Mira Gilbert: TVD Fanfic

By BiancaEvans2

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I know I've done a story where Elena has an identical twin before. But I just couldn't get this idea out o my... More

Telling Matt
Telling Bonnie
Caroline's New Boyfriend
Ultrasound and Telling the Family
Founders Ball
Vampires Are Real
Sexy Suds Car Wash
Elena Knows the Truth
Next 10 Weeks
Studying with Jeremy
50s Dance
Family Night
Elena is Missing
Bachelor Auction
Elena's Double Date
Stefan is a Hostage
Birth of Grayson
Uncle John Meets Grayson
Miss Mystic Falls Competition
Blood Brothers
Meeting Isobel
John's Our Father
Mayor's Wake
Carnival Night
Next Nine Days
Chicken Pox
Where's Elena?
Story of Katerina Petrova
Man in a Suit
Meeting Elijah
Confronting Elena
John's Return
Historical Tea Party
Dinner Party
Caroline Reunites with Matt
Isobel's Return
60s Dance
Klaus' Curse
Last Day
Life for a Life
Damon's Dying?
Shared Birthday
Klaus' Return
Return Home
Klaus' Family Missing
Next 3 Episodes
Sired and Linked

Mikaelson Ball

881 30 6
By BiancaEvans2

Mira's POV

After I made Caroline and her mother breakfast. I go back to Klaus' mansion with Grayson. Needless to say I was surprised to see Rebekah and two other men I do not know. "Mira!" Rebekah says and flashes over to me. I hold Grayson close. "My he has gotten bigger" she states.

"Klaus" I say and he appears.

"Mira, love good your home" he says. "How was your sleep over at Caroline's?" he asks me.

"Can we talk?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Well I have a few errands to run before the ball" Rebekah states and leaves. Klaus goes to lead me upstairs when one of the strangers flash in front f us.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Nik?" he asks.

"Kol this is Mira and her son Grayson. Mira my brothers Kol and Finn. There you've meet" Klaus says and leads me away. We go to his art room. "So how was your night at Caroline's?" he asks.

"Sad, her dad died Klaus. I've never seen her mum cry before" I tell him. "I see you had an eventful evening" I add.

"I did, my siblings are all awake. As is my mother" he states.

"Wait, I thought she died a thousand years ago" I say confused.

"A witch friend of her's preserved her and Bonnie awaken her with her mother. My mother is now throwing a ball tonight" he states. "Be my date?" he asks me.

"But I have nothing to wear" I tell him.

"I can handle that" he assures me.

"On one condition" I tell him. "Caroline comes to, she needs a distraction after what happened last night" I state.

"Very well love, I'll send her an invite and dress" he tells me.

"Can Kimberly look after Grayson?" I ask him. He nods his head.

"Now there are a tone of dresses downstairs, go pick two. I'll go get an invite for Caroline" he tells me. I nod and head downstairs. I find the dresses and start to go through them. I settle on a blue one for Caroline and pink for me.

"I'd go the pink" Elijah states.

"I am going to pink, the blue is for Caroline. Klaus is inviting her for me" I tell him.

"If I may ask, how did you turn?" he asks me.

"Well I didn't know it. But Klaus as been having me drink his blood for weeks in my morning coffee. That Tyler would make me. Then the night of Caroline's birthday, I went home and went to sleep early. Only to wake to a dagger in my heart and Stefan standing over me. I am only grateful he left my son alone" I state. "If not for Klaus' blood, I would be dead" I add. "Stefan even tried to kill Elena, but didn't. Guess he still loves her even when he is an emotionless jerk" I state.

"I take you are grateful to my brother for feeding you his blood in secret?" he asks.

"Very grateful, if not for him. Grayson would have lost me forever" I state. "I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay Klaus for his kindness" I tell him. Just then Klaus appears. "I picked a dress for Caroline" I tell him gesturing to the blue dress.

"Stunning, it will sort her" he states. "And for yourself?" he asks.

"It's a surprise" I tell him.

"Come on love, tell me" he says. "I promise to still acted surprised" he assures me.

"Ok, the pink one" I tell him and he smiles.

"You'll be very beautiful" he tells me and I blush. "Kimberly is ready to take Grayson whenever" he tells me as he boxes the blue dress. "I'll go drop this off, you should start getting ready" he tells me. Then leaves.

