walks over to Oliver and pops him and Oliver starts screaming and hollering

EJ: you don't talk to him like that now apologize for you end up getting a spanking

Oliver: I-i’m sorry

Eric: it's okay now finish your homework and stop crying you will get your iPad back when your done with your homework

Kenny: can I go on my iPad

Eric: Kenny you want me to smack you

Kenny: no sir

Eric: close your mouth

Kenny does his homework and put his head down and Eric goes on his phone

Oliver: I'm done with my homework

Eric: let me see

Oliver: here

Eric looks over Oliver's homework

Kenny: I'm done too grandpa

Eric: okay hold on

EJ: boys what do you want for dinner

Oliver and Kenny: pizza

Kenny: hey stop copying me

Eric: Kenny cut it out

Kenny: but he

Eric: you want to stand in timeout

Kenny: no I'm too big for that

Eric: no your not now stop

EJ: I guess I order pizza

Eric: okay

Oliver: grandpa can I go watch sesame Street please

Eric: yeah go ahead

Oliver runs to the living room and turn on the TV and Kenny takes out his Spiderman comic book and starts reading it

Eric: Kenny put your homework away

Kenny: okay so dad is working late tonight so can you sign it

Eric: sure I'll sign yours and Ollie's

Kenny: okay

Eric: Oliver

Oliver: yes

Eric: keep it down your brother is sleeping

Kenny: can I take a nap too

Eric: sure

Kenny gets up from his seat and walks upstairs to the guest bedroom and close the door and lays on the bed and eventually falls asleep and Eric signs the boys homework and put in their folders and put their folders in their backpacks

Oliver: grandpa I have to pee

Eric: so go to the bathroom

Oliver: daddy always comes with me

Eric: Oliver your a big boy you can go by yourself

Oliver: but please I'm scared

Eric: okay fine but this is the last time okay

Oliver: okay

Eric: okay come on

Oliver and Eric walks to the bathroom

Eric: go on I'll be right outside okay

Oliver: okay

Eric: alright go ahead and close the door

Oliver: no

Eric: okay I'll leave it open

Oliver goes in the bathroom and pulls down and needs and pees in the toilet and then he flush the toilet and pulls up his briefs and pants up and wash his hands with soap and water and then dry his hands and leaves the bathroom

Eric: okay go on and watch cartoons

Oliver: okay may I have a snack please

EJ: no the food will be here in 10 minutes

Oliver: okay

EJ: okay

J.J walks downstairs and rubs his eyes

Eric: hi baby boy how was your nap

J.J: good

Eric: that's good

J.J: is daddy here yet

Eric: no not yet

J.J: okay

Eric: go and play

J.J: okay

EJ: come on let's go take out your toys okay

Eric: okay

Knock, knock

EJ: I'll get it

Eric: okay so what do you wanna play with

J.J: me wanna color

Eric: okay have a seat at your table

J.J: okay

Eric grabs the coloring book and crayons and put it in front of J.J and EJ opens the door and see James and the pizza guy and James walks in the house

Pizza guy: that will be 20.25

EJ: here you go keep the change

Pizza guy: thank you so much

EJ: your welcome


EJ close the door and goes inside the house and put the pizza on the dinner table

Kenny runs downstairs

Oliver: daddy

James: hey how was your day

Oliver: good I am student of the month

James: why that's amazing

Kenny sits down at the dinner table with an attitude

James: Kenny come here

Kenny: dad

James: now Oliver go and sit

Oliver: okay daddy

Kenny doesn't move

James: Kenny if I have to come over there

Kenny whines and gets up and walks to his dad and James pops Kenny in the mouth and Kenny looks down

James: you don't give me no kind of attitude do you understand me little boy

Kenny: yes sir

James: go and sit down

Kenny walks over to the dinner table and sit down and put his head down and J.J runs to his dad and his dad picks him up

J.J: me color


Eric: Ollie leave your brother alone

James: I see it's very nice

J.J: thank you

James: your welcome

Kenny: stop touching me

Eric: James here you go

James: thanks J.J why don't you go and eat your food okay

Kenny: move over

Oliver: no you have all that space

Kenny: no I don't

James: Kenny and Oliver cut it out

Kenny: dad he keeps touching me

Oliver: daddy he's lying

James: Oliver if I see you touching me your gonna be in trouble do you understand me

