By LunarWrightes

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Wonwoo, a runaway low-life servant, finds himself lost in the woods. All dirty & bloody, he draws the attenti... More

Author's Note
Lost to be Found
Pure Soul
Souls & Spirits
Wall of Bricks I
Wall of Bricks II
Wall of Bricks III
Open Your Eyes
Open Your Heart
Moments Like These
Wall of Bricks IV
Baby Steps
Hypnosis 1
Hypnosis 2
Wall of Bricks V
Your Eyes
Hold Me I
Hold Me II
Important to Me I
Important to Me II
Important to Me III
Gentle ... Gentle
Lovely Encounters I
Lovely Encounters II
Gentle Encounters I
Gentle Encounters II
Gentle Encouters III
Unexpected Wind
Reunited 🤍
How Tables Turn
City Lights
Wall of Bricks VII
My Love 💔 [TW] I
My Love 💔 [TW] II
My Love 💔 [TW] III
Man on a Mission
Mine Oh Mine ‼️ [M]
Origins I
Origins II
Epilogue: Happy Ever After
New Stroy: A Mafia Game

Wall of Bricks VI

623 35 36
By LunarWrightes

-- CHAPTER 31: Wall of Bricks VI --

In the whole Chinese west coast hemisphere, there were two vicious rivals: The Xu's and The Wen's

They are royalties with a very proud history. These two families ruled all over China for years. They had their hands all over the country in politics, real estates, stock market ... and much much more.

They were rivals since the beginning of time , Wolf rivalry and it's a bloody rivalry. In the old days, they fought over territory and land, and no matter how many treaties and peace offerings they signed among each other, one of both of them will eventually break it causing more blood and death.

They were and still are the deadliest most dangerous and powerful people in the county. A Chinese Wolf Mafia of some complicated kind and even up until today, their rivalry continued.

His parents were hands on everything political. They are well known for handling legal affairs and family matters for decades. Jun had two older brothers and they were inseparable Alphas, the pride of their parents, strong and powerful, they were born with a golden spoon, they had everything and much more.

He was trained since young age to be the strong Alpha he was expected to be by his parents and that's what his entire life was about. He liked it for as long as he remembered and he loved being the young lawyer he was, surrounded by pretty girls wherever he went and always got what he wanted ... until he met Minghao at least.

Born as a beautiful omega to his wealthy nonchalant parents. He grew up to be the artistic one unlinke his brother and sister who were all Alpha strong and powerful and very ... lethal.
He hated everything about his family, the greed and thirst of power they had was dangerous and Minghao got to experience that since very young age. Drugs and alcohol were very accessible and too easy to get but he never liked it. He had to pretend to like it so that his family wouldn't give him a headache about it but in fact, he hated so much.

He wished he could leave and be with his mate already. That idea of a perfect romantic life filled his imagination. All he ever wanted was a normal life where he could be a simple art teacher in a small school somewhere outside the busy city life, teaching small children about all the colors of life. A simple life with a loving Mate with whom he could share every little detail, with whom he could be free and comfortable.

His family had a lot of blood on their hands and he never wanted that for himself. He never wanted any of it.

The Meeting:
How they both met was still as confusing and weird as it could ever get.
Think of a business meeting set.
A big company made of glass where everyone could see everyone.
A conference room, tall built men with suits and ties, too formal and too serious.
Body guards and security guards everywhere.

Being the sons of the two biggest Mafia groups in the area, Jun and Minghao were dragged into these yearly business meetings.  It's a must to keep the peace and while Jun loved the attention, Minghao couldn't wait to get away from it.

He was sitting somewhere quiet, away from everything and everyone. Minghao didn't want to be part of any of this black market of a family. He was standing there looking through the glassy window and from a far, a body guard was keeping an eye on him. He was considered to be the weakest link of his family being the only Omega, Minghao was sensitive and hardly ever spoke to any of them, all he wanted to do was to keep his parents happy and that was it.

Minghao looked ethereal in simple clothes, a turtle neck shirt and a jacket, so soft and pretty, he was lost in the clouds of his own thoughts. The scent of his body guard suffocated him but he knew he couldn't escape. He sighed and was about to leave the calm spot he was so happy to find for himself when a dark looking figure caught his attention.

