OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegavers...

By annarossi9hdje

78.7K 2.4K 336

Jeff is an omega who works at a race car garage. He can't stand people and especially physical contact. He al... More

4. PAST +18
10. ENDURE... +18
15. TIRED +18
17. HEAL
23. FIRST TIME +18
29. STAMINA+18
31. TRUTH (PT. 1)
32. TRUTH (PT. 2)
36. RUN
40. YES OR NO?


1.5K 55 10
By annarossi9hdje

Alan opened his eyes. It must have been late morning already because light was coming in through the window and illuminating the whole room. He felt rested, and it had been a while since he had gotten up like this in the morning. There was a sweet smell coming from the living room. What could it be?- he wondered.

He got dressed and went straight to the kitchen.

-Good morning- it was Jeff.

-Hello....how are you up so early?

-I was hungry and so...I thought....why not cook something?-

-You could have called me if you wanted something, you know that right?-

-I didn't want to bother you-

-I didn't know you could cook-

-In fact, I don't. I am good at sweets, though. I made a cake with chocolate and almonds. I found the ingredients in the kitchen. You don't mind, do you?- he hesitated. He didn't want to be in the way in Alan's house.

-Absolutely not. In fact, I'm glad. Can I taste it later?-

-Who do you think I made it for?-Jeff whispered, rolling his eyes.

-What did you say?-

-Nothing...- he corrected himself.

-I didn't understand, can you repeat it?- Alan began to tease him, smiling.

-Apparently you understood very well...-

-I want to hear it from you though-

-Ok, all right. I wanted to thank you for hosting me in your home...-he said in a breath without looking at him in the eye.

-Well, thanks accepted then- he said after smelling the cake. It must be good.

-And yet it's true that I also made it because I was hungry....-.

-Okok. Come on, I'll clean things up, you sit at the table. I'll be right there-

-What? No, I'll clean up. You go sit down-

-You cooked and I'll clean- Alan said clutching the pot that Jeff was holding.

-But yesterday you cooked and you cleaned everything by yourself- Jeff pulled the pot toward himself.

-Yes, but this is my house so I decide-.

They began to have a tug-of-war with the pot to wash. 

-Right because I'm a guest, I have to help tidy up-

-Yes, but I choose the conditions for which you can stay here. And I say, I clean up-

-No, I'll do it. It's your stuff and I've soiled it, so I'll do it-

-Well, then consider this as a service offered by the house- Alan said in his ear.

-I didn't know there were services like in a hotel-Jeff retorted.

-Yes, and there are more than one- Alan smiled.

-Like what?- Jeff challenged him, getting even closer to his face.

-I'm not sure you want to know-.

-Why not?

"Alan, what are you doing?"-he scolded himself. Perhaps he was exaggerating a bit.

-You'll find out...but not today- he finally said.

-Jeff couldn't figure out what he was referring to. He thought he was probably just joking.

-Do you know that you are just unbelievable?-Alan finally said smiling.

-What do you mean?- he replied offended.

-That I never know whether you're going to act like a helpless puppy or a wild lion- he replied amused.

-What does that mean?!- Jeff became angry. He actually didn't know whether he should take it as an offense.

-I just mean that until five minutes ago, you couldn't even look at me in the eye out of embarrassment and now you're here fighting over who has to clean a pot, haha-

-I wasn't embarassed....and I'm not a helpless puppy!-Jeff let go of the pot to look away. He was blushing.

-That's right, what did I tell you? Ahahaha. You're funny, you know? And by the way, it wasn't an offense, I like puppies....-

-Well, since you insist, you clean up the stuff. I'll start eating, I'm not waiting for you-

-Hey, what? You're not waiting for me?- Alan complined, still smiling

-No- Jeff grabbed a piece of cake and brought it to the table, starting to eat without Alan.

-So cute- Alan whispered.

