Lunar Rising

marcyswales17 द्वारा

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"Defy the light and uncover what the cosmos has chosen to veil....for every moon has a dark side." In the af... अधिक

Ch.1 Red Sail
Ch.2 The Jasmine Thief
Ch.3 Helios
Ch.4 Waves
Ch.5 Promiscuius
Ch.6 Crimes
Ch.7 Two Side Of The Same Moon
Ch.8 Dark Side of the Moon
Ch.9 Shadowfox
Ch.11 Council
Ch.12 Death
Ch.12 True Guardian
Ch.13 Siren's Call
Ch. 14. Venomfire
Ch. 15 She's Water
Ch. 16 Moral Compass
Ch.17 Ivory Tower
Ch.18 Fool For Pretty Eyes
Ch. 19 My Moon
Ch.20 Bloom
Ch.21 Honeybee
Ch.22 Sugar Dumplings
Ch.24 Fire and Ice
Ch.25 Husband
Ch.26 Voreios
Ch.27 Diamond
Ch. 28 Haunted Dreams
Ch. 29 Shadowshade
Ch.30 Friendship
Ch.31 Songbird
Ch.32 King's Play
Ch.33 Oh, Brother
Ch.34 Blue
Ch. 35 Fish in the sea
Ch.36 Dream Effects
Ch.37 Willow
Ch.38 Flower
Ch.39 Dead of Night
Ch.40 Best Soldier
Ch.41 Devour
Ch. 42 Penn

Ch.23 Three is a crowd

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marcyswales17 द्वारा

Chapter 23

The room seemed to close in around Meera as the weight of Eryx's rejection settled on her like a heavy shroud. The silence was deafening, broken only by the soft rustle of the sheets as he departed in the darkness. Meera lay still, her heart aching with the sting of embarrassment and unrequited desire. Snow curled up beside her, his soft heartbeat was the only sound she wanted to hear, not the sound of her husband departing.

She could feel the remnants of her silent tears on her cheeks. The echoes of her unspoken advances lingered in the air, haunting the room like a ghost of shattered expectations.

Meera's facade of pretending to be asleep crumbled as Eryx slipped away, leaving her in the darkness. She couldn't bring herself to face the reality of his rejection, so she clung to the sheets, pulling them tightly to her chest as if seeking solace in their soft embrace.

Burying her face in the pillow, Meera fought against the fresh wave of tears threatening to spill. The ache in her chest was accompanied by a deep sense of humiliation. She questioned every word, every touch, and the vulnerability she allowed herself to show.

The room felt emptier without Eryx's presence, and Meera couldn't escape the shadows of disappointment that loomed over her. In that lonely darkness, she grappled with the realization that her desires had been met with rejection, a painful truth she couldn't ignore.

As the night wore on, Meera clung to the covers, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled longings. The room held the remnants of a moment that had crumbled into heartbreak.

The next morning, as the world continued to spin and sun continued to rise, Meera began to feel the effects of her sleepless night. She had no appetite for conversation or society as all her friends and family came to bid her farewell before her voyage. Forcing herself to keep her eyes open and a small smile on her lips, Meera carried on with little to no control over her emotions. Anytime she felt her chest swell up with heartache, she rushed out of the room with an excuse and found herself a moment of silence away from the crowd.

Meera withdrew into herself, seeking solace in the quiet corners where she could be alone with her thoughts. The once lively spark in her eyes had dimmed, replaced by a vacant gaze that betrayed the storm raging within.

In the depths of her humiliation, Meera grappled with questions that had no answers. Why had Eryx rejected her? What had she done wrong? The weight of uncertainty added to her desolation, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of sadness.

"Cheer up my dear," Iris said to her when she noticed Meera's melancholy eyes.

Meera's gaze turned towards the kind woman who had raised her like her own daughter after her mother had passed. She couldn't stop herself as she threw her arms around Iris and began to weep.

"Meera," Iris laid a hand against the back of Meera's head. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go," Meera declared, tears running down her face. "I don't want to leave you all."

Thinking she understood Meera's worries and sorrow, Iris's heart softened. She pulled back and placed her hands around Meera's face.

