A Trollhunter turned King

By dragonqueen9

17.6K 334 1.1K

after using the time stone infused amulet, Jim finds himself back to the day it all started, only this time T... More

old friends, new beginnings
good old Trollmarket
Black and Blue
Strange, but familiar
great, goblins
why, Merlin, why?
training and research
Oh no
well then
holy shi-
Who's the wizard?
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 1)
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 2)
Sweet Sixteen, Again (part 3)
Creep Slayerz, Back in Action
Gnomes and Changelings
Wake Up
Ladies First
Unexpected Guest
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
Target Acquired
Game On
Great Minds Think Alike
Home, Sweet Earth
Art drop
Trollmarket's beauty
Art drop (2)
Not in Vain
Royal Trouble

Mission Impossible?

280 5 48
By dragonqueen9

"I still don't know why we trust him." Draal grumbled, gaining a tired glare from Blinky as they sat in the Lake residents, curtains drawn closed to block the sun for the three trolls that were there.

"Believe what you wish, Draal, but he is a very valuable ally to us." Blinky said, turning back to the two 'humans' in the room.

"It's quite alright, Blinkous. I completely understand the distrust you see in me. Our kind is not known for their loyalty." Strickler said, standing from his chair where he'd been talking to Barbara as he shifted his gaze from one blue troll to the other.

"I'm just glad you're back. I've missed you." the redhead hummed with her normal sweet smile. "Even if it means that Trollmarket's going to be even tougher to get back now." she gave a slight eye roll.

With the changelings return, so had his pink brethren and the obsidian brute that threatened them with their lives. Usurna had let them into Trollmarket as hidden members, and although Bular didn't like laying low, he knew it would pay off once his father was freed from the darklands.

A knock came at the backdoor, confusing most of them as anyone coming in through that door normally didn't bother to knock. ARRRGH!!!, From his spot beyond the others, sniffed at the air and rumbled a happy noise.

"Wingman." he informed, but that just confused them more. Toby had never really knocked on the backdoor or the front door, normally he'd just walk in. Before Barbara could move to the door to open it, they heard the stout teen's voice.

"Just walk in." Toby pushed past Steve as he'd seemed to be the one to knock as he opened the door. "This isn't exactly the time to knock." he half scolded, his focus still on the jock before he looked to the adults in the room. His eyes landed on the changeling as they widened.

"Mr. Strickler?" Eli squeaked, voicing all the teens' question about the man they hadn't seen in about a month. Toby shook his head of shock and confusion as he let the others in.

"It's good to see you five as well, but I feel as though you are missing some faces." the changeling smiled, having been told about the other teens being well versed in the underground world.

"Wait, yeah. Where's Douxie, Claire and Jim?" Barbara pushed her glasses up a little further as she looked across the teens. The tense looks they gave each other only scared the adults more. "Toby, where are they?" she asked a little firmer.

"Well, Claire, Douxie and Archie are getting Charlie, Archie's dad." Toby played with his fingers with a nervous smile.

"Charlemagne? What on Earth do you need him for?" Blinky asked, seeming to voice Strickler's question too. Toby groaned and ran his hand down his face.

"Ok, there's no sugar coating it." he sighed, the other teens' standing behind him as they stayed quiet. "Aja, Krel, and Jimbo got kidnapped by Area 49-B and we made a plan to save them, which involves more firepower. That's why we need Charlie." The adults stared wide eyed at the teens before the one mother took charge, her anger fueling her.

"They WHAT?!?!" the redhead yelled, her fist clenching at her sides. As upset as Strickler was, he moved to calm her slightly, hoping to ease the tension, only for the trolls in the room to growl, shaking the foundations of the home.

"Where is this Area 49-B?" Draal growled, his tusks bearing in anger but not towards the teens specifically. Blinky was too caught in rage to manage words as ARRRGH!!! Huffed behind them, the same protective look in his eyes.

"We'll need you guys too, don't worry you'll get to bash some heads." Toby reassured the teal troll, said troll's snarl turned to a devilish smile. Toby went on to explain everything to them and how the plan was going to work.


The mighty dragon circled around the trio with an intense stare. Claire knew not to fear him, but still stepped behind Douxie slightly, letting him take the lead. Said wizard matched the elders stare, not faltering for a second. Charlie saw how the humans weren't going to back down and he smiled.

"Ha, I knew you two had spark if my little Archibald befriended you." he laughed, his voice echoing through the cavern as smiles placed themselves on the sorcerers' faces.