"Something wrong?" I ask Elijah, who has a small frown on his face.

"You've been here since you turned?" he asks me.

"Yes, Klaus has been helping me adapt" I tell him.

"Why not have Caroline help?" he asks.

"Klaus turned me, he said it's his duty and honour to help me" I tell him. "He has really been there for me and Grayson. If not for him, I probably would have killed someone" I state. "I should go get ready for the ball" I tell him.

"Save me a dance?" he asks.

"Of course" I tell him. I take my dress and go to my room. I put Grayson in his play pen and have a shower and shave. I dry off and do brush my teeth. There's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I ask.

"Rebekah" she says.

"Enter" I tell her. I see her in a silk robe too. "What can I help you with?" I ask her.

"Nik suggested we get ready together" she states.

"Really? Well then lets get started" I tell her. She smiles and we start to help each other get ready. Once our hair and makeup were done. She left to go get into her dress. While I get into mine and step into my heels. I try the reach the zipper but can't. There's a knock on the door.

"It's me love" Klaus says.

"Enter" I say. He does so with Kimberly. "Can you sip me up?" I ask him. He nods his head and does so.

"You look breathtaking love" he tells me and I smile.

"Thank you, you look handsome" I tell him. He looks good in a suit. "Kimberly, Grayson has had his dinner. He goes to bed in a couple of hours. Everything you should need is in the bag" I tell her.

"Of course Mira, have fun tonight" she tells me with a smile.

"Shall we?" Klaus asks offering me his arm. I smile accepting it. We leave the room and head downstairs. To see the ball has already began. I see Elena with the Salvatores.

"Can you get me a drink?" I ask Klaus and he nods. I take a deep breath and approach the trio. "Elena you look lovely" I state.

"Mira, how are you? Are you doing ok?" she asks me.

"I'm fine, Klaus has helped me a lot with adapting" I tell her. "Damon, you look dashing" I tell him.

"Why thank you Mira. I must say your look stunning tonight" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say. I spot Caroline. "I gotta go, enjoy the ball" I tell them. And leave. I reach Caroline the same time as Klaus.

"Good evening" he says to her.

"I need a drink" she states.

"Good thing he has two in his hands" I tell her with a smile taking them. I offer her one and she takes it. "How are you dealing with everything?" I ask her.

"As well as one can expect" she states. "Mum is drowning herself in work" she adds.

"I'm sure things will settle down soon" I assure her.

"Excuse me loves" Klaus tells us and goes to join his siblings on the staircase. We watch them with the other guests. As Elijah calls everyones attention.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance" Elijah states. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom" he instructs. Everyone starts to pair up. He approaches Caroline and I with Klaus.

"May I have this dance?" Elijah asks me. I look at Klaus, who nods his head. I smile accepting Elijah's hand and he leads me onto the dance floor. As Klaus escorts Caroline. I decide to eavesdrop on Klaus and Caroline.

"Mira, is happy you came. So am I" Klaus tells her.

"Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles" she states.

"I heard about your father" he tells her.

"Don't, seriously" she tells him.

"You know eavesdropping is rude" Elijah whispers to me.

"Just making sure my two friends are playing nice" I tell him. "I am surprised you didn't bring a date tonight" I tel him.

"Well I've never had much success with relationships because of Klaus" he states.

"Let me guess, killed them?" I ask.

"Not all of them" he states. "We're swapping partners" he tells me. I nod and he spins me way from him. I end up dancing with Klaus and smile. I see Caroline with Matt.

"Having fun with my brother?" he asks.

"Just talking" I tell him. "Thank you so much for inviting Caroline" I say.

"Of course love, anything for you" he states.

"You've really been amazing Klaus. You've helped Grayson and I so much through this whole process. I thank you for that" I tell him.

"Anytime" he tells me. The song ends and we bow to each other. "Do you want to see Caroline?" he asks and I nod my head. "I saw her go outside" he states. We go outside to see Caroline patting a carriage horse. "You like horses?" he asks as we join her.

"I'm not talking to you until you tell me why you invited me here" she tells him.

"I asked him too" I tell her. "I thought you could use a night out and you always wanted to attend a ball" I state.

"You know, horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed my favorite horse. He severed its neck with a sword as a warning" Klaus tells us.

"That poor horse" I say.

"Did you ever consider sitting down with your father and talking it out?" Caroline asks him.

