Regulus Black x reader (NOT S...

By akiokageyama267

19.3K 673 68

Y/n Potter and Regulus Black realize that they're not so different after all. Will their friendship be accept... More

Character introductions part 1
Character introduction part 2
Character introduction part 3
Chapter One: The first day (part 1)
Chapter two: First day (part 2)
Chapter three: The closet (part 1)
Chapter four: The closet (part 2)
Chapter five: Prefect patrol
Chapter six: Detention and a game
Chapter seven: The hospital wing
Chapter eight: Halloween
Chapter ten: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Christmas (part 1)
Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)
Chapter 14: Christmas (part three)
Chapter 14: Triwizard tournament (part one)
Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)
Chapter 16: Triwizard tournament (part three)
Chapter 17: Triwizard tournament (part four)
Chapter 18: The first challenge (part one)
Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)
Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?
Chapter Twenty-One: Dresses and Eggs
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expelled? Maybe. (Kind of a filler chapter)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)
Chapter Twenty Four: Yule Ball (part two)
Chaoter Twenty Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Explain

Chapter nine: Animagus

691 23 1
By akiokageyama267

The next day, y/n was forced to stay in the hospital wing until lunch. Regulus stayed with her, saying that he couldn't handle their first few classes alone. That was a lie. He was worried about her. She had barely spoken a word since the incident, forcing Regulus to make up a lie about what had happened.
"Ready to go to lunch?" Regulus asked her.
She nodded and he held his hand out for her to grab. She grabbed it and he helped her get off of the bed. She wrapped herself around his arm to keep herself up, legs sore from being in bed all morning. They had spent all morning, Regulus reading to y/n as she drifted in and out of sleep.
They walked in silence until they entered the dining hall. Y/n saw Remus comforting James and Sirius. They looked distraught, until they saw y/n with Regulus.Their faces stiffened and they stared her down, watching her next moves.
"Do you want to sit with me at the Slytherin table?" Regulus asked.
He watched as y/n's helpless eyes lit up with that similar gleam, a small smile on her face.
"Please," she said, leaning on him more as he led her to the Slytherin table.
Mummers spread around the dining hall as they saw the sweet Gryffindor girl who always trailed behind her big brother, throwing James a glare as she clung to one of his enemies.
They got over to the table and sat across from Caius and Evan.
"Hey guys," Regulus shot his friends a look. "Y/n's gonna sit with us,"
"Cool, what's up y/n?" Caius asked. "How do you like life at the Slytherin table?"
"It has a nice view," Y/n smiled as she stared out the large windows.
The boys turned around and looked.
"Hmm, you're right, I never thought about that," Evan smiled.
The group, with their newfound member, had lots of interesting conversations at lunch, finding a lot more in common than they had thought before.
"So, uhm, if you don't mind me asking, why do both of your brothers look like they're going to murder us?" Evan asked.
The pair looked at each other, a silent conversation, before turning to him.
"We had a little bit of a fight last night," y/n admitted.
"Little is an understatement," Regulus said, making y/n laugh.
Even though it had only been a day since he heard it, Regulus missed that laugh and it put a huge smile on his own face. They started talking again, having a conversation in their own little world.
"Do you think she likes him back?" Caius asked Evan.
"That's the understatement of the year," Evan snorted.
"Do you think they're in love?"
"I correct myself, that is the understatement of the year,"
Regulus and y/n spent the whole day in their own little world, relying on only themselves. This actually went on for a week, the two of them were completely engrossed by the other.
It was their nightly prefect patrol and they had stopped walking on their separate sides of the hallway, preferring to to stay closer.
"Reg," Y/n said, using the new nickname she gave him. "Wanna do something fun?"
"Obviously," he smiled. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, I was thinking that we could maybe become animagus together," she proposed the idea.
"Ani what?"
"Animagus," she said. "It's when you can transform into an animal at will,"
"Isn't that illegal?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Uhm, no?" She lied.
"Liar," he laughed. "Well, how do we do it?"
"Well, we'd have to start tonight, since it's a full moon," she pulled him along to a dark potions classroom. "Here, put this mandrake leaf on the roof of your mouth. And pay attention to the spell I'm about to cast,"
He did what he was told and y/n cast a spell to keep the leaf in place. Once they repeated the process on y/n, Regulus looked at her.
"Seems like you thought this through," Regulus laughed.
"Yeah, well, now we wait for a month,"
"A month?!"
"Shhh, people are sleeping," she laughed.
For an entire month, y/n and Regulus kept the mandrake leaf in their mouths. Every time someone asked them why they were talking weirdly, they burst out laughing.
Finally, at the middle of  December, it was time for the next steps. The pair had left their dorms at midnight to go to the woods and placed their leaves and a piece of their hair into a crystal phial. They had gotten lucky that there was a storm that night. Their phials attracted the lightning and got struck, turning the liquid into red poison.
"Ready?" Y/n asked.
"Ready," Regulus responded.
"Amato Animo Animato Animagus," the pair said in sync.
They both felt a fiery pain in their chests, y/n clutched her shirt, trying to do something about the pain. Regulus grabbed her, wide eyed.
"I felt it," he whispered. "A second heartbeat,"
Suddenly, y/n felt it too. A second heartbeat. It was everywhere, in her ears, in her feet, everywhere.
She watched as Regulus's body started to change, his form falling to the ground, y/n ran to him and he welcomed her touch. His body started to get darker and darker, his limbs changing, and when it was complete, he was a black panther. There was fur missing across his chest, due to some sort of scars.
His same blue-gray eyes stared up at y/n, who was full of excitement.
"This is so cool!" She hugged the panther.
