Oh Baby Momma

By koovoobi

560K 42.9K 5.6K

Pregnancy is a unique journey that test everyone's physical and emotional strength, not only mom's but also d... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Coming Soon

Chapter 13

6.7K 448 46
By koovoobi

"Do you want to eat something? The result will take time.", Taehyung asked Jungkook while they sat on the waiting longue. "Mm. I will call mom and say to pick Mia.", Jungkook informed. "Okay. Come. Let's eat and then we will just be in the Studio for some time and will come back. There is an important shoot at 3pm.", Taehyung said and both of them went outside.

"Tae. I am getting nervous.", Jungkook said as they started eating at a restaurant. "Why?", he asked. "What if they say something like I can't be pregnant.", Jungkook asked with concerned eyes. "Oh Jungkook, anything like that will happen. Think positive and even if they say so, I am not going to leave you. You are my baby and my momma, always and forever.", Taehyung smiled. "It's eazy to say. My heart is beating crazy.", Jungkook pouted. "Nothing will happen.", Taehyung caressed his knuckles as they resumed their eating.

Taehyung and Jungkook stepped inside the studio. "Nuna.. how are you? Here, this is for you.", Jungkook said giving the box of chocolate he was holding to the receptionist. "Oh, how sweet of you.", she said smiling. "Is Lisa and team here?", Taehyung asked. "Yes. They are waiting. Also the designer of Victoria Secret.", she informed. "Okay.", Taehyung went inside trailing Jungkook behind him.

"Hey Young man", a woman in late 50s greet Taehyung as soon as he opened the door of his cabin. "Mrs James. Happy to see you again.", Taehyung said and accepted her hug. She moved back and looked at Jungkook. "My husband.", Taehyung said. "Yeah. Is he your husband? I have seen his pictures in your website.", she said. Jungkook bowed at her with a soft smile.

"I think we can do the first part of the shoot here and rest in Paris. We have an upcoming fashion event. Is that fine with you?", she asked once they settled down in chairs. "Yeah. It's fine. Please tell me the event date and share the necessary information, so that I can fix my schedule.", Taehyung said. "I will ask my PA to email it. Mm. By way, is he doing modeling? If yes, I will offer him a runway. He got do body proportions.", she said. "That's a yes. He is so sexy. But no, he won't do any modeling.", Taehyung said. "You can't say that, Taehyung. What if he wants to.", she said looking at Jungkook. "Oh, it's not my words. You can ask him, he will also say the same.", Taehyung said referring Jungkook. "Yes Mrs James. Even though I enjoy watching show, it's not my cup of coffee and my photos, he is crazy that's why he is taking pictures.", Jungkook informed. "Haha. I will be wondering if he is not. Is this the reason the handsome and hot Kim Taehyung stays away from the scandals?", She teased. "Haha. My eyes are always on him so I don't have time to check others.", Taehyung laughed. "Sir. Set is ready.", they were interrupted by the staff. Taehyung nodded. "Are you joining?", he asked Jungkook who nodded and went with them.

Jungkook eyes bulged out as soon as his eyes fell on the girl is his sitting on a couch half naked with only a revealed bikini. His traveled from her to his husband who is checking something in the system. "Ready?", Taehyung took the camera. Lisa gave a flirtous smile to him.

Jungkook doesn't know his nails are almost broken after biting on it from the moment the shooting started. As the time passed, he felt like the air in the room is getting hotter. Only her n.pples are yet to reveal the rest of them are out. And don't ask about lower body, because he doesn't have that confidence to look down. He licked his dry lips looking at his husband who is taking photos in every angle and then checking the photos in detail. "Delete this.", Taehyung said pointing at a photo. "Please fix her lower dress.", he said to stylist. Jungkook exhaled loudly when he heard that without having the courage to think what he might have seen through camera lens. "That's it. Do we have an outfit change?", Taehyung asked the stylist. "One more.", she informed. Jungkook whined stomping his feet while sitting on that chair. Taehyung nodded before giving the camera to his staff and went to Jungkook.

