King: of The Forest And The L...

By chaexjune

4.2K 384 252

Jungkook, the guardian of the Crimsonheart Forest, has watched over the ancient woodland for over a century... More

The Curse of The Uninvited Guest
The Hundred Years in Solitary
The Companion in Question
The Guardian of The Forest
The Only Person
The Strange yet Familiar Feeling
The Unspoken Secret and Promise
The Concealed Truth
The Princess' Stories
The Feelings
The Land of Eudaemonia
The Secret Between Us
The Scent of Danger
The Greying Feathers and The Treacherous Tree
The Infamous Vigilante
The Bad Omen
The Inevitable Decision
The Sleeping Handsome in The Woods
The Moment Has Come
The End of Vileness
The Ending Plan
The New Beginning
The Hopeless Queen and The Clueless King
The Lost Sparks Between Them
In the Heart of the Kingdom


211 15 17
By chaexjune

The morning sun painted the royal garden in hues of gold, casting a serene glow upon Jungkook and Roseanne as they strolled through the blossoming landscape. Jungkook gently pushed Roseanne's wheelchair, the cool morning breeze carrying whispers of their shared memories. Looking at her burgeoning belly, he could not help to reminisce about their wedding day almost a year ago.

"Do you remember our wedding day, Rosie?", he asked, his eyes filled with fondness.

Roseanne smiled, her gaze drifting to the horizon.

"Of course, how could I forget? Everyone showered us with blessings and wishes," she reminisced, a softness in her voice.

Jungkook chuckled, recalling with a playful grin, "Especially the wishes for us to have a little one soon."

Roseanne chuckled, nodding.

"That wish was heard the most, I think," she said, placing a hand on her swelling belly. "And soon, their wish will come true," she added with a contented smile.

Jungkook leaned closer, his eyes fixed on her belly. Tenderly, he bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her tummy, then lifted his head to press a soft kiss on her hand.

"To you, my love, and to our babies," he murmured, his voice filled with affection and anticipation. "May you all be well for the birth that's soon to come.", he wished, hoping that their twins and Roseanne, all three of them, would be healthy.

When he looked up to Roseanne's face, he saw her expression change. Her hand instinctively moved to her abdomen, feeling the subtle fluttering beneath her touch.

"Jungkook..", she gasped, her voice filled with wonder. "Our babies are saying hello."

Eyes widening with excitement, he gently placed his hand where Roseanne's rested. His face lit up as he felt the faint but distinct movements.

"I can feel them," he exclaimed, a mixture of joy and amazement in his voice.

Just as the moment of awe settled between them, Roseanne felt a twinge of pain shot through her, causing her to clutch her stomach tightly.

"My love..", she gasped, her voice strained. "It's time...", she paused, trying to take a sharp intake of breath through the surging pain.

Seeing his wife's expression, attempting to conceal the discomfort, Jungkook felt a surge of panic, which then led him to scramble in attempting to lift Roseanne from the wheelchair.

"I got you," he declared, his voice tinged with anxiety, but before he could fully lift her, her hand met his chest with surprising force.

"Stop, Jungkook..", she commanded firmly, her eyes locking with his in a mix of pain and determination. "Just push the wheelchair. We need to see the midwife quickly."

Confusion and concern clouded Jungkook's features momentarily, but the resolute look in Roseanne's eyes spurred him into action. With a nod, he swiftly redirected his efforts, pushing the wheelchair with urgency toward the birthing chambers, his heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and determination.


In the birthing chamber, Roseanne lay in the throes of labor, her face contorted with the intensity of pain. Jungkook stood by her side, holding her hand firmly and murmuring words of encouragement, his eyes filled with both worry and unwavering support.

"Push, Your Majesty.", urged Ruby, the experienced midwife, her voice steady despite the urgency of the moment. "You're doing wonderfully well. Just a little more.", she added.

Roseanne clenched her teeth, gripping Jungkook's hand tightly as she followed Ruby's instructions.

"I-I can't..." she gasped, beads of sweat glistening on her brow.

"You're strong, my queen," Jungkook reassured her, his voice unwavering. "You can do this. Our babies are almost here.", he kissed her hand, hoping that it would ease her pain.

With each agonizing moment, Ruby guided Roseanne through the process, her expertise crucial in easing the birthing pains. As Roseanne screamed in pain, the echo of her distress reverberated through the chamber. Suddenly, amidst the tumultuous atmosphere, a cry pierced the air, the sound bringing a mix of relief and anticipation.

"It's a boy," Ruby announced, a smile touching her lips as she cradled the newborn in her arms.

Jungkook's eyes shone with unbridled joy and relief as he gazed at the baby boy. Roseanne's closest staff, Alicia and Alice, helped Ruby clean the little prince.

"Our son, Rosie.." he murmured, his voice brimming with emotion.

However, their jubilation was short-lived as Ruby's reminder hung heavy in the air. "Your Majesty, let's do this one more time." she gently urged, nodding to Roseanne. "You're almost there. Keep pushing."

As Roseanne faced the prospect of welcoming their second child, tears streamed down her face, a mix of pain and apology evident in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, my love." she gasped between sobs, her voice quivering with exhaustion. "I can't bear it anymore.", she shook her head, looking at Jungkook apologetically.

Ruby's voice remained calm and reassuring, "Just a little more, one big push."

Summoning every ounce of her remaining strength, Roseanne mustered a final surge of determination. With a deep breath, she gathered her resolve and pushed with all her might, her cries mingling with the anticipation in the room.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, the chamber was suddenly filled with the melodious sound of another baby's cry.

