TBATE - What if Tessia was th...

Oleh retsag99

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{Spoiler warning for entirety of The beginning after the end novel written by TurtleME93} After having been c... Lebih Banyak

Pulled back home
Newfound resolve
Hidden progress
Nothing to see here
Keeping in and letting out
Planning 4 steps ahead
My legacy I
Don't you require assistance?
What I set in motion
Ionized auction
A step up
A step beyond
Keep calm and carry on
Adventures await
To our new friend
Rank examination
All part of the plan
The trials to come
Desperately lucky day
Making out the shadows
Psychological warfare
An ending
Predictable and yet shocking
A full cycle in the roundabout
Dire tombs
In the end
Volume 1 Afterword
My legacy II
You're free, for now...
Old habits with new faces
Surrounded by friends, or foes?
And more if affinity

To show the improvements and repeats of the past

201 17 13
Oleh retsag99

{Tessia Eralith}

-Everyone, in position." I ordered the others as I glared at the bandit camp downhill.

There were about 30 of them sitting around a large campfire with what I assumed to be their leader's tent on the left and the group of slaves they were holding captive on the right.

The bandits seemed to have above average equipment with a few full body armors, various weapon types with charged crossbows, bows, swords, and daggers. But it should be fine as long a-

-Boss, boss! C an I als-" Throwing my hand backward to press against Hanna's mouth, I gave the Dwarf girl a piercing glare as we locked eyes.

-Silence. "I threateningly muttered as I started to regret bringing her along for this mission.

Stepping back the girl seemed to have calmed down, but apparently not enough to stop herself from asking her question in a whisper.

-Can I also come fight the bandits?"

-How much are you going to press for this?" I snapped at her, having had enough of her attitude by now.

Not only had she proven during training that she couldn't work with others, and constantly put them in danger by breaking formation and plans, but she had an incredible talent and physical composition, enough to roll over everyone else in her age group.

I only brought her along after hearing her complain about how bored she felt about all of this, over and over again, saying that she felt trapped in a cage. Although I did understand her wish to help us in our quest and related to her situation as I had experienced something similar back in the floating castle at the start of the war in my previous life.

The day in and day out training to join the war, only to be told that I couldn't, over and over again. It was infuriating.

I didn't want her to feel that way, so, I thought that if I brought her in and let her see from afar, maybe it would calm her down, but it hadn't stopped.

She had just started asking for more and more "Can I stand at the front of the group?", " Can I go set up the traps?", "Can I go fight the bandits with you ?".

I was that close from just telling her to get lost and throwing her back to our base.

"I wondered if my superior felt the same way about me back then?" I asked myself as I tried to convince myself that I wasn't as annoying as her.

-So, SO?" She pressed while raising her voice, her excited, sparkling eyes meeting my cold and dead focused ones.

-No." I coldly answered, deciding not to corner myself with her any longer.

-Buuut,I already fought against that old guy during our first mission, how much more dangerous could those guys be." She asked, I could feel my patience wearing fine.

Not bothering to explain to her for the 99th time that this first mission was an expectation, and that she could have died at any point if Ion had so much as considered the idea, I raised my left hand up, over the foliage we were hiding in.

Gathering manna into my hand, I used a combination of lightning and metal magic to slowly move a dote of electricity around.
If anyone standing at the foot of the small canyon under us was to see it, they would probably think it was either a star or random firefly flying out in the middle of the night, but, the other half of our forces standing at the other end of stone canyon would understand that it was a signal.

-15 seconds." I announced to the other Unity members standing around me, who were also hiding in the tress and in the ground and were ready to jump down at any moment.

Unlike Hanna, all of them were professional fighters, warriors, and adventurers who had already acquired extensive battle experience and had been trained to work in a team. They were Unity's special unit of sorts.

I even heard rumors about a fan club for them being created within the organization, despite all of them being completely anonymous.

Not that I was jealous of their popularity as I had already gotten far too much attention and praise from within and outside the organization, as if everyone attributed all our victories to my single person.

-5." I said as I prepared to jump down while seeing the others draw their weapons and lean forward to jump down.

-2." I said, continuing to countdown as a large and loud rumble suddenly shook the opposite side of the ravine as rocks fell down from the top and rolled to the ground.

