The Spill Over

By FreakOut25x

808K 23.1K 3K

(PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS TUGGIN' & PULLIN' ON MY LITTLE HEART STRINGS) #48 in Teen Fiction as of 2.6.2016. Meet A... More

[1] It's Only Natural.
[2] Remember How It All Changed.
[3] Stroke Your Little Ego.
[4] There's No Giving In.
[5] Always A Good Time.
[6] In A Trance.
[7] Hold You.
[8] Looking Like You Do.
[9] Find Yourself.
[10] Just Another Crush.
[11] Don't Wanna Waste Another Day.
[12] Problem With Saying Goodbye.
[13] Like A Dream Come Alive.
[14] So Let Me Walk With You; Hold My Hand.
[15] Take A Chance.
Teaser (i)
[16] Even If The Skies Get Rough.
[17] You Have Stolen My Heart.
[18] Makes Me Start To Wonder.
[19] Can't Look Away.
[20] Don't Wanna Fight You.
[21] Making Them Drool Down Their Chinny-Chin-Chins.
[22] Can't Believe.
[23] There For You.
[24] Young Hearts, Out Our Minds.
[25] Stuck In Her Daydream.
[26] Listen To My Heartbeat.
[27] Naive With My Heart.
[28] Dream With Me.
[29] It's You And Me.
[30] You Mean Everything.
[31] What I'm Feeling Inside.
[32] Drag Me Away.
[33] Trade My Soul For A Wish.
[34] Moments To Say.
[35] We're Together Now.
[36] To The Rain.
[37] A Little Touch.
[38] Rock My World.
[39] Be Your Dream.
[40] Cottonwood Fallin'.
[41] Feel A Rush.
[42] Cheerio.
[43] Say Hello To Goodbye.
[44] Through Fragments Of Time.
[45] Hey Baby, It's Only Life.
[46] Comfortably Numb.
[47] Someday.
[48] So Close, Yet So Far.
[49] Awake.
[50] Make It Hot.
[51] Aren't You Somethin' To Admire?
[52] Takin' One Down.
[53] Running To You.
[54] All The Times We Spilled Our Coffees.
[55] Flyin' Till I'm Cryin'.
[56] Can't Risk Losing.
[57] Enough.
[58] Never Going Down.
[59] With The Boombox Blaring.
Valentine's Day Special

[60] Do You Hear That Love?

9.1K 291 73
By FreakOut25x

OMG I've come such a long way with this book, none of which would have been possible without you guys. I love each and every one of you till Saturn and back :') Thanks a lot guys.

Song of the chapter is "All About Us" by He Is We feat. Owl City


 "Why d'you need to do a job?" Zac nearly spat. He, as well as everybody else in the school knew that Cody was filthy rich because he threw his money like there was no tomorrow.

Cody shrugged. "Dad got to know of the way I'd been behaving in school, y'know- jerk, slacker. He got pissed and cut back hugely on my allowance. I actually get pocket money now, can you believe that?" 

Zac shrugged, not wanting to be all friendly with Cody. "Whatever."

"He also said that I've to work if I want to get my allowance back to how much it was before."

Zac didn't reply; Cody wasn't exactly his favorite person. Ashley, on the other hand was too disgusted by Cody to speak. Everything that had happened with him came rushing back to her.

"I'll wait outside," she muttered as she began to make her way back outside.

"No wait!"

It wasn't Zac who had spoken up- it was Cody. That was exactly the reason why Ashley hadn't stopped yet.

"No Ashley, seriously. Stop. I want to apologize about whatever I did."

The brunette spun around with an angry expression on her face. "Why? So that we can go back to being friends again so that you can restart your jerkish behaviour?"

Cody didn't reply. He just stared at the ground.

"You piss me off Cody, really," Ashley shouted. Thankfully for her, there was nobody there apart from the three of them. "You're an asshole."

"I know. I realized what I did wrong and now I'm a changed person. I know you won't want to even look at my face, forget about even talking to me, but I just wanted to apologize. That's it," Cody rambled.


"And I'm changing schools next year," Cody admitted. "Till then, I'll keep out of your way because that's what you both want."

Zac and Ashley stared at Cody as if he'd grown an extra head.

