Morning Love. (George Weasley)

By mischief_managed0104

663K 14.6K 26K

~"I am completely and utterly devoted to you." His eyes still on me, brushing more hair from my face and tuck... More

Hi guys!


527 10 10
By mischief_managed0104

Arabella's POV:

I'd luckily managed to sneak in a few hours of sleep last night in the comfort of Hermione's bed, but I'd still managed to wake up almost an hour earlier than needed.

I looked to the clock and sighed, tiredness hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Last night replayed in my head over and over: the heat, tension, undeniable feelings...

But my pride played a huge part in this, and I couldn't just move on to how abruptly George had ended things with us back then. 

I didn't want me seen as some naive girl, or seen as someone who could be walked all over.

Remus and Sirius certainly hadn't brought me up that way. 

I crept away for Hermione's sleeping body, creeping out of bed and grabbing my toiletries and towel, heading to the shower block.

As I headed out, I bumped into a tall individual a few yards from our door - it was Fred.

My eyes screwed up from the hallway lights, squinting up at him.

"Fred?" I whispered, closing the door, "what are you doing here so early?"

He revealed a folded up piece of parchment in his hand, "I was going to sneak in and leave this note on Angie's pillow, just wishing her luck on her exam this morning."

He looked away shyly, something not common for him. I smiled up at him in awe.

"That's very sweet of you." I admitted, "I know that will cheer her up, I know she is a bit nervous about the whole thing."

"Yeah I know," he replied, scratching the back of his head, "I can't really relate, as the exams don't really mean all that much to me, but I want to offer her support wherever I can."

I smiled again reassuring, "I'm sure she appreciates it."

His eyes wandered from mine down to my neck, spotting something. His eyes widened slightly.

"I knew it." he muttered with a grin.

"What?" I questioned, bringing my hand up to my neck, the skin still sensitive from George's tongue the night prior.

"You were in the common room last night I assume?" He asked playfully.

My eyes widened, assuming what he has seen, not even aware he had left any marks.

"Fred- it's too early to be talking about this." I sighed, feeling my cheeks blush red.

He held his hands up and surrendered, "fine fine, you're the boss."

I shook my head and laughed, "thank you."

"May I?" Fred asked, pointing to the dorm room door behind me.

"Oh- yes of course, I'm going to shower."

I waved goodbye, he smiled as he quietly entered the room and I continued down the hall.


I had come back to the dorm to change, Angelina had already left to study with some friends in the common room. However, Hermione did mention how happy she was this morning when she found the note on her bed from Fred.

Whilst Hermione and I got ready, I told her everything that happened last night.

As always, she listened very well and didn't offer her advise unless I asked.

"Have I done something stupid?" I asked with a sigh, buttoning up my shirt.

"I think that all depends on how you interpret it," she responded, "did the kiss feel weird?"

I felt my cheeks flush pink, "no- no it felt, normal- it was good."

"Mhm, so you enjoyed it?" she continued to question.

"Yes Hermione, I enjoyed it." I admitted, biting back a smile.

She smiled at my shyness, "Okay, but did you regret it?"

I paused, unsure of my answer. 

"That's what I don't know," I sighed, "it was my decision to kiss him, and I know I wanted to- but I was just worried of what it would mean."

She nodded, grabbing her tie.

"I just didn't want it to be as though everything that went on was going to be forgotten about- you know what I mean?- like we would just kiss and make up and act like nothing every happened."

"I understand," she smiled reassuringly, "it just sounds like you need some more time to full dissect how you feel in order to move forward."

"And if George doesn't want to move on," she continued, "then he's just going to have to wait."

I chewed the inside of my mouth nervously, not sure of what to say as I knew what she was saying was right.

As always.

"You're right, thank you Hermione" I smiled weakly, coming beside her in the mirror to fix my tie.

She reached and placed her arm on my shoulder for comfort, "you're welcome."


The Great Hall was full of studying students during breakfast, the tables will with books.

I sat down timidly beside Hermione, my eyes meeting George's who was sat on the opposite side, staring directly at me.

He looked at me as though he was trying to find out what I was feeling, looking for any signs of expression on my face.

"Morning," Harry smiled, pulling my attentions away, "you look tired."

"Aw, thank you Harry." I replied sarcastically.

I saw him peer down at my neck, towards the mark - shit I forgot to cover it.

