King: of The Forest And The L...

By chaexjune

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Jungkook, the guardian of the Crimsonheart Forest, has watched over the ancient woodland for over a century... More

The Curse of The Uninvited Guest
The Hundred Years in Solitary
The Companion in Question
The Guardian of The Forest
The Only Person
The Strange yet Familiar Feeling
The Unspoken Secret and Promise
The Concealed Truth
The Princess' Stories
The Feelings
The Land of Eudaemonia
The Secret Between Us
The Scent of Danger
The Greying Feathers and The Treacherous Tree
The Infamous Vigilante
The Bad Omen
The Inevitable Decision
The Sleeping Handsome in The Woods
The Moment Has Come
The End of Vileness
The Ending Plan
The New Beginning
The Lost Sparks Between Them
In the Heart of the Kingdom

The Hopeless Queen and The Clueless King

139 11 7
By chaexjune

The day after, Roseanne made every possible effort to recapture Jungkook's attention after noticing a distinct shift in their relationship compared to their time in the Crimsonheart Forest. From the tiniest approach of greeting him good morning each day to extravagant strategy of holding the infamous musical play in the castle's garden solely for him. Yet, despite her efforts, he just remained friendly and seemingly oblivious to her attempts to win his heart again.

Days turned into weeks, and Roseanne watched as Jungkook stayed clueless while his attention wandered toward other women in the kingdom. Her heart sank with each passing moment, feeling the sting of unreciprocated affection.

One day, he showed up at the castle, seeking to meet Roseanne to tell her that he wanted to visit his old home, Crimsonheart Forest. Roseanne stood near the window, gazing out but avoiding eye contact with him when he was meeting her.

"Rosie, um, I was thinking. It's been two months since I left the forest. I want to visit it if you don't mind and-", he said respectfully before Roseanne stopped him.

Without turning to face him, she replied softly, "You can go, Jungkook. There's no need to ask me."

He sensed an unusual sadness in her voice but could not fathom its cause. With a courteous nod, he left the castle, leaving her immersed in her silent sorrow.

As Jungkook prepared to go, Roseanne stood in the quiet solitude of her chamber, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.

Meanwhile, within the castle walls, the whispered concerns of the staff echoed in the corridors. They noticed their queen's melancholy state and exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to console her. They were all aware of her feelings toward the man she brought with her and had been quietly rooting her with him.

"This isn't right...", Alice bit her nail as she and Alicia were peeking on the queen.

"No, it's seriously wrong.", Alicia replied.

"Can't we do something to help?", Alice asked.


"Tell Kim Seokjin to delay Jungkook's departure.", a deep yet authoritative voice startled both the women.

They turned around slowly to see Sir Anthony behind them. He looked at each of them before telling them to hurry. Then, they quickly left to do as told while he slowly entered Roseanne's chamber. When he reached near her, he cleared his throat, signalling his appearance.

"Uncle..", she turned around, smiling a little to the old man she had looked up like her own father.

"Your Majesty..", Sir Anthony tilted his head a little. "I heard Mr Jeon came here.", he said, his eyes focused on Roseanne's face.

She nodded, "He's asking me about visiting Crimsonheart."

"Oh, and did you permit him?", Sir Anthony asked.

"Yeah, he didn't have to ask for my permission anyway.", she answered despondently.

Sir Anthony went to stand beside her, "Are you okay, Rosie?"

Roseanne looked at him with a small smile on her face, "Yeah."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why, uncle? You sound different.", she exhaled as she looked back to the view beyond the window.

"Well, it's nothing much, but I met Mr Jeon yesterday evening when I went home.", Sir Anthony said.

"Oh, yeah? What was he doing? I mean- not that I care but he told me that he won't be home when I met him in the morning.", Roseanne replied, sounding a little hurt despite trying to conceal it from her attentive advisor.

Sir Anthony smiled, "He was home because he's preparing things to bring today. And back to what I was saying, actually he already told me that he's going to Crimsonheart and he asked for my permission.."

Roseanne frowned as she turned to him, "He asked your permission for what, uncle?"

"He asked me if he could bring you along.", he answered.