It was the first time he felt this way. He was embarrassed. But this time it was not in a bad way. The things Alan said made him a little uncomfortable, but in a good way. He enjoyed teasing him and being teased. It had been a long time since he had to feel in control of everything. At that moment, he didn't have to play the part of the strongest, the most assertive, the one who is never ashamed of anything.

He enjoyed spending time with Alan.

-In the kitchen everything is fine-

Alan had just joined Jeff by the pool.

-Shouldn't you go to the garage? I don't want you to stay here because of me-.

-Don't worry about it. The guys there will take care of it. About that....- Alan wanted to handle the subject gently, he didn't want to bring back bad memories for Jeff -What do you think about going back to the garage? The guys are asking for you, they say your phone is disconnected. They're worried and would like to see you-


-Yes. Would you like to go there after lunch, I'll go with you of course-

Jeff looked at the calm surface of the pool. They had seen the video....they knew...

-I know what you're thinking- Alan interrupted his thoughts -and you're right. They have seen the video and they know everything. But they are concerned about you. They don't want to tease you or even blame you for anything. It's not your fault, you know that, right?

-It's just that...-he didn't finish the sentence.

-Just what? - Alan encouraged him.

-I'm ashamed...-he said in a low voice, as if not to admit it.

-You're going to have to face it sooner or later anyway. How about we go to the garage and then you decide when you're there, whether you want to go in or not? They would never tease you about it and never judge you. In fact, if they could, they would be the first to punch those people. You can trust them-

Jeff looked at him in the eye again.

-All right...- he huffed.

-You want to take a bath? You can if you want to-

-No, I'm fine, I prefer to stay dry-

-How come?

-I don't feel like it, that's all- Jeff huffed unnerved.

-I don't think that's why. Come on, tell me- Alan teased him.

-Stop it or I'll push you in the water- Jeff pushed him away.

-So there's really something you're not telling me, huh?


Jeff pushed Alan into the pool fully clothed.

-I warned you- he pouted.

Alan rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

-Now, I'll show you!-Alan swimmed to the edge and grabbed Jeff by the leg, ready to throw him into the pool.

-Nonono- Jeff began kicking him -Alan, no!-

Alan let go of him. Jeff looked scared. He just wanted to play a joke on him; he didn't think he would react like that.

-What's going on, Jeff?-he swimmed over to the side of the pool to talk to him.

-Promise not to laugh?-


-That's it...I can't swim...-

-What?!- he smiled in surprise.

-You said you wouldn't laugh-

-I'm not making fun of you. Sorry, I didn't know that. But if you want, I can teach you. It's not difficult. You should try-

Jeff looked at the bottom.

-It looks pretty deep, though-

-I got it, don't worry- Alan took off his shirt and jeans, which were now soaked and left them at the side of the pool. Jeff turned away and tried hard not to look in his direction. Without realizing it, he had begun to blush, and Alan had noticed. He smiled.

-You can look at me, I'm not ashamed. Or maybe it's you who are ashamed?-he leaned on the edge beside Jeff.

-Me? No!- Jeff continued not to look at him.

-Okay....so are you coming?-

-I'm afraid...-

-I'm here. Nothing will happen to you, I promise-

-And if....- he didn't finish objecting that Alan had splashed a large amount of water on him.

-Hey!- Jeff shouted.

-Now you're wet anyway. I don't want to hear you argue. I didn't know how to skate either, but you taught me. Now I can teach you something too-

-Do I have to remind you how we ended up on the skates?

-I wouldn't mind ending up the same way again today...-Alan teased him laughing.

-All right...- Jeff took off his shirt and was left only in his boxers. He was always sitting by the side of the pool, unable to convince himself to go in.

-I'll hold you if you need me, okay?- Alan encouraged him.

Finally, Jeff lowered himself into the water, being careful not to come off the edge.

Jeff was already panicking. He didn't like not feeling anything under his feet.

Alan came within a few inches of him.

-Don't worry, I'm here- Alan finally reassured him.


I decided to break this scene in two, otherwise the chapter would become too long :)

In the coming days, maybe, there will be a surprise....prepare yourself ;)

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