My Polaris Star

By ariadneptune

805 77 4

[COMPLETED] After moving to a new town and starting senior year at a new school, all Juliet wants is to finis... More

00| Summary
01 | Venus, not Mercury
02| I'll Teach You
03| Polaris and Charlie
04| The Beauty of the Stars
05| It's...Complicated
06| It's For the Better
07| Feels Like I'm Drowning
08| A Sense of Relief
09| Don't Do This Alone
10| Can I Tell You a Secret
11| I Found You
12| You Are My Polaris Star
13| I Can't Get Enough Of You
15| His Touch is Electrifying
16| A Happy New Year
17| This Just Turned Bittersweet
18| Soon it is February
19| Just You and Me
20| This Town and all the Memories

14| Let's Go to Class Love Birds

19 3 0
By ariadneptune

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Let's Go to Class Love Birds

Charlie's POV:

I watch as Julie drives away before going back inside. In the dining room my uncle is putting the dishes away. He looks up at me.

"Everything okay? Vic was acting weird, no?"

I sigh. "I think I ruined it even more. I'm gonna go talk to him."

When I get to Victor's room the door is locked. I knock but there is no answer.

"Victor," I say, "Can we please talk?"

Moments pass and still nothing.

"Victor please." I plead. Nothing.

I sigh again. "Look, I'm really sorry," I say, staring at his door, "I wanted to tell you the right way. I never wanted you to find out the way you did."


"You were right, all those times when you said I liked her. But I didn't deny it to betray you. I denied it because in those moments I didn't realize it. I would've told you had I known. You know I would never betray you right? You're my cousin, my brother. Basically the only one that really knows me. Please Victor, open the door."

My phone buzzes after a few seconds.

Victor: We'll talk Monday. Tired.

"I'll see you on Monday then," I say then turn my wheel and walk away. He needs time, so I'll wait.


Julie's POV:

When Monday rolls around I am nervous to get to class. The last time I saw Victor he looked so betrayed. The expression on his face replayed in my mind over and over again all weekend. Charlie said they would talk Monday and try to fix things but I'm to speak to Victor since we're in a group project together for our first class.

Victor is already sitting down when I take my seat beside him. Jared, our other partner, sits not long after me. My eyes travel up to Victor's face unsure of what to expect but a bit shocked to see that he's looking at me smiling. It's not forced or awkward.

"Good morning," he tells me.

I blink. "Morning," I respond. "Um about Friday -"

"It's okay," he says, "I overreacted."

"Victor I-"

"Don't worry about it Juliet. Really I'm fine."

I give him a wary look. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he says, "I mean it." I nod, not wanting to push.

When Charlie arrives he comes over to Victor.

"Hey, do you think we could talk after class?" Charlie asks.

"No need," Victor says and looks up at him, "We're good."

Charlie stares at him confused. "I just want to clear things up and -"

Victor looks down at his desk and lets out an exasperated chuckle then looks between Charlie and I. "Guys I'm fine. We're good. No talk needed, I get it. And I mean it, there's nothing to worry about. So can we get past this so it doesn't become awkward?"

I look up at Charlie. He nods. "Yeah, sure," he says, "Whatever you want." With that said Charlie walks toward his chair and takes a seat.

The rest of class goes by rather smoothly. When the bell rings Victor, Charlie and I walk out together.

"See you guys later," Victor suddenly says, "I have to run by the office before class so I'll see you during lunch." We nod and watch as he walks off in the hallway.

"What do you think?" Charlie asks me. "I mean, how was he during class?"

"Fine actually. It wasn't awkward or weird, he acted...normal. You don't think he's faking it, do you?"

"I don't know," Charlie says. "Let's just be cautious, just in case."


During lunch Charlie and I sit next to one another. It's been a while since we've done so, but it feels right.

"God I cannot wait until Thanksgiving Break. How many more weeks do we have," Sofia says.

"Just this week and the next," Victor says, staring at her amusingly.

"Finally. Although now realizing that it's stressing me out."

"Why?" Ximena questions.

"After Thanksgiving Break is finals and I so don't need that stress right now."

Rafael snorts. "You're getting ahead of yourself Sofia. We haven't even gone on break yet."

"Yeah don't even think about it because you'll also stress us out," Ximena adds.

