Fairy Tail Zenkai

By Ballisticblue999

7.8K 147 39

In the world of Fairy Tail a young Saiyan crash lands in the Kingdom of Fiore. What will happen if the one to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
A/N And Q&A
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

250 11 3
By Ballisticblue999

Merry late Christmas and Happy holidays to all. I hope you enjoyed your holiday week and if for whatever reason you didn't I hope this slightly shorter chapter will help with that. I'll probably post another chapter around new years, I am taking my vacation this week so hopefully I can make a good few chapters and even dabble in my other stories. Until then, peace and God bless you all! 

'Where am I?!!' Erza asked herself as she floated through bleak whiteness. 'Inside Etherion?! No, that isn't it... This place is far more warm...' She then looks down noticing something. 'Oh!' Looking down she can see the entire Fairy Tail guild, excluding Natsu, Y/N, Mollusc and Daikon. 'Am I dead?' She asked, looking down.

"This woman... Erza Scarlet... was loved by the gods, and she loved them. And she loved us, her friends, as well." Makarov spoke out loud. "Her heart was as big and limitless as the sky. Her sword glistened nobly, and was used only for those she loved. She moved in the way fairies dance, and she was lovelier than the finest scene nature can produce. It is love that makes one strong! But what makes one weak is also love. And I...*Sniff sniff*" Makarov began crying.

'Master...' Erza stared at him saddened.

"...I loved her as a true member of my family...*Sniff Sniff Sniff Sniff.*I pray... for the peaceful repose of her soul..." Makarov finally finished.

Multiple members of the magic council appeared in black capes. "The council in a unanimous decision, with a single empty seat... have taken up a resolution to honor this woman. We do now declare Erza Scarlet to be an eternal member of the wizard saints." One member said.

"Don't make me sick!!!" Natsu shouted, appearing from behind the group. "What is with all of you guys?!!!" He shouted.

'Natsu...' Erza said in worry.

"These are a waste!!!" Natsu shouted, kicking the flowers on Erza's grave.

"Stop that now, Natsu!!!" A member of Fairy Tail shouted.

"Natsu, don't..." Lucy begged quietly.

"You jerk!!" Gray shouted.

"Erza isn't dead!!!" Natsu shouted.

"Please, Natsu... Don't!" Lucy said as she cried.

"She can't be dead, right?!!!" Natsu shouted as he was surrounded by multiple members.

"Wake up to reality, for pity's sake!!!" Lucy shouted.

"Let go of me!!! Erza' still alive!!!" Natsu shouted as he fought.

"Sorry Natsu, but Lucy's right." Y/N said as he, Mollusc and Daikon all floated down. "Erza is dead, and it's their fault." Y/N said, looking at the Magic Council.

"Boy!!!" Makarov shouted. "Don't act rash, she wouldn't want this!"

"She's dead Grandpa, she doesn't want anything anymore." Y/N said as he transforms into his Super Saiyan form. Mollusc takes his armor off and Daikon charges his ki and summons a ki orb in his hand before throwing it into the sky.

The Magic council all prepare for the battle.

"Y/N don't!!!" Gray shouted.

"Burst open and mix!!!" Daikon shouted as the ball turned far larger as his body starts to expand.

Y/N ignores him and charges at the Council along with his group. The sounds of attacks being launched and destruction rung out as the battle happens.

'I did it... for their future... But... Is this their future? Is this the future of everyone left behind?' She asked as Y/N's group battled the council, half of Fairy Tail members cried and the other half held Natsu and Gray back from the fight. 'I'm begging you... Please stop crying like that....' Y/N slams his fist into a members chest before blasting him with an attack that covers the members body. 'Stop killing each other... I didn't want to see a future like this!! O just did it so that everybody could smile again... Make it stop! I can't... I can't do this...' Erza's form fades as she wakes up. "Where am I?!"

"Erza!!!" Team Natsu shouted as they ran towards her.

"It's so wonderful that you're all right!!!" Lucy shouted as she ran up to Erza in tears.

"What did you have to go worrying us like that for?!!" Gray asked her.

"Sis!!!!" Sho shouted as he ran up to her in tears.