"My sweet child, your real home is with Eryx now," she said gently.

"No," Meera shook her head, a gut wrenching feeling fell into her stomach like a stone.

"I know you're frightened," Iris continued. "But you are so much braver then you know. You are resilient, kind, and courageous. Out of all my children, I worry the less about you."

"I don't know what I will do with myself there," Meera confessed. "It's a brand new place with brand new people. I'm frightened."

"When have you ever let fear stop you?" Iris chuckled. "I remember you holding Ozmen's hand and marching him down to his sparing sessions. I remember you jumping into the crowd to help June, I remember you speaking up for the fishermans when your uncle tried to raise their taxes. You've always known what to do and I am positive you will know how to fulfill your new role."

Meera remained silent, the heavy feeling growing in her belly.

"Being a wife is not easy," Iris continued. "But know that you and Eryx have formed a union that comes above all else. Be his support, be his love and be his peace."

Meera's chest tightened with frustration and raw humiliation. She looked up at Iris and dared to speak her mind.

"I have this sinking feeling inside of me," she said. "Eryx has not spent a moment alone with me since our wedding night. And I have tried to get close to him but he shuts me out."

Hearing her words and the worry in her voice, Iris frowned. Her eyes softened and she carefully listened to the words the new wife spoke of her husband.

"I don't know what to do," Meera wiped away a tear and composed herself with a deep sigh. "He won't.........touch me."

"Have you spoken to him?" Iris asked.

"No," Meera shook her head.

"Why not?" Iris's frown deepened. "You should tell him how you are feeling."

"I don't know how to," Meera said, her cheeks growing warm.

"My dear," Iris chuckled. "He's your husband. You can speak to him about anything."

"We're not like you and Uncle Neftali."

"Yet," Iris corrected her. "You're not like us yet. And that's only because your uncle and I have been married for ages. Your journey with Eryx has only begun. But if you don't speak freely to him, how will he ever know what's on your mind?"

Meera was silent once more. She chewed on her bottom lip as she shifted her weight, trying to absorb Iris's words.

"Men like to think they know all," Iris laughed. "Especially about women. But in reality, they only know what we allow them to understand."

"What are you saying?" Meera asked.

"I'm saying you need to express yourself more with Eryx," Iris said. "Sometimes they know far less then we even expect them to. Be clear and tell him exactly what you need, want and desire."

The thought of ever stepping foot in front of Eryx made Meera want to crown into a deep dark hole. She didn't know how she was supposed to face him, let alone tell him what she desired.

"Don't worry too much about it," Iris patted Meera's cheek. "You two will find your rhythm."

Meera slowly nodded, her head spinning and her stomach churning.

"Have you offered your prayers to Poseidon yet?" The queen wondered.

"No, I have not," Meera cleared her throat.

"I suggest you do so before you leave," Iris said. "He will guide your journey through his seas."

"Yes," Meera nodded.

With one last kiss on her forehead, Iris turned and headed back to prepare for Meera's farewell. The day progressed like any other mundane day, except Meera seemed to be the only one walking around with a knot in her belly. As she said her goodbyes to everyone in the palace and made her way down to the temple, her heart felt numb and her head felt dizzy. There were too many emotions to hold onto at once. Meera could not find the space within her heart to store the love for her family, her people, and the worry and embarrassment Eryx placed upon her. She walked around with her emotions swimming in her eyes as she made her journey to the temple and stepped inside to pray to the god of the sea.

"All mightly Poseidon," Meera folded her hands together and kneeled before the altar. "I seek your protection. Guide me through your waters safe and sound. Protect my people, protect my new home, let your soothing water bring life and peace wherever it may flow."

Meera slowly opened her eyes and gazed up at the statue of the god. Poseidon's eyes peered back at her as if he could see through her soul.

"I married him before you," Meera found herself praying once more. "Bless us with an union stronger then the tides."

The stillness in the air tightened Meera's heart. She felt her heart squeeze as the dreadful loneliness she felt at the thought of having to leave behind everyone she ever loved came over her. She felt her eyes water once more as she stared at the statue of the god. A tear slipped down her face like a diamond. Meera could hear the waves outside the temple and the distant drums coming to the beach to wish her farewell. Her stomach churned as she swallowed the emotions and rose to her feet.