She blinked in confusion, "Why would he-"

"He wanted to go there with you. He said that he's trying to find Whisper or something, I don't know. He said you might be able to help him since you know-"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, uncle?", she walked to her closet, frantically changing into suitable clothes to chase Jungkook and maybe join him to the forest.

Sir Anthony remained where he was, knowing that Roseanne would change in a haste without a care of anyone watching. Thankfully, her door was closed shut by Alicia, who was witnessing from outside.

"You didn't ask me, Rosie.", Sir Anthony chuckled, shaking his head as he tried to look outside to find out what was interesting to Roseanne's eyes earlier.

"But should've told me.", she was pouting as she faced him again.

"You still can make it.", Sir Anthony said, looking at her in her comfortable yet travel-ready royal attire.

"I can go?", she asked.

Sir Anthony nodded, "But make sure to stay safe and be careful."

"Thank you, uncle!", she smiled widely as she turned around, rushing to catch up with Jungkook, who might have started his journey out there.


Jungkook stood at the border of Eudaemonia, gazing toward the unknown ahead, excitement pulsing through him as he knew the path would lead him to Crimsonheart Forest. As he readied his horse for the journey, familiar voices echoed behind him. Turning, he spotted Seokjin and Hoseok thundering toward him on horseback, causing him to roll his eyes.

"What is it now?", he muttered to himself, recognizing the royal guards approaching.

In abrupt, they skidded to a halt beside him.

"Hey, Jungkook. We're sorry for stopping you again but we have someone here for you.", Seokjin exclaimed, panting from the effort of the chase.

Before Jungkook could protest, someone else caught his eyes behind Seokjin.

"Who-", he wanted to ask as the person's face was concealed beneath a hood.

Behind Seokjin, a figure gracefully descended from the horse, casting aside her hood. It was Roseanne, smiling shyly as their eyes met.

Confusion painted across Jungkook's features.

"Your Majesty? What are you doing here with the guards?" he asked, surprised by her unexpected appearance.

"I... I wanted to come with you," she admitted softly, her gaze fixed on Jungkook.

Surprised, he dismounted his horse and stepped closer to her.

" Are you sure, Rosie?" he inquired in a whisper, trying to mask his shock.

Hoseok interjected, grinning mischievously, "Oh, come on, Jungkook. Stop whispering, we know you two are closer than you guys really are."

Seokjin nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, we know there's something going on between you two. Drop the act already, man."

"Right. You two should preach to him. I've done my best.", Roseanne sighed as Seokjin descended the horse he rode.

Jungkook was speechless with them all.

"Come on, let's go.", she told him.

He slowly nodded, "Well, it's a long journey. I think I could use some company."

Roseanne met his gaze, her eyes twinkling, "I've been missing the forest too. It would be nice to visit it again."

"Take care, Your Majesty.", both Seokjin and Hoseok said before Seokjin ascended the horse Hoseok was on.

"Oh, you guys aren't coming along?", Jungkook asked them.

Hoseok shook his head, "We're just here to send our queen."

"Take care of her, Jungkook.", Seokjin reminded him.

He nodded slowly, "Oh, okay then."

After the two royal guards turned around and made their way back to the castle, Jungkook got on his horse and checked on Roseanne on her horse.

"When are we leaving?, she asked, a little bit coldly.

"Uh, now. Are you ready?", he asked.

With a nod, they rode off toward the mystical Crimsonheart Forest, accompanied by their horses, ready to discover the adventures that awaited them beyond the kingdom's borders.


The three-day journey to the forest was filled with an odd mix of awkwardness and tranquility for Jungkook. Riding alongside Roseanne, he couldn't help but notice her somewhat cold demeanor, which made conversation feel strained. Yet, he found solace in her presence, knowing she was accompanying him back to the cherished woods.

Meanwhile, Roseanne harboured a profound sadness, silently hoping for a transformation in Jungkook's behaviour. She felt a pang of disappointment witnessing his continued different character, yearning to rediscover the warmth and camaraderie they once shared. Her heart longed for the man she remembered back in the woods.

As they finally arrived at the edge of the forest, Jungkook's eyes lit up with relief and nostalgia.

"We're here," he breathed out, gazing at the magnificent canopy and the vibrant surroundings.

Roseanne studied him quietly, a tinge of melancholy in her gaze, "We're back.."