Oliver: yes daddy

James: now eat your food

Kenny gets up and move and sit next to grandpa

James: Kenny is something wrong

Kenny: Oliver keeps looking at me

James: okay

Oliver: you a liar

James: Oliver leave your brother alone my god

Oliver: daddy I'm not even doing anything

James: your heard what I said right

Oliver: yes

James: alright

Oliver: I want my mommy

James: you will see her soon

EJ: why couldn't she pick them up from school again

Eric: babe I told you why

EJ: James

James: she had to work

EJ: that's bullshit

James: pops please

Kenny runs to his dad

James: Kenny what's wrong

Kenny: Ollie kicked me

James: Ollie come here

Oliver gets up and walks to his dad and his dad grabs him

James: did you kick your brother

Oliver: it was an accident

Kenny: no it wasn't

Oliver: yes it was

James: apologize to your brother right now

Oliver: I'm sorry Kenny

James: and didn't I say that you will be in trouble

Oliver: but I was an accident

James: go sit down and leave your brother alone

Oliver: okay

Kenny: dad

James: Kenny go sit down okay

Kenny: okay

J.J: stop it Olllie

James gets up and goes to Oliver and pops him on the butt and Oliver starts crying loud

Oliver: I want my mommy

James: stop it

Oliver starts crying again

James: stop

Oliver: I want my mommy

James: Oliver go sit down and eat your food

Oliver runs and sits down and put his head down and cries

J.J: daddy he was touching my food

James: it's okay Ollie stop making noise

Oliver: I don't like you daddy

James: okay

Eric: Oliver come here

Oliver walks to his grandpa

Eric: why you acting like that

Oliver doesn't say anything

Eric: hello I'm talking to you

James: dad he's just want some attention

Oliver: no I don't

Eric: hey you know your not supposed to pick on your brothers

Oliver: I want my mommy

Eric: your mommy is not here so stop it

Oliver continues to cry

James: Oliver stop making noise

Oliver runs to his dad and his dad picks him up

James: stop okay we are going home soon

Oliver continues to cry

James: shh it's okay you will see mommy when we go home

EJ: hey Ollie you know what why don't you take a nap

Oliver: I want my mommy

EJ: I'll tell you what you take a nap and when you wake up mommy will be here come on

Oliver: you promise

EJ: I promise

James: dad

EJ picks Oliver up and they head upstairs

Eric: Kenny stop playing with your food and eat it

James: Kenny you know better than to play with your food

Kenny: dad I'm not

James: so grandpa is lying on you

Kenny: no dad

James: then stop playing with your food

Kenny: dad can I watch tv after dinner please

James: no your grounded

Kenny: but please

James: no

Kenny: that's not fair

James: Kenny don't start no means no

Kenny throws his pizza on the floor and James gets up and grabs Kenny and smacks him on the butt

Kenny: owie

James: mommy will know about this little stunt now pick it up right now

Kenny: no

James pinches Kenny and Kenny starts crying

Kenny: your mean

James: pick it up right now before I spank your behind

Kenny picks up the pizza and put in on the plate and put it back on the table

James: your not going to that sleepover this weekend you can stay your butt home

Kenny: no dad you promise

James: Kenny go sit down and close your mouth

Kenny: I'm going I don't care what you say

Eric: kenny watch your mouth

James: no dad that's okay because he's getting his butt whooped when we get home

Kenny lays on his dad and his dad pops him and Kenny starts screaming and hollering

James: stop making noise

EJ walks downstairs and Kenny runs to his grandpa

Kenny: Pop-pop dad hit me

EJ: close your mouth and stop being disrespectful

Kenny cries even harder and James continues to eat his food

J.J: grandpa here can I have more

Eric: James J.J wants more pizza

James: dad that's fine

Eric: okay

Kenny gets up and walks to his dad

James: are you done crying like a 5 year old

Kenny: yes

James: I'm glad

Kenny: can I stay home tomorrow

James: did something happen at school today

Kenny: dad can I just stay home tomorrow

James: Kenny you need to be in school

Kenny: but I hate my school

James: why did something happen

Kenny: my teacher is really mean to for no reason

James: I sure that's not true

Kenny: it is

James: okay I'll talk to your teacher tomorrow but I have to work tomorrow

Kenny: then can I stay with grandpa

Eric: I have to work too

James: see everyone has to work

Kenny: ugh but

James: if anything is wrong you need to tell me so I can fix it

Kenny: dad my teacher gave me an 0 on my quiz all because I forgot to write my last name is not fair I hate her

