In Love With A Monster©

By AlexWritesGayStuff

8.2K 337 47

Who knew vampires existed? No one. That's who. Vampires took over the world, proving themselves stronger, sma... More



156 6 2
By AlexWritesGayStuff

Gripping the steering wheel, he took a deep breath. He glanced at the time and date on his stereo's touch screen.

Two days left already…

Devon kept telling himself that Dan would be fine. Wennie would be watching over him and he'll obviously be safe.

Perhaps visiting the Robert's wouldn't be wise now. He can always do that when he gets back. With that in mind, Devon wasted no more time to get to his date.

As he zipped through traffic, his phone alerted him off messages coming through every now and then.

Wenstenley's eventually came in view. Of course his parents would pick a place like this. The food is equal to in price to that of gold.

Devon parked his car and opened his phone to see it was Wennie. For a second his heart froze, but then he saw it's just photo's of them goofing around with the things Devon had ordered.

Dan says he's very happy with the onsies. In that very message, a picture was added of Dan in a panda onsie. Devon smiled, immediately changing his phone background.
Turning off his car, he reluctantly entered the restaurant.

A waiter immediately showed him to his table where his date were patiently waiting. The girl stood up and greeted Devon with a courtesy.

“You must be Estie?” Devon said in a friendly tone. “I hope I didn't keep you waiting?”

“Oh, no! I got here two minutes ago.” Estie said with a soft smile. She sat down when Devon had sat down, too.

Estie wore a simple black short dress, with her brown hair tied up with a black bow. Devon for once had a date with a girl that didn't overly dress.
Estie didn't even wear makeup.

The waiter brought them both a menu and left them alone to decide.

Devon glanced over the menu and saw Estie was rather calm, which he was thankful for.

Perhaps this one won't be as bad.


“You messed up! He knows it's you that drugged the brat!”
The vampire servant rolled her eyes at her lover. “You can be glad he's too focused with other shit.”

“Relax, my dear. You got what you wanted from his desk and hopefully it was worth it.” She said as she wrapped her arms around Quinton's stomach from behind.

Quinton, leaning onto his desk, hadn't budged. He kept glaring at the tablet in front of him. “How's he first in line! He's so weak!” Quinton moved away from his lover and growled as he sat down.

“He's delusional.” A smirk formed on his face and he motioned for Lacy to come closer. “But that works in our favor. All we need is for me to get to Russia.”

She stood in front of Quinton and is gently made to sit down on his lap. Holding her by her waist, Lacy rests her arms on Quinton's shoulders.

“Soon, you'll be the King of ALL.”

“With you by my side as Queen.”


Devon stopped dead in his tracks, his ear against his door. He almost had goosebumps crawling on his skin. He heard soft singing inside followed by a: Well done, Dan! That's really good!

Quietly opening the door, he saw Dan's back was to him, but Wennie took notice. She nodded in understanding when Devon motioned for her to keep going.

“Alright, Dan.” Wennie started, but suddenly Dan whipped around, startling Devon.

“Master!” He shouted and jumped over the backrest of the couch as he tackled Devon in a tight hug.

Devon hugged him back and smiled. “I heard you were singing. You sound amazing.” Devon said.

“Wennie's been helping me. She even started to teach me to read and write.” Devon looked at her with shock. “It's fun.”

“Wennie, are you going to surprise me everyday?” Devon asked. He still hasn't let go of Dan and neither did Dan.

“Well, I like to learn more myself. We're doing this together!” Wennie smiled. “Dan is a fast learner. He's doing very good.”

Devon glanced towards the bathroom. “Why don't you quickly draw us a bath?” Devon whispered in his ear. Dan hugged Wennie goodbye before he skipped off to the bathroom.

“He isn't giving you any trouble when I'm away?” Devon asked quietly.

“No, not at all. He's very sweet and gentle.” Wennie turned to the puzzle that laid sprawled across the coffee table.
“And he has a very curious mind. The puzzle entertained him probably the longest out of everything.”

“Thank you for your help, Wennie. Tomorrow I'm going to be here so that I can pack for the trip to Japan. In the meantime, I'm going to have the staff prepare a room for you in the castle where Dan will stay with you.”