-What was that?!" Screamed what I assumed to be the bandit's chief as he ran off from his tent, holding a long sword in each hand.

-1" I added as I stood to the edge of the gap, only millimeters away from falling in.

-The part of the southern face collapsed sir." Answered the guard, as their leader seemed to relax a bit while I let out a cold, emotionless "0" before launching myself forward at full speed.

Falling from twenty meters up, the enemy leader barely had time to complain about having been woken up for nothing, that I had already cut his throat wide open.

Unable to understand what had just happen the man's body hesitantly trembled in place for a few second before collapsing to the ground in a loud *baam*.

By the time the other bandit noticed what was going on, it was already too late, all their men on the northern flank had been assassinated without having had time to react and my battle-ready unite were closing on the remaining ones in the south.

Surprisingly managing to getting into a somewhat coherent formation, the remaining enemy where jumped on from the back by the second half of our forces who had just caused part of their flank of the wall to crumble.

Fighting continued for a few more seconds as the others engaged the bandits placed around the main camp, quickly overwhelming them with both numbers, tactics and firepower. It was barely a fig-

-ANOTHER STEP AND I KILL HER!" I heard a loud man shout as I jerked my head to my rear left.

Feeling my heart drop, I saw one of the bandits holding one of our members against himself with his sword against their neck.

{Hannadreda ???????}

-0" Said Unity in a cold, determined tone as she dashed down the canyon, silently falling through the air, her black outfit and skin imitating the night sky making her bland in her surroundings.

Landing right behind their bandit's leader, he didn't even have time to see what was happening, that she had already finished him off in a single strike, so fast and precise that it looked closer to an art than a fighting technique.

Not only was Unity able to use all types of magic, but she could move and react at unimaginable speed, so fast that it was sometimes hard to see that she had even attacked.

Her fighting level wasn't just amazing, it was almost a dance with every hit being a new pose, every fight a choreography and every mission a spectacle in itself.

Seeing her fight always filled me with awe and excitement as I dreamed about reaching even just a 10th of her skill.

I wanted to help her, despite knowing just how huge the skill gap between the two of us was. I wanted to participate, to support her, to see her triumph over the bad guys.

So, I had trained for days, weeks on end, waiting for her to notice my skill, to acknowledge my strength, to let me fight by her side.

But she would hear anything, she refused to let me join. She kept saying that it was dangerous, that I could get injured, captured or die, but I knew that it wouldn't happen. I was strong enough to fight on my own!

I already managed to defeat the entire enemy team by myself during a training battle, I even beat members of her "special unit", but she wouldn't budge.

Until now.

If I was able to help them now, to prove my strength, she would have no option, but to acknowledge my strength and let me join her team.

Glaring around, I quickly noticed a lone bandit on the outskirts of the camp, armed with a sword and mediocre armor that barely covered his chest. He would make for a perfect target.

Leaping down on him while pulling out my sword just like Unity had, I landed just behind him and swung my sword in the exact same way Unity had.


Frowning at the unexpected clash of metal, I was taken aback after seeing that the bandit had managed to turn around and block my attack.

Pushing me away, the man who was clearly panicked took a shaky stance as he anxiously glared around at the gruesome sight of his comrades being ruthlessly murder.

-Annoying trash." I let out in frustration as I landed properly and took a fighting stance, barely able to contain my anger against those bastards. I'd kill them all myself if I had to.

Not wanting to waste any more time I leaped forward with a mana-enhanced jump and swung my sword horizontally, stepping back just in time, the bandit managed to evade my attack once again.

Growing frustrated at my inability to kill a single, poorly armed and prepared goon I unleashed a flurry of relentless attack. Swinging up, down, right and left as fast and hard as I could, I grew more and more furious with each missed or blocked attack.

How could a random guy be able to counter all of my strikes?!?! Trash like him should just let themselves be killed and stop dodging or running away like a coward.

Leaping forward to try for a frontal stab, aimed just below his rib-cage, I could barely believe my own eyes as I saw him sidestep to avoid my strike at what appeared to be the last possible second.

Letting my anger explode, I let go of my useless sword and took the matter in my own hands as I used mana to cover my right hand in a heavy layer of stone and jerked around, preparing for a right hook straight to his face while he tried to regain his footing.

