Hiraeth | Sebastian Sallow Lo...

SallowsKeeper द्वारा

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𝘏𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘵𝘩: 𝘏𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘩 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 �... अधिक

Chapter One: Turning the Tide
Chapter Two: Saving the Heir
Chapter Three: Escape Artists
Chapter Four: Lost in Translation
Chapter Five: Garden of Eden
Chapter Six: Deal with the Devil
Chapter Seven: Blackmail
Chapter Eight: Refresh
Chapter Nine: Travel Partners
Chapter Ten: We've Arrived
Chapter Eleven: Serpentine
Chapter Twelve: Swiss or Miss
Chapter Thirteen: The Pub from Hell
Chapter Fourteen: Hide 'n Seek
Chapter Fifteen: All Serpents Go to Heaven
Chapter Sixteen: The Devil in a Little Green Bottle
Chapter Seventeen: Blown Out of Proportion
Chapter Eighteen: The Half-Arsed Truths
Chapter Nineteen: Fast Forward
Chapter Twenty: The Naughty Linguist
Chapter Twenty One: Brag
Chapter Twenty Two: Chaos
Chapter Twenty Three: Interested
Chapter Twenty Four: The Search Continues
Chapter Twenty Five: Hanging By a Moment
Chapter Twenty Six: Cruel Intentions
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Seducer Strikes a Deal
Chapter Twenty Eight: Taking Flight
Chapter Twenty Nine: We've Got Company
Chapter Thirty: Playing with Fire
Chapter Thirty One: A Fighter
Chapter Thirty Two: Welcome to Africa
Chapter Thirty Four: C'est La Vie
Chapter Thirty Five: Take It Off - Mature Read
Chapter Thirty Six: Violated
Chapter Thirty Seven: Wine & Dine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Eight: Scourer
Chapter Thirty Nine: Legilimency
Chapter Forty: Secret's Out
Chapter Forty One: Fetch
Chapter Forty Two: Expendable
Chapter Forty Three: The Song that Causes Insanity
Chapter Forty Four: Count - Mature Read
Chapter Forty Five: Blowing Off Steam - Mature Read
Chapter Forty Six: A Day in Morocco
Chapter Forty Seven: RMS Campania
Chapter Forty Eight: What a Girl Wants
Chapter Forty Nine: Ruined - Mature Read
Chapter Fifty: Shift Colors
Chapter Fifty One: Tortured
Chapter Fifty Two: Lies and Disguise
Chapter Fifty Three: Hell is Empty and All the Devils Are Here
Chapter Fifty Four: Port Call
Chapter Fifty Five: A Cauldron of Stupid Potion
Chapter Fifty Six: Say Something
Chapter Fifty Seven: Forgiven - Mature Read
Chapter Fifty Eight: Diagnostics
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Ghosts of the Past
Chapter Sixty: Moonshine Mill
Chapter Sixty One: Hurts Like Hell
Chapter Sixty Two: ¡Bienvenida!
Chapter Sixty Three: Caught in the Spider's Web
Chapter Sixty Four: Ghost
Chapter Sixty Five: Ahoy Trauma
Chapter Sixty Six: Trial By Fire
Chapter Sixty Seven: Impetuous
Chapter Sixty Nine: Land Ho!
Chapter Sixty Nine: The Battle of Deception Island
Chapter Seventy: Back Home - Mature Read
Chapter Seventy One: The Last Creature is a What?
Chapter Seventy Two: What if?
Chapter Seventy Three: The Return
Chapter Seventy Four: Traitor
Author's Note
Chapter Seventy Five: Breakfast - Mature Read
Chapter Seventy Six: Four Days
Chapter Seventy Seven: Dirty Work
Chapter Seventy Eight: It's Okay to Not to Be Okay
Chapter Seventy Nine: We Meet Again
Chapter Eighty: Dust and Shadows
Chapter Eighty One: Peace
Chapter Eighty Two: Epilogue
Cover Art

Chapter Thirty Three: American Belle

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SallowsKeeper द्वारा

"Shortcake." Sebastian greeted her as he walked up to her and bent down. She felt him press his lips against the top of her head before murmuring in a louder voice, "We're in luck, they have a room for us." She looked up to see his gaze narrow in on the American. "Who's this?"

Basilisks were known to have deadly stares, but Sebastian's was downright bloodthirsty. He reminded of her a Serpent coiling back, ready to strike at an innocent creature who stumbled across him by accident.

"Charles Henry." The American stood up, wiping his hands on his suit jacket before holding it out towards Sebastian, "It's nice to meet you."

Sebastian cocked an eyebrow, his eyes drifting down to the outstretched hand, and then back to the Golden boy's face, "Right." He turned his focus to her, "Did you order food? I'm starving."

Gracie bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking. "I did. Pull up a seat." As he did, placing it to her left, she continued, "Mr. Henry was inviting us onto his paddle boat tomorrow. And also for dinner. We have been wanting to see the Lake, I think it's a good idea."