Holding Snow close to her chest, Meera dragged herself to the door. The blinding light was a stark contracts against her gloomy mood. She would see the clear blue skies and the open sea as she paused at the top of the steps. The Vorean red sails waved in the air. Not a single cloud was in the sky. Meera thanked the gods for the beautiful memory of her kingdom. Her heart swelled with pride and reassurance knowing Azmeera would continue to grow beautiful, with or without her.


Eryx's voice instantly shot an arrow through Meera's heart. Her lungs deflated as the hot burning sensation of his voice stole all of Meera's limited peace. Her heart began to race as she tore her gaze away from the horizon and looked towards the prince waiting for her.

There, at the bottom of the steps, Eryx's face was a mask of composure, devoid of any emotion. As Meera descended the steps towards him, memories of their first encounter flooded her mind. On that day, his eyes had mirrored the same guarded intensity. Yet, unlike the past, as she drew closer, the impenetrable facade began to reveal hairline fractures. Eryx's eyes, once impenetrable, now wandered over her face, absorbing the distress she wore like a cloak. In a fleeting moment, Eryx's posture shifted uncomfortably, and he reached out for Meera's hand.

"All of your belongs have been delivered to the ships," He said.

Meera nodded her head, shifting Snow in her hand. She slowly pulled away from Eryx and began to run her hand over the kitten's soft fur. A small muscle feathered in Eryx's jaw as he took note of her action.

"It's time," he said, his mask of composure slipping back on.

Finding her strength, Meera followed Eryx down the path and towards docks. She let her eyes wash over her family from afar as they grew closer and closer to the people gathered. Unable to contain her emotions, Meera abruptly broke away from Eryx's side and sprinted towards Marcella and June. The sisters, sensing Meera's distress, enveloped her in a tight embrace, their tears mingling with hers. The onlookers shared in the collective sorrow, and a handkerchief was offered to Iris by one of the Queen's ladies.

Amidst the tearful embrace, June's plea broke through, "Promise you will write to us every week, and you will never miss the harvest celebrations, no matter what happens."

"I promise," Meera affirmed, her voice quivering.

"And promise me you will look after yourself," Marcella added, grabbing Meera's shoulders and turning her toward herself. "You will give up being so hot headed and act with caution."

"I promise," Meera, overwhelmed by the impending separation, made heartfelt promises through her sobs.

"No, no," Iris stepped forward. "This isn't a goodbye, girls. She'll be back to visit befor eyou know it. The harvest only a few more months away."

But as soon as Meera looked towards Iris with her tearfilled eyes, Iris could no longer keep herself composed. She looked at Meera and her heart shook with sadness. Her arms wrapped around her and she pulled her closer to her chest. Neftali, with his own eyes full of emotions, walked up to stand beside his wife and niece. He patted Meera's hair and kissed her forehead before his emotions got the best of him too.

No one wanted to let go of Meera. They held her in their arms until every last Vorean soldier stepped onto the ship. Zeya and Eryx waited beside the king and queen with polite smiles on their faces as Ozmen stepped forward to say his farwell.

"Look at me," he said, placing his hands around Meera's face and looking into her eyes. "If you ever miss home, know that I'm only a notice away," he assured her, a mixture of sadness and love in his gaze. Meera nodded, the pressure in her chest making each breath a struggle. Ozmen then took her hand, leading her to Eryx.

"Promise me you will never let anything happen to her," Ozmen addressed Eryx with a brother's concern.

Eryx, taking a deep breath, responded with a sense of duty, "I promise."

"And if you ever hurt her," Ozmen's tone turned stern, "I will sail through every sea and climb every mountain to seek justice."

"Understood," Eryx nodded solemnly.

With the weight of promises and farewells hanging in the air, Eryx's touch was a gentle reassurance as he took Meera's hand, providing a steadying support as they ascended the gangplank onto the ship. Each step resonated with the gravity of the moment. They stepped onto the deck, and the ship stirred with the anticipation of departure.

