In Love With A Monster©

By AlexWritesGayStuff

3.7K 144 37

Who knew vampires existed? No one. That's who. Vampires took over the world, proving themselves stronger, sma... More



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By AlexWritesGayStuff

Dan went back into the room he and Devon had slept in, dragging his hands through his hair.

He sat down in the middle of the room, on the floor when he heard a soft knock. Devon entered, making Dan turn to face him.

“Please eat something. It's not poisoned, if that's why you're not eating.” Devon said, sitting across Dan. “Talk to me.”

“I don't know what to say, Devon.”

Devon placed the plate down between them. “You're frustrated?” Devon began. Dan nods, sighing.

“I know everything is happening extremely fast and it's overwhelming. Best thing to do when that happens is to take it bit by bit, okay?”

“Where do I start then? I just want to go back to the castle…and get back to how everything was.” Devon smiled.

“Dan, the life of a pet is not for you. It's not for anyone, for that matter.”

Dan looked at Devon confused. “Before you, I had two pets. They were brother and sister and they were extremely intelligent. I did whatever I could to make sure they didn't feel like they're being controlled.” Devon moved closer to Dan.
“Ever since that day that I bought them, I worked hard to make future plans for humans to get their lives back.” Devon smiled when he saw Dan smiling a bit. “And now we can do it together.”

“I'd like that.” Dan smiled, resting his head on Devon's shoulders. Pushing Dan down into the floor, Devon towered over him.

“You have a gorgeous smile.” Devon said, making Dan's face go red. “And cute, too.”

Dan covered his face with his hands, but Devon pulled them away, kissing Dan. Devon lowered himself on top of Dan, kissing Dan deeper than before.

“I feel…strange…” Dan said, in between the kisses. Devon pulled away immediately, looking worried, but it disappeared when Devon felt it.

“It's perfectly natural, Dan.” Devon said, smiling. Dan's confused face made Devon pinch his lips together. “Your, erm, body…remember when we talked about the breeding humans go through at farms? Your body…basically wants to do that.”

“You're not going to get pregnant, are you?”

“No, only girls get pregnant.” Devon said, keeping it as simple as possible. “I tell you what.”

Dan narrowed his eyes. “Do a little bit of training today and I'll explain more tonight.” Devon said.

“But, I'm not a girl and you're not a girl…” Devon placed his finger on Dan's mouth.

“May I?”

Dan just nodded, not knowing what to expect. Devon placed his hand on Dan's chest and slowly went down to the waistline of his pants. “Feel anything?”

Dan was breathing heavily, but gasped when Devon cupped the boner. Dan let out a moan, clasping his own mouth shut.

Devon removed his hand. “Tonight, okay?” Dan nodded slowly. “Eat something at least, too.” Dan stared at the plate. He sat up straight and started to eat.

Devon sat behind him, his arms wrapped around Dan's waist with his head resting on his back.

Dan bit into a piece of toast, gagging. “Do you want this?”

Devon took the toast and ate it as Dan continued to eat the rest. “So, you don't drink human blood?”

“Not really. It's very sweet or very bitter.” Devon answered. “Goat blood is my favorite.” Devon then said.
“Look, there's plenty of animals that survive on blood. Like mosquitos or mites and lice.” Devon named.

“I just don't want to harm anyone to substain myself.” Dan said.

“You don't have to. Some vampires are just plainly careless. Not all vampires use humans as food.”

“The day you bought me, another vampire had sucked a human girl dry from her blood.” Devon's eyes widened.
“She was grey, small and wrinkled up. Ethan then said that you'd do the same to me once you get tired off me.”

“The one that whipped you in front of me?”

“Yeah…” Dan felt a growl come from Devon's chest.

Dan finished his bacon strips. “How do you turn humans into vampires?”

Devon was quiet for a second and then groaned. “It's a bit complicated. It doesn't always work. So, the human must drink blood. Can be any blood - while a chant is being said by a powerful and qualified vampire. The human must then take a small amount of their master's blood.” Devon said. “That's about it to put it simply.”

“Why don't your family do it?”

“We're to busy for that and other vampires had our powers and skill, it could pose a threat to us.” Devon answered. “The human is drinking their master's blood, inheriting whatever gift is in the blood.”

Dan pushed the plats away when it was empty. “What's yours? You can move things with your mind. You're really strong.”

“I can turn into a large raven. I can read other's mind, but I don't use it. Then, there's one power that got me my nickname.”

“Which is?”

“One day, an assassin tried to kill my father and next thing I knew I was protecting him using the shadows. I controlled and bend the shadows to my will.”


Devon chuckled. “There's the mind link I did with you. I have super speed and flight and then there's my natural senses.” Before Devon could continue, Dan leaned in forward making Devon lay down.

Devon felt Dan's lips kissing him again, enticing a moan from him. “I wanna learn the vampire ways, first.” Dan said softly.
“Will you help me with it?”

“You don't have to ask.” Devon smiled, quickly making them both stand up. The plate floated up to Devon's hand as he smirked. “We can start right now, if you want to?” Dan nodded as the plate floated out of the door back to the dinning room.

“I think sight should be done first.”


Warrick walked around the bunker, lost in his mind. He tried hard to get rid of the memory of him and Khumbani.

No matter what he did, it only came back. Warrick eventually found himself at a cafeteria where many humans were busy eating, chattng away.

