Oh Baby Momma

By koovoobi

560K 42.9K 5.6K

Pregnancy is a unique journey that test everyone's physical and emotional strength, not only mom's but also d... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Coming Soon

Chapter 35

6.1K 511 65
By koovoobi

"haha. What's this, Jungkookie? You have made a huge purchase." Jimin asked when he saw Taehyung carrying a horizontal box. "Oh, it's nothing, Hyung. It's just a mirror." He informed. Taehyung took it and went to the room. "Let me go and see. Otherwise, he will keep it somewhere. I will be back in ten minutes." Jungkook trailed behind his husband.

"Not there. Noooooo. Here, to the right." Jungkook said, pointing at the right side. "People say you shouldn't wake up facing a mirror. That's why." He said. "You believe such things?" Taehyung was amazed. "Yes. I value the older words. Not like you." Jungkook wiped the whole mirror. "Yes, I don't consider their words, and that's why you are here. See, you are the decision of my parents, which I appreciate with my every existence. The best decision of my life." Taehyung said that and started undressing to take a shower. Jungkook smiled and removed his tees. "Are you coming with me to take a shower?" He asked. Jungkook shook his head negatively and stepped out of his pants after removing them. "Coming or not?" Taehyung asked again, eyeing him up and down. "N.O." Jungkook replied sternly. "There was a time you craved bathing with me. Oh, how much I wish to travel back to the old days." Taehyung said with heart, remembering his youthful days. "Then marry again." Jungkook said this while wearing another pair of shorts. "With you?" He asked. "Leave me. Give me some peace." Jungkook laughed when Taehyung came running to him and bit his cheeks. "No. "Haha, he giggled when he started smacking his boba cheeks. But they moved away from each other when they heard a door knock. "I will check." Jungkook said and threw a bath towel to Taehyung, as the other was standing next.

Jungkook opened the door and saw a grinning boy holding a bowl of salad. "How was your day, Hyung?" Jungkook wiped his cheek, which was glistering with his husband's saliva. "Good. How was yours?" Jungkook inquired casually. "I liked my college. The ambience and classroom are good." He replied and held out the bowl for Jungkook. He took it hesitantly. "You don't have to make it." He said. "But I love to do it, Hyung." Yeonjun said. "Haha. Let me see then." He rolled his eyes when he saw how his hyung grabbed the bowl from his hand. "Ummmm, it's really yummy. You should have taken some chef courses." Taehyung complimented. "But. Your hyung won't eat it. It has cheese. He will vomit. But don't worry. I will eat it. Thanks dear." Taehyung carried the bowl inside the room. Jungkook smiled as his eyes moved from Taehyung's to his brother's. "I don't like cheese these days." He confirmed. "Oh. I didn't know." He replied in a tiny voice. "It's not necessary; you have to know it, Yeonie. Even Mom doesn't know. So it's fine." Jungkook said. "Aren't you coming downstairs, Hyung? We can play video games. Jiminie Hyung is also there." He suggested. "Mm. Let me first take a nap. I am tired. You carry on." He replied. Yeonjun pouted, gazing at his hyung, who was devouring the salad deliciously. Jungkook held the door open, waiting for Yeonjun to leave. Yeonjun looked at Jungkook once again before going back to his room.

Once Jungkook closed the door, Taehyung said, "I will take a shower and come." He went to the bathroom after keeping the bowl on the table.

When Taehyung came back, he saw Jungkook sleeping soundly on the bed. He took his laptop, sat beside him on the bed, and resumed his work.

A few more hours later, he heard another knock on the door, and he found his mom standing there when he opened the door. "Jungkook? He didn't eat anything." Mrs. Kim said she was peeking inside the room. "He is sleeping, and he had a snack on the way back home." He informed. "Mm. Still, he has to eat properly. I have made a smoothie for him. Wake him up after ten minutes." She said that, and Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook squirmed in sleep when he felt Taehyung's hand caressing his belly. "Wake up. Don't you want to eat?" Taehyung asked. "Did I sleep for long?" He sat up on the bed, resting his back on the bed. "No. Half an hour," he replied.

Jungkook glanced at his computer screen after rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Is she wearing something?" Jungkook inquired after seeing the photo of the girl, who is sitting covered in a bunch of flowers. " Haha. Yes." Taehyung laughed. "Aren't you enjoying your career a little too much?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows. "I am enjoying my life too much. Not this." Taehyung pecked his lips. "Come, let's go down." He said that and kept the laptop aside. "I will be back." Jungkook said, showing his pinky finger.