From a far, he saw Jun walking in. The boy was accompanied by four other men, three security guards and his older brother. Minghao panicked and simply froze, he felt his body guard get closer to him and they simply waited until the group passed by.
Just by the look of it, Minghao knew that they were all Alphas, scary looking ones and even though so handsome and very appealing, he hated being alone with them and so he started walking away.

"Hey you"
Minghao didn't stop upon hearing that, he simply didn't think it was addressed to him but in fact it was
"Hey Omega" they called again and the boy stopped, his body guard's pheromones started to shadow him
"Relax man" the voice said and Minghao finally turned to the source "You're the Xu's Omega aren't you?" The much taller boy asked but Minghao showed no interest

"I think you dropped something" he said again, his eyes sharper than life itself and Minghao hated the way he looked at him with such ... arrogance

"I dropped something?" Minghao questioned and only waited for the other's response "My phone number" the man said throwing a smirk and a business card in Minghao's face
Minghao rolled his eyes, his aura was nothing but disgust and anger
"Not in your wildest dream"

Minghao threw the business card right back at him to hit him in the face. Minghao should have known right then and there that he fucked up really bad but he ignored it and walked away only to be chased by them

"HOW FUC**ING DARE YOU?" The older used his Alpha voice and Minghao's feet buckled, he almost fell to the ground. His stupid of a body guard tried to shield him but boy was he useless. The man had him thrown out across the room in a second.

"STOP IT" came another voice, a much calmer and younger voice "It's not worth it" he shook his head and walked closer "You said it yourself he's the Xu's only Omega, they'll come for your head"

The other's glares never left Minghao's but soon realized that it was true. He growled, spat in anger and walked away with the rest of his group, murmurs and curses followed him as he left.

Minghao was panting, that Alpha's voice was no joke.
The younger Alpher approached him "My brother is an asshole, I'm sorry ... I'm Jun"

He introduced himself and extended his hand to help Minghao him stand up but Minghao slapped it away

Jun retreated his hand immediately "Just don't show your face around for a bit, he'll calm down" Jun said and walked away following his brother.

"Fuc**ing brats" Minghao cursed himself for being stuck in this world that wasn't his. This persona created by his family and he didn't want anything to do with. He knew that there wasn't much he could do, these yearly meetings are to maintain peace and not to start quarrels, and if he does spark anything, only God knows what could happen. With these type of people, everything is possible.

He sighed and walked back to his hotel room where he barely did anything. He just wanted to be left alone. He missed the business meeting with the rest of his family, he wasn't even interested and no one even looked for him and so he thought he had a bit of a peaceful afternoon to himself minus the big scary guy who brought him to his knees earlier.

Jun was having a drink with his brothers and the rest of his entourage. He seemed to be having fun until his brother decided to follow that orange flower scent that simply passed through the hallways. Jun frowned and followed him, he recognized that scent, it was the Xu Omega they run into earlier that day, but what Jun didn't like was the way his brother's spirit simply manifested itself in public like he didn't even care.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jun followed his brother
"Oh baby brother you're here, this is going to be fun"
Jun frowned, he was worried about what his brother was about to do
"Don't do anything stupid, whatever you're thinking don't do it, father won't like it"

"You know my rut was recently over and to be honest I'm not fully satisfied with whatever I got" he was a ruthless hungry Mafia, blinded but the dirty life he always had, he waved his hand in the air "But I guess that Omega might just do the trick"

Jun's eyes widened, yes he was part of this underworld but he always had his limits
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DA*N MIND?" Jun growled "You can have anyone you want in this bar" Jun stopped his brother midway "Just go back and pick someone else"

"No one is a werewolf in there except for us, you know that, and none of them is worth it, but him ... his scent is really something else ... so addictive"

Jun's brother seemed to be having a lustful moment "I bet he's so yummy"

"NO" Jun hissed "Think of the consequences, you'll be causing another war"

He laughed "It's about time we got some action anyways, it's getting boring"

Jun couldn't believe what he just heard, his brother's actions were going to be the death of his entire family.
He was on the verge of causing a Mafia war.

