•home for the troubled boys•p...

By yourlocalEl1

54.8K 1.3K 323

Avery has been in trouble with the law ever sense he was young,Never anything to serious but enough to raise... More

The boys
Meeting the boys.
settling in
Chocolate chip cookies.
Not so sneaky
Shower tears don't count right?
Pizza and needle rebellion
Hungover chats
Close eye
Close eye-PT2
sleeping beauty
Phone call.
Mommy issues.
hair dye adventure
Good choice
Sleep depravation always wins.
Exposed pages
Unconscious actions.

Asking for trouble.

2.2K 59 22
By yourlocalEl1

Averys P.O.V

Like every other morning that I have spent captive in this prison I wake up to a knock on the door it was gentle and soft, Liam? My suspicions were confirmed when Liam spoke. "Time for breakfast Avery!" He says in his usual kind and chirpy voice "Mhug" I groan out in acknowledgment, he must have got the memo because I heard is soft almost silent footsteps fade away.

I sit up feeling disgusting and heavy from all the pizza I ate last night, not my brightest idea but I sure did enjoy it in the moment.I throw on a black hoodie that covers my frame entirely and make my way out the door and toward the stairs. As I finish my decent down the stairs I look at the people at the table every one was there except for me and Jax. I have to a fight a smirk from coming on my face, I wonder how mr boss man will react.

 I Take my seat next to Xavier and Liam. My plate has already been filled,Great I was really fat last night and this is the first day that I have to follow ass faces rule."Wheres Jaxs?" the hyper blond also known as Parker asks Liam with is face tied into the slightly confused look."I don't know I Knocked and he answered." he answers. before any one else could had to that conversation jax quietly slips into his chair. 

I look at his end of of the table and see a shocked max and a unreadable Mave."Whoa when did you...?" max breathes out clearly in shock.Xavier must have picked up on his tone and looks up at the two boys which is when I can see his face twist into anger."Jaxson." He says in a stern tone "Yes?" Jax answered as if he had no clue in the world why Xavier was mad. At this point I am fighting for my life to keep a straight face.

"Please tell me you didn't shove a needle through your Nose with no experience what so ever." he says slightly raising his voice but still keeping himself composed."I didn't." Jaxs said causing Xavier to sigh "So its fake?" he asks eyebrow raised "No, I just said I didn't do it I had help." He responds in his blut tone but still managing to sound like a smart ass.Xavier visibly tenses up again.I couldn't hold it anymore and let out a quite sinker covering my mouth with my hand.

"Avery is there something funny?" Xavier asks All eyes now on me great going Avery."Yeah you've  got your Panties in a knot over a piercing." I say voice filled with amusement "Plus I take it to offense that you think I did a bad job." I scoff while letting it slip that I was the one who did the piercing because nobody else was getting credit for my handy work or the fact that it pissed off Xavier.

"I expect to see the both of you in my office when you finish eating." he says In a angry almost demanding tone that left know room form denial.Breakfast after that was almost silent with clear tension.Surprisingly I finished what he had put on my plate which wasn't much just some fruit a piece of toast and one egg.  

Jax had finished before me and already made his way to Xaviers office. When I finished I did the same, watching as Xavier helped clean up which was almost done meaning he would be joining us shortly.I wasn't worried about it There no punishment that he could give me that is worse than one of my fathers.

I walk into his office closing the door seeing ax sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk, Floping down into the chair next to him I ask "So what dose he do for punishments?"He shrugs "it depends on who you are and what would be a punishment to you." he answers "Well good thing jackass doesn't know shit about me."

Not even a minute later the door opens and reveals a angry Xavier. He sits down at his desk Rubbing his hands over his face in frustration."When exactly did the two of you do this?" he asks glancing between the two of us quite obviously trying to cool himself down, Why not just yell? "Around like Three, early morning hours I guess." he answered "And how exactly did the two of you end up at the same location at three in the morning?" He asks looking at Jax thank fuck.

 "You and Mave were being asses early that day so I was going to piss you off by staying up late so I was down stairs and Avery came down to get a drink." He replies completely changing the fact that my fat ass was down there because I ordered a pizza,

"Watch your language Jaxson you are on strike three already I wouldn't test my kindness right now." He says sending him that look that I have grown quite used to lest just say I don't have a the cleanest mouth."Now how did that interaction turn into you with a nose piercing?" he asks Jaxs again."Well I was asking him about his and it just Kida happened." He turns to look at me "I said he would sexy with a nose piercing and that I would do it for him and then it happened" I say shrugging shoulders. "No you said I would look hot not sexy." he corrects. 

I laugh and put my hands up in sarcastic defense "Sorry I said he would look hot" Xaviers sighs Cleary not impressed with our banter. "Mave will be handling your punishment Jax, And as for you I have yet to come up with one but don't think that you will be going unpunished." he says finishing his sentence with his eyes on me. God it pisses me off that he's fine as fuck.Wrong time Avery your getting scolded.