"Father please." Archie whined as he hovered by Douxie, gaining more laughs from the wizards.

"Archibald, my cuddly shapeshifter. Look how big you've grown." the elder dragon teased as the feline knocked foreheads with his dad as greeting and flew to land on his head.

"Ha, ha. You don't see me talking about all those gray scales." Archie snipped back wearing a slight smile as the aging dragon laughed again.

"Charlemagne: the Devourer. An honor to be in your presence." Douxie gave a slight head bow as Claire followed. They knew to be respectful burning a 'first meeting', even if they had already met him, the dragon had no clue who they were.

"Oh please, call me Charlie. I'm quite surprised Archibald told you of me, not to say I'm upset." Charlie smiled as Archie flew back to his familiar.

"My name is Hisirdoux Casperan, or Douxie, I'm Archie's familiar. And this is Claire Nuñez, a shadowmancer and my apprentice." Douxie introduced themselves, hoping to create a sense of trust even though they both knew Charlie was a kind soul. Both wizards smiled at the title Douxie had chosen to give to Claire.

"Dad, we've got a problem and we need your help." the smaller dragon said, turning the mood back to serious.

"That is, if you're willing to help us, we would greatly appreciate it." Claire mentioned, already growling tense again. Every second they took to prepare the plan, the more time their friends were missing and probably being tortured.

"Any friend of my son's is a friend of mine. Let's hear it then." Charlie prompted, turning to walk further into his dwellings as the trio followed. The dragon could sense the urgency in their request so he didn't want to waste time.

"This might sound extreme, but we've actually met before. Our friend is a time traveler in a way and we have memories of an alternate future." Douxie started, not really seeing a way to beat around the bush and just went for it.

"An alternate future? My, what have you dragged yourself into now, Archibald?" Charlie laughed, hoping to lift the mood a little but also urging them to continue. They made it to the main living space and they took to more comfortable positions.

"Our friend, Jim, is actually a divine king. He used the power of the time stone to go back in time to fix the future." the wizard tried to explain better as the dragon listened with slightly wide eyes. He hadn't heard of anyone earning divinity since the great King Arthur. There had been great and powerful leaders since him but none had gained such magic.

"And things aren't really going as planned. Jim and two of our other friends got taken by a place called Area 49-B, and we need your help to rescue them." Claire spoke up, leading off of Douxie's words.

"Ack- those pricks." Charlie groaned at the mention of the horrid facility. Huffing some fire from his teeth as he spoke.

"Wait, you know about 49-B, father?" Archie asked from his familiar's shoulders. Although, they were glad they didn't have to explain that aspect in more detail.

"They learned the hard way that if you mess with a dragon, you better be ready to take the heat." he huffed as some smoke emitted from the sides of his mouth. "But that was decades ago, but back then, they weren't known as Area 49-B. Nor did they have technological advancements like they do now, I'd assume." The elder dragon mentioned.

"Yeah, they've amped up their defenses since we've been there." Douxie half grumbled, gaining an eye roll from the feline on his shoulders. A slight growl rumbled from Charlie's chest as he heard his son was caught there for some amount of time.

"We then, if we're friends in the future, who am I to deny you some of my spark?" he smirked, willing to help them and their friends just to get back at the facility for touching his little kitten. They went on to explain the rest of the plan and the ancient flame that they sought out at the start was eager to light things up.


Jim hated lightning. He'd been scared of storms since his first sixteenth birthday, and no one really blamed him for it. That fear was only solidified the second time, even though both times were kinda his fault. He was starting to hate electricity all together.

He panted more, his vision blurred and hearing fuzzy. He blamed himself for the punishment from the cruel women. They'd tried to cut into him, testing how his skin worked and naturally, he fought back.

"Damn, your kind really is durable." the devil in human clothes cooed, her dangerous grin went unnoticed by Jim as he focused on his breathing, harsh and ragged as it was. "That amount of electricity could easily shatter an akiridion physical form and yet, you haven't even passed out from the pain yet." she smirked wickedly. The half troll could barely make out what she was saying but he managed.

He felt the sparks under his skin, in his hair and even through his eyes as the currents messed with his powers. He refused to give in, however. Jim forced out a stuttered growl from his chest as he pushed himself onto one knee.