"Well, I'm afraid my relationship with my father was a little bit more complex than yours" Klaus tells her.

"Maybe so. But I let my father go with no regrets. And to answer your question, yes, I like horses. But I also like people and they actually like me so I'll be inside" she states. "Thanks for inviting me Mira" she adds before leaving.

"Klaus, why did you agree to invite her?" I ask him curious.

"Because it made you happy" he states.

"Why do you care if I am happy?" I ask him.

"I fancy you" he states and I look at him surprised. "Is that so hard to believe?" he asks me. "You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light. I enjoy you" he states stroking my cheek fondly.

"I should go check on Grayson" I tell him feeling conflicted.

"Do you fancy me love?" he asks.

"I don't know" I admit. "I dated Tyler and Matt, both failed. Tyler because he was cheating on me and I could never see Matt as more then a friend & the father of Grayson. I've never been in love, so I don't know what it feels like" I tell him.

"Well let me know when you figure it out" he tells me. I nod my head and he kisses my cheek. Before I go inside. I go to my room to see Grayson asleep. I thank Kimberly and dismiss her. I decide to get ready for bed.

(Klaus' art room) Third Persons POV

Klaus finds Caroline in his art room after his mother's toast. "One of my passions" he tells her.

"Oh. Impressive. I take it the curators at the Louvre aren't on vervain" she says.

"Yeah, well that's their mistake" he says with a chuckle.

"What about these? Where'd you steal this from?" she asks. Gesturing to the bracelet he'd given her on her birthday and the dress she is wearing.

"Well, that's a long story. But rest assured it was worn by a princess almost as beautiful as your friend Mira" he tells her. Caroline rolls her eyes expressively, Klaus looks away in embarrassment. She looks down and notices some sketches.

"Wait a second, did you draw there's?" she asks him.

"Yeah, um...actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage, not that anyone would notice. Have you or Mira been?" he asks her.

"We've never really been anywhere" she tells him.

"I'll take you both. Wherever you want Rome. Paris. Tokyo?" he suggests. She laughs lightly.

"Must be really nice to just snap your fingers and get whatever you want. Is that why you collect hybrids? A little servant army to take you places and bring you things" she says.

"You're making assumptions" he tells her.

"Then why do you need Tyler? Stop controlling him. Give him his life back. Hell, give Mira back her's" she tells him.

"Mira is free to leave whenever she wants with Grayson" he tells her. "You know, this has been a fun evening, but I think it's time for you to leave" he adds.

"I get it. Your father didn't love you, so you assume that no one else will either. And that's why you compel people or you sire them or you try to buy them off" she rants removing the bracelet. Placing it on the table. "But that's not how it works. You don't connect with people, because you don't even try to understand them. Mira would be better off without you" she adds and leaves. Klaus is visibly upset. Is she right? Would Mira be better off at home with her family?

He goes to check on Mira and finds her asleep. He smiles at her and tucks the blanket around her better. He strokes her cheek before hearing a commotion downstairs. He goes to investigate and sees Damon had snapped Kol's neck. "Damon! Are you crazy?" Stefan demands.

"Maybe a little" Damon admits. He looks at Elena. "Far be it from me to cause a problem" he states. Damon turns his back and walks away. Klaus goes to his art room still thinking about Caroline had told him. As he sketches her with the horse from earlier. He writes a small message thanking her for her honestly and dropped it off at her house in her room. Before going back to Mira's room.

"You like her, don't you brother?" Elijah asks him.

"Is it that surprising?" Klaus asks him.

"Klaus, considering what's happened since I awaken and with things as they are. I think it best I tell you this" Elijah tells him.

"Tell me what Elijah?" he asks.

"I think Mira maybe sired to you" Elijah states. "She is very grateful to you, for being alive and able to raise Grayson. And you're blood did turn her" he states.

"I suppose it is possible" Klaus says with a frown. "But most sire bonds between vampires stem from feelings one had for the other before they turned" he reminds him.

"Still, keep it in mind and test her. If she is sired, and you wish to pursue a relationship. Tell her the truth about the sire bond" Elijah tells him. Before leaving to talk to their mother. Klaus looks at Mira one last time thinking about her behaviour since she turned. He decides to sleep on it and goes to his own room. Calling it a night.


Picture above of Damon, Elena, Stefan and Mira.

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