He run behind his brother, the man was outside the building. His men all by his side and he witnessed the entire thing. He saw them get closer to Minghao, the Omega resisted him at first but couldn't protect himself from all of them ... why did just sit and watch?
Jun regrets it until this day, he should have stopped it right there and then before it became the nightmare of everyone's lives.

They muffled Minghao's screams and effortlessly... kidnapped him.

Jun cursed under his own breaths "Fu** it" he wasn't going to let his brother get away with this ,especially when Minghao's parents got to know.

All hell broke loose

Minghao's parents' side of the Mafia sent threats and burned down many buildings owned by Jun's family. Jun's brother simply kept tormenting them, taking Minghao from one place to another and ... claiming him as his Mate.

And he wasn't

He wasn't even close to be Minghao's Mate

Minghao hated his guts and never accepted him, they never shared a connection and Minghao promised him over his dead body that he will never establish anything with a man like him ... ever.

And it only made Jun's brother go crazy

He locked Minghao's up in a cold, dark room where there was one person allowed to see him every night ... Jun's brother forced Minghao to be with him, forced him to kiss him, forced him to sleep on the same bed with him ... forced him to have a connection

But it never happened

Time passed by and things were getting worse, Jun fought with his brother countless times and his parents were nothing but smug asses who simply shrugged and huffed sarcastically at the whole thing. Their men were dying on the streets fighting a gang war amongst each other and they didn't even care.

Well he cared
Jun cared

He heard the young Omega cry almost every night.
He saw the maids take away the same tray full of food every single day.

The Omega wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping, only loathed his brother more day after day and it only fueled his parents to get more and more agressive.

It was dead silent in the house that day, Jun took a few quiet steps toward the sealed room. He stood there for a bit to mark his presence and pushed the door open.

Minghao had his back to the wall, all scared and afraid from Jun's sudden arrival.
He didn't say anything but his eyes said a lot.

Jun felt bad for him, damn he was really pretty, no wonder his brother wouldn't let him go, but that wasn't why Jun was here right now.
"Hi" Jun simply greeted "Remember me?"

No, Minghao didn't remember

"My brother is an asshole ... I'm sorry"

Those words ... yes, he remembers now

Jun eyes the boy, he looked thinner than he remembers him, paler, exhausted.

His eyes, sad

Jun found himself drawn to Minghao's eyes, he walked closer and the boy tensed badly. He reached his hand to touch his cheeks and for the second time since they first met, Minghao slapped the other's hand away.

Jun smiled "I expect nothing less from you" he said and it made Minghao even more confused than he already was.
Minghao was strong and Jun admired that, so stubborn and it's endearing really.

"How about you get something to eat I'm sure you're hungry"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Minghao was mad, he was kidnapped and forced to be with someone he could never be with.

"Nothing" Jun said being so calm "Just want to make sure you're doing okay"

"You think I'm doing okay?" Minghao scoffed "Really? How dumb are you?"

"I'm not my brother you know? And I don't agree with what he's been doing"

Minghao shook his head in disbelief "Why are you here really?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that I want to get you out of here?"

"No, I don't ... because no matter what you say, you are exactly like your brother, you are no different than any of your sick headed family"

Jun nodded, no wonder Minghao will think that and he even felt worse when he saw him cry. Without saying another word, Jun simply walked out of the room. He thought that Minghao didn't need words, he needed actions, he needed to show him that he wasn't like his family, that he really cared and that taking him out of there was officially his mission.

For the next few days, Jun came back to see him.
And no matter what Minghao would say to him, no matter how much he cursed at him, screamed at him, hit him even, Jun didn't leave.

And Minghao got used to it

It became useless to even use his energy on him anymore. Jun would come and sit with him for a bit and then leave.

And when he came in to see him today, Minghao didn't bother to even look at him

"Hi" Jun greeted him like he always does and continued to say random stuff about his day, sometimes he would bring him snacks and tell him some news about his parents.
Minghao didn't bother to say anything, he was tired, beaten up and exhausted, his tears never leaving his eyes

This time,

Jun got closer to him when he wasn't paying attention, he usually never lets him get this close without screaming or cursing at him, or maybe throwing something his way but today ... Minghao simply didn't

"Did he hurt you Minghao?" He simply asked because he knew something was way off.
Minghao's eyes were so empty, a body without a soul and it was so bad, the worst Jun has ever seen so far. He sat by his side for the first time and reached his hand to stroke his cheeks and he let him, Minghao let him and not because he wanted to but because he didn't care anymore.