Throwing my fist at him, my eyes widened in shock as I saw him slip backward from the momentum of his dodge and avoid my attack as I found myself standing in front of my opponent without a weapon and a completely open stance.

Next thing I knew, I felt the man grab my left arm and pull me against him as he placed his sword on my neck before shouting: "ANOTHER STEP AND I KILL HER!"

Furiously struggling to break free, I felt the blade start to slowly dig in my neck as I saw the other members of Unity turning around toward me, having finished to eliminate all the other bandits.

Feeling my allies glare lock on to me as they saw me in a weak and defenseless posse, hurt far more than the cut to my neck.

I was supposed to show them how much I had improved and how valuable I was, not get humiliated like that!

-All of you back off!" Shouted my de-facto kidnapper in a panicked tone as I tried to hit his legs to make him fall. "I-I'll slit her throat if you don't all leave, I'll do it!" he repeated as he slowly walked backward, interrupting my attempt to make him trip.

Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! How can he always evade my attack!? Why can't I defeat someone like him, just because he is lucky?!

My anger and shame only grew as I saw Unity turn to us and start to slowly step closer.

I really need to get out right now, or she'll think I'm completely incompetent.

Feeling my kidnapper shiver in terror at the sight of the boss, I knew I could take advantage of him while he was distracted, shouting: "STAY IN PLACE OR I'LL -

Suddenly feeling the man's body loosen, I immediately freed myself in burst before turning around while taking a fighting stance, only to see the head-less body of the man standing in place, as if it hadn't noticed that it just died.

Then, after a few seconds, the body's arm relaxed entirely as it started to lean back and forth slightly before collapsing on the ground in a soft fall, the open neck finally starting to bleed out, as if it had only just been cut.

Standing in place for a second as I saw the dead body lying on the ground, my eyes locked onto the man who had almost killed me, it took me a few moments to snap out of it as I heard footsteps approaching from my back.

Turning around I found myself in front of Unity as she continued to approach until we ended face to face.

Looking up to where her face was, I could almost feel her anger and frustration leak out of her as she stopped and gave a passing glance at the body before focusing back on me.

-What part of my explanation didn't you understand?" She asked in a calm, straightforward, almost genuine tone.

-I... I wanted to help." I answered with a slight hesitation as I was overwhelmed by anger at myself for being so weak.

-Help..." She repeated while glancing at the body once more. "Was someone in danger? Did it seem like this bandit was about to escape? Did you really think it was the best thing to do?" She asked, letting out a hint of what I imagined was her bubbling anger at me.

-I-hm...N-no." I conceded in frustration as I clenched my fist in anger. "I thought I could deal with him on my own to speed up the process. I to prove myself, I just wanted to-

-Help?" She said, completing my sentence with a sharp, almost threatening tone. "How exactly where you supposed to help anyone?" She quizzed as I felt my one anger bubble at how she was treating me.

I wasn't a kid; I could make my own choices.

-Well, if I had killed him, the mission would have obviously ended earlier." I explained with resentment.

-No." She flatly answered as I suddenly felt offended by her dismissive answer, like my contribution to the organization added up to nothing.

-Oh, then how could I have help to make it end faster?" I sarcastically snapped back.

-By staying in place." She answered as she suddenly leaned over me, forcing me to instinctively step back, her deep gaze staring right at my soul, like she was judging my very being. "Not only I wouldn't have had to come here to save you, but you would have been able to report to the scouting teams faster, organize the transport's order based on what had unfolded and checked for any potential dangers." She explained as I swallowed my saliva and retorted:

-It wasn't my job.

-Because taking care of this bandit was your job?" She asked with a fake surprised tone as I felt my anger continue to pill at, knowing full well that she was completely right.


-Oh, so out of all the jobs you could have decided to steal to help us gain time, you specifically choose the one that would put you in the most danger?" She asked with her usual "know it all" tone as if she was so, so much smarter than me.

-It was by far the thing I was most skilled at!" I shouted back at her.

-Hence why you almost died." She retorted in an accusatory tone as I grinned in frustration and got ready to burst out at her, only to see Unity continue her speech. "And, no, this isn't what you are most skilled at."

