In Love With A Monster©

By AlexWritesGayStuff

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Who knew vampires existed? No one. That's who. Vampires took over the world, proving themselves stronger, sma... More



76 3 0
By AlexWritesGayStuff

Quinton impatiently waited at the dinning table of his hosts. He sighed when neither the Princess or the Queen have arrived.

He was about to stand up, annoyed that he had wasted so much time when the Princess entered, wearing a lavishly expensive dress.

“Good morning, Princess Anna.” Quinton immediately greeted.

“Good morning, Prince.” Princess Anna spoke in a deep Russian accent.

“Is the Queen going to join us for breakfast?”

“She doesn't eat breakfast here. It's just the two of us.” Anna said as she sat down at he usual seat, which is across of Quinton's seat.

Quinton sat down. After this, I'll be able to start searching for the gem. Quinton looked at the princess and frowned to himself. She's so self centered, just like her mother. It's annoying!

Quinton kept reminding himself of his mission. Find the gem! Biting back a snarl, he looked at the princess. “You look ravishing, Princess.”

The princess looked at him up and down. She clicked her tongue looking away. Quinton's eye twitched in annoyance.
“If you want to marry me, you should just ask and stop trying to flatter me.”

“I'm not interested in marrying anyone at the moment, Princess. That's my brother's concern.” Quinton said, forcing his tone to be friendly. “I was merely complimenting your beauty.”

“Th other brother is better looking.”

Warrick! Warrick is better looking than me! Quinton's eyes took upon a dangerous red glow, but quickly faded away when food had arrived with the finest of goat blood.

Focusing on his food and the blood, he ignored the princess. (not that she said anything.)

For a split second he wondered whether Devon and Warrick were in better situations than him.


Devon smiled at the crowd in front of him. He delivered a great speech to them just a moment ago about the mission and path of this new research facility he is about to officially open.

The front side of the facility, housed a small museum about the history of the vampires and how the Moonshire Family and the Kataoka Family had worked together to find a way to conquer the sun. Now with the research underway with a newly discovered flower, the two families had once again come together to make another great step for vampire kind.

Devon and the eldest of the Kataoka family children held each a golden scissor. Anaki Kataoka held the right side of the red ribbon while Devon held the left.

Both gave each other a slight nod, cutting at the ribbon at the same time. They then held the ribbon up in the air as photographers immediately took a million photos of the moment.

By the time that it was time for the after party, Devon wanted nothing more than to just go to his room and speak to Dan over the phone.

When morning had arrived in the Moonshire Territory, Devon had tried to call Wennie's phone as he did the past two days, but received no answer or explanation afterwards.

Anaki kept him distracted with work and small things like, 'maybe they're just having too much fun' and 'they're probably sleeping in and sleeping too early.'

Devon knew something wasn't right. Once he finds out what, then maybe he'll calm down.

Once the party is over, he'll call his mother and find out.

Speaking off, Anaki stepped closer to Devon, wearing a pink and green traditional kimono, her hair in a beautiful bun with ornaments and pins placed in such a way that her hair seemed more like a crown.

“Prince, you're still worried about your pet?”

“Kataoka.” Devon began. “Just call me Devon, please.”

“I like Prince more.” She said with a sly smile. “I'm sure they're fine. He's human. What trouble could he possibly cause?”

“Even if he wasn't human, he wouldn't cause trouble.” Devon told her. He looked down at her. Yeah, she was a short stack.
“And he has sleeping problems, he has set times to wake up and to go to bed.”

“I see.” She took a deep breath. “I didn't come for some chatter, though. Some of the investors wants to have word with you.” The last part she spoke in Japanese.
Devon hid his worry, burying them and headed to the investors with Anaki's arm hooked within his own.

Little did Devon know, something did happen and it'll put a turmoil of anger inside his heart.


Dan groaned as a throbbing headache had woken him up.
What happened? He wondered as he pondered on his memories to get an answer only to get more of a throbbing pain in return.


An angry male had shouted. Opening his eyes fully, the first thing he noticed were legs and the ground. He frowned, once he turned his head, the frown dropped.