The duo went downstairs and saw his hyungs and mom playing with Soo. "Mia will be back tomorrow. Jennie called." Mrs. Kim said this when she noticed them. "I missed her." Jungkook stated. Mrs. Kim went to the kitchen, came back with a glass of smoothie, and gave it to Jungkook. "After a few months, your feet will be swollen, Jungkook. You should go for a walk then." Jimin informed. Jungkook hummed. "Hyung. I wanted to ask you something." Taehyung said to Yoongi that Jungkook's body immediately went stiff. "Hyung. It's. Is it safe?" Taehyung could complete the question as Jungkook shoved a spoonful of smoothie in his mouth. "It's nothing." He smiled nervously after giving a death glare at his husband. Yoongi smiled. "It is safe until your doctor says not to." Yoongi said. Jungkook gulped visibly and side-eyed Jimin, who was trying hard to hold back his laugh. "But the doctor didn't say anything. Will you be able to say, Hyung? I will bring the report." He said that and stood up. "Mm. Let me see, or else we can ask Bogum." Yoongi said. Taehyung stood up and gave a few dance moves before going to the room.

"What is safe or not?" Mrs. Kim asked. "Ah. Eating everything." Jimin replied when he saw how Jungkook's face turned pale. "We can eat anything. In ancient times, people ate everything because they didn't have choices or 'Google' to search for every recipe. Nowadays, you are checking the phone even before drinking an extra glass of water. And see, the difference: people were more strong and healthy back then. We delivered babies like we plucked mangoes from trees, but this generation can't even take the pain of a needle." Mrs. Kim shook her head in disappointment. Jungkook sipped his smoothie and glanced slightly at Jimin.

"See, hyung." Taehyung gave Yoongi the report. "Mm." Yoongi read everything carefully. "I don't think there are any complications. Let me check with Bogum." He took a snap of the report and texted Bogum. "Tae. It's better to dig a pit and dump me inside it." Jungkook whispered. "These are important doubts that are to be cleared. Nine months is a long period. My bun's jaw will be tired or else." Taehyung said, caressing Jungkook's cheeks. He closed his eyes, sensing Jimin's teasing glare at him. "Taeeee.." He gave him a tight pinch on his waist.

"Bogum said it's fine, but he asked not to go hard." Yoongi informed. "Thank you, Hyung. I will take care of it." Taehyung assured. "Hard? Foods that are hard to digest?" Mrs. Kim asked. Yoongi nodded. "Oh. Okay. I will make sure of it. What else did he tell? It's a safe pregnancy, right?" She asked. Yoongi hummed. "Ah. You were here?" He said this when he saw Yeonjun coming towards them. Yeonjun rubbed his sleepy eyes and snuggled with Mom. "Did you get any friends?" He inquired. Yeonjun nodded. "Mom. Let's buy him a bike. So that he can spend his time with friends." Yoongi suggested. "Mm. First take the license, then we will buy it." She said she was caressing his hair. "I want Harley to be like Taehyungie Hyung." Yeonjun said it excitedly. "Mm. I will think." She said. "You want everything like me, right?" Taehyung asked, laying his head on Jungkook's lap. "Oh god. Yeonie, are you following his path? Then no. Go for Yoongi's, not the other two, please. Especially this brat. I had enough with him." Mrs. Kim said. "Why, mom?" Jungkook laughed and asked. "Studying.. no. He barely passes every exam. Discipline.. never, at least once in every month, will his Deen call us. He has even given us a golden chance to be in the police station  three times. Mrs. Kim lined up the merits of her son, who just pretends to be asleep. "Haha. That might be fun, right?" Jungkook asked. "Fun. Once, he went bike racing. I couldn't even sleep that night. Didn't you see how boys get killed doing such  stunts?"Mrs. Kim said it with a horrific gaze. "Mom, but see. Now ain't I the perfect son?" Taehyung asked. "Mm. I can agree now. He changed a lot after marriage. All credit goes to my son-in-law." Mrs. Kim smiled. "Haha. No, mom. He is still feisty." Jungkook laughed along with others.

"Mom, what's in there in the refrigerator? I will cook something." Yoongi initiated. "Meat is there." She said. "Cool. Let's get it then." Yoongi gave Soo to Jimin and stood up. "Jungkook, it's all because of you; only Hyung is cooking nowadays, or else this time he usually takes a nap." Jimin said, smiling. "Haha. You should thank me then." He said that and stood up after tapping Taehyung's head. Taehyung gave Jungkook space to go to the kitchen, and he laid their own couch after taking Soo from Jimin's hand.

After a few minutes, Yeonjun looked at the duo in the kitchen who were laughing and giggling, and then at his hyung, who was giving no attention to it. Yeonjun licked his dry lips, stood up from the couch, and smiled at his mom because he was heading to the kitchen.