Eryx, mindful of Meera's emotions, guided her to a vantage point where she could observe the family waving to her from the deck. The sails billowed overhead, catching the wind that would carry them away from the familiar shores. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of departure, and the ship seemed to respond to the collective emotion.

Meera, standing on the deck, felt a tumultuous mixture of emotions coursing through her. The ache inside her chest intensified as the ship began to glide through the water, leaving the harbor behind. Her eyes stayed locked on the dock where her family remained, their faces etched with a poignant blend of love and sorrow. The salty breeze carried their voices, now distant but still filled with the echoes of heartfelt goodbyes.

As the ship sailed further, Meera clung to the railing, her fingers tracing the contours of the wood, etching the image of her family into her memory. The rhythmic sound of the waves against the hull accompanied the ship's steady progress. Her eyes, still damp with tears, watched shores disappear, and her family's figures grew smaller as the distance increased. The vast expanse of the sea mirrored the depth of her emotions, and she cried silently as the strong wind picked up, pushing her further away from Azmeera.

Eryx, understanding the significance of the moment, stood by her side. He didn't speak, allowing the sounds of the waves and the melancholic echoes of farewells to fill the space between them. Eryx remained a silent companion, willing to stand beside her for as long as she needed him there, offering solace in the face of a bittersweet departure.

As Meera stood on the deck of the ship, her gaze fixed on the disappearing shores of Azmeera, the last vestiges of familiarity slipped away on the horizon. The once vibrant landscape now blurred into a distant memory, swallowed by the vast expanse of the open sea. The salty breeze whispered tales of distant lands, carrying with it the weight of Meera's mixed emotions.

After may long hours, the sun dipped below the edge of the world, casting a warm glow over the ocean. The colors of twilight painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the gentle waves that carried the ship forward. Nightfall approached, and the stars began to emerge, adorning the canvas of the night sky.

"Eryx," Zeya walked up to the prince, her voice low but heavy with concern. "She hasn't eaten anything all day. How long will she sit there?"

Zeya and Eryx turned their heads to look at Meera sitting by the railing of the ship, staring at the dark horizon where Azmeera vanished.

"It's getting cold too," Zeya added. "I'll take her side and see if she will have dinner."

With a small nod, Eryx stepped aside. He let Zeya approche Meera and help her to her feet. As they passed, Meera kept her gaze lowered and did not bother looking back at him. The pain on her face tightened Eryx's chest and no amount of air on the open sea could help him. With a heavy heart, he followed her as she retreated to her quarters.

"I got this," Zeya said, stopping Eryx from enterign the room.

Eryx hesitated, his gaze flickering toward Meera over Zeya's shoulder.

"A warm bath and some food," Zeya said. "She'll be okay."

Meera, staring at the burning candles inside the room, listened quietly. She turned away from Eryx's watchful eyes but the heat of his gaze still burned her skin. Feeling exhausted, she took a seat on the edge of the large bed and slipped off her slik slippers. After several long seconds, Eryx stepped away from the door and Zeya let out a small sigh.

"I can help myself," Meera said quietly as the girl turned toward her.

"Are you sure?" Zeya asked.

Meera nodded, "Yes."

"Would you like some company?" Zeya asked politely, feeling pity for the princess. "We can have dinner together and maybe play some cards?"

"I would like to get some rest," Meera spoke with patience and tiredness. "It's been a long day."

"Of course," Zeya smiled gently. "I'll have hot water brought in for your bath. And the night air can get very chilly at sea. There are extra blankets inside the chest."

"Thank you," Meera rose from her seat and walked over to the small tub hidden behind the partition in the room. The warm glow of the candle provided just enough light for her to find her things as Zeya exited the room and left her on her own.

Meera's hands and feet were ice cold. She quickly drew a bath for herself once the hot water was delivered and slipped inside. Her long dark hair hung over the edge of the claw tub as she sighed and watched the steam rise from the water.

Below the ship, the water was restless. Meera could feel every current and every wave. She stayed inside the tub, feeling the warm embrace her as she listened to the sea. Her heart hummed softly and the days exhaustion began to catch up with her.