He turned to look at her, "Where do you want to go first?"

She shrugged, looking around the green and fresh surroundings, "I don't know. Where do you think Whisper is hiding?"

"Whisper?", he asked.

Roseanne nodded, "Yeah, uncle said you wanted to find Whisper."

A perplexed expression crossed Jungkook's face, racking his brain for any recollection. Then, like a sudden burst of lightning, his eyes widened with realization.

"Oh! That...I was just giving an excuse to get you come here with me actually.", he scratched his nape bashfully.

"Are you telling me that you lied to my advisor?", she questioned, a bit surprised that he made up an excuse to make Sir Anthony allow him to take her with him. "So, you are not here for Whisper..."

"I had to...I...wanted you to come along so I needed to make sure Sir Anthony gave me permission first. About Whisper, I...actually quite missed the bird but it hadn't shown itself anymore know...that night..", Jungkook explained himself.

Roseanne nodded, softening a little. "I get it. So...we're here to...honestly just visit the forest, am I right?"

He nodded, before apologising, "I'm sorry if you think I bring you here to-"

Quickly, Roseanne stopped him, "It's alright, Jungkook. I told you I missed the forest too. I made memories here, although not as long as you've had but still..."

He smiled in return, "So...I'll ask you again. Where do you want to go first, Rosie?"

Roseanne smiled back, her gaze sweeping across the forest's beauty. "Surprise me, Jungkook."

He paused for a moment, reminiscing about their past escapades in the woods. A spark of inspiration illuminated his thoughts, and a mischievous grin formed on his face. "I have just the place in mind. Follow me!"

Navigating the winding paths with their horses, Jungkook guided Roseanne deeper into the heart of the forest. The vibrant hues of green enveloped them as they traversed the verdant landscape. Roseanne might not feel familiar with the route but she recognised the acquainted refreshing air and the calming white noise.

"We're almost there," Jungkook announced, a twinkle of anticipation in his eyes.

Soon, they arrived at a serene clearing adorned by a magnificent waterfall, its cascading waters creating a tranquil melody. Roseanne's eyes widened with nostalgia at the familiar sight.

"The waterfall?", her voice carried a hint of reminiscence.

Jungkook nodded, a warm smile illuminating his face. "Yeah, I figured we should come here first. We need to refill our bottle and food. I can get us fruits like last time."

"Like last time...", she repeated quietly.

As they dismounted their horses, Roseanne's heart swelled with memories of their past adventures. She felt a gentle pang of nostalgia, remembering how Jungkook had taught her the art of fishing in the shimmering stream. Oh, she will never forget that moment he held her close to save her from slipping.

"Are we going to hunt for fish?" Roseanne asked, her eyes reflecting the memories that flooded back.

"You want to have fish for dinner?", Jungkook asked, looking at the water readily to get fish for her.

She chuckled at his action, "No..."

He looked at her in confusion as she removed her outer clothing, leaving her in a breastband and underpants before she joined him in the water.

"Today, I just want to play in the water.", she told him, splashing the cold water to his face before running away with a giggle.

Without a second thought, Jungkook took his shirt off too before following Roseanne. They ventured into the pristine pool, feeling the coolness embrace them. He laughed, splashing water back at her, who playfully retaliated, causing ripples of joy between them.

"This is amazing!" Jungkook exclaimed, diving beneath the cascading water.

Roseanne nodded, her smile infectious, "Yeah, this feels different from the last time but it's better without a doubt."

As they reveled in their playful antics, Roseanne's foot slipped on a slick rock, sending her teetering towards the edge.

Reacting swiftly, Jungkook caught her in his arms, their faces inches apart, their breaths mingling in the air. Their eyes met, a charged silence enveloping them as their lips brushed with the close proximity. Despite the absence of distance between them, his face was obviously worrying about her.

"Are you okay?", his voice was soft, his concern evident.

Roseanne nodded, her heart racing, "Y-Yes, thank you."

For a fleeting moment, time seemed suspended, their gaze lingering, an unspoken connection forming between them. They pulled away almost immediately, realizing the rapid heartbeat they shared in that brief yet intense moment.

"You should be more careful, Rosie.", Jungkook said, breaking the intimate moment, but his voice carried a hint of reluctance in itself.

