๐“๐‡๐„ ๐†๐‘๐„๐€๐“ ๐–๐€๐‘...

By vneryx

1.8K 135 94

my hand was the one you reached for; all throughout the great war. vicky, nancy, thรจrรจse and beatrice the cra... More

๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฒ
1. the circle of idiots
2. all by yourself, sitting alone
3. interrogation
4. the plan pt.i
5. the plan pt. ii
6. escaping
7. alice in zombieland
8. a guidance.
9. faith, hope and trust
10. faith or failed?
11. heart to heart
12. the other side
13. pleasing a storm
14. mr. brightside
15. laughter in the tombs
16. always
17. our little team
18. no touchy please
19. i'm poison
20. time for murder punks!
21. what an idiot
22. the girls are here
23. the cure and the key
24. but a mother never forgets
25. please don't tell them
26. the way i loved you
27. she is not one of us
28. gladers sticks together
29. omg they are roommates
30. the island of remembrance
31. the room of the past
32. it is wednesday my dudes
33. a maroon date
34. the breaking point
35. the girls became bakers
36. hush baby, don't you cry
37. all of you, all of me. intertwined.
38. are you ready for it?
39. minho and the last city.
40. asses getting rescued
41. okay, time to be serious
42. it's just thรจrรจse
43. the last city
44. wait- he's alive! he's alive?
45. please don't be in love with someone else
46. she's gone too far this time
47. two by two
48. good ol' boys
49. novalunosis
50. the not so happy reunion
51. he's my brother
52. if we survived the great war
53. the things we lost in the fire
54. the fall of the queen
56. find the truth and get us home
57. mother, i'm coming home
58. you're my hero, and i love you
59. lights will guide you home
60. just trust me, you'll be fine
61. this is the start of how it all ends

55. for all to rise, one must fall

36 2 0
By vneryx

Jorge moved towards Vivian, trying to get her off Vicky's lifeless body as he remembers that Thomas and Teresa are still with WICKED. "Vivian? Vivian listen to me, please.." he tried to grab her attention, softly dragging her shoulder as Vivian continued to cry.

The Gladers, who were previously focused on the pained screams coming from Vivian, are now turning their attention to Jorge and what he is going to say now that they're listening to the raw cries from the former leader of the Gladers.

"Listen to me, they have Thomas, Thèrèse and Teresa."

Nancy glared, her bloodshot blue eyes stared at the mention of Thomas' in the hands of WICKED. Nancy felt Bea shuffled closer behind her, moving towards their lifeless friend. Bea grabbed Vicky's head and kisses it softly, tears running down her cheeks as she also feels the tragic loss. 

Vivian tried to compose her breathing, feeling tired. She felt herself go limp, but tries to pull herself together after the mention of Thomas, "I need you to be strong, Vivian. They have Thomas and Thèrèse."

The redhead woman tried to compose her breathing, feeling tired and numb from the pain of losing her daughter. But she snapped out of it momentarily upon hearing Jorge mentioning Thomas, Thèrèse and Teresa.

She knows she has to try to stay strong and keep going not only for herself and her daughter, but also for her remaining family and the Gladers. She gathered her composure and stared at Jorge, realizing she has to be strong for all of them.

Vivian grabbed her bow and arrows, her spare wrapped blades around her waist tightly, ready to fight.

She is exhausted from the emotional and physical strain of losing her daughter but knows there is no time to mourn. She has to set aside her grief and focus on protecting Thomas, and maybe Thèrèse and Teresa. Her eyes are darkened and full of anger, and she starts her motorcycle engine and bolts, not even bothering to let it warm up, she just wants to get to WICKED as quickly as she can to save her children.

As Vivian watches the building where WICKED is housed, she sees an explosion go off, and immediately dives to the ground to avoid any danger. She silently slides out of view, shooting a guard before quickly slitting another one's throat and using his body as a shield.