His brows raised slightly, peering over to George who was talking to Ron. Harry then leant up from his chair towards me.

"Has George seen that?" Harry asked worriedly, he obviously had no idea that it was George who created the mark.

I chuckled, "don't worry about it."

"I mean you've been broken for almost a month now, and you're free to see whoever you want." Harry unnecessarily defended me, causing me to chuckle again.

"But you know if he see's that, he will go crazy." he whispered, staring at me with worried eyes.

I tilted my head with a smile, "I can assure you it's fine."

Harry raised his brow, unconvinced, "If you say so... who's it from?"

I chewed the inside of my mouth again, frantically thinking of an answer.

"-in fact I don't want to know, I don't know why I asked. Gross." he interrupted, saving me from having to make something up.

I pulled my hair round from my back in efforts to make the mark less noticeable, leaning back into the conversation at the table.

Hermione picked up Ron's wrist, checking the time on his watch, "our exam starts in 19 minutes."

"Very precise." Fred commented.

Hermione shot him a disapproving look, "do you all know which rooms your exacts are in?"

"Yes miss." Harry teased, rolling his eyes at her organisation. 

She signed in defeat, her seriousness causing me to giggle.

"Well, I'm going to head down to my exam room now," she insisted, "Harry, Ron, you're coming."

"I'm still eating." Ron whined, toast in hand.

"Bring it with you." Hermione rolled her eyes, dragging him up from the bench.

Harry shook his head with a laugh.

"Good luck you three." I smiled.

"Yeah good luck." George spoke up, patting Harry on the back gently as he stood.

"You too guys." Harry replied.

Hermione leant down to my ear, "don't worry, you'll do great, just try not to get distracted, okay?"

I looked up to her, her kindness making me blush, "I won't." I assured.


George, Fred and Angelina and I walked down the corridor together, a clear awkwardness in the air as George and I remained far apart.

"My exam room's down there." Angelina spoke, pointing down the corridor.

Fred placed his arms around her shoulders, "good luck sweetheart" he smiled.

Fred's caring side when it came to Angelina was always so sweet to see.

"Thank you Fred." she smiled back shyly.

"And if it goes well, I'll do that thing with my tongue you like back at the dorm later." He smirked.

And there was the Fred I was used to.

Angelina slapped his chest, cheeks blushing red. I rolled my eyes with a laugh, coming over to separate them.

"Good luck" I smiled, hugging her.

"Thank you, good luck you three, see you later!" she walked away, waving back to us.

We carried on walking ahead a bit further, reaching the outside of the exam room. 

Fred leant up against the wall whilst we waited, George and I stood either side of him, awkwardly looking around the corridor.

Fred's eyes flicked between us, waiting for a moment before sighing loudly.

"Let's not make this more awkward than it needs to be," he requested, "we all know exactly what happened last night."

I snapped my head to him, "how do you know everything?" I quickly realised that was a stupid question.

"He told me." he nodded to George, his eyes on the ground like a child.

"Regardless," Fred continued, "you need to clear the air."

"Now is not the right time to be 'clearing the air'." I air quoted.

"But there's clearly some unfinished business, you're both being so fucking awkward." Fred replied bluntly.

"I'm not awkward." I denied, despite knowing that was in fact not true.

"You really are." Fred teased.

I shook my head, sighing, "look, it's nothing- George and I were in the common room last night, he kissed me-"

"-you kissed me." George interrupted, raising his brow.

I scoffed, "yeah well you asked me to!"

Fred's eyes flicked between the two of us in amusement, his tongue in cheek.

"And you clearly wanted to!" George retaliated, small smirk appearing on his face.

More students began to filter in the corridor, waiting to head into the exam.

"Okay shush-" I surrendered, "can we just forget about it for right now, please?"

Both of them looked at each other for a moment, nodding in agreement as George joined his brother leaning against the wall.

"Thank you" I muttered with a sigh, now myself joining them against the wall.

The exam room door shortly swung open, the corresponding teach stepping out and instructing us to filter into the room in silence, leaving our bags and belongings at the back of the classroom.

I leant off of the wall, surprisingly feeling quite nervous. 

George's eyes watched me, seeming to sense my anxiousness.

"You'll do great." he spoke quietly. 

I pushed aside the awkwardness between us, appreciating the reassurance. 

"Do you think so?" 

"Definitely," Fred chimed in, "you're a right little smarty pants."

