The HalfBlood- FourthWing Fan...

By Quietdreamer52

110K 4.7K 773

Freya Sorrengail. The halfblood. Born different than her siblings she always stood out. Whether it was appea... More

1- Conscription Day
2- The Parapet
3-The Crossing
4- Official Cadet
5-Fourth Wing
6- The Sparring
7- The Journal
8-The Woods
9- Admiring Your Work
10- The Kill
11-Traitors Side
12-Not Your Mother
13- The Gauntlet
14- The Burning Pile
15-Presentation Day
16- Presentation Day 2
17- The Gold Dragon
19- The Drefected One
21- A Rider
22- Protection
23- The Attempt
24- I Heard Him!
25- Body Guard
26- Severed
28- The Scroll
30- The Feelings Through The Bond
31- The kiss
32- The Fight
33- Mistake
34- Authors Note/ Training
35- Preparation
36- The Flight
37- Squad Battle
38- Squad Challenges
39- The Final Task
40- The Task
41- After the Task
42- The Front Lines
43- Front Lines 2
45- The Attack / Authors Note
47- The Confession
48- Getting to know you
49- Why'd you want to know me?
50- Reveal me/ Authors Note
51- Chaos
52- Reveal me pt.2
53- Revealed to me
55- Feelings
56- Love Triangle
57- 2 sides
59- The Party
60- 1 Love
61- Everything is yours
62- The Final
63- The Final pt. 2
64- The Betrayal
65- The Betrayers
66- Dead Anyways
67- Die a traitor
68- The Wyvern
69- The Battle of Althybene
70- The Battle of Athybene PT.2
71- To Bend Death
72- Is To Sacrifice Life
73- Finale pt.1
73- Finale pt.2
75- Finale pt.3
76- Life for a Life
77- The End
Book 2

27- Liam Mairi

1.4K 66 7
By Quietdreamer52

I wake up to vigorous knocking on my door...

I sigh pulling my covers off of me flinging my door open to reveal Liam Mairi... " Good Morning!" He said all to cheerfully before looking down and back up at me. " Your not dressed." Still he stares, studies almost...

" What?" I ask sharply.

" Nothing.. I've just never seen you with your hair down.."

What is it with having my damn hair down?! I know I don't look all that different!

I take a deep breath before closing the door in his face. " Xaden said to let him know if-"

" I'm getting dressed! Unless you have to watch me do that too!" I yell back.

I heard him snicker.. Arrogant bastard. I see why Xaden likes him...

I throw on my vest then my riders back, braiding the start of my hair leaving the rest in a tight, high ponytail opening the door again, I send him a glare " And your here super early because..?"

" We have Library Cart duty remember? It's our new assgined-"

" Right..Right..." I cut in once more. I already don't like this, and I thought he'd be tolerable but I see my thinking of a person's personality seems to be completely off.. I don't like this.

At all.

" So are you just going to send me glares? Or you just can't fathom that you have someone that needs to look after you?"

" I don't need a body guard. Especially one that seems to be just annoying as Riorson." I answer walking slightly ahead of him though he catches up matching my pace.

" Look, it's not like I'm going to grab you and drag you all over the place. Think of this..situatation...As a.. friendship."

" I'd rather have my independence."

His smile fades into one that's more annoyed, " Xaden told me you were a witty smartass."

" Oh, you couldn't tell that already? We are in the same Wing."

He lets out an exasperated sigh, " I already knew, I just thought you'd maybe would be as bad considering You and I didn't want to kill eachother during Threshing."

This makes my head snap to him, he was already looking at me with a small 'gotcha' smile. " Did you want to kill me?"

He shrugs, " Not really, I had nothing against you. But maybe I should've since you took my first place ranking now." He sends me a wide grin making me crack one myself..I'm already annoyed with that smile...

" I think it would've saved us alot of headache."

" Well, wish we could go back..but we can't.." He sighs dramactically making me chuckle as we walk further. " Oh, so she can smile." He teases.

" I'd quit while your somewhat ahead."

He laughs, " Ok..ok.. I'll stop..for now. So, how about we eat? Get a good start on our day?"

I shake my head, " Not hungry."

