Freak || Percy Jackson x OC (...

By -dewper

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┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓ "I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversation... More



2K 82 42
By -dewper


chapter four




Percy stood on the shore of Montauk, heavy rain pounding the earth and sea. Thunder rumbled, followed by a flash of lightning as he stared at the enraged ocean. A dim light stood beyond the fog, sending a strange chill through his bones as he fixated on it and the shadowy figure accompanying it.

A sound like wood creaking came before the voice. Who are you?

Percy frowned. The rain came down harder as he watched, refusing to look away.

So weak. So scared. So sad. Run away, little hero, before you get hurt.

Percy jolted awake through another clap of thunder. It was still raining, and he realized it was much later than the time he had fallen asleep. Sen sat next to him in her little yellow raincoat, bumping her head along to music that wasn't even there. She realized he'd woken up and she smiled at him.

Sally sniffled slightly. "We're here." She turned back, offering her son a smile, though Percy knew she'd been crying. Usually, it was better not to address that.

He gripped the car door. "On three?"

"Wait!" Sen said, grabbing her bag and pulling up her hood. "Okay."

Sally grinned, turning off the car. "Alright. One, two..."

She cut herself off with her own laughter as Sen and Percy raced out of the car, slamming the doors shut. The rain drowned out Sally's voice as Percy laughed hysterically, watching Sen splash up mud and water as she cut in front of him in the nick of time. She stopped abruptly at the door, laughing as Percy crashed into her.

"Move!" he laughed, trying to shove her out the way.

Sen put her back to his and pushed. "No! I got here, first!"

"Excuse me," Sally said, holding up the key to the cabin. Sen and Percy kept pushing against each other, but they moved backwards slightly. As soon as the door opened, they surged forward, squeezing into the door at the same time.

Sen shivered as she stood on the welcome mat, quickly taking off her coat to hang up. "'S chilly."

"You should probably go change," Sally suggested. "Both of you."

"Me first," Sen said. "I've been walking longer."

"Are you taking a shower?" Percy demanded. "I should go first if you're gonna shower!"

Sen blew her tongue at him and slammed the door.

"Sen! Are you going to-" Percy groaned loudly as he heard the shower turn on. Go figure. Sally just snorted.

"You can change in a different room, Percy," Sally said.

"It's the principal."

Still, Percy locked himself in the guest room. As soon as he was alone, unable to hear anyone else near him, that suffocating fear came back. He investigated his arms, where small bruises had begun to form in the shape of the talons that thing had. His hands shook as he grabbed a sweater from his bag.

Run away, little hero. He felt sick to his stomach as thunder clapped overhead. Thunder just like his dream. Who was out to get him? First, Mrs. Dodds. Now, a strange dream with a strange voice telling him to look away. He put his hands over his face, trying to lock his nightmares into his head. They wouldn't come true. They were just nightmares.

Sally knocked on the door and Percy jolted. "You've been in there a while. You okay?"

"Y-yeah," Percy stuttered out. "Just kinda cold."

"I have a fire out here," Sally said as Sen's shower turned off. How long was I in here? "Come warm up, Percy."

Percy put on a pair of warm socks and unlocked the door. At the same time, Sen got out of the shower, steam pouring out from the whole bathroom as she dried off her long hair.

Percy squinted. "Are you boiling yourself alive?"

Sen seemed to notice all the steam. "It's cleansing."

"Cleansing? Cleansing your aura, or the skin off your bones?"

Sen rolled her eyes. "Must you judge everything?"

"Yes. Why are you wearing Christmas pajama pants if it's June?"

"It is never too early for holiday spirit," Sen said, sticking out her leg to flash her reindeer pajama pants. Percy snorted and followed her out to the living room. They sat together in front of a furnace with a small fire in it, pillows and blankets scattered around them. Despite being so close, Percy still felt freezing.

Sen glanced into the kitchen and turned to Percy. "Did you tell your mom?"

He shook his head. "Not... really. Do you think I should?"

Sen turned her attention to the fire. "Something.... something happened." Gently, she described her weird dream, and her communications from Gordo the Golden.

Percy frowned. "I noticed him glowing when he left."

"Like glowing," Sen nodded, her voice quiet. "You saw it, too."

"Well, yeah. I wondered how such a fatty could move so fast, too." He bit his lip and leaned in closer. "I um... I had a dream, too."

Sen frowned. "What? When?"

"Just now, in the car," Percy said before describing it to her.

Sen looked away. "You said like... like an asthmatic old man?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. He sounded like he'd just woken up, and he was not happy about it. Did your guy sound like that?"

"No," Sen said. "My guy was serious, but his voice was pretty light and steady. He didn't sound like a grumpy old man. I mean, he sounded like he was maybe twenty-five. Really young." She pulled her blanket tighter around herself and turned to Percy, her brown eyes reflecting the glow of the fire. "I think you should tell your mom."

"Okay. Let's go and-"

"No, not me," Sen said. "You break the ice. I'll be here waiting."

Percy squinted. "Why me?"

