Oh Baby Momma

By koovoobi

560K 42.9K 5.6K

Pregnancy is a unique journey that test everyone's physical and emotional strength, not only mom's but also d... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Coming Soon

Chapter 25

6.2K 496 74
By koovoobi

"Jiminie hyung. We will be out after this. Don't tell mom. She will eat our head saying we came for a marriage function and the rest you know, right?", Jungkook whispered to Jimin. "Where are you going?", Jimin asked. "Butterfly cave.", Jungkook replied. "At night?", he asked shaking his head. "haha. We are going to a cave and for butterfly, I have him.", Jungkook said laughing. "You and your flirty line. mm.. Go, be safe. By the way, where is your butterfly?", Jimin asked. "ah. Will be here somewhere. Let me go and see.", Jungkook said and went from there in search of his husband.

In the other part of the same resort, in a dark corner. "aaaaaa..", Juho flew and landed on the ground holding his stomach. "You want to make my husband pregnant? mine? haha.. I loved your authenticity to think like that.", Taehyung lifted him and gave another hard blow on his jaw. "You want to make my baby, momma?", another kick on his nose and the blood splashed out. "Taehy.. Taehyung.. Please don't beat me.. I.. I..am sorry.", Juho pleaded cupping his bleeding nose. "haha.. sorry? sorry?", he titled his head as he took long steps to him. He held his left hand tightly and twisted it back. "How is his curves?", Taehyung asked smiling like a lunatic. "Now you understand why am I a great driver? ah? I handle that everyday, in every condition and climate.", Taehyung whispered in his ears "aaaaa..", Juho thrashed in his hold. "T..Tae..", Taehyung eyes met with the concerned bambi eyes. "T..Tae.. What are you doing?", Jungkook asked walking to him shaking his head. "Leave.. Leave him.. he will die.", Jungkook said checking the other's condition in a worried gaze, but Taehyung tightened his hold. "Tae.. leave.. don't.. it's not his left hand. it's his right hand.", Jungkook said pointing at Juho's other hand. "oh, sorry, baby. This one?", Taehyung left Juho left hand and twisted right one. Jungkook pouted batting his lashes prettily and nodded with his new born face. "He told me he can give me triplets.", Jungkook said in a baby voice by pointing at Juho. "Really? Wow, that will be wonderful. But, Juho, he has the capacity to carry four at a time. Let's try for four.", Taehyung said and pushed him to the wall. "My husband's pregnancy is not the thing you should be concerned about. If you have nothing else, I will give you a matter to be concerned about.", Taehyung nodded at Jungkook by extending his hand. Jungkook smiled shyly and held his hand and spinning on his hand. Taehyung lifted him up by holding him by his waist and twirled him and the next minute, Juho's eyes bulged out, as he fell on the ground by holding his crotch, when Jungkook's heels smashed his b.lls shutting down his entire reproductive system. "AAAAAAAAAAA..", he screamed in pain. "oh.. that will be a lifetime concern.", Taehyung crunched his face imagining the pain Juho is going through now. "I should buy you more heels.", Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheeks and kissed his powdered cheeks. "Come. we are getting late.", Jungkook pouted. "Yeah.. yeah.. come.", Taehyung said and held him by his waist as they walked from there. Yeonjun hid himself beside the wall when he saw Taehyung and Jungkook. His eyes traveled from their retreating figure to the person laying on the floor twisting and turning in pain. Yeonjun licked his lips and went to the person. He crotched down and held his hair. The person lifted his head. "How dare you touch my baby princess.", "aaaaa..", Juho cried when Yeonjun dragged the nail cutter knife on his cheek. He stood up immediately in fear when he saw the blood spot on his cheek and checked both sides before running from there.