"What happened here? Am I...alive?" Erza asked herself as she looked down at her hands. Looking up she sees Y/N is holding her. "Y/N... You saved me? But how....?" She asked him. 'Could he have found me inside that huge tornado of magic power? Wh-What kind of man can do that...?'

Y/N slowly drops down to his knee and gently places her down. He slowly stands and flies up into the sky. Daikon looks confused and flies up to him. "Ninjin, what's wrong? You saved the girl, why do you seem so... serious?"

Y/N stares at the area that the Tower of Heaven once stood. "Jellal... he isn't dead. His Ki didn't disappear."

"What?!! How is that possible? We all watched you hit him with that huge attack..." Daikon asked in shock.

"I don't know!!! He's just not okay?!" Y/N shouted at him.

"...Ninjin... what else is getting to you?" Daikon asked.

Y/N gritted his teeth. "She was going to sacrifice herself... She was going to leave us... I was strong enough to have saved her..."

Daikon sighed and nodded. "I understand Ninjin... how about we go down there and just try to-"

Y/N cuts him off. "No, we have to prepare for Jellal's return! He's still out there and he won't come back weaker, he'll find a way to come back stronger than ever! We aren't stopping until you are also a Super Saiyan!" Y/N flew off towards the guild at supersonic speed.

Daikon sighed and flew down towards the group. "Sorry everyone, Y/N needs some space. We'll see you when you return to the guild." Daikon powers up and follows Y/N.

After that, the others are watching in surprise. The rest of team Natsu decided to enjoy the rest of the vacation. The group buried Simon, then sent the rest of Erza's friends off Fairy Tail style. After they do this, team Natsu heads back to the town of Magnolia. Once they make it back to the guild they are in shock by the changes of the guild.

"Wh-What's this...?!" Gray asked in surprise.

"Wow!!!" Lucy exclaimed in joy.

"Ohh!!!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Now, that's a surprise..." Erza said, staring at the guild.

"Amazing!!!" Happy shouted.

"It's so big..." Erza commented.

"Yeah..." Gray agreed.

"Yo! Welcome back!" One of the guild members said.

"Surprised right? This is our new guild!" Another said that had a J on his jacket.

"Goooong" Natsu said still looking in shock.

"What's wrong with you.Natsu? Speechless?" The member asked.

"Wh-Who wouldn't be? It's completely different than it was before!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Of course it is! It's been renewed after all!" The member said.

"What's this? An open-air cafe?" Gray said. "And a gift shop at the entrance?"

"Welcome to the shop! Oh, it's you! Welcome back, then." A man with a bowl cut said.

"Wow, Max! You're minding the shop?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"We've got Fairy Tail brand T-shirts, wristbands, mugs, face towels and even original Lacrima crystals made just for us!" Max then picks up some figures. "But the items that are our best sellers are our wizard figures! Just 3000J a pop."

"When did this happen?" Lucy asked.

"Hey, look! They even have a Lucy figure!" Happy exclaimed.

"Ehh?!!! I wish they wouldn't go making these without asking me first! It's embarrassing!" Lucy whined.

"I happen to think it's very well made." Happy said as he held the figure. Suddenly the figure's clothes tear apart leaving it in only its underwear. "Whoa!!"

"Of course you can use it as a cast-off figure." Max said while blushing.

"Noooo!!!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Wait a second. Mine is pretty much nude from the start!" Gray exclaimed.

"I have to get you clothed quick, you poor thing!" Lucy said while covering her figure's body.

"I can't say I approve of the way mine is made. One should use real steel for the armor. And my skin isn't nearly this hard." Erza said as she stared at Max who was sweating.

"Hm? So you guys are back?" Cana asked, gaining their attention. "Hurry up and get inside!"

"Cana!!" They called out as they entered the guild.

"Cana, do you perhaps know where Y/N is?" Erza asked and was pointed over to Y/N and Daikon who was being fed a large amount of food. Erza contemplated walking over but chose to approach at a later time.

"Wow, It's pretty in here!!" Lucy exclaimed, getting Erza's attention again.

"Yes. I must say that I approve." Erza agreed.

"What's wrong with you, Natsu?" Gray asked the sulking fire dragon slayer.