"You are?" Zac asked finally. "Really?"

"Yeah," Cody said with a shrug.

"Amazing. Good riddance," Ashley muttered.

Not it was Ashley's turn to be stared at incredulously.

"What?" she asked irritably. She was already apprehensive about her upcoming conversation with Zac and him and Cody gaping at her didn't help her case.

"Nothing," Cody snapped back into his senses. "Can I have your order please?" he asked the duo in a professional tone.

"I'd like one scoop of mocha almond, please," Zac said politely, going back to behaving like he didn't know Cody. "And . . ." he trailed off as he turned to look at Ashley.

"— and one scoop of mint chocolate," Ashley said hurriedly. She had forgotten all about whatever had gone down between her and Cody earlier. Now, on seeing him again, she got reminded of everything that had happened and felt slightly disgusted at him in spite of knowing that he had had a change of heart and mind. She dug into her jeans pocket to pull out a dollar bill. Ashley was about to place the note on the billing counter, but was stopped by Zac.

"I'll pay," he offered. "Keep that dollar back in."

"No, I'm good," Ashley protested as she picked up her cup of ice cream.

"Please let me pay, Ash," Zac requested. "That's how I've been brought up; I've been taught to bill every time I'm out with a girl, not to point at people and not to talk while eating."

Ashley couldn't help but smile a bit at Zac's seriousness. "Alright then."

Zac chuckled. "You can be really stubborn. You know that, right?" He couldn't believe how much Ashley had changed his pathetic mood into a good one. He couldn't believe how hard he had fallen for the girl standing next to him, and that she didn't even know it. He couldn't believe that he was in love with her.

She simply nodded.

"So are you guys together now?" Cody asked with a smirk as he handed them their ice creams.

Zac turned to look at him with a blank expression on his face. "None of your damn business, dick."

Cody shrugged as he handed Zac his cone of Mocha Almond, before retreating into the storage room behind the counter.

"Let's go."

"So, uh," Zac began once they stepped out of the ice cream parlour. "We haven't spoken properly since a few days, Ash. What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing . . ."

"Are we still friends?"

"Of course we are."

Zac took a huge bite off his ice cone as he glanced at Ashley. "Then what was it with all of the ignoring?" he asked once he hurriedly swallowed his mouthful.

"I'm sorry about that, Zac, really," Ashley sighed. "Believe me."

"It's okay, don't be sorry," Zac bit his lip. "I'm sure you have a reason for doing what you did, Ash, it's okay."

Ashley remained silent.

"You do, right?" Zac asked again.

The brunette nodded, with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Explain," Zac demanded.

Ashley bit her lip. "No. Forget it . . . it's silly."

"I don't care if it's silly," Zac rolled his eyes. "Since when did I start caring of whether or not things are silly?"

Ashley let out her breath, which she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

"Please tell me, Ash?" Zac asked pleadingly. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't," Ashley muttered.


"I just didn't want you acting any different, Zac," Ashley sighed. "I— I was scared that it would affect our friendship. I was afraid you'd start acting all weird with me . . . that you might start throwing your weight around and treating me differently."

"Ash, I—"

"Let me finish, Zac," Ashley said softly.

Zac immediately shut up. "Sorry. Go ahead . . ."

"I loved the way we are and I would've given anything for things to remain the same, y'know? I've seen so many of my friends just . . . cry over guys, be broken hearted and just being dumped by guys after dating for a week or so. I've also seen the best of friendships go bad because of . . . this stuff. Everything between us was all cool and not awkward. All of it changed once you got to know about uh, me, and that's completely my fault. I shouldn't have ignored you, but I did, and I'm sorry."

"You know, I wouldn't have acted weird with you," Zac pointed out as he ran a hand through his hair. "You think I didn't love how things were?"

"That's not what I meant, Zac."


"I really wasn't able to face you. I thought most guys were the same . . ."


"I didn't want history to repeat itself."

Zac frowned. "I didn't quite get you . . ."

"Of course you wouldn't," Ashley sighed. "Basically, I didn't want you acting different."

"Again, I wouldn't have."

Ashley just nodded before she, along with Zac walked on the sands while they ate their ice creams.

"I'm tired!" Ashley exclaimed randomly. "I'm sitting down."