Rising from the rub, Meera dried herself off and put on the dress Zeya had sent for her. The material was much thicker then anything Meera had ever sworn before. The sleeves her long and the round neckline sat firmly over her chest. Meera did all the buttons on her bodice and pushed her hair over her shoulder to run a comb through.

She stared at her own reflection in the mirror and fetl her stomach churn. The moss green of the dress made her tan skin look dull and lifeless. The fabric was too heavy to flow with the wind and every time she moved, it caught around her feet. Meera wished she could slip it off and wear one of her silk gowns. But the air was too cold.

Feeling her eyes grow heavy, Meera walked over to the edge of the bed and pushed the covers back. Climbing into bed, she laid her head down against the pillow, seeking solace in the rhythmic sounds of the sea outside—an unwitting lullaby that played in tandem with the ebb and flow of her emotions. The embrace of sleep beckoned, promising temporary respite from the ache within.

Yet, just as the tendrils of sleep began to weave their spell, the door creaked open, and Eryx's presence entered the room. Meera's eyes remained shut, a deliberate choice to shield herself from the complexity of emotions that surfaced in his proximity. She sensed his movements as he approached the bed and halted at its edge.

In the dimly lit room, Meera grappled with conflicting emotions. She didn't have words to express the turmoil within, and lifting her head from the pillow to acknowledge Eryx's presence felt like an overwelming task. Her eyes remained closed, an attempt to maintain a facade of indifference, while her steady breathing betrayed the emotional storm within.

As Eryx stood by the bed, Meera's heart ached with the unspoken longing for his comfort. She yearned for his arms around her, a haven that could dispel the hollowness inside her chest. The desire to ask for solace warred with the fear of further rejection. The scars of his refusal were still too raw, and Meera found herself caught in a silent struggle against her own vulnerability.

After several minutes, Meera heard Eryx move once again. He lifted one of the extra blankets off the edge and spread it over the bed. Just as he brought it up to cover Meera, she lost her battle and opened her eyes.

Eryx stilled, his gaze falling on her deep brown eyes.

"My apologize," he said, his voice gentle. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Meera slowly pushed herself up, her hair falling around her shoulder. Eryx's eyes lingered on her long strands.

"Where's Snow?" She inquired.

"He's been with me," Eryx said, his face showing concern as he pulled back slightly. Meera watched him and frowned.

"How are you feeling?" Eryx asked.

"Why won't you touch me?" The words spilled out of Meera, her frustration and longing evident. Eryx remained still, her unexpected question catching him off guard. When Meera lifted her lashes, revealing the vulnerability in her eyes, Eryx's pulse quickened.

"Is it because of Dawn?" Meera's inquiry cut through the tension, and Eryx's brows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" he responded, genuinely perplexed by her assumption.

"You won't touch me," Meera continued, her chest tightening with each word. She fought to restrain the tears threatening to surface. "Is it because of Dawn? Are you... do you... is this about her? Is she the reason why you won't touch me? Why we haven't consummated this marriage yet?"

Eryx sighed, a mixture of frustration and understanding in his expression. "Meera, is this all you can think about?"

"We're upsetting the gods," Meera reminded him, her concern etched across her face.

"Some perverted gods, don't you think?" Eryx arched a brow. "I'm sure they have better things to entertain themselves with."

"How can you speak about the gods like that?" Meera frowned.

"I mean no disrespect, your highness," Eryx shook his head. "But I can assure you they are not so interested in us consummating."

"And neither are you, apparently," Meera snorted.

"Is that why you're so upset with me?" Eryx asked, trying to comprehend her perspective. "Because you think I'm not interested in you?"

"I'm upset because I don't want to anger Poseidon," Meera's eyes narrowed. "We married before him. We're disrespecting him by not-"

"We're not disrespecting anybody, Meera!" Eryx's voice grew stern. "There are bigger things waiting for you than these trivial duties and rituals you've been taught to worship."

"What can be bigger than our duties to the gods?" Meera questioned, her loyalty to tradition evident. "You are your father's heir. One day you will be king. If the gods are not happy with you, Eryx, your people will pay the price."