James: hey don't say that

Kenny: but it's true

James: okay I'll talk to your teacher because your right that doesn't make an sense

Kenny: okay

James: alright go and put on your shoes we are leaving soon I know your tired

Kenny: I am

James: okay

Kenny: dad I had art today and we painted

James: well I hope you had fun

Kenny: yes I did

James: what did you paint

Kenny: a elephant

James: cool

Kenny: my teacher says we can take out paintings home on Friday

James: okay I can't wait to see them

Kenny: okay

EJ walk downstairs and goes in the kitchen

EJ: Ollie is knocked out

Kenny: pop-pop

EJ: yes

Kenny: can I go on my iPad

EJ: ask your dad

Kenny: dad

James: look in my bag

Kenny goes in his dad's duffel bag and pulls out his iPad and sit next to his dad and goes on his iPad

Eric: Kenny

Kenny: yes

Eric: are you done with your food

Kenny: yes

Eric: do you want seconds

Kenny: yes please

Eric takes a slice a pizza from the pizza box and puts the slice on the plate and gets up and walk over to the island and put the plate in front of Kenny

Kenny: thank you grandpa

Eric: your welcome

EJ: so James how's work

James: awful dad is my boss

Eric: you really should appreciate me as your boss

James rolled his eyes

Eric: James I saw that

James: I meant for you to see it

Eric: don't be disrespectful

James: I really want to go back to school

EJ: your sure that's a good idea

James: look I can work doing the day and go to online school at night

EJ: what is your wife gonna think about that

Kenny looks at his dad

James: I really don't care Kenny get out of my mouth and play on your iPad

Eric: sonny you guys are married you should talk to her about it

EJ: and if she doesn't like it you can go behind her back and do it anyways

Eric: babe that's not good advice

EJ: what I don't like that women

James: dad the kids are in the room

EJ: so I think they hate her too

Kenny: no I don't

James: Kenny stay in a child's place pops let's talk about something else

Kenny: sorry dad

James: it's fine eat your pizza I keep telling you not to talk bad about their mother

EJ: my bad

James gets up walk over to the sink and wash his plate and put it in the dishwasher and then gets his sons backpacks

EJ: your leaving

James: in a few its almost the boys bedtime but I'll probably come back over tomorrow

EJ: okay

Eric: son it's like we never see you

James: dad I see you everyday

EJ: what about me

James: okay I can take off tomorrow so I'll stop by

Kenny: does that mean I can stay home tomorrow

James: Kenny no

Kenny: dad please

James: what did I just say

Kenny: no

James: don't get smacked now go out on your shoes and if you asked me one more time I'm gonna pop you now go somewhere

J.J walks to his dad

James: dad can you help J.J put on his shoes I have to go and get Ollie

EJ: your gonna wake him up

James: yes Kenny put your shoes on the right foot and stop being silly

EJ: do you need help

James: pops don't help him he is eight years old he can do by himself

Kenny: no I can't

James: Kenny stop it right now and put on your shoes the right way

Kenny: okay

James runs upstairs to his dads room and goes in and walks over to their bed and wakes up Ollie

Oliver: no go away

James: it's time to go home

Oliver: no I wanna sleep daddy

James picks up Oliver and bends down and grabs his sneakers and he leaves the room and walks downstairs and Oliver starts crying

In the dinner room*

James: shh

Oliver: I wanna sleep

James: I know I know

Oliver continues to cry and James sits down in the chair and sits Oliver on his lap and put his shoes on

Kenny: Pop-pop

EJ: your dad says you can do by yourself

James: Kenny come here pops can you hold Oliver he's sleepy

EJ: sure

James: Kenny I said come here

EJ picks Oliver up and Oliver starts crying and Kenny runs to his dad

Kenny: dad

James grabs Kenny and smacks Kenny on the butt and Kenny starts crying really loud