Hearing her insult all the time and effort I had put in to improve myself and own my skills for the organization made all my pilled-up anger explode out in a loud scream.

-Oh, so what am I skilled at then miss God-complex! It's not like I already defeated everyone in the regular training groups and quarter of the people here!

-Sorting boxes and letting others coordinate the attack, that's what you would have been better at." She retorted as I could feel my face turn bright red from the anger.

-But I'm better at fighting than most people here!

-And you are the worst at cooperation, applying strategy, stealth, adapting to the terrain, judging risks, taking decisions and accepting your own limits!" She scolded as I felt a wave of unfiltered anger come out of her while the start that covered her body turned to blood red eyes that locked onto me, judging me from every angle. "There's a reason I haven't accepted you in this group and its because you are too rash and stubborn! I don't need, WE don't need a foolish suicide-bomber that'll run into enemy lines and screw us all over! WE need, THIS continent needs level headed people who understand that they can't do everything themselves, who understand that if a plan was made, even if imperfect, it is to be followed otherwise everything will tear apart! Imagine if everyone just started rushing down enemy lines to be the first one to get the kill?! Then there wouldn't be a plan! Then the bandit would get time to organize, to react and you wouldn't be the only one in danger! She shouted as I saw her gaze narrow even further, feeling like it was starting to dig a hole through me before pointing to the side.

Following her finger, my eyes stopped on the group of frail, pale slaves that were being slowly released by the other Unity members.

-They would have been in danger; everyone would have been in danger!" She shouted as I somehow grew even angrier than before. "Did you just forget what we are here for?! This isn't just an ego-trip to flex about your strength, people's lives are at stake! THEY are what WE fight for! Stop taking a single tree for a whole forest and look at the bigger picture, think about how your actions will impact others! You aren't fighting for your pride; you are fighting for THEM." She screamed at the top of her lungs, before re-posturing herself properly, standing tall and mighty above me. "If you understood that much, then you would have seen why sorting medical supplies would have been a better use of your time, skills, and intellect."

Turning around without even bothering to look at me she added: "You are suspended from partaking in any other missions until further notice." before to the other members of the organization and starting to instruct them to follow along as planned.

Digging my nails in my palm even harder than before, until I felt pain and blood, I couldn't take it anymore and dashed away out of frustration as I heard Unity order the others to let me go.

{Tessia Eralith}

-Call Vincent Helstea." I said aloud to the communication scroll as I sat back down comfortably in my chair after placing it on a small stand.

-G-good morning, Unity." I heard Vincent say from the other side of the scroll as it displayed him sitting at his desk with an uneasy expression and what appeared to be a couple of gray hairs. "I didn't expect to see you so soon. " He added with a trembling tone.

-Why so?" I asked in a playful tone. "It has already been a month since our last encounter." I added, thinking back about the trial we had set up for the slave traders and how Vincent got swept-up in all of it.

Although I did feel bad for what he had to go through, the fact that he was proven innocent in a faire and public trial greatly improved his reputation both with other merchants and the general population. I would say that it turned out as a net positive for him.

-W-well I just came back from vacation." He explained in a hesitant, somewhat embarrassed tone as he scratched the back of his neck.

Silently acknowledging his answer, I decided to cut to the chase after realizing that I was probably the reason he had to take a month-long vacation.

-Although I hope you appreciated your vacation, I'd like to get down to business." I explained as I looked deep at the scroll right in his eyes, making him shiver in face as he weakly nodded. "I have been informed that some of the freed slaves from our latest rescue mission originated from the northern mountainous border regions of Sapin, specifically from a small town named: Ashbern. I also remember hearing that one of you friends was from or had lived in the region at some point in the past." I explained as I saw his face continue to tense up.

-A-and what exactly do you want him to do?" He asked in a half anxious, half frightened tone as he whipped sweat off his face.

-I would just like him to tell us a bit about the terrain and possible danger we could face on the way." I explained as Vincent let out a sigh of relief and answered that he'd see what he could do about it.

Terminating the call, I laid back in my chair as I relaxed a bit, thinking about how much of a coincidence it was that we had rescued people from Arthur's birthplace. Or maybe was it expected considering how many rescue operations we had done in that past half a year.

