Looking Through the Cracks

By ScarletThrone1123

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**How do you win a battle against yourself?** Meet Ivy Fitzgerald, a teenage girl from a small town in New Ha... More

Chapter 1: Once in a Lifetime
Chapter 2: An Inescapable Monster
Chapter 3: A Breath of Fresh Air
Chapter 4: Framed Memories
Chapter 5: Flying Through the Forest
Chapter 6: Burgers and a Breakdown
Chapter 7: Surviving vs. Thriving
Chapter 8: Breaking News
Chapter 9: Where Am I?
Chapter 10: Lost and Found
Chapter 11: Not So Black and White
Chapter 12: The Yellow Wallpaper
Chapter 13: Coffee and Conversation
Chapter 14: Prepping for the Party
Chapter 15: A Drunken Dance
Chapter 16: Life Support
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 18: His Greatest Fear
Chapter 19: Rumors
Chapter 20: Words and Weapons
Chapter 21: Fact or Fiction
Chapter 22: Family Dinner
Chapter 23: Play Pretend
Chapter 24: Oh, By The Way
Chapter 25: A Glimpse of Riches
Chapter 27: A Fish Out of Water
Chapter 28: Fun and Games
Chapter 29: A Prince and Princess
Chapter 30: Past and Present Hauntings
Chapter 31: A Night of Wishes
Chapter 32: Taking the Leap
Chapter 33: Replaying the Past
Chapter 34: Pushed from the Precipice
Chapter 35: Through His Eyes
Chapter 36: Failed Attempt
Chapter 37: Shadow Self

Chapter 26: Not Just a Wedding

25 2 0
By ScarletThrone1123

Any remaining concern Ivy had about being overdressed for the wedding was immediately extinguished the moment she stepped outside onto the veranda. Ivy's eyes were instantly drawn to the crowd if that is even the right word to describe a gathering of people this extravagant looking. It turned out that Alice's dress was the standard of fashion: before Ivy stood a collection of wedding guests each appearing to outshine the next. It reached a point where Ivy felt as though she was wearing a paper bag amongst a room of royalty.

It was only after she had recollected herself that she noticed the scenery of the ceremony. Before her feet lay a slab of white and gold marble sprinkled with miniature sunflowers along the sides that extended down the aisle towards the front of the seats. At the end stood a large arbor that looked like it was made entirely of greenery. Primarily consisting of a variety of leaves, the arbor also had sunflowers, baby's breath, and deep blue hyacinths speckled throughout it. Beyond that, and surrounding the entire ceremony were several large gardens that contained every colored flower imaginable. Nevertheless, this still was not the most impressive part of the scenery, for beyond the veranda out in the distance stood the breathtaking view of the mountain range. On a cloudless day like today, Ivy could clearly make out the top of all the mountains.

Pointing toward the middle of the range Ivy asked "What mountain is that?"

"Mount Washington. It's where this place got its name. It actually has a pretty interesting history to it."

Ivy was surprised to find that Mr. Witherby now stood where B was beside her. "Oh, Mr. Witherby! I didn't know you were there!"

He chuckled deeply at Ivy's reaction, "Ivy, how long have you been living with us now? Please, forget the formalities, and just call me Braxton already!" He gave her a friendly nudge with his elbow and a wink as though this would solidify their friendship.

"Sorry! I think it's just where we are right now..." Ivy looked around the veranda again, as if that explained enough. "I've never been somewhere this nice before, never mind attended something this fancy. I guess I'm just a little nervous."

"Don't be. It's just like any other wedding, just with a lot more decorations." He gave another hearty chuckle to his own laugh.

Ivy gave a knowing giggle, "you can say that again." Again, her attention was drawn back to the view of Mount Washington. "What were you saying about this mountain again?"

Instantly, Braxton's eyes lit up with the same joy one might see in the eyes of a child about to show off his macaroni art. A smile broke across his face, and Ivy realized that this was the first time she had ever seen Mr. Witherby look so happy. With the air of an often repeated lecture, Braxton began to elaborate on the history of the mountain. "You see, Ivy, Mount Washington is most commonly known for being the tallest mountain in this region. It's no Mount Everest, but to the people here, it might as well be for how important it is for the tourism and economy." He leaned towards Ivy and pointed towards the mountain, "Do you see that kinda crack down the middle of the mountain?"

Ivy squinted her eyes as she looked down Braxton's pointer finger. Just like he said, there was a long black line that looked like the beginning of the mountain breaking in half.

Satisfied that she had discovered it, he continued, "That is the Mount Washington Cog Railway. Ever heard of it?" Ivy shook her head. "Well, thanks to a Mr. Sylvester Marsh, there is a train that travels all the way to the top" his pointer finger trailed up the crack towards the tip of the mountain. "When he originally came up with the idea, a train that can climb a mountain, everyone thought he was crazy. In fact, when he sought out the approval to begin his project, the committee said he might as well 'build a railway to the moon.' Not only did he prove those people wrong, but he ended up creating the first mountain climbing railway in the whole world." He paused as his story sunk in, "It's really quite impressive when you think about it." He continued to look out into the distance, a look of pride and longing written across his face. As he casually brushed the front of his crisp black suit, he apologized, "Sorry about that. I tend to lose myself a little when I talk about history."