Kenny: my shoes are on dad

James: when I call for you I expect you to either answer me or come to me right away ignore me again and I will tan your bottom do you understand me

Kenny: yes dad

James: good go and get your jacket and backpack on now J.J come here

Kenny rubs his face and goes and put his jacket and backpack on

J.J: daddy grandpa helped me put my shoes and my jacket on

James: I see did you say thank you

J.J: thank you grandpa

Eric: your welcome

J.J: daddy is mommy gonna be home when I get home

James: I hope so okay boys say bye bye to grandpa and pop-pop

Kenny: bye

Eric: see you guys later

James gets up and put on his shoes and grabs his duffle bag and his briefcase and leave the house and goes to his car and opens the trunk and put his briefcase and duffle bag in the trunk and goes back in the house and remove J.J baby bag from the back of the stroller and folds it and take it to the car and put in the trunk and close the trunk and walks back to the house

EJ: alright Ollie you're going home home

James: pops I'll take him

J.J: stop it

James: J.J

J.J: daddy Kenny is squeezing my hand

James takes Oliver from his dads arms

J.J: daddy

James: Kenny cut it up and can you carry J.Js diaper bag please oh dads did he use the potty

Eric: no we had to change him twice

James: J.J you going to use the potty from now on you hear me

J.J: yes daddy

James: and Kenny let go of his hand

Kenny let go of his brothers hand

James: alright dads I'll see you tomorrow love you

Eric and EJ; okay love you too

James: Kenny walk to the car come on J.J

Kenny: dad can I sit in the front

James: no sit with your brothers on the back

Kenny: okay

James and the boys leaves Eric and EJ house and they head home

2 hours later

At James house*

In the kitchen*

James: I finally got them to sleep

Maya: good

James: we need to talk about our divorce

Maya: I didn't want to get a stupid divorce

James: oh well

Maya: look I'm pregnant

James: what

Maya: I was gonna tell you this morning but you was busy with the kids

James: so who's is it

Maya: it's Brandon

James: okay

Maya: look don't look so happy okay I don't fucking want another kid I barely want the kids I have

J.J: daddy

James turn around

Maya: shit

James: J.J why aren't you in bed

J.J: want to sleep with you and mommy

Maya: J.J not tonight

James: Maya

Maya: what no he's needs to learn to sleep in his own bed

James: you know what we will have a father and son sleepover how does that sound

J.J: yay

James: come on

J.J and James goes upstairs to J.Js room

In J.J’s room*

James: go and lay down and I'll tell you a story

J.J lays in his bed and James tucks him in

James: okay you ready

J.J: yes

James: okay so a long time ago there were this young couple who wanted kids so they decided to have kids and—

J.J: daddy is this story about Pop-pop

James: yes

J.J: mommy told me this story last night

James: well did mommy tell you that Pop-pop mommy your great grand taught him how to cook when he was about your age

J.J: no she didn't I think she left that part out

James: yeah she probably did

J.J: daddy

James: yes

J.J: how come you can't cook

James: because when I was a kid I couldn't be in the kitchen

J.J: why not

James: because I was so impatient it got on Pop-pop nervous

J.J: did he punish you

James: no he just told me to stay out of the kitchen

J.J: oh

James: J.J listen to me you need to start using the potty because your about to start big boy school soon and you have to know to use the potty okay

J.J: I'm scared

James: hey it's nothing for you to be scared about Kenny and Oliver both use the bathroom just like me and mommy

J.J: but daddy

James: no buts J.J you are getting bigger and you need to use the potty that means if you pee in your pull ups you will get a pow pow

J.J: no

James: then you will use the potty right

J.J: yes daddy

James: good boy I love you baby boy it's night night okay

J.J: okay love you too daddy

James: alright I'm gonna leave the night light on and the door cracked and if you have to pee pee use the bathroom don't pee in your bed or you'll be in trouble okay

J.J: okay

James kiss his son on the forehead and J.J squeezes his monkey tight and goes to sleep and James left the room and went to his room and lays in his bed and goes to sleep

End of episode

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