Not as it Seems

By Janethename

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He is the Beta of a large and strong pack She is an average un-shifted werewolf She's black He's white As... More

Words From Jane
First Fall
Till Later
Girl Talk
Mr. Confident
Meeting My Family
Words from Jane
Late Night Calls
Just a Little Freaking Out
First Day Blues
Better Than My Dreams
Womaly Conversations
Raggedy Anne
Being Me
Fun in the Kitchen
Training Day 1
Making it Better
Date Night
After Marking
Apart Together
Just a Mess
At last

Waiting in Heat

163 10 8
By Janethename

In dedication of Fathers Day
(And shout out to @Bunniestiger and @MariahAgustus for their comments!)

"Hey daddy," I start off. After telling my sisters and my best friends about being marked, I decided it would be a good idea to let my father know. I means it's not like he could do anything anyway. The damage was done and he was halfway across the country. And I was pretty sure he wouldn't mind since Jared was my mate anyway.

"He marked you. Didn't he?" It might have been phrased as a question but he wasn't asking. My mouth drops and my face squishes up in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"A father knows."

I sigh and lean back onto my bed. "You are not mad are you?" I ask. He takes a deep breath. "Not really. I knew it was only a matter of time before it would happen. And Jared seems like a fine young man." I roll my eyes at that. Yeah Jared was a good guy and all, but did my father have to talk about him like he was an old man.

"He is a 'fine young man."' I mock.

"E you better stop." He laughs. "You don't do me right." I couldn't help but giggle. I had missed my father. "I am glad the two of you are getting together so well. Now where is this mate of yours? I would like to talk to him." I frown.

Just then Jared chooses that moment to make an appearance. "Umm..." He makes his way to me with a cute puzzled look on his face that tells me he wants to know who I am talking to. I act like I don't see it.

He starts to creep closer to me and I sit up and creep back father on the bed. He narrows his eyes playfully at me and I try to wave him away. I mouth not now and widen my eyes so he gets my point. But he just gives me a devious grin.

Even though we had agreed to wait, Jared had become more...touchy? I mean it didn't bother me and he never went past the boundaries we set or did anything I didn't like but he definitely loved to be near me...and touch me. Anytime he could some part of him would be in contact with me. He also became more protective which also made him a bit more dominating and possessive but I didn't mind. In fact I kinda liked it.

"You know dad," I give my mate a pointed look even as he climes onto the bed and slowly crawls his way toward me, "I don't think it's really necessary for you to talk to him. I mean what do you have to talk to him about? Why can't you talk to me?"

I try to move even father away from my mate who seem to have others ideas in mind. He grabs onto my foot and drags me closer to him. He shakes his head and wags his finger at me as he traps me between his body and the bed. Stop, I mouth, I'm serious.

"There are certain things I as your father need to talk your mate about. I'm sure it won't be a problem and when you two have pups I'm sure he will understand." I blush from my father talking about Jared's and mine pups (not even thinking about that yet...much). Well that and from the fact that he, being my mate, was kissing and sucking lightly on my neck. When his lips touch my mark I fight hard not to let out a peep, but Jared ends up covering my mouth with his hand to block the sounds that I just couldn't control.

Then before I knew it he had the phone out of my hand as he made his way out my room. It takes me a moment to realize what had just happen. I am left on the bed shocked at what had just end happens until I hop off the bed and chase after my mate rushing to get my phone back. I'm careful not to yell so that my father won't hear me.

I follow his scent all the way to his room and try to opens the door only to find it lock. I try turning the knob again but to no avail. I even yank, push, and pull on it but it just wouldn't budge. "Jared!" I whisper yell. "Open the door and give me back my phone!" I know he could hear me but he doesn't make any move to come and open the door. I pout and glare at the door as I sit across from it on the floor.

It seemed like forever before I he finally opened the door. And when he did he bent down to kiss me. "Your father says he misses you and he will call you later." He gives me back my phone and then starts to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" I jump to my feet and scramble after him. "What did you two talk about?"

He shrugs noncommittal. "Man stuff."

I snort. "Right. Man stuff. No but really what did y'all talk about?" He stops in his tracks turns and kisses me. I practically melt at his feet. "I can't tell you," he whispers. "It's a secret." He winks at me and internally I'm yelling at myself for falling for his distraction.

"Fine then," I huff and pull away, "don't tell me." I turn and march away from him. "And I hope you enjoyed that kiss 'cause that is the last one you will be getting from me for a while!" In the spur of the moment I decided to stick my tongue out at him. He laughs a long and hearty laugh but even then I could see his eyes turn a shade darker.

