Freak || Percy Jackson x OC (...

By -dewper

33.6K 1.1K 730

┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓ "I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversation... More



2.2K 86 45
By -dewper


chapter two





Percy's eyes slowly opened, his heart still racing from his dream. That's all it was, right? Just a dream. Then, why did his chest still feel so tight? He looked around in confusion at the various faces hovering over his, but a new one entered the mix.

"Percy!" Sen leaned over him, her warm eyes wide and fearful, her plump lips agape. "Percy, is everything okay?" Her hands rested on his shoulders and her long, wet hair fell down, tickling his face slightly.

"Is he okay?" someone said.

Another chimed in, "Is he dead?"

Mr. Brunner cleared his throat. "Give him some space, please. Sen, you too."

Sen did not give Percy any space. "Can you stand?" She spoke with a slight lisp, her braces getting in the way. Percy nodded, still stuck in confusion as Sen stood up and held out her hands. Percy placed his in hers and she kindly pulled him up, steadying him slightly as he stumbled.

Percy looked around. Everyone was watching him like he was crazy. "What happened?" He looked just past Sen, where a soaking wet Boba Fett glared at him with hate. He frowned, looking around some more. "Where's Mrs. Dodds?"

Nancy yelped, "I didn't do anything to him! He pushed me!"

Mr. Brunner gazed at Percy. "Everyone, go back to your lunches. Percy just needs a moment. It's alright."

As simple as that, everyone dispersed as though nothing had happened. Percy turned to Sen, seeing a small cut in her arm. His eyes widened and he gasped, but she quickly clamped her opposite hand over it and shook her head.

"I don't understand," Percy insisted. "Didn't anyone just see that?"

Mr. Brunner frowned, his eyebrows knit together. Grover glanced at him, shaking slightly.

"Where's Mrs. Dodds?!"

"Percy... there's no one here by that name," Mr. Brunner said.

"That's a lie," Sen insisted, her voice wavering. "We saw- we saw-"

Mr. Brunner sighed. "Make-believe can entertain all you want it to, but not at the cost of other students." Sen's jaw dropped in shock. "All right, class. Let's move along. Let's go. Finish your lunch." Mr. Brunner wheeled off, acting as though nothing had happened.

Percy stared at Grover, pleading for an answer, pleading that he wasn't alone in this, but Grover just pursed his lips and turned away, collecting his trash.

Percy heard Sen sniffle. "I hate it here."

Percy turned to her and realized she was shivering. "Aw, Sen..." He stripped his own jacket off and wrapped it around her. She couldn't even smile at him, but she uttered a small thank you. "How bad are you hurt?"

She shook her head. "It's not very deep. I'm okay."

"You didn't hit your head?"

Sen shook her head. "Are you okay?"

Percy hesitated. Truthfully, no. He was not okay. Apparently, he was psychotic, and so was Sen. What do they call that? Mass hysteria? But he wasn't injured, and nobody was hemorrhaging. "I'm... okay."

Sen blinked sadly. "I guess we gotta go." She ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth and grumbled, "I got meat in my damn braces."

Percy chuckled softly. "It's... It'll be okay."

"You saw it, though."

"I did," Percy agreed, glancing uneasily as everyone got ready to go back to Yancy Academy. "I saw it all. I... I saw you push me out of the way, Sen."

She looked down at her shoes and walked to her lunchbox.

"Why'd you do that?" Percy asked nervously.

Sen locked up her lunch and shrugged. "I didn't want you to die, Percy."

"That was dangerous."

"I know."

Percy managed a small smile. "Thank you."

Sen smiled a little. She always smiled with her mouth closed to hide the blue braces.

"You're welcome."


"The truth... can be so very hard to determine. But in this case, the truth seems very hard to deny."

Percy sat awkwardly between Sen and Grover, his hands close together. Sen was rapidly bouncing her leg, vacantly staring at a random point on the headmaster's desk. Grover looked down at his lap, unable to even react to the headmaster's words.

"Mr. Jackson, a number of your classmates so you, Ms Hoa, and Mr. Underwood arguing with Ms. Bobofit," the headmaster said, his hands clasped together, "yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, other than, uh..." The headmaster shifted, slowly lifting up a few papers. "'I didn't touch Nancy.'"

Percy frowned. "Sen was in that fountain, too."

The headmaster elected to ignore this. "Now, isn't there anything else you'd like to say for yourself?"

Percy thought this was straightforward. Part of him wanted to suck up, lie and say he made a mistake. Maybe he wouldn't get kicked out of school. But he kept thinking about the four different bandaids Sen currently had over her cut and the cheese slapping her in the face. Whether or not he did something wrong, one thing was very clear;

"I didn't touch Nancy."