"She's your mom," Sen said matter-of-factly. Unfortunately, it was hard to argue with that logic. Percy got up and took a deep breath before walking into the kitchen, the old floorboards creaking under his steps. Sally stood at the counter, and Percy prayed she didn't send him to the institution before hearing the full story.

He approached, trying to keep the tone light, and he tapped her left shoulder before swiftly moving to the right. Sally looked to her left, then heard Percy's gentle laughter and gazed in the right direction, a small smile crossing her face.

"I found the good marshmallows," Sally said. "Ones that don't burn so easy."

Percy looked down. "I don't think it was ever the marshmallows' fault I wasn't paying attention."

Sally turned to him, her face soft and sympathetic. Her mood shifted as she recognized the look in her son's face. She knew he needed to talk. Percy took a deep breath as she turned her body to him, giving him her full attention, her eyebrows raised.

Percy hesitated. "Mom..." He flicked his eyes to the living room. Sen was on her back, her feet in the air, kicking back and forth. She wouldn't be much help. "Mom, I need to talk to you about something."

Sally hesitated and took a deep breath, nodding her head slightly. Percy turned back to the living room as Sen started mindlessly singing a made-up song about eggs and beans.

I am NOT going crazy by myself.

"We need to talk to you about something," Percy corrected, saying it loud enough for Sen to hear. She bolted upright, her eyes wide and manic.

Sally gulped. "Okay. Let's go sit, then."

Percy led her into the living room, where Sen gave him a death glare. He tried to touch her shoulder, but she turned away, staring straight at the fire. Percy rolled his eyes and sat slightly behind her, his mom right next to him as he tried to figure out how to break the ice. He rubbed his hands together, unable to look Sally in the eyes as he told her yet another crazy story about a crazy sight.

"I'm used to feeling weird," Percy said. "I'm used to the world feeling weird to me. Like a puzzle with half the wrong pieces. I try to pay attention. I really try. But... then I'm daydreaming. I can't help it."

Percy's arms ached where the bruises had formed. Whether or not the creature had been real, something had happened to him. "But lately... I feel like it hasn't been daydreaming. It's felt... I don't know." He turned to his mother. "More real, maybe?" She looked down, pursing her lips, knowing what was coming.

Percy faced the fire. "But then we were at the museum, and..."

She nodded softly. "You saw something." Percy hesitated, thinking about how to go about this, but he knew he could trust his mom. If there was no one else he could trust but his mom, he'd tell her everything. He nodded slowly, still feeling a sinking shame. "Something that felt real to you, but no one else could see?"

Percy stared at the fire, swallowing the ball in his throat as he fought the urge to cry.

"What did she say to you?"

She. Sen whipped around, her eyes landing on Percy. Both of them frowned as they realized they'd heard Sally right. Percy turned to his mom, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait," Sen said. "Nobody said she. How'd you know she was a she?"

Sally took several deep breaths, tilting her head up to the ceiling. "Do you know why we come to this cabin every year?"

Percy shook his head. "Because it's near the septic tanks, so it's cheap! Mom! How did you know about that thing we saw?"

Sally stared at him. "We come to this place every year because this is the place I met your father."

Percy's face hardened. He didn't like hearing about the douche that left his mom. "My dad? What does my dad have to do with this?"

Sen stood up. "You know, I don't need to hear about Daddy Jackson. This is all very private, and I'm not-"

Percy pointed at her. "Sit back down."

Sen plopped onto her butt. "I'm sat."

Sally reached out, cupping Percy's cheek. "A long time ago, I..." Her chest heaved. Percy knew this was hard for her to talk about. "...met a man, here on the beach. He was wise and brave and kind... and noble. From the moment I first saw him, I knew that- that I had never met a man like him before. And then I realized he was unlike any man I had ever met before..." She closed her eyes. Was she concentrating or trying not to cry? Percy hated the look she had. "Because h- he wasn't a man at all. He was a god."

She waited, gauging her son's reaction.

Percy frowned, trying to remember the Bible. "You... fell in love with God. Like... Like- like Jesus?"

"No," Sen said, scooting forward on her butt. "Jesus was celibate. If she fell in love with God, this means she is Mary, and you are Jesus. They always did predict the second-coming of Christ, I just didn't think it'd be you."

Percy shook his head in a panic. "No! I am not the Messiah!"

"No, no, no," Sally said quickly. "Not God. A god. Percy..." She took his hands, making him unable to look away. "The stories I have told you about Greek gods and monsters and heroes? They are real."

Percy hated being patronized. He didn't need to be told his "specialness" was because of a god. "Mom..."

"In those stories, I have told you about how gods and mortals would sometimes have children together-"

"Mom, please stop."

"-and sometimes, they are known as half-bloods."

Sen made a frightened squeaking noise. "That's what that creature called u- called him."

Percy pointed at her. "You can't weasel your way out of this!"

Sen moaned in fear and rolled up in her blanket to hide her face. "I'm so very worried, though..."