"Are you okay?", Jungkook whispered to Taehyung once he sat beside him. Taehyung looked at his in confusion. "The photoshoot. Her bikini. She sexy and beautiful.", Jungkook asked batting his eyelashes by widening his bambi eyes in curiosity. "That was not you. So why should I be not okay?", Taehyung asked. "Don't those cheesy flirting dialogues and tell.", Jungkook asked. "Seriously? I have seen a p.rn some times early and it doesn't had any effect on me. Then will this have?", he asked. "That was recorded.", Jungkook said eyesiding his crotch. "Do you want to check my little tiger? I can take it out. Come with me to my cabin.", he said. "Aish.. how can you say such things in your work place.", Jungkook stood straight after correcting his sitting posture. "Oh, so you can check. That's not an issue, right?", Taehyung asked shaking his head smiling. "I.. I didn't.", Jungkook said.

"Sir.", "Yes, coming.", Taehyung informed. "But let's buy that bikini set  for you. I wanted to see you in that.", Taehyung said before standing up and winked at him. "This p.rvert.", Jungkook mumbled.

The shoot ended after testing Jungkook's patience for two hours. "Do you know how much I love working with you?", Lisa smiled brightly at Taehyung. Taehyung bowed a little at the compliment. "Let's have a coffee someday.", she said. "Yeah. Sure.", he said and shook hands. "Suho. Pack up and send me the selected pictures later. I will be going.", Taehyung informed his staff. "Come, let's go.", he called Jungkook and both of them went from studio.

"Will you go?", Jungkook asked while they sat inside the car. "???", Taehyung was clueless. "Coffee.", he asked. "Coffee??? Do you think I will drink coffee?", he asked. "Mm. But you can order something else.", Jungkook turned his face and looked outside. "Yes. I am ordering an exotic strawberry milk with some chocochips and nuts for tonight. Prepare yourself.", Jungkook hit his biceps after seeing how he rubbed his lower lips by looking at him up and down.

"Kim Jungkook and Kim Taehyung. Your results are ready. Please meet the doctor.", the nurse said and both of them went inside the doctor cabin.

Jungkook was biting his lips looking at the report then at the doctor's face. After five minutes of analysising the report, he looked at both of them sitting in front of him. "Hormonal imbalances, that's your condition. Your womb produces some immature eggs and also partially mature eggs. This can be genetic or may be due to lifestyle. The people with this condition will face complications in getting pregnant but that doesn't mean you won't get pregnant. Just some difficulties.", doctor said. "Oh. Do I need to take medicines?", Jungkook asked. "Let's wait for that. Are you taking a lot of stress?", he asked. Jungkook nervously looked at Taehyung who was also looking at him. Jungkook nodded slowly. "That might be another reason for this. Just take a break, go on a vacation, enjoy your holiday for some day, also clear your mind, eat healthy and enjoy intimacy. Don't do it with the thought of getting pregnant. Just do what you used to do when you were dating or during the first days of marriage. Mm?", Jungkook nodded. "I will give you some folic acid tablet. It's not harmful and for your husband, let him take some beet vitamins. These just vitamins. Also while doing interco.rse, please use a pillow on your lower back and also try a modified coital-alignment technique like face to face position.", the doctor recommended. Jungkook nodded attentively whereas Taehyung looked at his husband and then at doctor. "Let's try it first. Rest we will see.", he said. "Oh. Okay, thank you doctor.", Jungkook said. "Eat more fertility booster foods.", he said as both of them stood up.

"I don't understand what is there for you to take that much stress.", Taehyung asked Jungkook as soon as they stepped out of the doctor's cabin. "I..", Jungkook stopped and gazed at Taehyung. "Jungkook, see baby is needed. But I didn't marry you for a baby. Baby or not, it won't bring any chances in my admiration towards you. You always come first to me.", Taehyung said by holding his shoulder. Jungkook nodded.