"Better than your idea of swimming." He muttered, wryly.

Charles was given another seat by another waiter, much to Sebastian's chagrin. She could tell it annoyed him by the subtle way his jaw twitched and he looked out towards the Lake.

"Swimming? That would be an awful idea. The Lake's teaming with crocodiles and hippos. Everyone's afraid of the crocs, but I think you should be more wary about the hippos." Charles said with an uneasy grin.

The unease was likely from Sebastian's presence. He radiated cool hostility and there wasn't a doubt in anyones mind right now that he was irritated.

"They're aggressive and unpredictable." Sebastian noted with a slight curve to his lips, "But don't underestimate the crocodiles."

Charles cleared his throat, "And why is that...? I'm sorry, I don't recall your name."

That's because he didn't tell you, Gracie reflected with some irony. The waitress stopped by to drop off two waters, placing one in front of Gracie and Charles. She saw Sebastian and apologized, running off to get serving.

Sebastian reached for the glass in front of Charles, bringing it to his lips. He smiled coyly over the rim with a promise laced into his voice, "Crocs are known to be territorial. Provoke one and you might get killed."

Chapter Thirty Three: American Belle

Charles left shortly after that delightful encounter, promising to leave two tickets for the paddle steamboat with the front desk. Gracie slid her eyes over to Sebastian who was cutting into his entree for the night, "If our free ride is gone because you wanted to be an arsehole for no reason, then I'm feeding you to to the crocodiles."

"I can give you a free ride anytime, shortcake. You just have to beg for it." Sebastian said with a wink, taking a bite of his food. He chewed thoughtfully, before shrugging. "It's gamey, but what is this? Fish?"

Gracie smiled, thankful that she'd moved her chair to sit across from him once Charles left. It might give her a running start this way. "It's crocodile." Sebastian nodded once, taking another bite, "Testicles."

He blinked, chewing slower. "Pardon?"

"Crocodile testicles." Gracie grinned hugely, "You're eating crocodile balls, dear Sebastian. Local delicacy."

Disbelief flashed across his face and he waved the waitress from earlier over. "Love, what am I eating?"

"Crocodile balls." The waitress flashed him a smile, her eyes trailing from Sebastian's eyes to his lips, "That's what your girlfriend ordered."

Sebastian sent her a dazzling smile, "She's not my girlfriend. Now tell me the truth, love."

The woman's eyes grew hooded when he called her 'love.' Gracie wanted to throw a fork at her. He's fucking Scottish, it's an act. Pull yourself together, woman. Her blood was boiling.

"They're not actually balls, just crocodile meat." She smile uneasily now, sending Gracie an apologetic smile.

Like a twin flame, anger and something more venomous flared inside her. It was a nasty sort of feeling that made her pissy Sebastian was flirting with the server. Gracie had never casted it before, but she knew the incantation. Avada Kedavra. She could try casting it right now. It sounded much better than watching the waitress blush.

"Thanks. We'll take the bill." Her tone was flat.

Gracie sniffed quietly. She was getting no bloody tip now.

"Awfully rude of you, shortcake." Sebastian said coolly, sliding his knife through the meat, "Don't worry. I'll punish you later."

"Your company is punishment enough."

Sebastian's eyebrow raised, "And what was his?" His lip curled in disgust, but it wasn't from the food. The taste had grown on him. "He's a bloody tosser."

"You don't know him." Gracie reflected dismissively, running a hand through her loosened braid. She needed a shower. "Did they only have one room available?"

He shook his head, looking further upset. "No. There was two. Here." He handed her a little silver key, "Wait for me, I'm almost done."

Twenty minutes ago, she would have waited. Twenty minutes ago, she wasn't pissed off at him for flirting with the waitress and twenty minutes ago, she wasn't confused about why she was mad. What she did want to do, was get on his nerves.

"No thanks." She rose from the table, smirking. "I think I might go see if Charles is free for the night."

Sebastian chuckled quietly, "Don't unpack."

Gracie paused, "Why not?"

The wizard wiped his mouth with the linen napkin before placing it down neatly in front of him. He flashed her the same dazzling smile he did to the waitress, but this one was dangerous instead of flirty. "We'll need to make a quick escape. If he takes one step into your room tonight, I'm killing him."

"You're dramatic."

"I'm serious, shortcake." His voice lowered, holding her gaze steadily. "Not. One. Step."

Gracie scowled, rolling her eyes before stalking off. He was bluffing. Right?

The room was no where close to the size of the one outside the Forbidden City. She could cross the room in ten steps. There was a poster bed with a white thin veil that covered it; likely to keep out the mosquitos. A small yellow, native plant sat on a circular table. Two bamboo stools were next to it, but there wasn't a shower in the room.

Was this place communal? Gracie bit her lip, wondering. As she was busy pondering, there was a knock on the door. Maybe Sebastian would know.