Eryx, standing his ground, contemplated Meera's words.

"We cannot let fear dictate our actions," Eryx finally spoke, his voice holding a blend of determination and empathy. "I care for you deeply, Meera, and I want our union to be based on more than just fulfilling rituals or fear of divine retribution."

Meera, torn between the teachings she had grown up with and the desire for a meaningful connection, regarded Eryx with a mixture of uncertainty and yearning.

"I know the weight of responsibilities that come with being the heir," Eryx continued. "And I can not tell you how much it means to me that you are already thinking of my people's well being. But Meera..."

Reaching out, Eryx touched the edge of her face, his warm touch sending sparks down her body.

"Once you know your true destiny, all this will seem irrelevant," Eryx explained.

"And what is my true destiny?" Meera asked. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Becuase the council will be the one to teach you," Eryx said, his thumb rubbing the edge fo her face. "I'm bound by my own duties to the gods, belive it or not."

"Can you tell me anything?" Meera frowned.

With a deep sigh, Eryx lowered his hand and took a seat on the edge of the bed. He reached out and took Meera's hand from her lap. Turing it over, his finger began to trace the lines on her palm.

"In Voreios, the Council of the Eques hold the same, if not more, power than the royal family," Eryx began. "There are four councill members. Fenno, Lyall, and Zeeb, and my father."

"They're all highly trained in their respective fields. Fenno is well versed in history of the wolves and elementals, Lyall trains our armies and wolves, Zeeb is the man to go to for any spells or potions and my father, well, he's there to make sure all runs smoothly."

"Do they know about me?" Meera asked. "Have you told them?"

"Of course, I have," the edge of Eryx's mouth curved up as he looked up. "They're all very eager to meet you."

"You said there was another elemental before me," Meera said. "What happened to them? Where are they?"

"Do you remember me telling you their mate when rogue?" Eryx asked.

Meera nodded.

"Jasper took his elemental with him," Eryx said, his voice grim as if the subject of the rogue mates were distressing him. "He didn't think about his duties, he didn't think about his family, or about his mate."

"Where did they go?" Meera asked.

"Th Northpass," Eryx said. "Jasper joined the shadows and his mate followed him."

"Why would he do that?" Meera tried to understand.

"The dark forest and it's shadow can be very convincing," Eryx explained. "They will tell you what you want to hear, offer you what you could not obtain, and make promises to you beyond your wildest dreams."

Meera felt a shiver run down her spin. The flickering lights from the candles casted strange shadows on the walls as Eryx continued to run his finger over her palm.

"It's our job to keep the Northpass from spilling into this world," he explained. "You and I, along with Zeya, Sven and their mates, it's up to us to be the guardians."

"How will we do that?" Meera asked.

"By training," Eryx smiled. "By learning, and practing your magic so you are the strongest you can be."

"And the other elementals?" Meera asked. "Where do we find them?"

"Destiny will bring us to them," Eryx sighed. "When Zeya or Sven feel a strong pull to a place, we'll know where to look."

"Is that how you found me?"

Eryx smiled, "Yes.....I kept dreaming of white sand beaches and blue waters. So when the opportunity presented itself for me to come to Azmeera, I had a very good feeling about it."

Meera nodded, soaking in all of Eryx's words with curious eyes. He could see all the questions forming in her mind, ready to spill out and fill the night. But knowing she needed to rest, Eryx slowly pulled back.

"You should get some rest," he said.

Meera's eyes dimmed and Eryx's heart immediately contracted. He could see her cheeks warm the way they had the night before when he pushed her away. The sharp pain inside his chest left him feeling breathless as Meera's lips parted and her eyes filled with sorrow.

"I'm not going anywhere," Eryx said. "I'm staying right here."

Meera looked unconvinced. She lowered her gaze as if preparing herself for disappointment. She didn't say a word as she began to pull the covers over herself once more.

"Do you want Snow?" Eryx asked, watching her retreat back into her shell.

Meera nodded, "Yes."

