The Day They Cured Death

By libbabuff

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It’s the year 3027; humans are not what they use to be. Life is now constant. Death is non-existent. They did... More

The Day They Cured Death
Chapter One ~ Death's cure 'the afterlife'
Chapter Two ~ the wall
Chapter Three ~ The count down
Chapter Four ~ Mr Left on my right
Chapter Five ~ knock at the door
Chapter Six ~ open my eyes
Chapter Eight ~ cure for the cure
Chapter Nine ~ past once forgotten
Chapter Ten ~ dream a little dream of me
Chapter Eleven ~ supplies
Chapter Twelve ~ safety is only a myth
Chapter Thirteen ~ slaughtered youth
Chapter Fourteen ~ Hell
Chaoter Fifteen ~ another attack
Chapter sixteen ~ long walk
Chapter Seventeen ~ long way up
Chapter Eighteen ~ cry of death
Chapter Nineteen ~ the rage of the Troops, the rage of Anna
Chapter Twenty ~ truth will out
Chapter Twenty-One ~ The Underground
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ When the good go to war
Authour's Note

Chapter Seven ~ the truth

1.4K 74 8
By libbabuff

Hope you like it. Thank you for reading.

Last Time

"It still doesn't make sense, I don't know anything...I don't know what's happening...why are we here? Chris you promised me answers, I want them...And I want them now." He sighed before stating. "Okay Ellie, but you won't like's the truth."

edited 27/5/14

Chapter Seven ~ the truth

Chris was hesitant for a moment before offering me a seat by the fire. I sat willingly accepting the fires welcoming glow. "Ellie, there is so much to tell you. But I'll try the best I can." I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Ellie, the world is twisted it's not pure like it use to be...At first scientists thought it was the best idea ever, but then when they cured death-" Chris made a disgusted face while describing it as a 'cure' "-they saw what they really did. Ellie the memory chip I'm sure tells you about how you have to get the injection when your 16, but then you have to be 'restarted' again when your 34, yes?" I nodded in return. "Ellie that's not the full truth. You restart your life because you are immortal...but not forever Ellie, you have 3 life cycles, then the vans come..." He paused and took a deep breath. "Ellie the world can not be full of people living forever, look out there Ellie, it was empty except a few houses and a city Ellie, where do all the people go? They take them away and kill them, the only way they can...I don't want to go into detail Ellie, but they take them into a chamber, and they never walk back out."

I gasped in disgust. "The Government like to say how they protect us, that's why the 'cure' exists right? They lie. The 'cure' is so that they can control humanity, they have the power to take whatever they want, but no one is there to remember what they're doing or alive to witness it." I soaked it all in.

"Chris I don't understand..."

"Ellie, you get the injection at 16, they make you forget everything so no one questions the disappearances, they control you. When you get to the age of 34 they take you away, to regenerate, they do this by re-starting your body clock and mind, this making you dissolve into air. This is the cure Ellie, they make you into a bunch of particles and then they harvest them and inject them into unborn babies. It takes a while, and a possible life starts to grow inside the the babyand replaces it's soul with yours, when an egg becomes fertilised the particles destroy the egg and replace it, but it's life is still in there somewhere. You are reborn. Life and death is an illusion. They inject everyone so no one questions about why they aren't getting the immortal injection." He sighed.

"But these particles Ellie, they if you get cut-" Chris reached into his pocket and took out a pocket knife and glided the blade across his hand. "-the particles repair you, the unborn baby's potential life, goes into you, repairing a cut, disease, anything." I looked down at his cut hand, the cut that had been bleeding had now completely healed. "Sometimes though, the particles don't work and a egg is the life, not the the population gets bigger, which is why the vans come...they need a way to keep the population under control so they kill them." He paused and looked at me. I noticed his eyes looked sincere and troubled. "Do you understand Ellie?" I nodded after blinking a few times. It all seemed so unreal.

"Why do you call me Anna, Ashley and Connie?" I asked as he looked at me and smiled.

"You were an egg born Ellie, your first life cycle you were born and called Anna, we met when we were both 14, we grew up together and I fell in love with you, but then when they told us about we were going to forget everything we ran away and found this place...but a few years later we were past the age of 16, when we were undercover finding food, you got caught...I tried I really did to save you...but it was too late. You forgot everything and became Ashley, I found you and you started to remember have flashbacks about us becuase your mind fights the chip unlike so many, we went back here explained everything...we grew up together we got married..." He smiled at the memory. "We lived here, where they couldn't find was perfect. But then we got to the age 34, and you were out in the unknown land, I blame myself..." I blinked, allowing the information to sink in.

"They took you and they regenerated you, they made you particles and I couldn't do anything about it. So I wrote down everything so I would remember and told a few friends to find me in another life...and you were re-born as Connie, I was re-born as Steven, but then my friend found me who we helped escape from Jailbreak and showed me place and explained everything and I remembered."

My mind was blown. I cleared my throat. "Where's your friend?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "The vans took him."

"Why don't I remember now that you've told me, like you remembered?"

He smiled reassuringly. "You will, give it time."

"How do you know all of this?" I questioned.

He stood up and paced the floor a little. "We went out to find food and came by a old lab which they first tested the 'cure' in, you found all their books and we brought the truck round and brought them here."

"Where did we get the stuff here - the mattress, the truck?" I questioned as he stood still once again.

"We found them, on a deserted bit of the city one day."

I nodded.

"What happens now?" I questioned with all the hope in my voice.

"Now, we wait...and live like normal."

He sat back down beside me as we watched the comforting flames flicker and crackle enlightening to dark room.

Hope you liked it sorry if it was a bit confusing, if you don't understand it and I rambled on please say and I will write a 'conclusion' of what Chris explained.

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