"Haha. That was so embarrassing." Jungkook said, laughing at something Yoongi was saying. "To an extent. But at that time, I was too young to understand it." Yoongi said this and glanced at his younger brother, who was taking out ramen from the cabinet. "Are you going to make that?" Yoongi asked. He nodded. "Oh. I made fried rice. But there is no problem. Make two portions then." He informed. Yeonjun nodded, eyeing Jungkook, who was sitting on the counter with a bowl of something and swinging his legs. "You want, Hyung?" He asked Jungkook. "I don't have a mind now. Let's see." He replied, munching on whatever content was inside that bowl.

Even though Yeonjun was cooking noodles, his eyes were all over Jungkook, who was wearing oversized hoodies and shorts along with white socks. He took a spoonful of the soup and looked at Jungkook. "See hyung. If you like it or not." He asked to walk to Jungkook, but before that, Taehyung blocked his way. "Bun. How much more will you eat? See, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat for the entire family. Our bean is so tiny now. He won't need lots of food now." Taehyung said he was shaking his head when he saw Jungkook's puffed cheeks. "That's true, Jungkook. But if you wish to eat, Eat. No worries." Yoongi asked. Taehyung stood between Jungkook's legs, watching what Yoongi was making. Yeonjun kept the spoon there by grinning in anger.

"Ready. Let's serve dinner. Hyung won't be here tonight, and dad is traveling to Japan." Yoongi said, and carried the pot to the dining table after screaming 'dinner' to the other two, who were watching some dramas. Jungkook trailed Taehyung, who was carrying another hot pot. Yeonjun looked at his pot of noodles and then at others. "Hyung. Do you want more or  less?"He asked. Jungkook gestured less. "More for me." Taehyung said that and went to the dining room along with Jungkook. Yeonjun took three bowls and served the noodles. He looked at everyone who was sitting on their respective chairs and serving food, talking about something before taking the hot sauce. He eyed everyone and squeezed a little more of it into the bowl. Then I kept it aside, stirred everything, and carried it to the table.

He took one bowl for himself and kept the other two for Jungkook and Taehyung. "Wah. Isn't it looking lovely like him?" Taehyung winked at Yeonjun and took the bowl. He took a big bite of it, and he immediately started coughing hard. His eyes turned watery, and he started struggling to breathe by holding his throat. "F.ck." Yoongi was fast on his feet. "What?? What happened??" Jungkook asked in panic after seeing Taehyung's eyes, which bulged out and he was twisting and squirming in the chair. "What happened?" He asked by rubbing his chest as his tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Mrs. Kim immediately started rubbing his head in tension. Yoongi immediately ran to his room and came back in an instant with an EpiPen. He injected it in his mid-thigh. "H..h..hyung.. what's.. what's happening?" Jungkook started wailing, holding Taehyung's biceps. "He will be fine." He said and took the bowl Taehyung ate and took a bit of it. "Don't you know he has a spicy allergy?" Yoongi asked in a void voice to Yeonjun, who shook his head in nervousness. "Hy.. hyung.. tae.. see." Jungkook tapped his face, wailing. "Jungkook. He will be fine. Mom, give him a glass of milk." He said this to his mom, who nodded and went to the kitchen before giving a death glare at her younger son. "Tae," Jungkook called him, who was laying his head on the headrest of the chair. Taehyung nodded and took Jungkook's hand on his and caressed it. "I am fine." He smiled gently, looking at Jungkook's tearing eyes and pale face. "I was scared to death." Jungkook hugged him and snuggled into his chest, weeping. "I didn't," Yeonjun whispered.

Mrs. Kim gave a glass of milk and took the ramen bowels from them. "What if it was Jungkook? Who ate it?" She seethed angrily at him. "I..." he shuttered as his eyes brimmed with fresh tears. "I will make something for you." Jungkook wiped his eyes and stood up. "Jungkook. I gave him fried rice. It's not spicy." Jimin assured. Jungkook sat back on the chair, took his plate of food, and fed him, occasionally hiccuping. Jimin gazed at Yeonjun once more before resuming their dinner.

They ate dinner in silence. After dinner, Mrs. Kim carried the dirty dishes with Jimin. While keeping all the dishes in the basin, Jimin's eyes fell on the bowls of ramen, which were kept untouched. He checked the others and took a bite from the bowl that was served to Jungkook. He chewed it slowly, looking ahead at nothing particular. "Jiminie. Aunt Lee will wash it. You go and sleep." Mrs. Kim called him back from the kitchen. Jimin nodded and went to the room, not after gazing at the boy sitting in the dining room.

..to be continued..

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