Eryx turned on his feet and walked out of the room. Meera felt her heart pinch as the door closed and his warmth vanished with him. The breath she had been holding struggled out of her as she pulled the blankets closer and curled up on the edge of the bed. After a few minutes, the door opened once more and Eryx walked holding Snow.

Walking to the edge of the bed, Eryx placed Snow beside Meera and watched the little kitten burrow itself against Meera's chest. Feeling his soft fur, Meera smiled and pulle dhim closer. When she looked up, Eryx was still watching her.

"What is it?" Meera asked.

"Nothing," Eryx shook his head. He turned towards the door and walked over to lock it. The sound of the metal turning hung in the air as Eryx walked back and slipped into the spot beside Meera.

"Meera?" He called to her in the darkness.

"Yes..." Meera answered.

There was a long pause before Eryx spoke again, "Nothing."

"Good night, Eryx."

"Good night, M."

Meera's heart fluttered with a subtle joy, the warmth of Eryx's touch bringing a sense of tranquility. Snow began to purr on her chest while Eryx's hand found her's under the sheets. The gentle rocking of the ocean wrapped them in warmth and comfort as Meera and Eryx grew closer and closer to one another in the darkness. They eliminated all the space between themselves as Meera rolled onto Eryx's chest and his arms wrapped around her. Their legs tangled and their bodies stuck together like maganets. Eryx buried his nose in the web of Meera's dark hair and filled his lungs with her scent. By the time dawn broke, Meera was sure he had stolen all her scent. When her eyes opened, Eryx was standing by the small window in the room, his sharp eyes watching the world outside as he fastened the buttons of his shirt.

"Good morning," Meera slowly sat up.

Eryx looked over his shoulder. Upon seeing her, he walked over to the edge of the bed and placed a kiss on top of Meera's head.

"Good morning," he said. "How did you sleep?"

"Well," Meera nodded.

"Good," Eryx said. "We have another long day ahead of ourselves."

"What's going on?" Meera wondered.

"We've reached Voreios."

"We have?" Meera's eyes widened.

"We reached the shores," Eryx explained. "It's a two day's journey from here to the mountains."

"Oh..." Meera frowned.

"Dress warm," Eryx advised, touching Meera's face and looking down at her with concern and tenderness. "Zeya will help you. I'll meet you outside when you are ready."

"Okay," Meera nodded.

"And Meera?"


"Wear my insignia," Eryx said.

Meera smiled, "Okay."

With a quick kiss on her head, Eryx walked over to the door and stepped out. Meera pushed the covers back and hurried to dress. She washed and brushed her hair just as breakfast arrived and Zeya walked in with another heavy dress and a long wool cloak with a fur hood.

"This weighs more than I do," Meera commanted.

"It'll keep you warm," Zeya said, her eyes shifting to the rumpled bed. "Did you get a good night's rest?"

Meera nodded, her cheeks blushing as she thought of Eryx's arms around her, "Yes."

"Eryx stayed here?"

"Yes," Meera nodded once more. "Why?"

"Just wondering," Zeya shrugged. "Come out when you are ready."

Meera took the cloak from Zeya and turned to put it on. She stood before the mirror and carefully fastened it around her shoulders to keep her long hair from getting caught and snagged. Once she was done, she took the silver bird out of the box and placed it over her heart.

"Okay, Snow," Meera walked over to the bed and picked up her kitten. "Let's go."

Outside the small cabin, the cold air hit Meera's face with an icy force as soon as she opened the door. A gasp escaped her lips, the frigid wind chilling her to the bone and causing every strand of Snow's fur to stand on end. She swiftly tucked the feline companion into her pocket and pulled her cloak tightly around herself. The winter boots on her feet made a distinctive click-clack against the wooden deck as she navigated around the corner to the main deck.

Meera's breath formed crystalline clouds in the freezing air as she beheld the scene before her. The looming mountains, their peaks obscured by gray skies, merged seamlessly into one endless shade of dreariness. The water, once vibrant, had transformed into a dull gray expanse, mirroring the overcast heavens above. The black sand on the desolate beaches looked unearthly, enhancing the somber atmosphere that enveloped the ship.