But Jun's touch felt different
He was gentle
He was caring
He was trying to show him that he wasn't like his brother and he ... really wasn't.

Minghao didn't move but Jun's scent was soothing him, it made him feel like nothing has happened, like he wasn't violated and left there to either establish a connection or die, and Minghao chose to die instead.

Jun felt different

"I'm going to get you out of here Minghao, I promise"

He continued to stroke his cheeks gently while his scent was drawn to Minghao's orangy flower scent like no other. Minghao could tell, Jun was nothing like his brother, his touch was nothing like him, he wasn't ... like him.
He found himself getting absorbed into how gentle Jun was, for the first time in a very long while he felt ... safe.
He gave into Jun's touch and he fell asleep.

When he woke up next, it was to a brighter place. Minghao looked around, this wasn't where his so called Mate locked him up, this was much more comfortable, it was warm and pleasant. Minghao blinked feeling confused, looked around for any indications and soon, he caught on that scent again ... Jun.

"Hi" Jun greeted him again as soon as he woke up

He was dizzy and confused "Where am I?"

"Humm let's say I kidnapped you again"

Minghao couldn't help but to scoff in disbelief, a little smile escaping his lips "No you didn't"

"Well, I did" ... "My brother is pissed by the way, he's definitely coming for me but I don't care"

Minghao stared at him for a while and realized that Jun wasn't joking "Jun" and he heard his name being called for the first time "Why are you doing this?"

Jun walked over to him, sat by his side "I don't know Hao, why am I doing this? I guess I just wanted you to see that I'm not like them"

"But you like being with them, you like what they do"

"I liked the power it came with it but ... even that doesn't feel right anymore"

"What are we going to do now?"

"I'm taking you home, and we will take it from there"

Minghao couldn't believe what he heard "You just need to get your strength back first"

He nodded slowly and hesitantly but Minghao didn't know what else to do. He was standing in front of a Mafia guy that turned out to be less of a Mafia and more of a ... guy.
A couple of days later, and they were on their way back to Minghao's place. It definitely wasn't easy going past all those armed dangerous men but Minghao was there and they didn't dare to harm him.

Upon reaching his place, Minghao was about to say goodbye to Jun.
The two looked at each other and all Minghao wanted to do was to hold him tight and say thank you. Their eyes met for a long while

"Will I see you again?" Minghao asked and saw as Jun reached his hand to stroke his cheek again "Maybe? ... I'll try"

Things were getting heated around them, Mafia men around them, calling Minghao's father with their guns showing up right there in Jun's face but neither of them dared to pull the trigger, one wrong move and they'll all be dead.

There was a spark right there, the two looking into each other's eyes like nothing around them mattered. Minghao simply longed for Jun, simply wanted to be in his arms and just like that ... a connection was established.

Jun wiped the tears that fell over Minghao's cheeks "I'm sorry" Jun mumbled the second he realized what just happened to their inner wolves "If I stay, my brother will destroy everything in his way to get to you ... I can't risk that again"

Minghao understood, of course, he nodded "I'll wait for you then" he whispered and Jun smiled sadly before leaving the Xu's territory.

You would think things got better from this point onward but unfortunately they didn't.
A loud sound echoed throughout the room, Minghao was on his knees holding his cheek "Why did you come back?" His mother hissed and his father was furious, his siblings watching from a far "You brought shame to this family, you are too weak, you couldn't even take a strong Alpha like the Wen's son ... you're a disgrace"

Minghao was beyond shocked and traumatized, he was brought back to his family but they didn't take it the way he thought they would
"They brought you back because you are not worth it, you ruined our reputation, our rivals are laughing in our faces"

As for Jun, his brother had him hunt down like a criminal and beaten up by his men. They brought him back to their mansion and made him fall on his knees facing his older brother and he was furious.