Taehyung was caressing his b..bies with one hand, while he drive with the other hand through the woods. "Tae.. leave.. What are you doing?", Jungkook removed his hand. "There is no family now. Wait, is monkey comes in your family line? If so, then I should leave my hands, there are a few hanging up. See.", Taehyung said pointing at the tree top. Jungkook whined and slapped his hand. "It looks soft especially when you don't wear a vest. That's why I can't keep my hands away.", Taehyung pinched his n.pple. "Ah.. Tae. Will Juho tell that to anyone?", Jungkook asked. "Don't know. Let him tell. Let everyone know what his character is.", Taehyung said pulling Jungkook's tees out from his pants. "I.. I feel so awkward. I was never this much uncomfortable.", Jungkook said in a low voice as his eyes brimmed with tear and lifted his one side of tees for Taheyung to touch his bare skin. "Mmm.. I didn't know Nuna is discussing all these things with family.", Jungkook said. "They want something to discuss, right? So, what is the more interesting topic than this?", Taehyung said squeezing his melon. Jungkook nodded and looked at the other side out of the window. "You are vomiting alot. What happened? Is it? Mm?", Taehyung asked. "I don't know. If it was that. The doctor might have said when he took the scanning.", Jungkook said and a few tears fall from his eyes. "mm.. lets test once this time after we reach home.", Taehyung said. "We can't tell when and where our luck will be.", Taehyung bent down and gave a single suck his left b..bies. "ah TAE.. YOU ARE DRIVING. YOU WILL KILL US.", Jungkook shouted at him furiously by holding the steering right away. Taehyung scrunched his nose with a boxy smile. "I know you won't let it happen.", Taehyung held the steering. "Stop doing such things while driving.", Jungkook beat his bicep shaking his head and fixed his tees.

"I think car won't go from here.", Jungkook said looking ahead at the narrow grassy path. "Lets walk.", Taehyung stepped down with his camera and switched on his flashlight of his mobile phone. "Do you think, we will be able to see butterflies at night?", Taehyung asked holding Jungkook's hand for him to step down from the car. "I think there will be anaconda, not butterfly.", he said pointing flash lights on the top of the tree as they walk ahead through the woods. "Don't say that. I am feeling chills down my spines.", Jungkook moved closer to Taehyung and hugged him by his stomach.

"Waaahhh..", Taheyung's mouth hung open. "Baby. It's not butterfly. it's fire flies", Taehyung shook his head and looked at Jungkook, who was in awe. "Whatever it is. It comes under insects categories", Jungkook twirled around with wide hands. Taehyung smiled and took his camera. He took a few candid pictures of Jungkook who is smiling widely and hopping around.

"Look here.. smile..", Taehyung said smiling.

"Jungkook. no. don't touch those plants. We don't know what it might be.", Taehyung said when he saw Jungkook caressing the plants. "Give me the camera", Jungkook took camera from Taehyung's hands and took a few snap of the Taehyung and the surroundings. "Can you remove that top and stand there with wide arms?", Taehyung asked Jungkook. "What??? ah, there will be someone.", Jungkook held his top tightly and turned the other side. "haha. I was kidding.", he winked at him walking to him and hugged him from behind. "There is", Taehyung whispered in his ear by tucking his chin on the top.of his shoulder while his hazel orbs moved from one side to the other and landed on a tree. He looked darkly at it. "Wh..what?", Jungkook gulped down in scarce looking around. "See", Taehyung pointed straight at the tree and dragged his pointed forefinger up to the tree's branch from down, but his spooky, dark gaze remained fixed straight on the tree trunk. "ah.. you scared me. It's a monkey.", Jungkook laughed and shook his head. "Yes, it is.", Taehyung titled his head slightly as his lips formed a smirk. "Come.. lets go.", Taehyung said and held Jungkook by his shoulder as they started walking to the car. Taehyung turned back once again and looked at the certain someone hiding behind the tree. 