A sense of foreboding settled over Meera as her heart pounded within her chest. Her eyes scanned the land before her, capturing the desolation of the landscape. The once vibrant and diverse hues now muted into a monochrome canvas of gloom, and a shiver ran down her spine as the chill in the air seemed to seep into her very bones

"Ready?" Eryx asked, offering her his hand.

"Yes..." Meera nodded with uncertainty. She quietly followed Eryx off the ship and let him alk her to the carriage.

The soldiers, a formidable and imposing group, awaited on the beach, their armor glinting ominously under the gray skies. Their disciplined formation exuded an air of authority, each one a testament to the strength of the military escort that had been arranged for their return. Meera quietly followed Eryx, the weight of the soldiers' collective gaze intensifying the sense of foreboding that clung to the desolate landscape.

"Who are all these people?" Meera asked, her eyes scanning the multitude of soldiers and horses that stood in readiness.

"Our escort back," Eryx replied, his gaze focused ahead, not meeting hers.

"So many?" Meera inquired, the sheer number of soldiers raising both her curiosity and concern.

"Yes," Eryx responded tersely, his tone clipped, revealing little about the purpose or nature of the escort.

Meera began to feel the knots in her stomach return. She waited by the carriage as Eryx walked ahead to speak to one of the soldiers. The cold wind nipped at her nose and made her eyes water. She sniffled and rubbed the back of her hand over her cold nose. In an attempt to warm up, Meera cupped her hands around her mouth and blew out warm air.

"Need some help?"

Startled, Meera whirled around and found herself face to face with a man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Eryx. His features were strikingly similar – black hair cascading with a similar effortless elegance, a sharp nose commanding attention, and a strong jawline mirroring the resolute profile of the silver-eyed prince. Even the small, confident grin that played on his lips echoed the familiar charm of Eryx.

However, as Meera scrutinized him, she noticed a distinctive difference that set him apart. His eyes, unlike Eryx's silver gaze, held a different hue. Instead of the cool, metallic sheen, this man's eyes sparkled with a warmth that felt both inviting and disconcerting in the midst of their striking resemblance.

"Ride with me and I'll keep you warm," the man smiled, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Excuse me?" Meera frowned.

The man's eyes roamed over Meera's face and the grin on his face spread, "Well, aren't you a fine glass of wine. This must be my lucky day."

Meera's frown deepend and took a step back. The man advanced forward.

"Don't look so scared now," he chuckled. "I don't bite like him."

Before Meera could say anything, Eryx appeared beside her. His dominating presence should have discouraged the man from uttering any more nonsense but it didn't.

"Damn," he said. "You've spent far too long in the sun, haven't you?"

"You're scaring her," Eryx commanted, his face grim.

"Am I?" The man turned towards Meera.

"I'm not so easily scared," Meera pressed her lips into a thin line. Her words caused the man to arched his brow.

"Good," he winked. "I like 'em like that."

"Andrick-" Eryx warned just as Meera spoke up.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The man, Andrick, looked from Meera to Eryx.

"He didn't tell you?" He asked.

"No," Meera shook her head.

A smile spread over Andrick's face. His eyes shifted towards Meera and he bowed his head.

"Allow me to introduce myself, your grace," he said. "I am Andricks Alexious. Eryx's brother."

"You have a brother?" Meera looked up at Eryx, her surprise evident in her gaze.

"Two brothers," another voice chimed in. Meera turned to find a young boy, about June's age, stepping forward from the group of soldiers. Like Eryx, he had dark hair that framed his face with a similar allure, and his moss green eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, reminiscent of the prince.

Meera's eyes widened at the revelation, the realization settling in that Eryx had siblings she had yet to meet. The resemblance between the young boy and Eryx was striking, reinforcing the family connection. As the boy stepped closer, there was a shared essence in their features that spoke of a common lineage

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Meera," the young boy named Will said, his manners as refined as his older brother's. With a gallant gesture, he took Meera's hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it. "I'm Will, Eryx's younger brother."

Stunned by the unexpected introduction, Meera found herself gazing at the three brothers standing before her.

I think the story is just about to begin now.... :P 

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