She lets out a war cry of anger, showing no fear or remorse as she charges forward, taking out the guards one by time with her skilled bow and arrow. The guards begin to get up, hoping to attack her after the explosion, but she is quicker and is easily able to kill him back in anger.

Vivian hops over some stairs, leading her to the top level as she dodges the bullets that fly past her. She slides to the side, getting out of view and hiding behind walls, before releasing an arrow directly to a guard guarding the level.

She slides across the floor and goes behind the guard, slitting his throat before turning around and shooting another man. She hears another guard coming, and she shoots at him again. She just keeps shooting at the guards, taking them out one by time and not letting up until there's no one left standing.

Vivian is filled with rage, seeking vengeance for the loss of her daughter. Her adrenaline is pumping, and she continues to eliminate the guards one after another without showing any mercy or remorse for their deaths.

She screams out a war cry, eyes full of anger, revenge, and determination to avenge for her daughter. She quickly released her arrow violently, shooting at the guards who were trying to hunt her down, and she runs through the hallways, letting out her arrows and killing the guards below her in the level. She pulls her knife out and stabs the man violently, with a loud grunt, feeling powerful as she takes out her foes. Her short hair becomes easy to soaked with sweat, as her locks fly around and she stabs another guy after she moves upwards to another level. She moves deeper into the building, hunting for her children.

As Vivian killed and sliced the guards and soldiers she faces, she thinks of how they killed her daughter.

Her anger and resentment towards those who took her daughter away from her drives her on, her chest breathing heavily and her eyes dangerously infuriated and she stares at the dead man beside her with rage and hatred. She lets out her anger and breaths angrily, feeling her throat sore from the intense emotions she is experiencing.

But she never stopped there. The flashbacks of the old war comes back to her.

For Vivian, the war never ended. She keeps fighting for her freedom, she cannot stop because she has lost so, so much. Her parents are gone, her husband is dead, and now her only daughter. Her entire life was taken away from her, her motherhood was taken by WICKED, now the only child that brought her joy and hope is gone.

The rage was flaring up her adrenaline rush, and her anger and anger is driving her to fight with even more determination because she cannot lose anymore, she will not be beaten down ever again.

Vivian's rage was so intense and overwhelming that she doesn't realize how far she's gone, she's in so much pain and agony that she is filled only with revenge. She stabbed the guards repeatedly with hatred in her eyes, as every force movement draws blood in her hands and face.

Anger, justice and revenge is consuming her, driving her to go too far but for her daughter she would do it. She never thought she would be so filled with rage, but she is and her actions show that she will do whatever it takes to save her daughter.

Over and over she stabbed the WICKED soldier below her. "I hate you..." she repeatedly breathed through gritted teeth, rage taking over as she stabs the man relentlessly, stabbing him to shreds. "I hate you.. I HATE YOU!" she screams, squeezing the knife deeply in the soldier's flesh, screaming in his face.

Bloods. That's all that she could see. That's all that she could feel splattered over her skin. Vivian turns her head cautiously to the end of the hall where she sees Carter has Thomas in a headlock with a knife pointed at his neck. She immediately sets her eyes on Thèrèse, grabs her by the throat and puts her knife to her neck. She hissed in anger as she stood facing Carter.

Vivian glared the man down, putting her knife to Thèrèse' throat, and coming face to face with the man she blames for everything: the man that took everything away from her.

Carter felt nervous as he faces off with the deranged woman, but he knew he had no choice.

She was grieving, crazy, and unhinged, and now he had to negotiate with her to keep Thomas alive. He had expected this to happen and he was ready to deal with it.

"Take your hands off him," Vivian said, looking straight at Carter, her eyes full of rage but her face emotionless. She takes a moment to check up on Thomas, her eyes narrowing when seeing he has been shot and the blood seeping from the bullet wound.

Teresa is standing infront of them, she looked scared and desperate as she tries to appeal to Vivian. The redhead woman' voice is cold and calculated as she glared Carter down, not showing any of her emotions but still feeling them deeply inside.