She suddenly felt herself lurch to the ground, feeling her skin stretch, her body morphing. Regulus watched in amazement as y/n's beauty morphed into the form of a puma.
She had tan fur with intricate markings on her head. Regulus was taken aback by how majestic she looked.
"Can we understand each other?" Regulus spoke, but it came out as a growl.
Unsurprisingly, y/n understood.
"Yes!" She ran over on all fours and tackled her friend.
The pair of felines rolled on the floor, taking turns tackling each other.
"First one to that giant walk wins!" Y/n took off running towards the rock.
Regulus quickly tackled her and sent himself running ahead. When he turned back, he saw y/n staring at a deer, rat, and black dog.
He ran up and stood next to her.
"Y/n..." he trailed off.
"Let's go back," she took off running towards the Hogwarts castle.
Regulus took one last look at the odd assortment of animals before running after y/n. They were running next to each other until they reached the edge of the forest, when y/n stopped. She transformed back into a human and laid down on the soft grass. Regulus did the same and turned his head to look over at y/n.
"I can't believe we actually did that!" Y/n squealed.
"I know! That was crazy," Regulus grinned.
"Why do you think we were both cat-like animals?" Y/n, rolled her body over to the side to face him.
"I don't know, but it was kinda cool, y'know, being the same type of species,"
"It made me feel closer to you," y/n smiled at him, not noticing his face turning red.
The storm suddenly picked up again and it started downpouring on the two. Y/n stood up and held her hand out to help Regulus to stand up.
"Wanna dance?" She asked with a grin.
Regulus took her hand and she pulled him up. She took his hands and placed one on her hips and the other in her own hand before placing her other hand on his shoulder. She led him in a waltz, humming a song and swaying the two of them around to her imaginary music.
"Wait, I know that song," Regulus tried to think of what it was.
"It's a muggle song, I highly doubt you know it," y/n stopped humming.
"No, no, I recognize it, keep humming," Regulus took the lead and moved them around as y/n hummed.
She giggled as Regulus spun them around, completely ignoring the rain soaking them completely.
"Iris!" Regulus cheered, having remembered what the song was. "By the uhm, the Goo Goo Dolls!"
"Yes!" Y/n cheered.
"And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't that they'd understand," Regulus sang the lyrics where y/n left off humming.
"When everything's made to be broken! I just want you to know who I am," y/n continued.
They hummed the instrumental part of the song together.
"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming," y/n sang, gripping onto Regulus's body as if her life depended on it.
"Or the moment of truth in your lies," Regulus brushed his nose against y/n's, making her laugh again.
"So when everything feels like the movies,"
"Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive!" The two young wizards sang together.
Lightning cracked and the two gripped onto each other, forgetting to be scared when they felt each other's presence.
"Crap, the castle's probably locked by now," Regulus looked at the shadow of the castle in the short distance.
"I left my window open," y/n raised her eyebrow before referring to the tie prank. "If you still remember how to get in,"
Regulus grinned and they took off running, two legged this time. Y/n slipped in some mud and clutched onto Regulus's sweater to not fall. He grabbed her and laced their hands together before pulling her along. Regulus stopped them when they got to the outside of the castle, forcing himself to let go of y/n's hand.
"Follow me," he grinned, starting his climb up.
They tumbled into the room, falling on the floor with laughter. Y/n was lucky that her roommates were sleeping over at a Hufflepuff's dorm because they would've killed her for disturbing their sleep.
"Oh my god, we're soaking!" Y/n laughed, her hair sticking to her face. "Hold on, I'm gonna go shower real quick, I may or may not have stolen a pair of your sweatpants and sweatshirt if you wanna shower after me,"
She grabbed a sweatshirt and sweatpants and went into the bathroom.
Regulus took this as an opportunity to look around her room. He went over to her bookshelf which was filled with all sorts of books. There were magical books, muggle books, old and new.
He picked out a book that looked familiar, it had a worn out blue cover with the words, Everything to Know About Magical Creatures, written in white letters. It was the same book he had seen her read on the first day he met her. He thought it was cute that she still had the same book after all these years. Putting the book back, he turned his attention to some pictures on a bulletin board.
There was a picture of the two of them that Caius had taken where they were in the Slytherin common room, fighting over who had won in a game of wizards chess. Their expressions were trying to be mad but they couldn't hide how happy they were.
There were a few more pictures of the two of them, some with Caius and Evan, and a few with Marlene and Lily. All of which Caius had taken, minus the more blurry photos with him in them, those had been taken by Evan.
"Like the pictures?" Y/n called from behind him.
"Yeah, I didn't know some of these existed," he smiled.
"Well, the shower's free," she tossed him a towel and the clothes she had stolen from him with a grin.
"I'll be right out," he walked into the bathroom.
When he got out, y/n was already under the covers.
"Jeez, it feels like it dropped twenty degrees here," Regulus shivered.
"Wanna come under the covers? I enchanted them with a heating spell," y/n held the blankets up.
Regulus jumped right in, welcoming the warmth. Y/n turned off the light and faced him.
"I had a lot of fun tonight," y/n told him.
"You say that every time we hang out," Regulus laughed.
"And I mean it every time," she closed her eyes. "I mean it was so cool, turning into animagus's,"
"Y/n," Regulus decided to ask the question he's been meaning to ask. "Do you possibly want to spend Christmas with me at the manor?"
Y/n's eyes opened wide and she grinned.
"Do I?! Yes!" She hugged him.
"Jeez, now I'm scared to see how you react when I ask if you want to come to my cousin's wedding too," he laughed.
Y/n hugged him tighter.
"I am the happiest person alive right now," she grinned. "Since tomorrow's a Saturday, do you wanna go to Hogsmeade and get presents?"
"Yeah, sure,"
"Good night, Reg," y/n said, still hugging him.
"Good night y/n," Regulus hugged her closer.

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