I giggled, their encouragement calming me slightly.

I sighed with a smile, "come on then boys."

They leaned up from the wall, following behind me and into the exam.


After what felt like the longest but also the quickest 90 minutes of the life, if that was even possible, the other students and I shuffled out of the classroom after our first exam. 

I sighed in relief, thankful it was over. 

I stepped out in to the hall, Fred and George walking out not long after me, George with my bag in his hand.

"You left this." he reached his arm out to hand it to me.

"Oh- thanks." I smiled shyly, taking my bag from him.

"So," Fred cooed, "how did it go?"

I paused for a moment, creating a playfully suspense.

My mouth slowly formed into a smile, "I think it went really well."

Fred cheered dramatically, reaching down and lifting me from the ground, spinning me around.

I squirmed and giggling, ignoring the attention Fred has caught from the other students.

"Alright put me down." I laughed.

He obliged, dropping me to the ground.

I looked to George, a warm smile on his face as he looked down to me.

"I knew you would smash it." he spoke softly.

I wanted to kiss him. I really really wanted to kiss him. 

"And how did you boys do?" I shook off my thoughts.

"Shit." Fred admitted.

George nodded, "yeah, shit."

I rolled my eyes, both of them grinning as they came to high-five each other.

"Did you at least try?" I whined, as we became heading down the corridor.

"Yes!"Fred protested, "I was thinking really hard..."

"... about how shit-faced I am going to get tonight."

I rolled my eyes again, shoving him in the side as we walked, his smirk growing. 

"And what about you Weasley?" I continued, peering up to George, "was you focused?"

He cleared his throat nervously, "honestly, I spent most of it looking over to you, just to make sure you weren't panicking... but every time I checked you quill was scribbling away."

I felt my stomach flutter and my cheeks burn red, quickly turning away from him so he wouldn't notice.

I wanted to kiss him. Why won't I just kiss him?

"Well-" I breathed nervously, "there's no need to worry about me."

"I know, smarty pants." I saw him smirk out of the corner of me eye.


The classes for the rest of the day were optional, and students were giving the choice to either attend them or use the period to study. 

Hermione of course attended each class, dragging Harry and Ron along with her much to their disappointment. 

I decided to skip the classes, doubtful I would use the time to actually study but wanting to use this free time to finally try and clear my head. 

I closed the door to the dorm room behind me, finally alone.

I flew back onto the cushions on my bed, immediately feeling to comfort of my sheets.

I began asking myself the same questions over and over in my face, answering some wish ease but others still remained quite difficult.

Do I miss George? - Yes

Was I still mad with George? - Undoubtably 

Did I want to make things work with him? - I think so

Could I forgive him? - Perhaps eventually

Would taking him back make me a fool? - It felt that way

Was the fact I hadn't felt his touch in almost a month causing me to feel very tense and sexually frustrated? - Abso-fucking-lutely

I groaned in frustration, the voice in my head not providing me with good enough answers.

I was naive to think things would work themselves out without a bit of uncomfortable conversations, especially considering we'd never actually sat down and properly discussed the situation since the break up happened. 

But the thought of the vulnerability I would feel to discuss it, the worry of what George could say, how things may never go back to the way they were...

All those things were pushing me away, keeping me from him.

But maybe that was the problem, maybe I had spent too much time completely overthinking the situation instead of just following my heart.

Ignoring how I truly felt about him had just caused my misery, thinking it was more important to almost punish him, punish the both of us. 

The only time I had every fought the frantic thoughts in my mind was last night with George, when I kissed him.

And that was the first time in weeks that I had actually felt alive.

And perhaps I needed to do more of those things that cause that, and maybe that would make things feel normal again. 

Just then, the door creaked open, snapping me from my deep trance.

It was Hermione and Angelina.

Hermione looked over to me, laying starfished on my bed, "Have you not moved since you came up after your exam?" she chuckled.

"Huh?" I mumbled, turning over to my clock and checking the time.

3:41pm. Had I really been sat here for that long?

Angelina giggled at my confusion, "have you been asleep?"

"No actually," I replied, sitting up, "just thinking."

"Oooo, thinking," Ang cooed playfully, "about what?" 

I smiled to myself, "just about the party tonight, I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh good!" Hermione chirped, "I'm sure it'll be as eventful as always."



Sorry to make you wait another chapter before the party, but I promise it'll be good!

Should George and Arabella get back together?

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