Carter noticed Vivian's observation towards Thomas before he moved his eyes to his daughter. "What, you think I care about some disappointment? She's not mine." Carter frowned. His words making Vivian tightened her grip harder around Thèrèse' neck.

Vivian blow a huff, already tightening the blade in her hand. "You're pathetic, Carter. You were a weak boy and you're a weaker man." Her jaw clenched, her hair dripping some sweats of exhaustion. "Let. him. go." the redhead woman breathed heavily.

She continued to tighten her grip around Thèrèse' throat, but as they stare at each other, she feels a wave of compassion sweep over her.

It was this kind of love she wanted to feel when she took care of her daughter. She felt a love for her, one that she had never felt before.

Vivian felt so many feelings, she was desperate to keep her daughter safe and alive. But the more she was in the moment, the more she was drawn to the anger and resentment again..

Thèrèse is still the enemy's daughter.

"A daughter for a daughter." Vivian hissed in anger, raw tone. She moved her knife to position where she could easily cut Thèrèse' throat and end her life if Carter didn't comply with her demands.

She wants revenge.

She thought that was the way for him to release Thomas. Vivian could never hurt Thèrèse. It was a man's sin, it's never the child's fault. Vivian could be taking it too far if she killed Thèrèse right now and then. She would regret it later.

Thomas unbelievably watched the scene unfold infront of him, especially seeing Vivian's state. What had happened that got Vivian so enraged? but he couldn't think much further, only feeling his system shutting down as more blood leaving him body.

It hurts when you realise Thomas never knows about Vicky's death.

"Haven't you taken enough from me?" Vivian asked, rage in her eyes.

Carter finally let Thomas go, shoving him forward as Teresa caught him. He backed away when lets out her rage and frustration by snarling at Carter, feeling a mixture of so many emotions.

She was not willing to let Carter take away something else from her.

As soon as Thomas was released by Carter, Vivian moved back towards Thèrèse, putting her knife below her throat and preparing to kill her. She felt a wave of rage and frustration overtaking the compassion she felt.

Vivian Rosewood was going too far with the rage, the desire to revenge and protect Vicky.

She was driven by her emotions, and she couldn't stop herself from lashing out in anger and doing something she would never be able to take back.

"Miss Vivian, enough.. enough.." Teresa said, begging for Vivian to let Thèrèse' go.

Vivian only glared halfway before paying her attention back to Carter.

Teresa saw that Vivian was going too far and it seemed as if she would kill a child to avenge Vicky. She began to beg, for Vivian to let Thèrèse go, saying enough and pleading with her to calm down.

The redhead woman was driven by terror and frustration, and she heard Teresa's pleas, but she was too overcome with the emotions to stop and listen. She was losing her mind and she was willing to do anything to bring her daughter back; she could not make the wrong decision now.

Thomas begged Vivian to let Thèrèse go, asking her what she was doing and telling her to let her go; he called her by "mom." in a desperate attempt to make her think rationally and calm down.

"A daughter for a daughter," Vivian says softly and tiredly. She just wants her daughter back.

She seemed to be losing the hold she had on her emotions. She could not control herself from the pain of losing her daughter and then her desperation to bring her back. Her voice was filled with pain, her grip on Thèrèse loosened more.

She was about to go through with her threat to kill Carter's daughter but Thomas's shouts stopped her in her tracks. She looks over to him and sees the blood running from the wounds on his neck. Her body shakes as she realizes just how much Thomas is bleeding. She could not kill an innocent child. She stares at Thomas with a deep regret.

She lowers her knife slowly, until it is no longer pointing at Thèrèse' neck and she lets go of her. She looks at Thomas again, desperate to make the right decision, desperate to stop hurting others.

Vivian finally let her rage overcome her completely, and she snapped under the pressure of the situation. She let out an angry war cry, before throwing her knife with great force, a skill she has been practicing for years, and managed to pierce Carter right into the heart.