" Xaden says I need to keep you safe...and healthy. So I think eating is an order." He counters.

" Then I guess it's a good thing Xaden isn't here then to control what I can and can't do."

" I'm sure he'd love hearing that.." Liam mutters.

" I'm sure he commanded you to give reports on me so I'm sure you'll tell him. Actually.. I'd just tell him myself and tell him how stupid this bodyguard thing is."

" I invite you too. Just as long as I can watch." He grins yet again. " But it's not only Xaden who's requesting you to eat.. It's an order."

" From you?"

He nods, " From me."

" Well, you know what I say?"

He still grins but I see his eyes narrow, " And what do you say?"

" Shove that idea up your ass Mairi."

" Will you just have something small at least and shut up?"

I shake my head, " One thing you'll learn about me is I don't shut up, my mouth gets in inot more trouble then good."

He snorts, " I know that. I've known you for what? 30 minutes and I already know your a smartass and a damn brat."

" I don't know.. You seem to be smiling alot considering I'm a ' smartass' and a ' brat'."

He rolls his eyes, " I'm smiling because your annoying, and quite frankly pissing me off."

I hum, " Sure..sure.." I couldn't help but grin as well, seeing his shoots right back it's quite entertaining. " So.. How did you get picked to accompany me?"

This makes him chuckle again. " You already know."

" Because.. Your part of Xaden's little gang?"

" Or because I'm good at everything and should be ranked first... But yea.. it's because I'm part of his little gang."

" Sounds like your a little upset about that number 2 rank."

He gives a half smile leaning a little closer, " Maybe I am. I've always been number 1."

" Well, then I guess this is a good humbling change for you." I retort.

" Can we just get some breakfast. I'm starving." He almost begs. " If I need to risk my life for your smartass at least let me eat."

I roll my eyes, " Fine."

" Great."

We reach the dining hall, where they were just setting out the food. There were maybe.. only 3 people down besides the kitchen staff where they had pancakes. I grab my tray loading my pancakes up with syrup and sauase links, while liam left his plain along with fruit.

I see him eye my tray as we sit, he starts laughing " So your one of those people?"

" What do you mean one of those."

"The people who drown their food in syrup and..sausage links. What kind of combo is that?"

I scoff, " Who eats pancakes plain with only fruit?"

He raises a brow, scoffing " Pancakes are delicious the way they should be. It's not my fault that you're so used to shoving disgusting quantities of sugar down your mouth that you've lost the ability to appreciate the natural sweetness of things."

" Do you know what I'm hearing.." I point my fork at him, " That your boring."

He laughs, seeming to get offended, " And do you know your supposed to eat sausage seperately? And not drown all your food in syrup? Do you know who eats like that? Little bratty children and toddlers."

I laugh, " And do you know who eats just plain pancakes and fruit? People who are 80 and dead."

He can't stop himself from smiling and laughing out loud. "Damn, you're really not holding back, huh? Are you going to keep roasting me over everything I say?!

I grin, " Yep. While eating my sugary food."

He looks down at my plate then back up to me smiling, " Finish eating so we can get these stupid jobs done.."

Soon after it was Liam who lead me to the archives, I had no idea this was even a thing but there he is..knowing it all. Maybe I take back him being an ass.. he's funny, smart, and has the samer personality I seem to have for the most part so it's not as horrible as I thought.

Though I think he acts maybe a little differently around Xaden, yesterday he didn't say much, and was so much more serious, now here we are walking in this dark tunnel cracking jokes and poking at one another.

" This tunnel is creepy as hell.." I mutter as I push a big book cart as Liam walks beside me.

" Don't tell me someone like you is afraid of the dark." He teases.

" No... I'm just pointing out the facts.."

" Your scared of the dark." He corrects.

" Am not."

" ok." He says shrugging, making my blood boil just a little at his tone.

We reach the door where the Scibe Quadrant is, one named Pierce stands waiting for us. " Cadet Sorrengail." He greets before turning his head towards Liam. " Mairi." He says showing his..distain towards him.