"Oh so you think I'm playing? Just try me." I add a put more sass into my step channeling my inner model. It was my turn to laugh when I hear a low growl.

I just hear him say "I think I will," before I take off down the hallway with him on my tail.
A couple days later I was bored in class when I started thinking about my mate, specifically my marking. I replayed over and over how good it felt to be in my mans arms and just how good every kiss and caress felt against my body. And I loved the feeling of my mate sinking his teeth into me. For some just thinking about that primal act had me and my wolf going crazy. I could feel my body temperature go up and I squirm a little in my seat.

Then I started to wonder what if we had not stopped there? What if Jared and I had kept going?

And of course that train of thought lead me to thinking about how connected I felt to Jared after he had marked me. I felt so much of his feelings and emotions, the strongest ones being of course love and happiness and coming in at third would be good amount of lust. I loved the emotional connection that was established but what if we had decided to become physically connected. What if we were connected both physically and emotionally at the same time. My wolf purrs at the thought.

My thought were straight in the gutter and so not appropriate to be thinking about in class but I just couldn't help myself. All I could see were naughty images of the two of us together. Well that was until I heard Jared's growl. I turn and look at him. He sits diagonally across from me.

His grip was hard holding the desk and his eyes dark. I feel warning signals coming through the mate bond telling me to stop thinking whatever I was thinking about. He leans in and I follow his lead. "I don't know what oh think you are doing or thinking about but stop. I can smell you." I bite my lip and I nod my head and embarrassingly turn away from him.

I stop thinking about all the things I one day hope to do with my very sexy beta and try to focus on what the teacher says. A few minutes later I hear another growl from my mate. He was giving me pointed looks through his even darker eyes. "Erica!" He snaps. "I said knock it off!"

I give him a confused look. "I'm not doing anything." I whisper back.

"Then why can I still smell you?" I shrug. How the heck was I suppose to know?

This causes him to stop growling for a moment. He closes his eyes and takes a big sniff of the air before looking around the classroom. That's when he pops out of his seat and grabs my arm dragging me out the room. Now as much as I love Jared, I was not a fan of being man handled.

"Hey stop! Where are we going?"

He doesn't answer me right away.


He glares and growls at any male in our path before we make it out the building and to his car. He presses me up against it and runs his noise up and down my neck. Confused as I was I still couldn't help the shivers that we're going through my body at such an actions. Then he stiffens, stops, and opens the passenger door. "Get in," orders.

He might not have used his beta voice on me but I could tell this wasn't the right time to argue. I get in the car and he buckle myself up as he makes his way to the driver's side. "Ummm do you mind telling me what's going on? And why we are leaving school when it's not even lunch yet?"

"Tell me do you feel hot? Or do you feel an unexplainable desire to jump me? Or like really really horny?" I gasp at his bluntness.

"No!" I yell at him in surprise. He backs out the parking lot and drives off into the street fast. As a second thought I ask," Why would you even ask that."

"Because you should," he gruff out. I was taken aback. Jared never talks to me like this. I think about if for a second. Did I want to jump the tall sexy man beside me whose hair was all ruffled and muscles tense? I quickly wipe the thoughts from my mind.

"I should?" I ask indignant. He nods. "Yes you should." I stare at him for a second. Clearly so,etching was going on and it was having an affect on him. I glance at his hands only to find his knocked turning white from holding the wheel so tightly. I was afraid he might rip the thing off!

"Why is that how you feel?" I see him gulp and I cautiously move my hand to rest on his knee. It was suppose to be comforting and get him to relax but he ends up swerving. I let out a small scream. He curses.

"Yes yes it's how I am feeling at the moment. So I would prefer you not touch me while we are driving because there is only so much I can take at the moment." I quickly move my hand away from him. There were so many questions running threw my head but seeing how tense Jared was made me rethink asking any of them at least until we arrive at the pack house and he was off the road.

I rode the rest of the ride in silence. It wasn't too long before we pulled up into pack drive way which make since considering just how fast Jared was driving. I watch as my mate hope out the car and takes few deep breaths before coming to my side and opening the door. I get out and he immediately pulls me into his arms and picks me up running at an insane speed until we were in my room.

"Okay Jared you are seriously scarring me. I don't know what is going on and I need you to talk to me. Tell me what's going on." I turn his face so that he has to look me in the eyes. For a moment we were stuck there just staring back at each other. "You are going into heat."