"Yeah, I should...", she was walking away but when she turned around, she stopped when Jungkook got a little too close behind her. "I'm just going to sit on the rock over there.", she said, her gaze shyly roamed at his bare torso as she made a careful move to the rock a meter on their left.

Jungkook gently held her hand, "Do you feel hungry? I can take some fruit for you."

She nodded, not really facing him, "Yeah.."

Then, she excused herself, settling on a nearby rock in the shallows. She relished the gentle warmth of the fading sunlight while Jungkook was searching for ripe fruits amongst the trees. As she basked in the tranquility, the rustle of leaves drew her attention.

Jungkook's voice echoed through the woods, calling her name excitedly, "Rosie, look who's here with me!"

Intrigued, Roseanne turned to witness a group of mischievous monkeys swinging from branch to branch, gleefully assisting Jungkook in his pursuit. Their playful antics brought a wide grin to her face as she watched Jungkook interact with the creatures he had grown with for most of his life in the forest.

"They must have missed you." Roseanne remarked, amusement dancing in her eyes as she admired the delightful scene.

"I've missed them too. Oh-ho, it looks like their family got another baby.", Jungkook chuckled, seeing one of the adult female monkeys showing her small baby monkey in her arms.

As the troop diligently collected ripe fruits and handed them over to Jungkook, Roseanne could not help but be captivated by the harmony between man and nature. She cherished this moment, surrounded by the forest's beauty and the enchanting sight of his effortless rapport with the animals.

With a basket full of fruits and a heart full of cherished memories, Jungkook made his way back to Roseanne, handing a banana as he settled on the sun-warmed rock beside her.

"Thank you.", she took the fruit, eating it silently.

However, as moments passed, the vibrant azure sky started to dim, casting ominous shadows upon the forest. Jungkook glanced upward, noticing the swift dance of clouds, heralding an impending rainfall.

"Rosie," he began, about to mention the changing weather, but before he could utter a word, a loud rumble echoed through the heavens.

Startled, Roseanne instinctively sought refuge in his arms, seeking comfort amidst the sudden thunderous roar. She clung to him, her heart racing from the unexpected sound.

"It's alright, Rosie," Jungkook reassured her, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace. "I'm here with you.", he patted her back, trying to keep her calm.

The forest grew hushed, the tension in the air palpable just as the tension between the two of them. The first droplets of rain began to patter gently against the verdant canopy, painting the landscape with shimmering tears from the heavens yet the two of them were not moving anywhere as if they were in their own created paradise.

With Roseanne nestled against him, Jungkook could not help from staring and caressing her face until the fear evident disappeared. In that moment, amidst nature's elemental fury, their closeness growing, their hearts beating in sync with the rhythm of the thundering sky. None of them seemed to want to leave or end whatever was going on with them at that moment.

And when Jungkook traced his finger around Roseanne's lips, that was all it took before she put her hand behind his head and pulled him closer, making him lean down to kiss her. It was short and careful before he kissed her again, noticing that she was allowing him to do more than that. As he was holding her in place while exploring beyond her inviting lips, he felt her hand letting go and she slowly hit his chest repeatedly.

Because of that, he opened his eyes and took a step back from her. Despite the light rain, he observed her face and saw the crystalline liquid lingering delicately on her cheek.

"Rosie, I'm sorry...", he said softly.

"We should find shelter.", she replied, ignoring his apology as she walked away to get her clothes.

Jungkook watched her in confusion, he wondered if she hated the kiss they shared or if she fell out of love with him. He was hoping that none of them was true as he was actually on a mission to rekindle what they had before. He would be devastated if she did not love him anymore. It would hurt him to come back just to lose her. Hell, he might not leave the forest again if she leaves him.

"Jungkook, aren't you coming?", Roseanne called him, she was already on her horse, ready to go search for a place to stay until the rain stopped.

"I- I'm coming.", he replied, making his way to his horse, still in his negative thoughts playing in his mind.


The End is not this chapter. 😅 Maybe the next chapter, haha, I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie but the story keeps building in my head so yeah...just endure, I mean enjoy it till the real end with me.

Anyway, what do you think about Jungkook? Should he bring Roseanne back to the forest? And what about Roseanne? Why do you think she pushed him away? 😢

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