"Se-Oh." Gracie blinked, staring at the suited man. "Charles? What are you doing here?"

He smiled, scratching the back of his head. "The concierge isn't twenty-four hours and I didn't want these to get stolen. Here." In his hand, he presented her with two silver tickets. Shiny red scrawl across the paper. American Belle. "By the way... I though you said you didn't have a lover. I can tell when someone's being protective. He wasn't exactly subtle about it."

"Who? Sebastian?" Gracie frowned, shaking her head with a dismayed expression. "Sebastian and I aren't lovers. We're just traveling together for a while."

He perked up, "So you don't care for him?"

Care? She'd care if he got hurt. "Of course I do. We've been traveling a little over a month together."

"Romantically." Charles clarified, looking down at her with a curious expression mixed with... Something she didn't quite like. Not from Charles at least.

Before she could answer, there was a sharp burst of light from their left. It was like a silent firecracker, but when they both looked; all they saw was a Brown Forest Cobra. Charles shouted in surprise, looking at her quickly. "You should close the door and head in. I-I'm going this way."

He backed up, looking nervously at the snake who'd raised its head towards them. Once Charles had turned the corner, she pulled out her wand with a roll of her eyes. The wand movement was a left swish, followed by a dip, loop, and then like the little squiggle of a cursive Q.

"Vipera Evanesca." The cobra lit up in flames, throwing his head back and forth before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. She didn't even turn her head, "That wasn't very nice."

Sebastian appeared next to her, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. "I'm not nice." He gestured towards the corner where Charles had disappeared, "And he's lucky he didn't try entering your room otherwise he'd have gotten bitten."

Gracie glanced from side to side, "I'm surprised."

"By what? How spineless the man is in front of a snake?"

Ignore that. "No waitress?" She crossed her arms, leaning her hip against the side of the doorway with a reproachful look. Gracie didn't like for a second the way her cheeks flushed with anger, "Since you were busy wooing her at the table."

"Wooing?" Sebastian echoed, pivoting on his heel to stare down at her menacingly. It would only take one step to close the distance. The air between them was shifting, becoming charged with some sort of energy that had been building the previous few days. "Shortcake, I don't woo. I fuck."

"Then you smile like that at everyone." Her voice turned accusatory, but for what? Her mind felt like mush and she didn't even know what she was upset about exactly. "It's been a long day. Are the showers here communal?"

He blatantly ignored her question, stepping forward. As a general reaction to someone invading her personal space, Gracie took an immediate step back.

"Are you jealous?" Sebastian asked the question bluntly, taking another step forward which she matched. With a dismissive hand, the door shut behind them, and now they were alone in the room together. It was only lit with a single candle on the table, allowing the glow to remain between them. Their shadows slid across the wall to her right, where he was hunting her like the ravenous serpent he was. "You are."

Denial rang heavy in her voice, "I'm not jealous. I don't care."

"I saw the look on your face earlier, shortcake. You'll have to do far better than that to lie to me."

The corner of his lip curved up slowly. Her chest always warmed at the action, the way he was so effortlessly... deadly. Menacing. Somewhere deep inside her, she was addicted to the danger that rolled off Sebastian in waves. Gracie liked the way it felt, knowing he'd kill someone for touching her. And she had no fucking clue why she would like something as cynical as that.

She swallowed, biting her lip. Her heart hammered in her chest. A billion lies flashed through her mind while she continued this mental game of chess with Sebastian. "I knew you were delusional, but I didn't realize you were also blind too."

"Ominis is firmly rooted in his role as the tortured, blind man with a tragic past." He remarked dryly, taking another step towards her. Amusement tinkling in his eye as she stepped back.

They continued this dance, until her back hit the wall, and she was left staring up at the demon leading her to temptation. Gracie's eyes steeled, "And what's your role?"

"My role?" A wicked grin played on his lips as he tilted her chin up with his forefinger. The light from the candle was against his back and she had the feeling of being engulfed in his darkness, "I thought I was the Serpent from the Garden of Eden. Tempting you to eat the apple."

Gracie said nothing to this, narrowing her eyes, and trying to figure out what his endgame was. Why was he doing this? Saying this?

Sebastian continued, his thumb dragging down her bottom lip slightly, "I hate to break it to you, shortcake, but I told you I'm not the devil. I never belonged with the angels. I'm much worse."

"How so?" She challenged quietly, licking her lips when her lip was released.

It was a mistake because Sebastian's thumb was still there and his eyes grew heavy with desire when her tongue touched his finger. "Because I take what I want."

"And what do you want, Sebastian?"

He smirked, coyly. His head dipped. "You." Sebastian's lips brushed against her jaw as he whispered against her ear, "Your body. Give in to me."


୧( , ^ 〰 ^ , )୨ It's getting steamy in here. Do you think Gracie will give in next chapter? I might be so inclined to release another chapter this evening with enough comments/feedback. Let me know what you think of the story so far! Can you believe we're 150 pages in?

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment!

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