I look at him like he was crazy. And then of course I start laughing. He sets me on my feet as I start murky freaking out. From what my mother has told me and from what I heard and read about other she wolves, heat was suppose to make you incredibly hot and horny and in pain. I was none of those thing. "But I can't be," I say more to myself. "I don't have any of the symptoms or signs or whatever you want to call it."

"But I can smell you, every male in that classroom could smell you, and you scent is only getting stronger. And if you aren't thinking anything dirty than you being in heat is the only explanation. And before long every male in this house will smell you and try to mate you."

That freezes me. I wasn't ready to be mated by my mate. How would I handle all the guys in the house trying to get with me. I eye Jared and take a small step away from him. He growls and pulls me to his chest.

"Don't look at me like that." He grabs both sides of my face and looks deeply into my eyes. "I told you we would wait and we will. I will not allow your first time to be ruined or rushed by my overly excited wolf. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. Nor would I force anything on you. Okay? Have some faith in me." I nod my head and he kisses me. It's was feather light and just a soft.

"Now I'm going to leave. You stay here and lock the door. Do not let anyone in for any reason okay? That goes triple for any unmated male." Again I nod my understanding. He gives me one last kiss before he's gone.
Now that the excitement had died I was board and hungry in my room. Even though Jared told me not to let anyone in my room I did let one of the female mated pack members bring me some food. But it wasn't long till I was board out of my mind.

I was just surfing and flipping threw channels on the television when I hear noise coming from outside my room. There were a lot of shouts and it sounded like they were getting closer. I stare at my door for a long while until something bangs into it. I jump off the bed like it was on fire.

My wolf tell me that everything was okay and that I shouldn't be afraid. But that didn't stop me from standing in the middle of my room waiting for whatever was banging on my door to either give up and go away or for it to break down my door. My body tenses as another slam hits. My breathing speeds up and then finally will one last hard slam the door flys open.

It was Jared.

A very strong Jared with eyes so black that they were glowing. And that's when I knew that Jared's wolf had taken over. He stalks towards me predatory like. I knew I should have maybe moved away but I was stunned in place. I couldn't help but eye the handcuff marks against his wrist. Silver. The cuffs must have been silver for it to leave that type of mark on his skin. Silver won't kills us immediately we have to be exposed to high doses of it for a long amount of time for it to be fatal but it does weaken us. And the fact that it looks like Jared someone got out of those cuffs spoke volumes about his strength. Even more so than the torn shirt that was exposing his ripped muscles.

He was getting closer. Again I knew that I should probably be scarred or nervous and move and run far away from my mate but part of me didn't want to part of me wanted to run to him and be in his arms kissing him and doing...other stuff to him. So I stood still not moving an inch.

I could tell the moment Jared was about to pounce on me but just as he made a move to, four males tackle him to the ground. That snapped me out of whatever trance I had been in. I quickly step away from the dog pile of guys. Each of them had mask on and not just regular sick mask; no these were like some serious hazardous gas type mask. I realized that it was to keep them from smelling me and while it seemed to be working but I wasn't hoping to test that experiment. I stepped as far away from them as I could.

However, even with four buff werewolves on him that didn't completely stop Jared. He was trying to shake them off and make his way to me but even more wolves came and hopped on top of him. It takes like seven maybe eight men to pulls Jared out of the room with silver hand cuffs out of my room. But he was fighting every set of the way. He was struggling to get free and to reach me. I could see it in his eyes how much he wanted me. But I felt in my body how much he was restraining wolf who had temporarily taken over. If it wasn't for him fitting back eight men would not nearly be enough to stop him.

When finally all the guys were out of my room pulling a snarling and struggling Jared with them, and after I am moved to a different bedroom because my door couldn't be fixed right away, I start to cry. And cry. And cry.

I cried for what Jared was going threw at the moment and I cried for the part of me that wanted him to come breaking down another door just so he could have his way with me. But mostly I cried about how bad I felt for all I was putting Jared through. I was sorry he was hurting just to please me, and I was sorry he had to be restrained just so he wouldn't mate with me. For a second my decisions to wait wavered and I started to think what was the point of wait at all.

When I was finally cried out, I told myself to suck it up and get over it. It was my resolve that put me here and I had no intention of changing my mind. So I told myself to toughen up and be the strong girl that Jared thought 'she is worth waiting for'. He respected my decision to wait and I knew he would not want me to change my mind because of what I saw, especially if I wasn't ready. It wasn't easy and I still felt somewhat guilty that men had to physically restrain their Beta. But it helped that Jared supported my decision. I loved Jared and he loved me; and when we did get together for the first time it would be because it was what we both wanted at the right moment.

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