Love Can Kill / Sandor Clegan...

By rissarosewrites

10.3K 566 7

Rieka Stark lay bleeding out feeling so alone next to the man that only wanted to protect her. 🐺 "I need y... More

1. Little Wolf
2. Big Bitch
3. The Giant
4. Are You In There?
5. Fake
6. Safe Place to Land
7. Only A Man
8. Killing Me
9. Log by Log
10. Go Away
11. Disease
12. Little Wolf
13. Believe Me Now
14. Asshole King
15. Southern Baby
16. Big Old Bear
17. Love Can Kill
18. Distraction
19. Tyrion
21. Foreplay & I Love Yous
22. We Are Family
23Living For
24. Trust Me
25. Relieved
26. Love Letters
27. Fantasy

20. Good Dog

300 20 1
By rissarosewrites

"Jon," Rieka whispered when his eyes fluttered open. "Jon, hey, hey, hey," She repeated squeezing his hand. "You are okay, you are safe." 

"Did we do it Rie?" Jon rasped shivering still. 

"Yeah," Rieka agreed as Jon sat up. 



"Where are my clothes?" Jon questioned pulling the blankets around him tighter. 

"They sort of froze on you, you remember the fall you took into the water?" Rieka questioned grabbing him a chunky sweater, he looked silly but he was warm. 

"Yeah, I remember- Uncle-"

"Hey bud." Benjen remarked coming in. 

"Uncle Benjen." Jon stared back at him wide eyed. "are you really here?"

"I'm really here bud," Benjen agreed wrapping Rieka up in a hug, he rested his chin on Rieka's shoulder staring back at him. "You won't mind me waiting to hug you until you have pants on." He added. 

"Right, yes." Jon agreed. Rieka grabbed Benjens arms, holding his arms hostage around her. "How are you alive?" 

"It's a long story... Bran is at winterfell."  Benjen assured. "They all are." 

"They made it home?" Rieka questioned. "Arya?"

"Arya too." Benjen agreed kissing her cheek. "Your father would be so proud of you."

"Sandor killed him, I just distracted." Rieka countered. 

"He would be so proud of the woman you have become." Benjen assured. "The both of you." Rieka smiled sitting on Jon's bed. 

"What can I get you Jon?" 

"I... dont... I..." Jon couldnt think. They were alive, they won. "Rieka we won, he's gone."

"He's gone." Rieka agreed. 

Sandor slurped down some stew trying to ignore Tyrion but he was a little annoying and a little distracting. 

"Can you stop?" Sandor barked.

"I'm just trying to figure out what Rieka could possibly see in you" Tyrion admitted. 

"Fuck off."

"Thats an interesting negotiation." Tyrion countered. "But that's not what I'm trying to figure out, thats really more why she wouldnt want you." 

"Fuck. Off. Imp." Sandor demanded. 

"No hound I dont think I will." Tyrion corrected. 

"Boys play nice." Rieka corrected as she came in. Their eyes stuck to her as she moved. "What's yummy?" She pondered taking a seat beside sandor. Sandor slid his bowl to her and she took a sip. 

"No, I asked whats yummy, this is disgusting" Rieka corrected sliding it back. Sandor shrugged finishing the stew. Rieka caught tyrion smiling back at her. "You hiding something good over there, Tyrion?"

"I missed you." Tyrion countered. "I'm so sorry I wasnt there when you needed me."

"It's okay Tyrion, its been a long time-"

"You lost the babe..."

"I did." Rieka agreed. "I think it was the stress." She admitted. "Of everything..." Tyrion nodded, that made sense. "And then seeing this one flying off a cliff, that really wasnt good for my blood pressure." She added leaning into Sandor's touch. 

"I wish I could have been there." Tyrion repeated. "Took you with me." Rieka chuckled. 

"I'm sure you have all the stories." Rieka remarked. "You are hand of the queen, a queen, one of two or are there more? I wasnt paying attention." Rieka mused. 

"Daenerys is a good woman." Tyrion agreed. 

"She didnt kill the night king, she's just another girl claiming something is supposed to be hers." Rieka countered. "She didnt want to help to winterfell did she?"

"What?" Tyrion countered. 

"Jon was saying something about bending the knee. He didnt bend to her." Rieka realized. Tyrion offered a tight smile. "She didnt want to help us until he bent the knee, king of the north bowing for her." 

"Thats... accurate." Tyrion admitted. 

"I'm glad you are here Tyrion but when we get to Winterfell you best tell your dragon that she is not  in charge of jack shit." Rieka declared. Tyrion didnt know what to say to that. Rieka kissed Sandor's cheek as she got up, he watched her leave. 

"He stole my baby." Daenerys hissed. "I want him to pay."

"He's gone." Rieka countered. "Your baby too no doubt." Daenerys head snapped to the door. "Jon needs his rest, dont bother him." Rieka added. 

"Rieka its okay," Jon assured. 

"Excuse us, as I said, Jon needs his rest." Rieka added, crossing her arms over her chest, she waited for Daenerys to make a move. 

It was a stare off that Jon didnt like being in the middle of. He shifted in bed uncomfortably until Daenerys headed towards the door, clearly seeing a threat or a challenger in Rieka or perhaps she didnt want to be Avalon's chew toy. Golden eyes locked on Daenerys, tail wagging behind her however. 

"Good dog." Rieka agreed kicking the door closed behind her. 

"Who you calling dog?" Jon pondered. 

"Avalon is a wolf, I think you already know the answer to that." 

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