Losing myself in my thoughts, jumping from subject to subject as I considered my future plan for Unity, my next adventure I had planned under my adventurer persona, how I could get to hang out with Arthur without raising suspicions. Obviously, I cou-

*Nock*Nock*Nock* I heard coming from the door as I snapped back to reality, reminded of my many, many responsibilities.
-Come in." I ordered, as the door slowly opened to reveal a rather old elf man holding a large pile of paper.

-H-hello Unity." Said the elf before coughing heavily as I started feeling bad for making someone as old as him work. Not that I was forcing him, since everyone is here out of their own will and had relatively good working conditions and were never in any real danger.

Well, expect for the few who got lost and accidentally exited our hidden base, arriving in the beast glades and got attacked by the nearby mana beast.

We had considered the dangers of creating our base here in the first place, but there simply weren't any other options beside establishing our HQ in Elenoir, which would have been politically strenuous and moved us away from our main fields of operation.

Obviously, the fact that I was the princess of Elenoir and would very much like for my true identity, or links with Elenoir to be found out or even speculated about. This is also the reason why I refrained from accepting any direct help from my parents, although I often ask for assistance regarding administrative issues.

-So, re-regarding our intel on, uhm... on the political stance of nobles across Sapin, we found that, uhm... a few seconds please." Asked the man as he frantically started flipping through pages after pages only to hesitate once more and flip back to his starting point to start speaking again.

Beyond how atrociously slow the process was, I struggled to clearly understand any of the reports he was trying to make, which itself underlined the glaring lack of professionalism in our organization.

The situation had both slowly improved with people getting better at their jobs, but also worsened since some had reached the peak of the skill to stupidity graph, having enough knowledge to operate efficiently and correct others, giving them a huge ego boost, but not enough to understand they were a very long way off from being the best in their profession.

Meaning that, on top of the usual mess and constant game of whack-em-all I had to play by running around and every problem myself, I now had to support crowds of overconfident idiots berating me about the revolutionary solution they had just discovered in their respective fields.

These two should solve themselves through time and a long string of trial and error until they realized that investing all their funds in the international market after reading a single article from an economic paper, was, in fact, not a valuable strategy.

The upside in all of this was that, because of my experience, strength, and borderline legendary statues as Unity, no one dared to oppose my decision and automatically followed anything I said like it was some kind of holy speech. Which had also caused a few more problems, but nothing as bad as if they had been left to their own device.

Glancing back to the old elf, who hadn't even finished his explanation, I started missing Hannadreda's reports as I had gotten used to the girl's fast past and more direct approach. And although her constant complaints about not being allowed on missions anymore was annoying, it was argued somewhat well, and were engaging to take part in.

Not that it made the evident fact that she wasn't qualified for the missions she asked to be a part of any less obvious. I hoped she would have realized it by herself without getting in a dangerous situation, but it was better for her to learn the hard way now rather than hope she'd have it figured out by the time she received more responsibilities.

Leaning back on my chair I looked up to the ceiling and wandered if I hadn't been too harsh with her back there. Maybe I should have acted in a more empathetic manner, but at the same time I truly believe that what I said was right; I knew that much from firsthand experience.

I just hoped she wouldn't throw in the towel and actually grow from the criticism, unlike me.

"Gosh I hate my past self so much for just running away from the hideout like an idiot right after being rescued from the Alacryan." I thought to myself as a wave of guilt and shame washed over me after what happened back then and how I had directly caused Arthur's death.

"But all of that is behind me now." I reminded myself. "This time I'll make sure to save everyone, bring peace and prosperity to this continent and finally get in a real relationship with Arthur." I explained while nodding to myself.

As soon as Hanna had calmed down and returned, I'd be able to start her real training to become much mo-


Seeing the door leading to my office burst open I jumped in place as I saw a young man with a face as pale as the moon rush in, drenched in sweat and look at me, eyes filled with anxiety and worry.

-What's happening?!" I asked as I stood up from my chair, ready to break in a mad dash at any moment.

-I-it's Hanna, w-we found her bloodied uniform in the streets of Silictum." He explained as my heart drop from hearing the news. "We- we think she might have been captured o-or killed."

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