He slowly backed away, careful not to make noise. Once he was out of view, he quickly turned towards where he had come from.
“Prince Warrick? Is everything alright?”

Warrick looked to the left to see Alpha. “Please, just call me Warrick.” he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.  “And I'm not telling you anything.” Warrick said only to walk away.

“But, something is bothering you.” Alpha said, quickly catching up with Warrick.

“I just need space and to be alone.”

“Then I know the perfect place.”

Warrick looked at Alpha strangely for a second as he turned right into a hallway. “Where are you taking me?” Warrick asked, more annoyed.

“To here.” Warrick looked through the stained glass door and saw a beautiful garden spreading out from every corner. Many plants grew beautifully with vibrant colors. Roses, lilies, poppy flowers, sunflowers and so on were everywhere. In the one corner a steady stream of water kept the entire room alive and smelling like a sweet forest.


“I come here to manifest and meditate. Perhaps this will help you clear your mind from the King?”

“How'd you…” Warrick turned.
“Where'd he go?”

“I may be old, but I can still read people very well.” Warrick turned to see Alpha was giving water to one of the plants.

“You said you were an assassin?” Alpha smiled.

“Yes, I was. I was trained to kill any threat that comes to my pack. As the King of the Dymos pack, so to speak, I have to make sure they are safe first and protected.”
Alpha stopped. “I just wish I could've helped my sister. Once I find the vampire that had hurt her, he'll pay dearly.”Alpha's eyes glowed a bright purplish blue.

Warrick looked down at the grassy floor. “Who asked you to kill my brother?”

“I don't know. It's someone who knows the castle. Thanks to the info they provided me, I aided Wennie and Paul in finding those escape tunnels.”

Warrick sadly didn't know who it was. The staff has their own escape tunnels while the family has their own as well. It could've been anyone of them.

“It's probably the same one that rummaged though Devon's papers.”

“I'll leave you here then. Maybe the natural beauty will help clear your mind.” Alpha twirled his cane in his hand before walking off to the door, closing it behind him.

Warrick sat down in the grass, laying down as he groaned. We just had to get drunk! What happened that night?

Every time when he wrecked and wrecked his brain to access memories of what had happened, he ended up in a headache that felt like a hungover and with no answers.

Closing his eyes, the silence and serenity of his surroundings engulfing him, he saw the kind hearted king. A bright smile destroyed th darkness that did surround the king.

Warrick looked around to see they were in the king's bar. There they were at a table, all alone wit a bar tender mixing their drinks at the drinks bar. To say he looked tired and annoyed was an understatement.

“Tell me about yourself, Warrick? What made you Warrick?” Khumbani asked when the tender had brought their drinks.

Warrick laughed awkwardly. “Haha, not much. I'm not that all interesting. My older brother is the one in the spotlight most of the time.”

“You're referring to Prince Devon? You love him dearly, don't you?”

“Well, yes. When it was just us two, before Quinton was born, we used to play in the garden quite a lot.”

“What changed?”

“He grew up. He's next in line for the throne.” Warrick took deep swigs of his drink.
“My favorite memory of us…we were in the garden and one day he showed how he transformed into a stinking large raven. He used to let me ride on his back, flying all around the castle grounds.”

“Wow, that's a pretty rare gift he has there.” Warrick chuckled.

“I used to have a younger sister, but she got sick. There was no cure, so with the little time she had left, I made sure she was happy and always smiling.”

“I'm so sorry to hear.” Warrick said.

They talked for hours and hours, until both of them were a mess. The bar tender rejoiced inside when Khumbani had ushered Warrick out of the bar.

Warrick and Khumbani used each other has support as they stumbled through the halls.
However, one door stood in their way.

Warrick looked at the door. “That…door…not mine.”

“Wha? Of course it is!” Khumbani somehow managed to open the door and Warrick stumbled in. Khumbani closed the door, almost tripping over his carpet.

Warrick only saw the bed and smacked into it face first.

“Helloooo~”  Khumbani went to Warrick, made him lay down on his back and towered over him.

A giggling mess, Warrick placed his fingers on Khumbani's lips. “Pretty, hehehe.”

“Hehehe,” Khumbani said and leaned into Warrick's lips. Drunk and stupidly, Warrick returned the kiss as Khumbani's hand trailed down to Warrick's chest, eventually stopping at his sides.

“What the actual fuck!”

Warrick's face beetroot red, he touched his lips.

“Oh my god!”

Standing up, he paced around the room. Why did it happen! Why! Why! Why!

He stormed out the room, bumping into a werewolf by accident.
“Watch it, bat scum!”

“I'm sorry!” Warrick immediately went the opposite way, but the werewolf didn't seem to be done with him.

“Sorry? Is that all you can say!” Warrick glared at the man.

“What's your problem! It was an accident.” Warrick saw the werewolf went mad when he saw where Warrick had came out from.

“That place is just for the Alpha! Why were you in there! It's tainted with your vampiric diseases!”

“First off, he said I could! Secondly, how about I suck the life out of you if you don't shut up!”

The werewolf's eyes glowed purple as Warrick's glowed golden yellow. Growling at each other, the werewolf tackled Warrick.

The werewolf punched Warrick wherever he found space. Warrick grabbed a fist, the force punching his face, but Warrick gripped hard, pushing back into the werewolf.

Warrick's mouth had sharp fangs that would cut though steel. All Warrick saw is the color red. It sprouted out with in the werewolf's body.


“I see your veins.” Warrick sang, about to lean in.


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