"Remember, you fight back enough and we'll leave you alone." she smirked as Jim ceased his growl. "But leaving you for another time means we'll go interrogate the siblings." Kubliz threatened, gaining just the reaction from Jim that she wanted. He moved to lunge at her but stopped, split between wanting to tear this woman apart to protect his pack and knowing, if he did that, Aja and Krel would just end up getting more hurt. "Conflicted?" Her words brought Jim back to the present as he stifled a snarl at her.

"Stay away from them." Jim hissed, glancing back to the blond behind the shorter woman. "For god's sake, we're not your enemies." he panted, still recovering from the electrical currents running through him. "In fact, keeping us here is helping the bad guys." he tried to reason, finding some semblance of his humanity against his trollish instincts.

"Oh, so now you want to try and talk your way out of this." Kieran hissed with a similarly terrifying grin. Jim had to push down the growl that tried to surface, he had to play nice right now.

"You know what? Forgive me for my behavior earlier, but my kind doesn't take well to being tortured, nor do we stand for watching our packs get hurt. I'm trying to explain myself as you two have been trying to get out of me anyway and now you want to be pissy about that too." he huffed, shifting his weight onto the leg that they hadn't stabbed.

While fighting back against their attempt to see how his skin worked, they had wanted a slice from his arm but with sudden movements, the knife hand ended up in his thigh. It hurt like hell, but he had practically gone numb with all the electrocutions he'd gotten.

"Colonel." one of the soldiers called out to the short woman as all eyes landed on him. Jim let out a growl, knowing that was the undercover troll that unsurprisingly made his way into the ranks of this fu^ked up facility.

"What, Sargent Kodanth?" Kubliz huffed, slightly annoyed that she was being interrupted. Jim noted his ranking, realizing he wasn't very far up the ladder, nothing compared to the Major and Colonel.

"If I'm so inclined to an input, I don't believe it will be giving us any valuable information verbally." he almost hissed as he referred to the half troll as 'it' rather than 'he', just further trying to ostracize the teen. "Might I suggest we continue with tests? I have an odd feeling we might find something interesting if we see how it reacts to UV light." the brunette smirked slightly, gaining a pleased hum from both higher ranking women.

Jim's blood ran cold. Of course this changeling would try to expose him to sunlight, or artificial versions of it. Jim knew UV lights worked on trolls, he'd done it to Angor before after all. Kieran noticed the look of terror in Jim's eyes and smirked too.

"I think that's a lovely idea. You seem to know what will happen with that, don't you, Beast?" the Major's smirk grew, but Jim snapped. He hated that word, he hated being called that. He wasn't a beast, he wasn't a monster, but his actions towards those who called him such things never really helped his case.

"I'm not a beast!" he roared, lunging for the blonde with tusks bared but his restraints caught him. His eyes flashed teal as his markings lit up slightly. The spell covering his crown broke with the power output Jim was giving, but it went unnoticed as purple and blue lights lit up and directed at him.

Jim screamed out in agony yet again as his skin started to burn and solidify. His body moved on its own as he pulled back and fell to sit on the ground to no luck as the entire area he could move in was engulfed in the light rays. It was so much more painful than actual sunlight somehow. It worked slower, making it burn his skin away at an agonizing speed.

In a sudden flash, the pain stopped, or it stopped spreading. Jim sucked in a heavy breath as he felt the burns sizzle but ultimately ease. He opened his eyes to find the UV lights were still on and he didn't miss the smirk from Kubliz or the wide eyed expression from Kieran. How'd he stop burning if the lights were still on? He felt the chains and cuffs around his limbs loosen, catching his attention, however they weren't loose enough to slip from. Looking down at himself, he cringed and praised himself for what had happened.

"So that's how it was able to blend into society." the Major mused. "Please tell me you got that on the readings." she smirked over at the hidden changeling. Jim noticed his face was a little contorted, obviously now concerned that the facility he was infiltrating had information about his own kind. Clearly, he didn't figure Jim could shift forms.

"It was." the Colonel hummed before turning her attention back to Jim. "so, your true form burns in UV light but your human disguise doesn't. Interesting. I'm sure you won't be trying anything now, will you?" she walked closer to him, passing the safety line they set up because Jim really didn't have anything to protect himself now.

Jim growled regardless, but he knew they had taken his stronger form from him now that the UV lights were on. He could feel how the burns from his stone had transferred to his flesh and were slowly healing, which was slightly uncomfortable. The Colonel got right in his face as he tried to back away.

"Huh, this fancy piece of jewelry wasn't here before." The darker skinned woman noticed the golden metal that held the ombre gem at its center. She swiftly reached out and pulled it from Jim's forehead roughly. "What sort of magics were you using to hide this from us?" Jim could tell she didn't really want nor expect a response, but he gave her a growl.