"I think you trying to make me even fatter is punishment enough." I mutter under my breath.Xavier looks at me eye brow raised "What was that?" he asks "I said can I go now" I say making my voice louder than it probably need to be, Whatever. "Yes you are dismissed." He says with a sigh. I get up to leave watching Jax do the same."Jax sit back down we aren't done talking." He says as a demand and Jax immediately sits back down, How kinky.

I make my way up the stairs to my room just now releasing how tired I actually am.I flop down on my bed laying on my stomach crossing my arms under my head using them as a pillow.I was just about to doze off when I hear a knock sound from my door. I get up to answer the door who the fuck is it and what the fuck do they want. I open the door to find Mave.

"What do you want?" I snap out "Xavier sent me to Confiscate Whatever you used to do the piercing" I said returning the same amount of snark. "Oh my fucking god" I mutter out letting out a unamused laugh. I walk into my room allowing him to step in, I grab the small red case on my night stand and open it pulling out a baggy that was full of all my piercings, I have tons from black to pink lets just say I like to accessorize.

He raises an eye brow at when I hand him the bag clearly confused as why I had removed something."There my piercings not anything to do a piercing." I say gesturing to the clear bag with my eyes.He examines the bag with his eyes. "Alright" He mumbles out and turns to leave.

After he's gone I shut the door behind him and flop back dow onto the bed this time on my side curled into the fetal position hugging a pillow.Peace and Quiet.

I woke up around 12:30 to a knock on my door alerting me it was time for lunch.Once again I had to actually eat,God I really don't want to have to start purging again its not something that I enjoy.After lunch which was thankfully a lot less awkward that breakfast had been.Jax even got complimented by both Max and Parker, told him he would look hot.

Its now currently 12:12 And I have gone way to long with out Alcohol to be specific I have gone to long with out vodka.I Get out of bed still rocking my black hoodie and grey sweatpants and grab my bag digging through it until my Hand lands on my wallet. I open it up to confirm that my Fake ID was still in there, it was along with the money I had brought with me.

I slide my beat up convers on and ever so slowly slide open the window and peer out looking around,Do I really want to do this I am already in trouble with Xavier.Whatever sooner he kicks me out the better.I slowly maneuver my way out the window on the the porch railing and then finally on the ground just like a had when I first got here.

I Sneak my way around the house and book it down the driveway,Making it to the road I don't feel as if I have to be super sneaky.I grab my phone an earbuds sliding one in keeping my other ear free so I can hear, I keep the volume low it would be stupid to make myself a easy target at this time of night.

I continue walking for around 30 minutes going the same way I had before so I could go to the convent store that I saw around there.I spot the convent store and make my way over to it, I enter sounding a ding from the door alerting the worker that someone had arrived.

I make my way over to the Alcohol isle grabbing two bottles of my favorite vodka, I walk over to the cash register seeing a woman most likely in her late 20s early thirty's.She smiles at me as I set down the bottles.She scans both the items "Will this be all?" she asks "Mhm" I answer "Okay then I will need to see some id."She asks. Take out my Wallet and hand her the id she takes a glance at it and hands it back to me. "Okay then that will be 45.60" I reach back into my wallet putting away the id and grabbing a 50 and handing it tow her. A couple seconds pass before she hands me my change and a receipt."Have a good night".Oh I will I grin to myself before giving her the generic "You to".

The door rings again as I leave the store.i keep walking around before I found a rundown park that was empty. I plop myself down on a swing and open one of the bottles of vodka and take a swig,I missed the burning sensation of the liquid I drank so often.I knew I was going to regret this I always did in the end.

Drinking was the unhealthy coping mechanism had turned to when I was 15,i remember when I was younger I used to always say that I was never going to drink and I wasn't going to be like my parents, Oh if little me could see me right now he would be so disappointed so sad and oh so mad.

And miles what would he think,I told him I would quit for him but I couldn't. I remember that night that he had came to me crying it was a few nights after his 14th birth on how he was worried about me and how he didn't want me to turn out like dad.He sounded so devastated it broke my heart into a million pieces but I still couldn't do it for him.A lost cause is all I am all I have ever been and all I will ever be.

I take a few more swigs of the first bottle feeling the buzz at this point thoughts still racing through my head.I let a laugh bubble up my throat,God maybe I was crazy.I finish the first bottle and pop open the lid to the second one.

How can you be so upset at yourself for drinking but not even attempt to stop it,You were completely sober when you first made the decision to drink.Do you want to let down Miles because that's all your doing.Dose miles even know where I am, What if they sent him back to go live with Our parents.God I hope not.I'm not there to keep him safe and I hate it.

I stand up and start walking around while swaying bottle in hand laughing to myself.

I wonder sometimes if I had grown up in a normal house if life would actually be worth living.I have never once had someone taking care of me, it was always just me helping me not even it was more just me destroying myself.My mom only kept me and miles around because she got more money from the government and the only time dad ever came around was to sleep,Steal form us, or to his.He was only there consistently after my tenth birthday when he had decided that I was old enough to make money for his addictions with my body.