"It's different!" He said, partially hiding his face with his scarf as he crossed his arms like a child.

"Hiii! Welcome to Fairy Tail!!" Two waitresses dressed in revealing clothes said, one sitting down and the other carrying two pints of beer.

"The waitresses have new uniforms!" Gray said, shocked with a slight blush on his face.

"Quite cute. I am impressed." Erza said with a kind smile.

"I'll bet the Master designed them. But where's Mira-san?" Lucy asked while looking around.

"It's different!" Natsu said once again with a look of annoyance.

"That's not all that's new about the guild!" Cana said as she led them outside. "Look, there's a pool in the back!!!"

Lu-chan, welcome back!!" Levy said, greeting Lucy.

"And we've got a pool table and game room downstairs." Cana said as she continued to lead them around the guild on a tour. "But the place that changed the most is the second floor!!! Anybody can go up to the second floor now! Of course you can't go on S-Class missions without being an S-Class Wizard, but otherwise..."

"I can go up to the second floor?!" Lucy asked.

"Sure!" Cana replied while Natsu shook in anger.

"The fools have returned! Welcome back!" Makarov shouted, catching the group's attention.

"Oh!!" Gray exclaimed when he saw a familiar blue haired woman.

"Our newest member, Juvia!! Ain't she sweet?!" Makarov said with a hint of pride.

"Please treat Juvia well." Juvia said sweetly.

"Ha ha!! So you really made it in!!!!" Gray said happily.

"Juvia, I heard you helped us in Akane. Thank you." Erza said to her.

"Oh? You know each other?" Makarov asked, sounding defeated.

"Juvia goy in thanks to all of you! Juvia will do her best for the guild!!!" Juvia said happily.

"Welcome!!" Lucy said with equal enthusiasm.

"Rival in love." Juvia claimed.

"I'm really not!" Lucy denied.

Makarov got close and whispered to Erza. "I think you may already know this, but she used to be a member of Phantom..."

"Yes, no need to worry. She's one of us now.." Erza explained.

"Is that so?! Well, let's all get along, okay? And if that's the case, then we have a few more members to introduce. Hey! Greet your new comrades!!" Makarov yelled at two more figures.

"More members?!" Happy asked surprised.

"Eh?!!" Lucy exclaimed in shock.

"H-Hey, you gotta be kidding!!!" Gray shouted as the two figures turned to face the group.

"Gajeel, Mollusc?!!! Why them?!!" The group shouted.

"Master!!!! What's the meaning of this?!!" Gray demand.

"Wait!!! Juvia was the one who recommended Gajeel-kun to join the guild!!"

"Juiva, I understand Mollusc joining, but Gajeel's the very man who destroyed the guild in the first place!" Erza said adamantly.

"And I was one of the Phantom Lord that injured Y/N, who would've been dead if it wasn't him specifically." Mollusc argued back.

"Calm down! They were simply acting under Jose's orders. They had no choice. They say yesterday's enemy is today's friend, you know!" Makarov said before he got distracted by one of the waitresses walking by.

"Y-Yeah... I don't mind in the least..." Levy said as she hid behind a pillar.

"Levy-chan..." Lucy said while sweating slightly. Jet and Droy glare at Gajeel while she speaks.

"Don't make me laugh!!! What kind of jobs can these guys get?!!!!" Natsu shouted, stomping up to the two.

"Relax. I'm not here to make friends. I'm just here for the jobs. Any guild would have done. This guild makes me sick, so don't think I'll be working for its sake!" Gajeel claimed with his arms crossed.

"Oh boy..." Mollusc said as he facepalms in a mix of disappointment and frustration.

"What did you say?!!" Natsu shouted.

"Gajeel-kun is always trying to go it alone! Juvia never stops worrying!" Jeuvia then shakes a little. "B-But listen!! That doesn't mean Juvia likes him or anything!!" She promised Gray.

"It's the job of veterans to take the youngsters who have lost their way and set them on the right path. He's a good guy at heart! They both are, Y/N said he could sense it..." Makarov said before grumbling. "..at least before he started doing all that training..."