"My baby brother out of all people ... you betrayed me?"

Jun breathed in past the bruises that covered his face, he looked beaten up but not at all sorry

"He's just another Omega ... get over him and find a new obsession already"

"Who are you to decide that for me?"

"What else are you going to do huh?" Jun smirked with a sarcastic tone "Kidnap him again? Kill me? Rape another Omega?"

The room temperature seemed to have dropped and the tension was most definitely rising

"You watch what you're saying boy"

"You can never be with him, you don't deserve him, he doesn't even like you to begin with not to mention have a connection with you"

Jun's brother was beyond mad, he was about to transform into his wolf form and tear his own brother apart. He held Jun by the collar and slammed him roughly against the wall

"That little Omega will obey me"

"He will never"

He slammed him even harder and Jun was about to cough up blood "I will get him one way or another"

"He won't have a connection with you"
.... "Because he already has a connection with ME"

Hearing that, Jun's brother's spirit manifested itself "You're dead little brother, you're so fuc*ing dead"
He harshly threw Jun across the room, picked him up again and threw him again harder against the floor "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?"

Jun barely could open his eyes "You c-can hit me as much as you w-want" he stopped for a second to spit the blood that spilled from his mouth "But he will never be yours"

A heated fight, curse words, blood, guns ... Jun barely made it out alive.

Minghao was still at his parents' mansion but didn't plan to stay for long. He hated every single person in that house and he wanted to leave as soon as he could. His inner wolf longed for his connection but Minghao knew that it wasn't going to happen any time soon, he should just forget about Jun and leave this place.
He tried, he tried so bad but he was again a prisoner, no one cared if he was violated or not, no one cared about the many bruises he bared all over his body, no one care that he was slowly dying.

He laid there one night crying again, his breaths too low and his scent almost nonexistent. He wished he could just see Jun one more time before he vanished, he didn't let him get near him before but boy he wanted to feel his soothing hand over his cheeks again ... longing for a gentle touch.

He was drowning in his own thoughts, hoping he would simply die in them and never thought about being saved again because it wasn't going to happen for a second time, that would just be impossible ... or was it?

When Jun walked through their main door in his wolf form, none of those human guards stood a chance, his spirit bright, so bright and strong ... red.
And just like a fire they could never extinguish.
Jun burned the place down.

No one could stop him not even Minghao's parents themselves, he was too strong and way more determined. His scent reached Minghao but the boy was too weak to respond and between his fogged eyes and mind, Minghao thought that he was imagining the whole thing. He thought he was dreaming, Jun's scent, touch and presence, he thought he was imagining things.

Jun picked him from where he was slowly slipping away from reality and walked through the main door with him.
And started running,

To the only place he thought would be safe for them right now.

He run to the Choi's mansion.

Seungcheol's parents were old friends of Jun's family. But the type of friend no one could mess with in this part of town. A few cities away and far from where his and Minghao's Mafia families were shedding each other's blood, each blaming the other for the mess.

Seungcheol's mother was a soft hearted person, she accepted the two with a kind heart while her husband was a bit hesitant.

"Your father will come for us kid you know that right?" Seungcheol's father was this strong Alpha with an intimating aura, his presence was like no other and Jun had nothing to offer him in return for keeping him and Minghao safe

"We will be on our way soon, I just need to know if he's okay"

"He'll be okay" Seungcheol's mother announced "I have a healer attending to him"

Jun was relieved still not being able to look at the Choi couple in the eyes "Thank you" he muttered

"Listen kid" Seungcheol's father was not a joke "I'm sending the Omega away, he needs to be taken cared of"

"W-what ? Where?" Jun asked curious and worried at the same time

"You better not know, for his own safety"

"No please why—"

"My house, my rules" the Alpha cut him off, he turned to his Luna and ordered "They'll stay here tonight, send the Omega away by tomorrow and you" he turned back to Jun "You'll help me bring your father's entire empire to the ground"

Turning against his own family... again?
Sending Minghao away?

No, Jun didn't like this
Was it a mistake coming here?