"Ever heard of King Arthur?" Jim asked, a pained smirk pulling at his lips as he got an annoyed glare from both women. "I don't know if you've figured out that you have Akiridion royals in your custody, but" Jim started off as the crown in Kubliz's hand vanished in teal mist and reappeared on Jim's forehead. "You're looking at the next best thing since the all mighty Pendragon." he smirked, hiding his pain through his fangs. He hoped he could keep their attention on him rather than Aja and Krel, maybe that would give them more time to escape.


Krel never minded the silence, but the humming of lights was starting to get annoying. He had put together that the facility obviously didn't see him as important as the others as no one had come to interrogate or torture him. Although, he was getting more and more concerned for Jim as pained roars and screams echoed through the building.

The king in waiting hated knowing his friend was being hurt but he had no clue as to how they were going to get out of there, or better yet, what he could do to help in the moment. Not to mention, he didn't even know what they could be doing to Aja. She didn't have vocals like Jim did so there was nothing to go off of there. Of course that only made him more anxious and panicky, but he wouldn't show that on his face.

His eyes scanned the room as much as he could, trying to find any sort of escape plan but fell short due to the ' black blanket of darkness. He huffed through his nose in annoyance but his mind continued to work on plans.

He knew the others would notice their absence and come looking for them, hopefully finding out that Area 49-B had them. But then there was the problem of getting to them. Krel was now well aware that the three of them were being kept further than just rooms apart, they were definitely in different buildings all together. Far enough apart so they couldn't concoct escape plans together.

The once prince stood from his criss-crossed position on the floor as he started slowly pacing the little space he could as he was still chained down. His mind raced with so many thoughts but he tried to focus on the escape plan ones. Krel's four hands mindlessly played with the cuffs on his wrists, always needing something to fidget with, even in the situation he was stuck in.

"Ai, ai, ai, what I would give for my cube right now." the Akiridion mumbled under his breath, wishing for the multi-colored puzzle toy he grew so fond of using as a stimulant.

In the midst of his thought, a shift in the metal around his wrist brought him back to the present. A small smirk grew on his lips as he tested the cuffs again. With his playing, he had somehow undone them and was now free to take them off if he wanted.

"So much for top notch security." he chuckled with a small eye roll, but he decided to test his patience. He sat back down, the loose cuffs still on his wrists as he tempted to try and trick their captors. If they were to come in at this point, Krel would be ready to get himself, then his friends out of there.


Aja struggled with her restraints more and more, huffing in anger and exhaustion as she desperately tried to muscle her way out of them. Of course she failed at that, growling weaker with her tired state with each thrash to escape. She forced her body to stop as she huffed in anger, but the memories of Vex telling her to sit in a chair and wait started to flow through her.

'Right. Patience, calm yourself.' Aja told herself as she focused on her breathing and chilling out. There was no point in tiring herself out if in the end she wouldn't have the strength to actually fight back or help the boys. The door to her 'cell' opened with a squeak, catching her attention immediately. However, instead of a woman in a green blazer, a man in less formal uniform came in. she could care less about his attire or even rank as she glared at him, still being the over protective queen she was.

"If you are wondering, our higher ups are busy with something else, so they sent me to continue your interrogation and tests." his gruff voice almost echoed through the small room but his word choice sparked Aja's anger once more.

"Busy hurting my friend." she snapped, hissing through her teeth. She pulled forward slightly to find the restraints around her wrists still, of course. He duly noted that this man looked oddly similar to their Spanish teacher but brushed that thought aside for another time.

"Actually, it seemed pretty adamant about taking on the tests they are performing. Saying something along the lines of 'If you're hurting me, you're not hurting them.' The beast seems quite loyal." he adjusted his hat as he spoke, his voice staying monotone but Aja grew furious.

"Do not call him that! He is not a monster." The queen in waiting stood tall, trying to find a sort of higher power even though she was the one chained. He didn't seem impressed with her display and continued without acknowledging her remark.

"Let's start with something less. . . aggressive. I'm known as Sergeant Costas. Would we have the pleasure of knowing what they call you? Maybe your comrades?" his tone was unwavering. Aja knew they had their names, they had called them down to the office after all. But it seemed maybe he personally didn't know their names, but to hell if Aja was about to tell him.