"It's a girl," Ruby announced, her voice filled with warmth as she gave the little princess to Alicia.

Jungkook's heart swelled with indescribable joy and relief at the sight of their daughter.

"You made it, my queen.", he whispered, kissing Roseanne's temple softly.

He lovingly wiped away the tears and sweat from Roseanne's face, offering words of comfort and thankfulness. But before the sense of relief could fully settle, Ruby's voice interrupted the moment.

"Your Majesty..", she called for their attention, her tone tinged with surprise. "I can feel another head. You're having triplets!", everyone in the chamber was surprised.

Shock and disbelief washed over the couple's faces, their gazes meeting in astonishment.

"Triplets?" Jungkook stammered, his eyes widening with incredulity.

Roseanne, though exhausted, managed a weak yet surprised chuckle amidst her labored breathing.

"Three blessings," she murmured, a mixture of astonishment and joy coloring her voice.

Amidst the surprising revelation that there was another baby, Roseanne summoned every ounce of her strength for the final push. Surprisingly, the third baby emerged swiftly and with less intensity, almost as if a blessing had graced the moment. With a gentle cry, the third child, another girl, came into the world, filling the chamber with a sense of wonder.

"It's another girl!" exclaimed Ruby, handing the baby to Alicia carefully.

Jungkook's astonishment turned into a radiant smile.

"Our babies, Rosie.." he uttered, his heart brimming with gratitude for the unexpected gift.

Ruby, still in disbelief, congratulated the couple on the miraculous arrival of their triplets. "I couldn't predict this, forgive me, Your Majesty.", she admitted, a mix of astonishment and apology in her voice.

Roseanne, overwhelmed with joy, quickly reassured Ruby. "It's alright, Ruby. You've helped bring our babies into the world. I'm thankful for you." she said warmly, her eyes shining with gratitude.

Eager to hold her newborns, Roseanne requested to see her babies. Jungkook, Alice, and Alicia, each cradling one of the precious newborns, approached Roseanne with radiant smiles.

"Look at them, Rosie.", Jungkook said proudly, placing their son in her arms.

Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as she gazed upon the little boy before she turned to see her daughters in Alice and Alicia's arms.

"They're perfect," she murmured, her heart overflowing with love and an overwhelming sense of fulfilment.

Jungkook put his arm around her shoulder, softly whispering to her right ear, "Just as you are. Thank you for everything, my lovely queen."

Surrounded by the miraculous gifts of their triplets, the royal family shared an enchanting moment, revelling in the joy of new life and the boundless love that filled the kingdom of Eudaemonia.


Three years later...

The kingdom had recently discovered the camera technology and on this particular day, the royal garden bustled with activity as the family prepared for a long-awaited family photoshoot.

The once tiny infants had transformed into lively toddlers, their laughter filling the air as they darted among the blooming flower in the playful freedom of the garden. Jungkook and Roseanne, dressed in their elegant attire for the occasion, found themselves engaged in a joyous game of chase with their exuberant trio.

"Slow down, little ones!" chuckled Roseanne, her voice a harmonious blend of laughter and gentle admonition.

She and Jungkook hustled around, attempting to gather the energetic toddlers for the impending photoshoot.

Jungkook, a mix of amusement and determination on his face, scooped up one of the kids who was attempting to climb a small fountain.

"You're quite the little explorer, aren't you, Junhui?" he grinned, trying to contain the giggling child in his arms.

Meanwhile, Roseanne danced around, trying to gather the other two, her voice carrying a mixture of encouragement and playful persuasion.

"Adelaide, Audrey, come closer, my darlings. It's time for some beautiful pictures," she coaxed, her eyes twinkling with maternal warmth.

After a flurry of delightful commotion, Jungkook and Roseanne managed to corral the excitable trio into a temporary moment of calmness, their faces radiant with joy.

"Hold still just for a moment, my loves," urged Jungkook, swiftly ushering them towards the designated spot for the photoshoot.

As the family of five posed for the pictures, the trio's giggles and playful squirming made it a challenge for the photographer to capture a few fleeting moments of tranquility. But despite the brief chaos, a number of precious snapshots were captured before the children made their escape once more, their laughter echoing through the garden.

Jungkook, wearing a bemused smile, turned to Roseanne. "Shall we call it a day?" he chuckled, glancing after the kids as they scampered away.

Roseanne's expression hinted at a mix of exhaustion and amusement. "I think they've had enough," she replied, her voice laced with affection.

The photographer, observing the playful scene, suggested, "How about a couple's photoshoot now?"

Roseanne hesitated, glancing at Jungkook, "I'm not sure we need..."

Interrupting her, his eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint. "I'd like that, actually," he interjected, surprising Roseanne with his sudden eagerness.

A soft smile touched Roseanne's lips as she met her husband's gaze, her heart warmed by his unexpected enthusiasm.

"Alright then," she agreed, nodding in acquiescence.

The photographer guided them to a serene spot amidst the garden, the sunlight casting a golden hue over the royal couple. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Roseanne's waist, drawing her closer as they posed for the intimate couple's photoshoot.

As the camera clicked, Jungkook quickly kissed her cheek, causing her to freeze in his hold.

"That's nice, Your Majesty.", the photographer said, giving a thumbs up to the royal couple.

"Can we do another one?", Jungkook asked.

"Of course, Your Majesty.", he replied.

With that, Jungkook positioned Roseanne in front of him, their eyes gaze on each other before he slowly pulled her close, and his lips captured hers as the camera clicked on their romantic pose.


And..................................................................the king and the queen live happily ever after with their prince and princesses.


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