"Fine," she says but I can tell she's still stressed.

Another conversation begins and I listen until I feel Charlie's finger tug mine. I look up at him, startled.

"What are you doing," I whisper.

"Shh," is all he says before wrapping his hand with mine and squeezes it.

My heart does a somersault but when I look back at our friends I realize they don't have any idea how I'm feeling right now. I sigh with relief and try my best to compose myself to not make it obvious.

When the bell rings we all get up to get to class. But suddenly everyone is looking at Charlie and I and it isn't until I turn to look at Charlie that I realize we are still holding hands. Shit. We both pull away.

Ximena laughs. "Don't stop on our account. We already knew."

"Yeah I was wondering when you two would tell us," adds Rafael.

"Uh," I say but can't help but look at Victor.

He smiles.

"Let's go to class love birds," Sofia says.

As we're walking I look at Charlie.

"Sorry," he whispers, "I blew our cover."

I shake my head. "Me too," I tell him. "Do you think Victor's okay?"

Charlie looks at Victor who is walking way ahead of us talking with Rafael.

"Maybe," Charlie says. "I'll still try to talk to him later."

I nod then say, "So."


"Um," I give him a sheepish smile. "My mom's kinda upset."


"Well I told her that we had dinner with your uncle on Friday and she said that you had promised her a dinner. And all weekend she talked about how you have yet to have dinner with us so I told her we'd have dinner soon. I don't know what day is better for you but-"

"Today," he says.

"Today?" I ask alarmed. "It's not a big deal it can wait I just want to give her a time frame."

Charlie smiles. "Today is perfect. Ask her if today is good for her."

"If I ask her she will say yes."

"Perfect." He says and I groan.

Charlie laughs. "What you don't want me to have dinner with you guys?"

"I do but I was going to mentally prepare for my mom. She's something else when it comes to boys."

"Boys, huh. Sounds like you know this from experience," Charlie teases.

I scoff. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure," he says with a cheeky smile.


Surely enough when I asked my mom if dinner with Charlie today would be good she immediately responded with an all caps YES. I let out a small groan at the text but then can't help but smile. She must be super excited. When I told her that Charlie and I are starting to see each other she was over the moon. Even John was overly excited.

Honestly it was nice to see them get excited over something like this. For a while there I bet they thought I wouldn't have any friends when we moved. I can't help but think of how much has happened since we've gotten here. How different I was and how different I feel.

I still get moments of guilt. Enjoying life suddenly then realizing Will is gone is hard to shake. Charlie has been a great distraction at that but in the moments before I fall asleep, it's what keeps me up, though I don't tell anyone that. Especially not my parents.

I'm trying to enjoy everything as best as I can.


Charlie's POV:

I don't realize my hands are sweating until I ring the doorbell at Julie's house. I'm more nervous than I thought I'd be. I mean, I already met her parents, unofficially and very briefly. Does that even count?

Julie's step dad opens the door. He smiles at me. "Charlie, right?"

"Y-yes," I respond, "It's nice to officially meet you."

"Likewise," he says and opens the door wide, "Come on in."

"Is that Charlie honey?" I hear a voice call out. Julie's mom comes out and comes to greet me. "You're finally here," she says smiling widely. "I'm a hugger, is that okay?"

"Oh, yes. That's fine." She envelopes me in a hug and I can't help but smile. It hasn't even been a full minute with them and yet this is the most comforting exchange I've had with any parents I've even known. Including my own.

"Mom, relax," I hear Julie say.

"What'd I do?" her mom asks and let's me go. Both Julie's parents look at me again and smile. I smile back.

"You guys are going to creep him out with the hugging and smiling and staring," Julie says and cuts between them toward me. She grabs my hand and tugs me through them and into the kitchen.

"Sorry about them," she says.

I let out a small laugh. "Don't be. That was nice."

Julie groans. "Just expect more embarrassing moments."

I shake my head. "I've barely gotten here and I'm already loving this," I tell her.

"Come on, let's sit at the table. My mom said dinner is almost ready."

I follow suit as she guides me to the dining table. We sit next to each other and not long after both her parents come in and we set the table.

"I hope you'll like it," Julie's mom says, "it's my specialty."