As soon as both of them reached the car, Jungkook held Taehyung's wrist and pulled Taehyung in to a kiss. Taehyung smiled and lifted his husband and put him on the car trunk as he sucked his lower lips hard. Jungkook pulled him more and entered his tongue. "Wait.. let's get inside the car.", Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung flatten the back seat and let Jungkook step inside first and he went after that. "Suga hyung will kill us if we cover his seat with c.m", Taehyung smiled and laid and pulled Jungkook to his top, who immediately dived to his neck. Taehyung pressed the button to lift all the shades up. "Ssss..", Taehyung hissed when Jungkook bit his neck. Jungkook sucked his neck and latched on it like a little vampire. Taehyung held his mullet tightly and turned his head to let his baby paint him in purple. "aaahh.", Jungkook rubbed himself on Taehyung's growing member as he cupped his face and started sucking Taehyung's lower lips. "You are a baby. See how you are latching on my lips.", Taehyung whispered and smiled. Jungkook sat up on his lap and held his hem of tees and pulled it up to remove. "Wait.", Taehyung held his tees tightly as his ears sharpen to the footsteps outside. His eyes moved to the window from Jungkook's confused face. "Move", he said and lifted Jungkook up and sat him on the seat before opening the door. He held the hand of the other person and pulled inside the car in a swift motion.

"Yeonie????", Jungkook was surprised to see him. "I.. I..", he shuttered looking at Taehyung and then at Jungkook. "What are you doing here?", Jungkook asked in confusion. "I.. I.. wanted to come with you.. but.. I w..was h..hesitated to a..ask.. what if y..you f..felt un.. uncomfortable.", he shuttered. "oh Yeonie. You should have asked. We are happy to take you along with us. Why did you come alone? Ah? What if you fell into some danger?", Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung tiger gaze trailed all over his little brother's face and handed on his eye. "You should be careful to not come face to face with tiger. It will rip off your flesh.", Taehyung said with a blood-curdling smile. Yeonjun licked his dry lips and nodded breaking eye contact with his hyung. "Not only tiger. There will be snake or what if.. what if someone try to harm you?", Jungkook asked in worry. "This boy. How you even came here?", Jungkook asked. "Bike.", he replied. "oh. then come. lets go back. Where is your bike?", Jungkook asked. "a little away.", Yeonjun replied. "mm.. go and get your bike and ride in front of us. We will follow you. And don't repeat such things. If you want to come with us. Tell us, either me or Tae. Don't do such things to put your life at risk. and don't go to places like this alone at night. We don't know what types of dangers are hiding.", Jungkook shook his head in disappointment. Yeonjun nodded with a thin lips. "mm, go get your bike. Do you want Tae to come along?", Jungkook asked. Yeonjun immediately shook his head vigorously as he doesn't want to be alone with his hyung, at least not now, in the middle of the forest, because tigers are way better than his scary hyung. Yeonjun jumped back to the ground from the car and ran to the place where he has parked his bike. "This boy. I am really balked at his childish behavior.", Jungkook said shaking his head in disappointment. Jungkook looked at his husband who was staring at nothing particular with a straight face. "This is why I love you the most.", Jungkook pulled Taehyung inside the closed the door. "Mmm?", Taehyung asked in confusion. "I am hundred percent safe in this hands. You are aware about the surroundings wherever we go. Your eyes are everywhere.", Jungkook cupped his head with both hands and kissed his lips. "Not everywhere. My eyes are always on you. That's why.", Taehyung bit his lips and pulled it before leaving it. "There he comes. Can we go back?", Jungkook asked. Taehyung nodded and stepped down from the car. He once again looked at the boy sitting on the bike up and down before sitting on the driver seat. Jungkook crawled to the passenger seat as well.

The ride back to the resort was silent. Jungkook laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder listening to the jazz music playing in their audio player. "Do you think, it's pregnancy symptoms?", Jungkook asked. "ah?", Taehyung was in some other thoughts. "My vomiting.", Jungkook asked pouting. "Maybe. Isn't it how people will feel at the early stages of pregnancy.", Taehyung asked and kissed his forehead. "I don't know, Tae. I am not hoping for anything. I am keeping my expectations very low so that it won't hurt that much in the end.", Jungkook said kissing his bicep. "Are you worried about that?", Taehyung asked. "mm.. I don't have anything else to occupy my mind. Only you.. we.. us.. My happiness, worry, thoughts are revolving around it.. only it. Anyways I have you to worry about other stuff.", Jungkook said smiling and kissed his cheek. Taehyung hummed smiling and looked ahead at the boy riding the bike.

..to be continued..

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