"What they call me? Queen in waiting. My brother, King in waiting." she hissed, preferring to try her status on this human rather than her real name. "And my friend, a true King." she watched the Sergeant's face twist into slight surprise before falling back to his poker face.

"So, we're dealing with royals. Interesting." his gaze shifted to the floor in thought for a moment before he looked back up at her. "We know you and your brother are from Akiridion-5. But I'm curious what kind of King your friend is. Care to share what planet it's from?" Aja didn't like that they knew so much about them this time around. Last time, area 49-B had really no information about them, but yet they know them so well now.

"He's of Earth, whether you want to believe me or not." Aja hissed, shaking the unease of their intel to the side for now. "A king much like your once great King Arthur." She and the other akiridions had originally heard the story, the legend of the old king, the fairy tale. But now they knew the full story to the brutal man, but humans didn't see him that way, so she'd play nice for now.

"King Arthur? You say that as if the beast were the one to pull the mighty Excalibur from the stone." Costas chuckled lightly, it was unknown to him that the story of the sword in the stone could be very much real.

"HE did. I was there to witness the act." Aja snapped, getting really tired of this man disrespecting Jim by calling him a beast. "He wields the legendary blade." she added.

"His actions seem more that of a servant than a king." The man mentioned, talking about how protective Jim was of them because Aja was sure Jim had given a good fight when she was knocked out back at the school.

"A King protects their own, takes care of their followers. He does not boss others around just because he thinks they are below him." That went for any rulers but Aja decided to focus on defending her friend's name.

"Perhaps we should start on the test. We know little of your species but far from enough." Costas waved his hand to a wall, which Aja seemed to finally figure out was a blacked out viewing window. 'Kleb!' Aja cursed internally, knowing sh!t was about to get real for her.

Before anything could happen, however, an explosion like force shook the building, most likely the whole plantation as well. The Sergeant was out the door before Aja could properly depict what happened herself. She was left to herself once more, even knowing the people behind the glass were gone as well. Aja had to force her breathing to calm before she did anything rash, knowing that anything that was attacking this place wouldn't be a serious threat to her or the boys.


Jim groaned as the floor and foundations around him shook violently. His eyes fluttered open enough to watch as almost all the soldiers in the room race out in a panic. Wait, when did he pass out? He didn't remember getting knocked out, so why was he waking up? The half troll was starting to lose sense of time, he couldn't tell the minutes from the hours, or the hours from the days. How long had they been there? Was the team aware of their absence? Were they looking for them, did they have a plan?

"What in god's name was that?" Kubliz hissed, shaking Jim from his thoughts. The two higher power women turned to look at their test subject with a glare before darting off with the rest of their soldiers. Jim breathed out in relief as he was left to himself, for once the silence wasn't deafening.

The stupid UV lights flickered and then turned off, most likely broken from whatever that explosion was. Jim tried at his cuffs once more, seeing if he could slip through them but fell short. With a sigh, he switched back to his blue skinned form. He was sore and tired, he just wanted as much comfort as he could get at the moment and that was in his half troll form.

Another bang went off outside, much further away this time though. Rest started to pull at the young king but he fought that, knowing and worrying for the twins. He had no idea where they were or if they were close to the fight right now.

His eyes fluttered closed but he stayed aware of his surroundings, just resting. However, they snapped open when he heard a thump of footsteps to his side. Turning with a growl and teeth bared out of instincts, but it was quickly shut down when he recognized the familiar faces and armor.

"Jimbo! Oh my god. Thank Deya we found you." Toby rushed up to him and dropped to his knees to hug him. Jim hugged the stout teen back as much as he could with his hands chained behind his back with a thankful purr, just as happy that he was there as Toby was to see him.

Toby didn't want to let go of him, he'd gotten into too much trouble, he was always getting hurt. Why him, why'd he have to suffer so much? The trollhunters thoughts were broken when he noticed Jim's restraints. He tugged at them lightly, gaining a groan from his best friend.

"Sorry, buddy." he whispered before turning to the other being that portal hopped with him. "Draal, think you can get these off?" His question made the half troll look up with hazy eyes, obviously not registering that the teal troll was there with them.

"As thick skinned as always, huh Jim?" Draal huffed, trying to ease the tension in himself as he saw the state his little brother was in. The teal troll approached them as he glanced over the restraints the new trollhunter asked him to break.

"Jimbo, do you know where Aja and Krel are?" Toby drew Jim's attention back to him as Draal observed the metals. Jim lifted his head, which was getting a lot heavier knowing they were here to save him but he refused to pass out just yet.