Zac laughed. "Okay then but hey, let's sit closer to the waves?"

"Idiot," Ashley pouted. "Couldn't you have said it sooner?"

"No," Zac teased. "Come on, now."

"I'll be up in a minute," Ashley said as she sat on the sand, finishing up the last of her ice cream.

"Just one minute, okay?" Zac reminded her with a chuckle.

"Sure," Ashley agreed.

Hardly ten seconds later, Zac clapped his hand. "One minute's up. Let's go."

"But, Zac," Ashley whined. "One minute's not over yet!"

"Please, Ash?" Zac whined. "I'm dying to get till the water."

"You'll not throw me into the water again, right?" she asked wryly.

"I won't," Zac promised as he held out a hand towards Ashley.

Ashley held her hands out to Zac, who took them and pulled her up. "Damn you've got some energy!" she exclaimed as she stifled a yawn. "How come you're not even a bit tired?"

"Oh I don't know, I'm in the soccer team, you know?" Zac replied sarcastically as he smirked. "That surely helps me."

Ashley ducked her head down. "Right . . . I forgot. You keep racing around the field for ninety minutes. I could die if I had to do that," she grimaced.  

Zac looked amused. "Really? Why?"

Ashley gaped at him, "Isn't it obvious? It's bloody tiring and you'd need loads of stamina for that."

"You have less stamina because you eat less," Zac said with a laugh. "Tomorrow onwards, I'll make sure you eat a lot, or at least eat something."

Ashley looked at him incredulously. "Are you kidding me? I can't eat any more than I already do."

Zac just shook his head, looking amused. 

"I'm serious!" Ashley protested as she pouted.

Zac laughed. "Aren't you too cute?"

Ashley just kept silent and stared at the ground.

"No Ashley, I'm serious. You're cute. You're smart. You're not fake." He smiled at her even though she couldn't see it. "You're just too amazing," he said softly.

"Stop it . . ." muttered Ashley.

Zac rolled his eyes. "You think I'm joking right?"

Ashley nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm not."

Ashley shrugged. "Okay, I guess . . ."

"I'm serious, Ash," Zac stopped walking and gently turned to face the brunette. "You're really very cute, smart and fun to be with. You're not dumb, you have an amazing personality, you— I can just go on and on about you, y'know?"

Ashley gaped at him, dumbstruck.

"I'd always thought this about you and never hated you," Zac admitted. "Believe me."

Ashley bit her lip. "Never hated me? Really? What about the time I spilt coffee on you?"

"I was crazy at that time, Ash," Zac exhaled loudly. "I was super obsessed with the game. Maybe for an hour or two I didn't like you, but I wouldn't say that I 'hated' you . . . that's a powerful word. Right after that, I realized that it wasn't really your fault; it was just an accident. It was mostly my stupid ego because of which I made a huge deal out of nothing."

"Oh," Ashley said softly, unable to say anything else.

"I've really changed a lot because of you," Zac admitted. "I've changed for you."

Ashley's head snapped up to stare at him. "For me? How? Why?"

Zac smiled as an amused expression came over his face. "Yeah, for you. I wanted to be friends with you, I wanted to get to know you better. I knew for certain that you wouldn't have liked that old attitude of mine, so I've changed. You make me wanna be a better person. D'you wanna know why?" 

"Why?" Ashley whispered.

"Because . . ." Zac took a deep breath. "I feel the same way, Ash."

Ashley shook her head, looking perplexed. She was certain that she'd heard it wrong. Did Zac really just say that he . . . "What? I don't think I heard you alright."

"You heard absolutely right. I've been falling for you since . . . I don't know," Zac paused, "sometime around Jayden's party, I guess?"

"I don't believe it," Ashley exhaled loudly. "This can't be happening."

Zac raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because . . . I don't know Zac," Ashley said softly as she fiddled with her fingers. "Have you ever liked someone that you thought could never like you back, for some reason?"

"Yeah," Zac replied immediately.

"Oh," Ashley said softly. "Yeah, so uh, did she ever like you back?"

Zac nodded silently. "Now I get what you mean . . . it is hard to believe it, really."


"I realized that a week back."