The headmaster scratched his head and sighed. "Okay... And, erm... Ms. Hoa? Any explanation for how-"

"She slapped me with a cheese," Sen said, "and I got scared and fell back."

"Because of... a piece of cheese," the headmaster said, "that nobody else saw hit you, or even found after the fact?" Sen frowned. "Would you like to explain that?"

Sen blinked. "Birds. Or perhaps a large rat."

The headmaster rubbed his face. Sen often gave direct, attitude-laced answers. "Alright. Mr. Underwood? Do you have anything to add?"

Percy stared straight ahead. Sen kept bouncing her leg nervously. Percy knew Grover was on his side, so he didn't have much to say-


Sen and Percy whipped their heads over to Grover.

"I do."

The headmaster nodded. "Go on."

Grover took a deep breath. He refused to look at his so-called friends. "Percy told me earlier in the day that... he and Sen wanted to get back at Nancy for all she'd done to us."

Percy scooted forward, shocked. "Grover?"

"And they aren't being truthful about what happened at the fountain."

Sen frowned. "Grover!"

"Excuse me," the headmaster cut off, putting a firm hand up to Percy and Sen before turning to Grover. "What exactly are you saying you saw, Mr. Underwood?"

Grover hesitated. "I... I saw..."

"Grover..." Sen said quietly.

Grover glanced at her, his dark eyes wide, and he took a deep breath before staring the headmaster in the eye. "Sen fell into the fountain so she could lie and say Nancy did it to get her in trouble, and that way, Percy could push Nancy into the fountain and say it was justice."

"Grover!" Sen cried out, her eyes filled with tears. Percy clenched his jaw and faced forward, digging his nails into his palm.

The headmaster frowned. "Ms. Hoa-"

Sen stood up so roughly, her chair screeched and slid back. She uttered a singular, "I hate you!" Before marching out of the room, her weeps echoing down the hallway.

Percy looked at the headmaster. "We're expelled, aren't we?" The lack of an answer was Percy's Go!, and he promptly stood up. "Sen, hang on!"

He chased Sen down the hallway until he caught up with her, grabbing her hand to stop her. She turned around, crying softly, her freckled cheeks blotchy and red.

"How- How could he?" Sen cried. "He knows we didn't-"

"He's a snake, okay?" Percy said simply. "I mean... That's harsh."

"He was harsh! Now I can't go to school here!"

"Me neither," Percy shrugged. "I mean, it's a shock I made it this long, right? Maybe we can go to the same school again next year. Seventh grade can be our year, right?"

Sen looked at her toes. "I wish I didn't fall into that fountain."

"Sen, that's not your fault," Percy insisted.

"Isn't it? I got so jumpy over a piece of cheese."

"I mean, you're a jumpy person. So what? Doesn't mean she should've thrown it." Sen wiped her face with the back of her sleeve. "We can help each other pack and catch a ride back together. Maybe you can come hang out?"

Sen shook her head. "Not today. Today, I have to go home and explain to Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez why I messed up."

Percy's face fell, but he understood where Sen was coming from. "Oh. Um, okay. What about tomorrow, then? We can... I dunno, go to the park or something."

"If I don't get grounded," Sen mumbled. "That might be nice."

Percy rocked on his feet. "Do you need help packing?"

"I do," Sen said, "but boys aren't allowed in the girls' dorm."

Percy grinned and bumped her elbow with his. "What about expelled boys?"

A genuine smile crossed Sen's face and she met Percy's eyes. "You always look for the loopholes, Percy."


Percy sat with Sen on a bench just outside the school, staring at a trail of ants on the concrete. Sen was humming softly to herself and rapidly braiding and un-braiding her hair, which she usually did when she got nervous. Percy just couldn't believe he'd gotten kicked out of school, and for something that wasn't even his fault. Just to make it better, Sen got kicked out, too. That just made him feel infinitely worse.

"None of this is easy."

Sen jumped at the voice of Mr. Brunner. Percy didn't react. He didn't want to look at a guy that decided he was insane.

"Not for you," Mr. Brunner went on, wheeling closer. "Not for any of us. I'm very concerned about you, Percy."

Percy locked his jaw again. He didn't care if Mr. Brunner was concerned, really.

"I saw what happened at the museum."

Percy felt fire in his blood as he turned to Mr. Brunner. "I didn't touch Nancy!"

"I know you didn't."

Percy's eyes widened. Why didn't you defend me? Sen started bouncing her leg again and picked at her braces with a little toothpick.