"Don't apologize, it's nice." And Ivy meant it, and honestly, she was a little jealous too. That kind of happiness was something Ivy had never experienced before. Yes, when she was younger, but since her mother left, some days it seemed like she would never be that happy. It made her wish that one day she might find something she loves just as much. But as soon as she began to hope for a future, her monster wiggled its way back. Don't waste your breath! You'll never be happy like that. Just give up! Instantly, that hope was dashed, and all Ivy saw in her future was unbearable sadness. Before she could fully submit to the negativity her monster bombarded her with, she felt someone lightly grab a hold of her elbow.

"We should probably grab our seats; I think things are about to start soon"

Of course, it was B who was beside her. B would always be there for her, even when she didn't deserve it. Even when she didn't want him there, B always managed to be there, supporting her. He doesn't deserve this. He shouldn't have to take care of someone like me. He should be able to find someone better. Someone who isn't so irreparably broken.

"Are you okay? Did my dad say something?" B's eyebrows furrowed together in confused concern.

Giving a quick shake of her head, Ivy recollected herself. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that. I was just spacing out, that's all." She gave a faint laugh, hoping that would soothe B's concerns.

He squinted slightly at Ivy, searching her face for any traces of distress. She maintained her painted smile, until B, satisfied that Ivy was okay, broke into a grin, that grin that always warmed Ivy's slowly freezing heart. "Good! Now let's go sit so we can get this show on the road!" Still holding her elbow, B led her to a pair of chairs located on the right side of the veranda, whether it was the bride's or groom's side, it wasn't clear to Ivy. Before taking her seat, Ivy noticed a scroll of paper held together by a golden ring encrusted in an array of emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds. Carefully, as though it were a ticking bomb, Ivy lifted the paper from her chair and placed it lightly in her palm. As she tilted her hand slightly back and forth, she could see specks of green and blue sparkling across the front of her.

Unlike Ivy, B had already slipped the golden ring off his scroll, and nonchalantly placed it on the seat beside his. Afraid to unravel her own, Ivy peered over B's shoulder at the deceptively long itinerary for the night. After a closer look, Ivy realized that the list was so long, not because there was a lot planned for the night, but because the couple decided to acknowledge everyone who helped. Whether these acknowledgments were out of genuine kindness, or a classy way of name-dropping, Ivy didn't know. There were more names listed than there were actual activities, and from the names Ivy recognized, it looked like whoever the couple was must be pretty famous. As she continued to peruse the list of celebrities, Ivy realized she didn't even know who was getting married. "B, who's getting married today?" Ivy was hesitant to ask. For all she knew, it was some royal wedding.

"Some singer and her actor boyfriend. I don't really follow them, but my mom met the bride at a friend's party last year, and they've been friendly since. You've probably heard of her." B searched the paper he still held in his hands. "You would think after listing all these other celebrities, they would have made a point to highlight their own names." He sighed in frustration, but quickly found what he was looking for, and jabbed his finger at the paper as he shook the paper in front of Ivy's face. "Here it is! Anastasia Prescott and Quincy Turner. Didn't she just come out with a new album? 'Kaleidoscope?' 'Rainbow?' I forget. Do you know it?"


"Ivy?" B looked up from the list only to find Ivy looking at him open-mouthed, her eyes like saucers. "Ivy? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He carefully eased her into her seat out of concern that she might faint.

Slowly Ivy blinked her eyes and finally found her voice again. "Ana- Ana- Anastasia... I'm at Anastasia Prescott's wedding?" Despite vocalizing this, Ivy's face still read of disbelief. Quickly, she ripped the itinerary out of B's hand and scanned the paper; she was convinced B was lying. Nevertheless, he was in fact telling the truth, for located at the top of the list as if it were an afterthought Ivy saw the following: WELCOME TO THE WEDDING OF ANASTASIA PRESCOTT AND QUINCY TURNER. "Oh. My. God. You aren't kidding." Ivy continued to stare at the paper she held, unable to accept the unbelievable situation she was currently in. "Are you telling me that we are at the wedding of one of the most talked about celebrity couples?"

"What? Are you a fan or something?" B feigned shock, but Ivy could tell he was resisting the desire to laugh.

"STOP! Is this real?" Unable to trust the grin that was beginning to crack on B's face, Ivy grabbed for her own scroll, her previous concern for its delicacy gone as she tugged the golden ring off and ripped open the paper. Again, she looked to the top of the list because she was convinced that B must have crafted a fake one as a joke. But again, she saw the same names lining the top of the page. In a voice barely above a whisper, Ivy uttered, "This is actually happening..."