“LET GO OFF ME! DEVON!” Dan found himself screaming. “Wennie!”



Dan punched, kicked and trashed around to get free from whomever is using him as a bag of potatoes. He felt a pinch on his arm as someone had grabbed it. He turned his head to see it was Wennie.

“Relax, Dan. Sleep.”

“What…Wennie?” Dan slumped again.

“Bitch! You didn't give him enough!” Wennie frowned at Paul as he repositioned Dan's body on his shoulder.

“I gave him double the amount that I should've! Don't piss me off!” Wennie shouted, storming out ahead to the exot od the tunnel. Some of the humans willingly went with the Paul, Rusty and Kent while Wennie and Dan had caught up with them just a few minutes ago.

The reluctant humans were either dragged by other humans or drugged to sleep like in Dan's case.

Rusty and Kent were at the school bus with Alpha, egging the humans on to jump aboard.

“Where's Paul and Wennie?” Alpha asked worriedly when the last human had gotten on the bus.

“They were right behind us!” Kent said. “I'll go look for them!”

Alpha held his cane in front of Kent. “No, look…” Alpha said. Kent squinted his eyes and saw two figures running towards the bus.

“START THE FUCKING ENGINE!” Paul had shouted. Kent jumped in, turned the ignition on. Wennie and Paul had barely made it to the bus when another voice was heard.

“Stop right there, thieves!”

Alpha hopped on, his eyes glowing dangerously as Kent had stepped on the gas. The guard that had chased Paul and Wennie hadn't stop.

The vampire speed enabled the guard to keep up with the pace of the bus.

Screams of terrified humans were heard as Kent expertly dodged trees and boulders.

“We need to loose this fucker!” Paul took off his shirt, sharp claws growing from his fingertips.

Before either Wennie or Alpha could stop Paul, the stubborn idiot had already jumped out of the emergency door, slicing at the vampires throat and chest as he transformed.
The vampire's eyes widened when Paul had shifted into a bipedal wolf creature.

“That idiot!” Wennie shouted. She stood at the emergency exit of the bus while Alpha stood with Dan. He stared at the man resting on a seat. Pulling away Dan's shirt, Alpha saw what he expected to see.

“You're him. You're really the Alpha King.” Alpha chuckled, his knees buckling from underneath him. Tucking a hair strand from Dan's face, Alpha smiled brightly.

“YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU JUST EXPOSED US TO THE VAMPIRES!” Wennie shouted, the whole bus going quiet when Paul had shifted back into his human form as he jumped on.

“Relax! The vamp is dead. The dead can't tell stories!”

“Yeah, but a crime scene can! They'll just put two and two together, you moron!” Wennie shoved Paul into an empty seat. “On top of that, the Queen used to be a detective before marrying the King! She'll find us and lead an whole army to us.”

“Tch, let them know we exist, then! Let them see us a threat!” Paul shouted.

“Both of you calm down!”

Wennie was breathing heavily from anger when she turned her attention to Alpha. “Your bickering is upsetting them.” Alpha turned away from Dan and stood at the front of the bus, cane in hand.
“Everyone! We're not going to hurt you in any shape or form.” Alpha adjusted his fedora and smiled. “As you saw from that gentleman at the back, we are werewolves, but we merely took you away from your vampire masters to help you escape that retched life.”

The humans still looked startled and scared. Afterall, they knew what the vampires were capable of, especially the Moonshire family's power.
They didn't know the power of the werewolves. What chance did they have against the undead beings?

“We're taking you to a safe place where you can do whatever you want and when you want. Delicious food, a warm bed and no one to tell you what to do. Just safety and freedom.”

Rusty drove through the woodlands with ease. The bus had shook and jerked up and down as it treaded across the rough terrain.

Few humans that sat close to Dan, stared at him. Was he dead? They didn't know. All they knew was that the wrath of the Dark Prince will be on them when he comes back from his trip.

Prince Devon was indeef on his way back to the USA and it won't be long before they would witness what exactly he is capable off.

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