"I'm sure I will," I tell her and cut into the fish filet. I'm about to take a bite when Julie's mom begins talking.

"So Julie says your family owns the Science Center where she works at."

I put my fork down. "Yes, my uncle does. That's actually where Julie and I met."

"Oh how sweet. How was that?"

"Uh." I turn to look at Julie and she gives me an amused look. My thoughts shift back to the day in which we met. Where I yelled at her and acted like a complete asshole. "Interesting," is all I say to which Julie laughs at.

I grab my fork again about to take a bite.

"Julie has also mentioned you're interested in astronomy," Julie's stepdad adds.

I put the fork down. "Uh yes. I love it actually. Ever since I was little I just knew I love the stars on the night sky. It's my passion."

There's a shift in the atmosphere after I say this. Solemn almost.

"That's um, wonderful Charlie." Julie's mom eventually says. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you," I respond. I mentally scold myself. I think I said too much. I grab my fork and again.

"So what do your parents do," Julie's mom suddenly says.

I put the fork down. "Oh um-"

"Can we just let him eat. He's been trying to take a bite but everytime you ask him something," Julie says.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"No, not at all. Um, my parents work in the hospitality industry."

"Oh that's nice," she replies. I nod and finally take a bite. "What area?"

"Um hotels. They own one nearby."

"Really? Now this I haven't heard before. Which one?"

"Um," I pause for a moment, "The Molina."

"Oh, really. Like the Molina hotels?"

"Yeah those," I say.

"That's amazing. They're everywhere not, not just local."

I nod.

"Anyways," I hear Julie say. "How's the food tasting?" I can tell she's changing the subject on purpose. I give her a thankful look.

"Great," I respond and look at Julie's mom. "Best meal I've ever had."

"I appreciate that Charlie," she says with a smile.

After dinner we head into the living room. We play card games and a few board games. It's honestly the most I've had in a while. I can't imagine my family and I doing this. Simply enjoying time with one another is nearly impossible.

"Okay I need a quick break," Julie says. "I'll be back." She gets up and walks upstairs.

"I think it is time for dessert. What do you say Charlie?"

"Uh, that'd be great."

"Come help me John." They both go into the kitchen and I am left alone sitting on the couch. From the side of my eye I glance at the photos on the wall that I noticed since we sat down.

I decide to get up and take a closer look. My eyes travel to all the photos of younger Julie and the big smile on her face and then to the person beside her in every photo. My eyes stay put on a particular photo that doesn't look too old. Julie is in her cheerleading outfit. It looks like the photo was taken after a football game as the field is peeking in the background.

"That was taken a little over a year ago," I suddenly hear from my behind me. Startled I turn and look at Julie's mom, her eyes turn glossy but she smiles nevertheless.

"That's my Will," she tells me and walks closer to the photo. "Has Julie told you about him."

I nod, unsure what to say.

She smiles.

"She looks really happy here," I blurt out.

She looks at me and nods. "She was."

"I'm sorry about Will, I-"

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I just get all teary-eyes when I think about him all. Don't mind me. In fact I'm a little more emotional because...well you just remind me so much of him. He would've loved to know you."

My mouth is dry. I watch as a tear slips down her face.

"I hope I can make Julie happy again," I decide to say.

"Oh Charlie you already have."

"Not entirely, but I know I can."

She smiles. "I'm so happy my Julie met you. You are what she's needed for a while now. I hope you've felt welcomed by us because we really love having you around."

"Thank you," I tell her, "This has honestly been the most comforting dinner and game night I've ever had. Truth to be told, I'm not very close with my parents so, being here felt nice."

Julie's mom pulls me into a side hug. "Then you are welcome here any time. So if you ever feel like you need anything you just come to us okay?"

I nod. "Thank you," I tell her.


After dessert Julie walks me to my car.

"I hope tonight wasn't too overwhelming," she tells me. I shake my head.

"Not at all," I tell her, "It was perfect."

She smiles and I can feel everything else melt away and I can't help but tug her closer and closer until our lips touch. I love kissing her so much. It's addicting.

When we part she gives me a shy smile. "Drive safely," she tells me.

"I will," I respond.

"Text me when you get home."

"I will."

"Don't miss me too much," she says teasingly.

I laugh. "I will."

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