Ashley raised her eyebrows. "Um—"

"It happened when I did that dare, and realized that you were into me," Zac said as he exhaled loudly. "Really did."

Ashley's brown orbs stared into Zac's grey ones. She was startled on noticing the sincerity in them.

"You're not kidding right?"

"I'm not," Zac said once again as he looked at Ashley in the eyes.

Ashley smiled. "Wow."

Zac smirked. "I know, right?"

Ashley swallowed; she had been rendered speechless. "Zac, I'm not able to believe this."

"Honestly, neither am I."

Ashley smiled shyly. "Well, I'm happy things have worked out now."

"So am I. It sucked when we didn't talk," Zac bit his lip. "Don't ever ignore me again, no matter what. Okay?"


"So . . ."


Zac looked down at Ashley, standing in front of him. "Where does this leave us, Ash?"

"I don't know," Ashley replied unsurely. "What d'you think?"

"I think everybody has a high school musical around them, if only they look carefully," Zac whispered, stepping closer to Ashley. He cupped her cheek with his right hand as she slung his right hand around his neck. Pulling her closer with his left arm, Zac glanced at the shy girl in front of him, whom he found extremely breathtaking. "What d'you think?"

"I think you're right," Ashley murmured.

Zac smirked. "I know I'm right," he whispered huskily, his hot breath fanning out on her cheek. 

Ashley smiled slowly. She wasn't able to believe all that was happening. Seeing Zac lean in closer, Ashley stood on her tip toes. They both paused with a few millimetres between their faces. Locking eyes with each other, Zac and Ashley felt something that they hadn't felt before; they felt that whatever was happening right then, between them, was real.

Finally, after what seemed like ages of staring at each other, they kissed.

A couple of moments later, Ashley pulled back to see Zac staring back at her, looking incredibly happy. She once again leaned in and pecked him on his mouth.

"Finally," he murmured against her lips, holding her close.

Ashley smirked. "Yeah, finally," she agreed before she kissed Zac on his cheek.

Zac pulled her closer as he straightened up. Grinning widely, he kissed Ashley on her forehead, unable to say even a word.

"Say something, weirdo," Ashley giggled.

"What do I say?" Zac asked.

"Anything!" the brunette laughed. "I wanna make sure you haven't lost your voice."

"Okay," Zac exhaled loudly. "Anything!" he joked.

"Shut up," Ashley smacked him.

"I thought you asked me to say 'anything'," Zac joked.

Ashley glared. "Just shut up and—"

"Kiss you?"

"I don't mind."

Zac nodded. "Wanna go out this saturday? Like . . . on a proper date?"

"Is this you asking?"

"Yeah," he frowned. "Why?"

"You sounded incredibly nervous!"

"Uh," Zac cleared his throat. "You do that to me; you make me nervous - cheesy, but true."



Ashley looked up at him through her windswept hair which had somehow made it's way onto her face. She tried to shake them off without letting go of Zac; she didn't want to let go of him. Noticing her efforts, Zac chuckled at the thought of how stubborn her hair too, was. He swiftly pushed her hair away from her face and returned his hands to their original position.

Ashley once again stood on her toes, and kissed him.

"Is that a yes?" he asked, sounding a bit breathless as he looked at the face of the girl in his arms.


He smiled at her before pulling her into yet another hug. "I'm sorry about the whole thing with Shannon. I wasn't really thinking—"

"I'm sorry about the whole thing with Matt- I just wanted to get back at you," Ashley admitted as she slightly pulled away from Zac.

Zac nodded. "I was half expecting me to slap you for being such a dick with that whole issue," he said in a low voice

"Is the offer still open?" Ashley half-joked.

Zac immediately unwrapped his hands from around the brunette, stepped back and bent down slightly, showing her his cheek. "Go ahead. I deserve it."

Ashley laughed before pulling him into a hug again.


THEREE YOUUU GO! x'D Dayyuummm, I loved writing this chapter and was completely dying out here, waiting to share it with you guys. I was through with this chapter, long, LONG back trust me ahaha xx So, for all you girls out there, who else wants a Zac? I'm sure as heck that I want a Zac. Leave your comments down there, and don't forget to vote/fan eitherrrrr. It hardly takes time. Thankkss lovlies. Have a great day/niightt<3

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