Jun walked into the infirmary where Minghao was being treated, he heard words like "Trauma" and "Ra*ped" and "Sedated" from the healer that was attending to him. Jun nodded, he already knew what Minghao's been through, he walked in slowly, all he wanted to do was to make sure the younger was okay.

He hesitated if he should touch him or not, what if he didn't like being touched? What if he hated seeing him here? What if he didn't want to be saved in the first place?

A million question run through Jun's head until he saw Minghao's eyes flutter open. He seemed a bit disoriented at first, but as soon as he realized the presence of his connection, Minghao's jolted up quickly looking for him ... he pulled him close and hugged him tight.
Jun released a relieved but painful sigh, he was glad that Minghao was still opening up to him even after the war of a journey they had so far
"You came back" Minghao was almost delusional "You really came back" Minghao held on tight into Jun, his breaths hitched and didn't want to let go

"Of course" Jun said holding him tightly, breathing in that orange flower scent he missed so much "I'm not letting go on my connection that easily"

Minghao broke the hug a bit later and looked up to see Jun's bruised face and body. He run his hand over his injuries so softly and felt the Alpha lean into him "Are we safe here?" Minghao looked concerned

"For now ... but I can't risk you staying here for long"

Minghao looked up "What? Why?"

"They think it's best to send you away, if my brother finds me, at least he won't find you"

"No, no please, I just found you I don't want to go anywhere without you"

"You'll be safer there"


Jun was silent looking deeply into Minghao's eyes "I don't know" he confessed "But I know it's safe for you"

"NO" Minghao screamed and hit Jun multiple times, his tears started flowing and didn't stop "Hao please" Jun pleaded reached his hand to brush the other's cheek lovingly hoping it would calm him down like it did before "I need to make sure that our families will never get to us, and I'll find you again" ... "I'll be there for you, I'll make it up for you"

"NO, you're lying ... how will you ever find me again?"

"I will, I came back for you didn't I ? I'll do it again, only this time, I won't be burning buildings for you" Jun smiled a little behind his glassy eyes "I hope that's okay? Or did you get used to it?"

Jun was trying to make the younger feel better, but Minghao wasn't in the mood for it. They spent the one and only night they could have together in each other's arms chatting some and crying some and when it was time to say goodbye, Minghao lost it again.
Their bond was created in those few moments. Their goodbye kisses were their first kisses ... they were both painful and addictive. Electrifying and passionate.
Minghao didn't want to let go but they were separated once again.

Minghao was sent away by Seungcheol's father and Jun didn't know where.
But you guess it, Jun was sent away to stay with Seungcheol and Jeonghan until Jun figured things out with this Mafia family.

A week turned into months during which Jeonghan diagnosed Minghao with separation anxiety. The younger tried to distract himself, he built an art studio and went back to painting but it never really filled that void while Jun was dodging bullets for him literally and he couldn't even see him or talk to him.
The only thing he had from Jun was the jacket he wrapped him in when they escaped his parents' mansion and the scent around it faded a long time ago.

"A fire spirit?" Seungcheol's dad questioned the young Alpha by his side and Jun nodded. It was a day after Minghao left, he turned back to his Luna "Did you hear that honey? He has a fire spirit"
She smiled looking proud "Just like Seungcheol"

"Huh, what are the odds" Seungcheol's father shrugged but came to know just how strong Jun was. They worked side by side to bring the Mafia down, destroyed all the shady things they represented, things that Minghao didn't know existed. The human and se* trafficking, the organs black market, drugs, and so much more. Seeing what his family and Minghao's family were doing behind the shiny glass companies, the business meetings, the pretty girls and fancy bars, made him sick to his stomach.

He definitely didn't belong there and he was more than happy to bring them all down.

Seungcheol's father patted Jun's shoulder "I knew you'll come around once you saw all the things they did"

Jun nodded looking somewhere beyond what the view the window had to offer him

"He's with my son and his Luna"

Jun turned around confused "It's time you joined him, my son will be lucky to have someone like you by his side, join his pack you deserve a peaceful life"

Jun couldn't believe it
Was his mission really over? Will he see Minghao soon? He wasted no time to find out

When they were reunited again, I'll leave it to your imagination to picture the way Minghao crumbled seeing Jun walk up to him and take him in his arms.

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