"Percy." Sally forced him to face her. "You are a half-blood. And half-bloods are not safe in the world. Once they reach a certain age and they begin... to understand what they are, terrible forces are drawn to them, driven to harm them before they can become strong enough to fight back. That is what you have been feeling. It has always been a part of who you are, it has always been coming, I just-"

Percy shook his head. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Percy, I know that this is hard to understand, but you have to believe me that this is real!"

"No!" Percy broke away, rising to his feet, anger boiling inside him. "This is crazy. Okay? I am not a god! There is something wrong with my brain!" Percy said, his voice shaking with pain and anger. "I understand that I'm weird! Believe me, I get it, but I'm afraid something may be really broken now."

"Percy, no!" Sen said, rising to her feet. She took his hand gently. "You're not broken, Percy-"

He ignored her, staring angrily at his mother. "And- and now you're telling me stories like it's gonna make it okay?! Well, I'm not a baby! I know there's no such thing as monsters, I know there's no such thing as gods, and I know for certain that there is no such thing as demi-"

Sen suddenly whipped to the front door. "Something's out there!"

"What?" Just as Percy said that, he heard knocking on the door. He turned to Sen, frowning. "How did you-"

Sally leaned over to peer behind Percy and Sen. "Who's there?"

"Ms. Jackson? It's Grover."

Percy squinted. "Grover?"

"This is a little time sensitive. Could someone maybe open the door?"

Sally rose, walking around Percy and Sen.

Percy shook his head. "What is he doing here? I don't wanna see him!"

"It's like a reunion in Montauk," Sen said quietly.

Percy stared at her. "How did you know someone was here?"

"A feeling."

"A feeling," Percy repeated.

Sally opened the door, leaning against it. "I asked to have the night! You said we could all leave in the morning."

Grover shook his head. "Sorry, I'm early, but I didn't really have a choice. This is all developing a lot faster than we anticipated."

Percy and Sen stared at each other. "Early?"

Sally opened the door wider, letting Grover in.

"No!" Percy said. "Look, whatever it is you're gonna say, I don't wanna... h-hear it. Grover?"

Sen put her hand over her mouth and hid behind Percy. "Gonna be sick..."

Grover nodded at them like nothing was wrong. "Percy. Sen." He turned to Sally. "Okay, so, something's coming!" he said, his tone weirdly light. "I know, that sounds really bad-"

"Grover?" Percy demanded.

"-but the important thing is not to panic!"

Sally pursed her lips. "I'm not panicking."

Sen trembled. "I'm panicking!"


"Great!" Grover said to Sally. "I'm also definitely not panicking. I feel very good about how we're doing so far-"


"What?" A hoof stomped in sync with Grover's irritated tone.

Percy stared at Grover's legs. "Grover, why is there half a goat in your pants?!"

"Oh, it's-" Grover finally seemed to notice the problem. He picked his head up, staring at Sen and Percy with wide eyes. "Oh! Oh, boy, she didn't tell you about..."

Sen whispered, "Can I pet it?"

"Hush," Percy muttered.

Grover turned to Sally. "You didn't tell them about me?!"

Sally smiled sarcastically. "You're early."

Grover turned back to Sen and Percy. Percy blinked, trying to make sense of the situation.

Grover spread his hands. "So the important thing is not to panic."

"Do you go to a salon or the groomer?" Sen blurted out.

Percy blinked. "I guess we aren't panicking, Grover."

Sally rubbed her forehead. "We'll continue this in the car. Let's go." She moved past the kids, reaching for her coat and her keys, while Grover fixated on Sen with a strange stared. She blinked as Percy tried to make sense of the whole situation. You are the Messiah! Grover is using illusion magic to ride a goat! Sen has a sixth sense!

"Get your coat," Sally said, sliding her own on.

Sen frowned. "A raincoat, or something thick?"

Percy glared at her. "Why would you have a winter coat in the middle of June?"

"To be prepared."

"Nothing can prepare us for the second-coming of Christ!"

"Whoa," Grover said. "Where did Christ come from?"

Sen buttoned up her raincoat and pointed at Percy. "He is the Messiah!"

"He is not the- You know what?" Grover said. "Let's just get dressed and ready!"

"Why do I gotta come?" Sen said, shaking her head. "I'm not the Messiah."

Percy nodded. "So, you're ditching me."

"I didn't-"

Grover blinked. "I... Okay, you know Percy and you are half-bloods, right?"

"Huh?! I knew about Percy! I just thought I was his weird friend that gets to clue-in on some really personal conversations!" Sen whined, spreading her hands. "How do we even know I am a half-blood? I don't even got parents."

"Just... Trust me, Sen," Grover said.

She narrowed her eyes. "Oh, yeah. I trust you a bunch, Mr. Teacher's Pet." She looked down at his legs and added, "Literally."

"Tone down the sass, Sen," Percy said, putting on his shoes. 

Grover smiled weakly. "Thank you Per-"

"We can yell at him some more on the road."



anyways i burned at like 103 for a solid ten hours yesterday and now im barely sick and am only snotty so i LOVE my immune system cuz my mom and dad are still dying also what should i buy with my christmas money

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