All of them were shocked by the turn of events, as Carter didn't want to look down, trying to keep the situation under control. But he was losing his blood and he started to bleed even more. Thomas, Thèrèse and Teresa were horrified as they looked on; they were not expecting this to happen.

Thèrèse breathed heavily. Vivian blinks in shock, although she didn't express much feelings. The sounds of the city collapsing brought them back to reality, "We have to go! Now!" Vivian urged, grabbing Thomas' hand and dragged him across the hallway while Vivian keep her grip softened on Thèrèse and Teresa closely. "We have to find a way out!" Vivian told them through the burning fog.

"Hurry! Hurry! I know this way!" Thèrèse told them, running ahead towards this stairs as the explosions and fire started to eat the building alive. The four of them are now running upstairs to the rooftop, it was painful and hard as the fire chased them until they reached the rooftop.

They made it to the top but the whole city was still surrounded in flames and fire. It was like they had escaped the building to find themselves surrounded in a different kind of hell.

Vivien was standing on the front protecting them, making sure they were safe and that nothing could hurt them. She was looking around helplessly, trying to search a way out of this mess when the whole city was burning and on flames.

As they moved forward, flashing lights of a berg signalling them that they have arrived. The entrance opened and Vincent immediately revealed himself. "Thomas!" Bea cried, reaching out her hand as she take a look at him. "Thomas! Reach for my hand, damnit!" Bea is scared upon seeing her brother's state. She's scared she had to bury another friend. She had lost Newt, Vicky, what if her brother's next? The loss of blood making Thomas felt dizzy and weak.

Vivian took a step backwards, wrapping her arms around Thomas and protecting him with her body. "Come on kid, hold on. Are you ready?" she asked and he nodded hesitantly.. "It's okay.. you'll be alright.." It was like she was protecting him from the world. He weakly nodded his head and she threw him into the berg. Nancy and Bea holding him with a lot of protection and care, doing everything possible to save him and help him.

The chaos and confusion of everyone running around and yelling made the situation even more chaotic. Thèrese's and Teresa's minds were racing, they couldn't focus on anything and they didn't want to lose each other so they grabbed hands and jumped into the berg.

Their friends grabbed them as soon as they jumped into the berg, pulling them inside to safety. Vivian stood there as everything collapsed around them, feeling the pressure of a whole building crashing her around her.

Thèrèse gasps softly, turning around as well and held on the entrance of the berg as they fly. Her green eyes innocently stared at the Jewel's Tower, where her mother's belonging is treasured. She watched her castle's crumbling to the ground. "No.." She whispered softly, hanging on for dear life.

The whole situation seemed completely out of control, and the building was on the verge of collapsing, the smoke filling the area with a strange and strange scent. Vivian pushed her exhausted self into the berg, the crashing ground collapsing as soon as her boot lost contact with it.

Prim and the others were shouting at her, hugging her closely, expressing all kind of emotions: fear, love, pain and a lot of exhaustion. The whole situation had made everyone so tired and drained from emotions and fear that they couldn't even think anymore.

"Wake up, mom!"
"We thought we lost you."

In the sea of voices that spoke to her and in a situation so intense, one name came to the front: her daughter's.

Victoria, come home.. She was begging her daughter to come back to her like she once did, to let her save her. She was desperate for her daughter to be with her again, she couldn't stand it any longer.

Vivian felt a sense of relief as she realized that they survived the Great War, that they made it through the fire and the collapse. She was filled with a mixture of emotions, but there was a lot of relief amongst the crowd.

She looked at them with tears in her eyes, feeling happy yet also sad as she held them. She looked at them as her children, the only people she had in this world and was relieved she still had them with her.

Vivian realized that she was going back home with her children. She had found a new family, one that she didn't know she needed. She would go back home with them, she would be there for them. And she would never let anything hurt them again.

Now she is going back home to them, back to her family, to her children. And this time she will never lose them.

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