"At least..." Mr. Brunner said, leaning forward, "I know you think you didn't."

Percy turned away, fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Do you want to tell me what you think did happen?" Mr. Brunner suggested, only to be met with silence. "You can tell me. I might just understand."

Percy scoffed, sarcastically nodding his head. "You wanna bet?"

Mr. Brunner dryly laughed. "Percy... I've seen a lot of young people go through this sort of thing in my time, but of all of them, I suspect that you might have the most difficult journey. I suspect you are special."

Special. Percy was done hearing this. He turned away, shaking his head. How long had he been called special?

"So much more so than you kn-"

"Just- Stop," Percy insisted. He stood up, turning to Mr. Brunner. "I don't need any more stories about how special I don't realize I am. They aren't helping."

Sen stood up, grabbing her suitcases. She kept her gaze down, refusing to look at Mr. Brunner.

Mr. Brunner tilted his head. "Sen? Is there anything you would like to add?"

Sen picked her bags up and looked at Percy, ignoring her teacher. "Did you hear something?"

"Yes," said Percy, gesturing to the approaching truck. "I heard our ride."

Sen nodded. "Wonderful. Here, Percy." She handed him his backpack, slipping it onto his shoulders. Weirdly enough, she had less stuff than he did. Mr. Brunner looked down, his face laced with concern, and maybe irritation at Sen's choice of words.

The truck stopped in front of Sen and Percy. "You kids ready?"

Sen looked at Percy.

"I'll sit next to the weird man," Percy said softly. That's usually what happened. Sen didn't like sitting next to strangers immediately. Percy climbed in the truck first, holding one of his suitcases in his lap. Sen climbed in next, scooting as close to the window as possible to give Percy some room. She slammed the door shut, ignoring Mr. Brunner's gaze.

The truck engine rumbled slightly as it picked up speed.

"Well..." The driver said. "Early summer vacation?"

Percy bit his lip. "You don't have to make small talk, man."

The driver scoffed slightly and gently raised his fingers, though he kept his hands on the wheel. "Just trying to be friendly. You kids want some tunes?"


"Yes," Sen said. She couldn't go anywhere without music. Apparently, sitting in silence made Sen want to jump off a bridge.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Yes, apparently." The driver gave him full control of the radio, and Percy flipped onto a random station, letting Barracuda play softly in the car. He knew Sen liked that song (she liked most songs) so he decided to leave it on.

Percy glanced at Sen. "So, um, when's your next ortho appointment?"

"End of the month," Sen said, but she didn't look very happy. "I can't get them off yet, though..."

"It's not a big deal," Percy assured. He knew she was really insecure about her appearance, though he didn't know why. She often told him what bothered her- she was only five feet tall, she was a little chubby, she had big, gaudy braces that caught everyone's attention. Percy didn't see the problem, naturally. She was never unattractive. She was just a dorky twelve-year-old, though in a cute, endearing way. What's so bad about that?

Sen bounced her head along to the song. "At least I don't still have the spacer."

"Oh, the spacer..." Percy joked. Sen's spacer-era was... rough, to say the least. The lisp was much worse, and every time she spoke, she spewed spit everywhere, and never stopped complaining about how much her mouth hurt. Now, she only spit occasionally.

"I remember when I had braces," the driver said. Why is he inserting himself into my conversation? "Though, back in my day, we had whole headgear."

Must've damaged your brain, Percy thought. "Cool."

"Can you turn it up?" Sen asked as the song changed. "This is a good song."

Percy hesitated. "How did the station go from Barracuda to the Piña Colada song?"

"I guess they just play bangers," Sen said. "I was tired of my lady~"


The driver dumped Sen at the edge of a small residential neighborhood just outside of the big city. Sen opened the door and grabbed her bags, her eyes laced with sadness.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" Percy offered.

Sen shook her head. "No. You need to hurry up and go see your mom," she said, shouldering her bag. "I'll try to see you tomorrow, though."

"Okay," Percy nodded. "Bye, Sen."

She smiled and waved before closing the door, beginning her trek up the path of a little blue house. The driver shifted gears, and slowly picked up speed again as Percy claimed Sen's old spot.

"Should've walked your girlfriend up," the driver said. "That's the gentlemanly thing to do."

"She's not my girlfriend," Percy said. "Boys can be just friends with girls. And don't tell me what to do."

"Just a suggestion."

"Here's a suggestion- stop trying to be buddies with sixth-graders."

Before the driver could respond, Percy cranked up the volume on the radio, letting the Piña Colada song loudly blast through the neighborhood.


sassy man apocalypse and it only gets worse from here

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