" Scribe Pierce." Liam greets with the same grin and light tone not seeming to be bothered at all. I look between the two of them, did their families nto get along? Or was there something else? I brush it off as Pierce asks for the written note of books he needs to collect for the day. " Oh! And a textbook for dragon kind. That one wasn't written." I say quickly.

Pierce nods taking the note. " Ofcourse. It'll be just a few moments." He gives me a warm smile not bothering to look at Liam.

He waits until Pierce rounds the corner before Liam snorts loudly. " What?" I snap.

" Who's the textbook for?" He asks grinning down at me. " What happned to the other one?"

I simply glare before a small smile curves my mouth, " He told you?"

He laughs, " Oh yea he told me. We do talk you know, he said watch out for your sharp comments and your..temper. He said you can definitely throw a book, good thing he had the dagger otherwise I think he would've had a broken nose."

" I wish he didn't.."

" I wish he didn't either. That would've made the story funnier."

Pierce comes back with our cart only bidding me goodbye, Liam told him bye anyways only getting a chuff out of him as we walked.

" Why does he treat you like that?" I ask once we're a good distance away.

" Isn't it obvious?" He asks seriously.

I shake my head, " Did you try filrting with his daughter or something?"

He looks over at me, seeing if I was kidding or not, when he face stiffens a little he rolls up his sleeve. " Because of these..."

The rebellion relics.

" Oh.. I'm..sorry that was-"

He chuckles, " Don't worry about it. I still get a kick people blame us, we're not our parents."

Now I felt bad..just a little for him. I could see the bother behind his eyes though he smiles. " Like Riorson said to me yesterday.. People or idiots."

" Was that before or after you threw the book at him?"

I chuckle, " I honestly don't even remember." We both laugh a little more before my smiles fades, " I don't know what difference is..people get tattoos and shit all over themselves and they don't get treated like that.. What's the difference with a relic?"

" A dragon put it on us.."

" So? That just makes you all more badass. If one didn't know your last name you'd be treated the same.."

Liam doesn't respond but I see I think.. a small real smile cross his face as he looks down at his fingers drumming on the cart.

" So.. where did you meet Xaden? Or did you just meet the others this year?"

He smiles, " We were fostered in the same house."

" Fostered?"

He nods. " Yep, fostering is when both your parents-"

" I know what fostering is.. I..wouldn't you be with your dad or realatives?"

Liam's gaze swings back at me, almost like for the first time he was angry. " Can't when they killed them all."

My mouth opens, but I close it. Only the traitors were supposd to be killed not the whole bloodline. That's what my mother and 'father' said. I twas only the traitors.

I didn't know what to say other then, " Oh."

" Yea.. They were alright.. My sister got sent elsewhere."

" They seperated you?!"

He chuckles, " Yep, all siblings did. Thought siblings could conspire and try to kill whoever decided to take one for the team fostering. She's a year younger then us, she's smart, quick, and has similar humor to you her name is Sloane."

" She has a pretty name, is she much like you?"

His smile seems to reappear, more soft then the others " Yea, I'd like to think so. From the time we spent together we seemed the same, for the most part."

I feel a small pit of sadness, as he talks about her and I don't even know her, or really him for that matter. " I'm sorry." I mutter, " I can't imagine how hard it's been for.."

" All hundred-seven of us? Thanks."

" I mean it." I say bluntly " It was a shitty planning or punishment for all of you."

He lets out somewhat of a bitter laugh, " Sorry if I really don't take your apology personally, Fen Riorson killed your brother right?"

I stop dead in my tracks, he stops to seeming to wait for a response. " Yea, Fen Riorson killed my brother. Not Imogen, not Garrick, not Bohdi, you, your sister or even Xaden! Fen. You don't see me blaming everyone else Liam. Now I'm sorry... I really, really am... But you don't see me being bitter-"

" So your not bitter to Xaden then?" He snaps back.

" I'm not bitter to Xaden because of who his father is.. I'm bitter because he's an ass to me because of MY mother! I couldn't help what happened to Brennan, but I always knew it wasn't the kids who did it. Nor did I blame any of you guys, there are people out there who still think what they did to you guys were wrong.."

His face softens just a little, " Wait Freya-"

" No, it's fine. Just.." I trail off walking infront of him refusing to say another word to him. Just..walk..

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