"If that is the master's decision, then we must accept it. But I feel that for the time being, we should keep an eye on him." Erza said, staring at the two. "From my personal experiences with Mollusc, I'm not worried about him."

"I understand." Makarov nodded.

"Nrrrrrg!!!! There's something about this new guild that just doesn't sit right with me!" Natsu said grumbling again.

Cana came up behind him and started pushing him away. "Never mind that! Just take a seat! The main event is about to start!!"

Suddenly the lights turn off. "It's dark!!" Natsu, who was now sitting next to Gajeel at a table, said as he prepared to blow fires into the air.

"There's going to be a performance, so don't go making light!!!" Cana shouted at him.

"So that's a stage over there?" Lucy asked.

"What is this?" Gray asked, confused.

"What's going on Ninjin?" Daikon asked the young boy as they kept devouring food.

"Iz a provrais fro Mi-a....!!!(It's a proformance from Mira!!!" Y/N said with food still shoved in his mouth.

"Swallow your food fool!" Daikon shouted as he grabbed hold of Y/N.

Suddenly the sounds of different instruments along with a guitar catch Daikons attention. Everyone in the building started cheering for Mira and Daikon's mouth fell open in shock as he stared at Mira.

Mira leans close to the microphone. "I stroke the desk that belonged to you... As the shadows fall, I am alone again tonight..." Mira sang out softly. "I look to the sky and make my prayer... You are under the very same sky! When the tears well up and your body starts to shake... When the darkness is about to swallow you... Never forget..."

"What a pretty song!" Lucy complemented.

"IT's a song for wizards going out on a job." Cana explained.

"...that you have a place... A place to come back to..." Mira continued as Natsu slurped on a cup. "...and those who wait here for you!"

"Mira-chaaaan!!!" A member cheered. "That was the best!!!" Another cheered. "Atta girl!!!"

Gajeel sits there and hmphs before stopping on Natsu's feet.

"Owww!!!" Nastu shouted in pain and earned a laugh from Gajeel.

"What was that for, you creep?!! You stepped on my foot on purpose!!!" Natsu shouted at Gajeel.

"Huh?" Gajeel asked, pretending to not know what he's talking about.

"Shut up!!! Mira-chan is still singing!!!" Someone shouted while hitting Natsu and Gajeel in the face with a mug.

"Who threw that at me?!?!" Natsu shouted, flipping the table. This caused Cana to fall off her seat, the table to smash into Juvia who turned into water in response and Erza to pick up her piece of strawberry cake.

"Natsu, you jerk! Quit the sudden violence!!!" Gray shouted while springing up and bumping into Erza, unintentionally knocking the cake out of Erza's hands.

"I'm gonna have some fun." Daikon said as he smirked and walked towards the group.

"My... strawberry cake..." Erza said, looking extremely sad.

"Listen, wimps!!! A real man would quietly listen to my sister's song!!!" Elfman shouted while punching a random member's teeth out.

"No more noise out of you!!!!" Erza shouted as she kicked Elfman in the face.

As Daikon gets closer he's intercepted by Mollusc who is standing in front of him.

"Hmph, move Namekian." Daikon ordered.

"Or what?" Mollusc challenged back.

"I'll make sure you join your Namekian brothers that passed during the climate shift." Daikon smirked as both of their powers began raising.

"Somebody pin Natsu down!" A member shouted as Makarov watched the ensuing chaos.

"I suppose this is no time to be singing ballads, huh?" Mira asked before suddenly changing into a rock outfit. "It's time to rock out!!!"

"This is no different than it always used to be..." Lucy said as she crawled away and covered her head protectively. "But... I guess this is what Fairy Tail is, huh?"

Y/N walks up to Makarov. "This is a mess, huh?"

"Wh-Why couldn't they hold back for one day...? Those stupid punks...." Makarov said, shaking in anger. "We've got a reporter coming to see us tomorrow!!!"

"A reporter?!" Lucy said in surprise.

Y/N sighs and walks forward. He begins charging up his ki until it explodes and he transforms into a super Saiyan. "Enough!!!"

 He shouted, causing the whole building to shake and everyone stopped fighting. "Clean this mess up, now!!!" Y/N shouted, everyone started frantically cleaning. 

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