"No clue. . . sorry." he rasped out with a tired smile. Toby shook his head as if to tell him it was ok before he hissed in slight pain as Draal yanked off the cuffs, his arms coming loose and falling to his sides.

"Apologies." the teal troll huffed out. He didn't even bother to try breaking the collar off the half troll's neck and just broke the chain that held him down. Draal and Toby helped Jim to his feet before the sound of a blaster powering up caught their attention.

"Well now. It seems I have more test subjects now." Jim growled at the short colonel as she held her glowing green weapon at the three of them. Draal growled as well, stepping in front of the teens as a barrier.

"Lady, I swear to god I would tear you apart if I didn't have morals." Toby threatened, letting Jim use him to support his weight. His fingers clenched, willing to summon Daylight at the slightest moment

"Can't Claire just get us out of here?" Jim almost begged in a whisper as he and Draal continued to stare down the short woman. Jim had a hand on the bigger troll's arm, a silent order to not go ballistic on Kubliz.

"Not that simple, we'll explain later, dude." Toby brushed off. The tech and magic deterrents around the base made it tough enough for the shadowmancer to make one portal to the half troll. She had her powers but she was using them on the front lines currently.

"You won't be going anywhere." the dark skinned woman hissed, her tone harsh. "I question which one of you is the odd one out of your species." her stupid smirk flashed as she looked between the two blue trolls.

"I should tear her apart." Draal growled, still noting the hand on his arm as a reminder to stay as calm as possible.

"Not a good idea right now, Draal. This isn't going to end well for any of us." Jim followed in the trollish, seeing how pissed off it made the woman still pointing her gun at them. The doors burst open with more soldiers with similar weapons and the trio knew this was about to get messy, for both sides.


Krel had heard the explosions and was now on high alert but happy, he knew it was the team there to rescue them. The doors to his room flung open with a very angry looking blond and some bigger built soldiers. Krel knew this wasn't a good sign. He threw off his cuffs and tried to make a run for it, shocking the humans that wanted to keep him there.

"Not so fast." the blonde hissed a command as one of the soldiers got a hold of him. Krel cursed himself out for not being more battle ready when he was without his tech. The man that grabbed the Akiridion slammed him down onto the floor, causing the teen to cough at the sudden air loose in his body as his back was pressed into the floor.

"Kleb." Krel hissed through his teeth as his stronger opponent held him to the ground. The blonde walked forward with an angry yet sinister grin.

"You were the only one that didn't try to fight back, didn't try to escape." she used her words as if they were insults. "I wonder what those beasts would do to protect their weakest link." her grin grew, sending chills down Krel's spine.

Was she seriously about to use his life to get the others to surrender? Krel didn't know if that would be bad for the team or Area 49-B's side. There was the possibility that the configuration and whoever else was there would drop their weapons in an instant if he was being threatened, but the other side was that the people closer to Krel and far more protective would tear them apart. People like Aja, Varvatos, Zardra, and Douxie.

'Fu^k, Douxie would raise hell on this place.' Krel thought to himself. He knew that protecting a loved one or not, a kill count isn't something any of their team really wanted, that guilt would stick with them far too long. His thoughts were broken when a blade ran through his shoulder. Krel's cries of pain were muffed out by the gag they shoved in his mouth.

"Let's see how valuable you are to them." the woman chuckled darkly as she placed her hand on the blade, shoving it deeper into Krel's form before twisting it. Krel screamed out in agony but it was all muted by the mouth guard they had forced on him. Two of the soldiers forced the tech master to his shaky legs, leaving the knife in his shoulder as they restrained him and shoved him to follow out of the room. 'T-this is not going to end well.'

(A/N, hello my subjects, your queen is back with another chapter. Sticklers back, yippie! also I feel like I need to Jim a break from the torture, but I'm still a sucker for angsts so I'm just switching characters. you can't convince me otherwise that Jim is absolutely terrified of lightning or electricity after the stalking event, I don't think it would have helped that Merlin made him get lightning in a bottle to turn him troll, which opened even more problems(in the beginning) the team figured that with Jim being the odd one out of the three that were captured, Area 49-B would be more interested in him so they sent some more heavy hitters to him first, thinking he was at the most risk. that's all I'm going to give you right now, you'll just have to wait till next chapter to get more info on the plan. anyway, as always, I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading, see you all next chapter, byeee~) word count - 5436 not including (A/N)

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