Angry tears well in my eyes,Why me huh?What did I do that was so shitty to make me deserve that.I remember all the pain the blood running down my thighs the confusion that I felt.I was a kid what possesses someone to do that to a kid.

my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice,I look over and make eye contact with the cop standing to the side of me."Excuse me sir you cant drink here, you are to intoxicated to be out." He says looking at me.Who the hell is he to tell me what I can do.I don't know what was going trough my mind but I felt my arm move on its own throwing the glass bottle at the man which missed him and shattered behind him.

Before the man had any chance of detaining me I felt my body get heavy my vision began to spot  and before I knew It I was falling.

1 hour later 

I wake up in a bright room still extremely drunk, a police station god not this again.i hear talking coming from behind me "Yes sir I found out who he was and where he belongs." A female voice says "And that would be." a familiar Male voice says "Avery baker and um he belongs to that mental institution on ###### street." she responds saying mental institution like it was a forbidden word."Thank you Officer Scott." the male says dismissing the other.

He comes around the chair looking at me "Your awake." I just stare back at him.He lets out a sigh "Well lets get you back to were you belong" he says taking the handcuffs off me snd leading me towards a police cruiser. At this point though I wasn't worried about that.

Belong,Do I belong there am I truly going crazy, am I truly turning into him.

He seats me in the back on the cruiser and started making his way towards the institution I know that because we pass the park then the ally and then the convent store that had gotten me into this whole mess. 

We pull up to the the driveway to the instutution and the man gets out of the car walking over to my side of the door opening it and helping me out and leading me to the door as if I were a lost child.he wasn't worn though I truly felt like a lost child in this moment.The cop raises his hand to knock on the door, the loud sound making me flinch ever so slightly.

We wait for about I minute before the door opens and reveals a tired looking Liam.His eyes widen in shock,"Avery?" his eyes flick to the cop "Is Xavier prince Here I need to speak with him." Liam nods "Yes I will get him right now, feel free to come in." He says before rushing up the stairs.

The cop gives me a nudge to step forward into the house, he closes the door behind us when hear foot steps coming down the stairs.The owner of them turns the Conner reveling a disheveled Xavier hair a mess. He approaches us looking me up and down shocked as if he were assessing the damage.

"Are you Xavier?" the cop asks "Yes sir that would be me." He replies with a sigh "Well I found this one completely wasted in the park, he attempted to throw a glass bottle at my head yet missed." "In our records it says he is in your care is that correct?" he asks Xavier "Yes that is correct I am so sorry he is still a new transfer we are still trying to get things sorted out." Xavier apologies stress seeping into his voice. "Its Alright but please prevent it from happing again."The cop says before taking his leave. 

This left me and Xavier alone in the room, no sounds were made for about a minute before Xavier spoke up."What were you thinking!?" He quietly exclaims sounding more disappointed than made just like lies had the first time he found out that I let him down. I look down tears forming in my eyes for no apparent reason "Im sorry.." Is all I could quietly muter out without breaking down and sobbing.Fuck why do I get so emotional when I'm drunk.

I feel the tears start to escape from my eyes falling on the floor informant of me."Avery..?" Xavier says all the anger and disappointment in his voice completely gone."Hic- Im sorry" I say through the tears its all I could get out they were the only words I knew how to say now.

My body tenses as a hand is placed on my shoulder "Avery I need you to calm down,Im no going to lie I am mad but not at you." I shove the ends of my hoodie into my eyes drying the tears that were quickly being replaced. I feel the hand from my shoulder move to my chin lifting it up so I come eye to eye the Xavier."Lets go get some pain killers so your hangovers not to bad,Okay" He says Eyes soft and calm,Comforting. 

I give him a nod allowing him to lead me to the kitchen with his hand placed on my lower back."Here." he says handing me two white pills and a glass of water which I completely finish."Okay lets get you to bed, ill let you sleep in but I will be having a rather long talk with you while you eat whatever meal or meals you miss." he says now leading me up the stairs towards my room.All I could do was nod.

we get to my room and he opens the door revealing the open window and slightly messed up room. "Go sit down on the bed please." He says making his way to the window While I do as he said. Now that the window is closed and locked he comes back over to me kneeing down beside me.He starts un lacing my shoes gently setting them to the side.he stands back up "Lay down Avery its time to sleep now" he says

I do just that almost instantly curling into a ball. I hear a soft chuckle escape the man as a blanket is placed over me."Goodnight Avery." and a click of a door closing are the last few things that I hear before drifting off to sleep.

OMFG I SPENT SO LONG ON THIS CHAPETEE. my back hurts so bad but I really hope y'all enjoy because I put my whole man pussy into this one, I think its the longest one yet. And TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPORT BC I TOTS THOUGHT THIS WHOLE THING WOULD FLOP.And please leave any suggestions and comments do not hesitate on me I want to know your every waking thought on this book.- LOVE ELI<3

   Word count:3365 (NOW THATS A CHAPTER)


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