They brought the said tablets and went to the car. "Let's start that position as soon as we reach home.", Taehyung said in excitement. "Are you this excited for a baby?", Jungkook asked as he buckled the seat belt. "Yes. But more than that the process.", Taehyung laughed when he saw Jungkook's frozen eyebrows. "Stop at groceries. I have to buy these things.", Jungkook showed him his phone with a Google page of food which promotes fertility. Taehyung hummed. "Tae. What if I didn't get pregnant.", Jungkook asked in a low voice. "Then what did I say till now? Didn't you know I don't care at all?", Taehyung asked. "But I want to be a mom, Tae. I want to bear our baby.", Jungkook said as his eyes filled with fresh tears. "You will. They didn't say you won't get pregnant, right? Today or tomorrow, you will.", Taehyung took his hand and kissed it. "How about we buy some berries and stuck it inside you and eat you out.", Taehyung asked. Jungkook chocked hard and immediately moved a little away from Taehyung.

"Where do you want to go to vacation?", Taehyung asked once they reached a hypermarket. "Anywhere is fine with you.", Jungkook replied. "Don't you have a desired place?", he asked. "Mm. How about any island?", he asked. "Good choice. I also missed doing a water sports.", Taehyung asked. "But aren't you afraid of diving?", Jungkook asked him. "Mm. But not afraid to slam you.", Jungkook looked around immediately and stared at him. "Eggs.. eggs.. how many eggs will I eat?", he asked seeing the packs of eggs. "You will. I cook you eat. That's it. No comments or response.", he said strictly.

Jungkook and Taehyung, after their groceries purchase went to Kim's to pick Mia and go back to their apartment. "Ah. You came? What did doctor said?", Mrs Kim asked as soon as he saw both of them in the mansion. "He is stressing, that's the reason.", Taehyung said as he sat on the couch. "See. I told you, Jungkook, to not worry about it everytime.", Jimin said shaking his head. "Mm. Mia?", he asked. "Here.", Jennie walked to them with Mia's bag and handed it over to Jungkook. "Ah. Tae. Yeonie is also coming with you. Tomorrow he has to go to university to apply for his course, then some admission process. Since the college is only a few distance away from you. It's better if he also joins you.", Mrs Kim said. Taehyung diverted his attention from the phone to his mom. "Oh, it's fine.", Jungkook smiled. Taehyung's eyes moved from his mom to the boy stepping down the stair with a back pack. "Aren't you waiting for dinner?", Mrs Kim asked Taehyung, who shook his head. "Mm. Then wait.", she went to kitchen and came back with a box of packed food. "Just heat it while you eat.", she said to Jungkook. "Bye mom. See you on weekend.", Jungkook said as they four went to their apartment.

"Welcome to our little space. Sit. I will make something to drink.", Jungkook said as soon as they reached apartment. Yeonjun looked around at the apartment then at the retreating figure. "Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?", Taehyung asked while he sat on the couch. "No. I will go by myself. If anything comes up I will call.", he replied.

"Here.", Jungkook said after giving juice to Yeonjun and milk shake to Mia. "You can fresh up after this. I will show you the room. Mm let me change and come.", Jungkook said. Taehyung nodded and switched on the television.

When Jungkook returned after a shower, he saw Taehyung closing their room door. "Where are they?", he asked. "Watching movie.", Taehyung removed his tees. "Are you going to take shower?", Jungkook asked. "Mm.", he went to Jungkook and hugged his from behind who was standing in front of the mirror. "What happened?", Jungkook asked ruffling his husband hair who has placed his chin on his shoulder and hugged him. "Nothing. I feel like we are interrupted.", Taehyung said. "Interrupted??? By whom? Mia?", he asked. "No. Not Mia. But..", Taehyung went silent. "That's your own brother, Tae. And he will go home tomorrow. What's with you?", Jungkook shook his head. "I know. But.. may be we are not that close that might be the reason.", Taehyung said. "Then talk.", he said smiling. "Oh, I can't.", Taehyung moved back and took his towel. "Leave that big hyung image and talk. At least when he is here for two days.", Jungkook said. Taehyung hummed and went inside the washroom.

"This room. You can take a shower, if you want.", Jungkook showed the other guestroom to Yeonjun who smiled at him. "Here is the towel and other toiletries.", Yeonjun's eyes followed the brunette roaming inside the room in a shorts set, correcting the curtains, changing the bedsheet and pillow cover, checking the toiletries. Jungkook smiled once he made the room more presentable to the guest and went outside by letting him to carry on with his duties. "Sexy.", Yeonjun murmured to himself after he closed the door behind him.

..to be continued..

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