"Well actually, it won't start 'happening' until she starts walking down the aisle, I believe." A devilish twinkle shone in his ocean-blue eyes, as he gave her his crooked smirk. Brought back to reality by B's snark, Ivy went to shove him in the chest. Keen to her tendency to push people when she was shocked, B was able to grab her wrists once she touched him.

For a moment time stood still. Ivy looked at her hands spread across B's chest as he held them close. She could feel his heart beating quickly beneath her hands, but this only drew her attention to her own, which was beating so rapidly that she thought her chest might explode. Overwhelmed with emotion she managed to look up into B's eyes, only to see that the devious look was now gone from his face, only to be replaced by a longing look in his eyes. Instantly she felt her cheeks grow warm and rushed to turn her face away before B could see that same look reflected in her own eyes.

And just like that, time resumed.

Ivy pulled her hands away and placed them gently on her lap. Both took several seconds to recollect themselves before attempting to address what had just happened. Nevertheless, they were saved from that awkwardness when they heard the string quartet begin to play. Simultaneously, all the guests rose from their seats and turned to face the back of the veranda. Located at the beginning of the wedding party line stood the groom, Quincy Turner. He wore a vibrant blue suit that stood out beautifully against the sage green tie and white button-down he had paired with it. His blond hair was classically parted to the side, and his bangs were disheveled and styled upward. Somehow, he had managed to look like he just rolled out of bed looking that flawlessly handsome. On his side, with her arm through his, stood who Ivy assumed to be his mother. Just like Quincy, his mother also had beautiful blonde hair that she had tastefully styled into a braid that hung over her shoulder. Mixed throughout her braid was more baby's breath. Both Quincy and his mother smiled coyly as if they were simply guests making their way to their seats. When they reached the end of the aisle Quincy gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and took his spot in front of the flower arbor.

Again, the crowd turned toward the back of the veranda to see the line of coupled-up bridesmaids and groomsmen. The groomsmen were dressed in the same attire as Quincy, which made the bridesmaids stand out in their grass-green dresses. The sweetheart neckline was accentuated by the flowing straps that hung featherlike around their upper arms. Their skirts glided across the marble as they slowly strolled toward the end of the aisle. In each of their hands, they held a bouquet that contained a smaller collection of the same flowers in the arbor. With a seamless synchronicity, each bridesmaid and groomsman parted and took their place.

As the final bridesmaid took her position, the music evolved into a string rendition of "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. For the final time, the wedding guests turned towards the back. There, standing arm in arm with both her mother and father, stood Anastasia Prescott looking like a timeless beauty. Of course, she chose to wear a non-traditional wedding dress. Embroidered flowers in an array of colors were scattered along her skirt, bodice, and even the thin lace sleeves that extended to her fingertips. Again she chose to break tradition by forgoing a veil and instead wearing her braided hair in a crown on top of her head, and just like Quincy's mother, she too wore baby's breath in it. As she descended down the aisle, the guests stared in silent awe. There was no question that Anastasia was the most beautiful person at the wedding.

When she finally reached the end of the aisle, Quincy stepped forward and reached his hand out to her. Before leaving her parents' sides, Anastasia took both her parents in a giant hug and whispered something to the two of them.

As she took her position across from Quincy in front of all her guests, Ivy began to think about what her own wedding might look like someday. She'd never been one of those little girls who dreamed about her wedding day, but attending one this beautiful tempted her imagination. Nevertheless, Ivy's daydream was squashed the moment she tried to picture herself walking down the aisle. She at first assumed it would be her father, but as she thought about it, she began to realize that that was an impossibility. Even if she could get her father to walk her down the aisle, there is no way he would be able to keep it together through the whole ceremony. She considered the idea of her mother walking her, but before she could form the idea her monster barged its way in. Don't waste your time thinking about your future, honey. Even if you could find someone to put up with your shit, you still wouldn't deserve it. You know why? Because you ruin everything. Why else do you think your mother left you and your pathetic father? Although Ivy knew it was the monster inside saying these things, she couldn't find the words to fight back. She couldn't come up with anything that would prove it wrong. Instead, all she could do was think of all the things she had done that had proven what it said right. Soon the happy image of her wedding day was replaced with the idea of her mother walking her other daughter down the aisle. She imagined her mother walking with her new husband and daughter. Her mother hugging her new better daughter before handing her off to the groom. Her mother and her new family living a happy life together, free of the mental instability that confined Ivy and her father.

Her mother.

No. Not her mother anymore. No. The mother she knew was gone. She disappeared the moment she walked out on them.

Ivy could feel her eyes welling up with tears, and no matter how much she tried to hold them back, a few still managed to slide down her cheeks. Despite her attempts to remain composed, B still managed to see the stain of tears down Ivy's face. Tentatively he reached his hand across Ivy's lap and took her hand in his. He didn't say anything but instead gave her handle a gentle squeeze.

And at that time, that's all she needed. 

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