Wennie nodded. “Sounds like fun. I'll make sure Dan is happy and healthy.” She suddenly jumped when an idea hit her. “Maybe we can schedule a video call for when you're away. That way Dan can at least see you before he goes to bed.”

“That would help. I'll explain everything more to you tomorrow. Right now just get some rest. You can come in at ten tomorrow.” Devon said and handed her cash again.

Wennie wanted to decline the offer, but Devon insisted. She smiled, thanking Devon and left for the evening. Devon locked the door behind her and went to the bathroom to see Dan waiting in the tub for Devon.

Quickly getting undressed, he joined his lover. “Tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere. We're going to spend the day together.”

“What are we going to do?”

“First, we're going to help Wennie get settled in a room inside the castle and then from there whatever else there is to do.” Devon held Dan's hand again.
“Dan, I'm going to be away for a week or so, but don't worry, okay?”

“What, where are you going? Can't I go with?”

“I'm sorry, the King fordid you to. They'll keep an eye on you, too.” Devon saw Dan looking at the bubbles sadly.

“I'll bring you a few gifts back, if you behave with Wennie and my parents.”

Dan nodded eagerly and watched on as Devon leaned in closer. Dan held onto the vampire prince when their lips met in the middle. This time Dan got more eager with the kiss.
Devon lightly traced his fingers on Dan's arms. Eventually, their fingers were locked in with one another.

Devon pulled away slightly, a satisfied smile resting on his face.

“Mas-Devon, I've been feeling weird recently.” Dan said, immediately Devon is all ears.

“Are you sick? Nauseated? Headaches? Body cramps? What's wrong?”

“Not that weird. I'm not sick.” Dan immediately corrected his words. “I, I can see better and hear better and it feels like…everything is crashing down around me.” Devon didn't know what to make out of this.

“What do you mean, Dan?” Devon asked.

“I don't know how to explain it. It's like I can see and feel and hear everything.”

That's something vampires and only vampires can do. Our senses are top notch. Devon's brows furrowed. No, there's no way.

“Perhaps, you're overwhelmed. You've been experiencing a lot of new things since you came here.” Devon said. That sounds more plausible. Dan can't be a vampire. He's too human. He surely would've gone mad without blood of he were one.

“I'll ask Wennie to slow down a few things, okay?” Devon said gently. Dan nodded and rested his head on Devon's chest. Grabbing the sponge and soap, he started to wash Dan, hoping that it would relax him.

When both of them were clean, Devon got them out of the tub with fresh towels to dry off with. Both opted to just wear shorts as they went to the couch.

“We're having dinner here.” Devon said as he picked a movie they could watch
Before they got comfortable, Devon had just opened the door where a vampire servant was about to knock.

“Prince Devon! I brought your dinner!” The servant immediately said. Devon glanced towards Dan who was fiddling away with the puzzle.

“Have you found the girl that poisoned him?”

“No, sire. She hasn't come back since that day. No one has seen her.” He handed over the cart to Devon. “But, I promise, once I know or see something suspicious, I will let you know immediately.” He said.

Devon nodded and gave the servant a tip as he pushed the cart in. Dan looked at Devon while he got the plates ready and grabbed the cutlery.

He planted the plates on an unoccupied part of the coffee table and then went to get the drinks. He poured himself ox blood and then for Dan some cola.

He sat down, Dan immediately sitting next to him. Devon smiled, playing the movie as they ate. Dan noticed the blood and stared at it for awhile. “What blood is that?”

“It's ox blood. It's richer than most of the other blood we have of animals.”

“And human blood?”

“Special occasions. Human blood has too many…flavors. Some taste sweet, some taste bitter, but some are awful.”

“And mine?”

“I don't know, Dan. Your blood type is usually too bitter to consume.”

Dan nodded and took a bite of his steak. Devon immediately noticed that Dan was using his cutlery a lot better. The cuts were more smooth and precise and his hold on the fork is just right.

“What are those two doing?” Devon looked at the screen to see the main couple of the movie getting married.

“That's a wedding. When two people love each other very much and they've been together for a really long time, they do this ceremony to dedicate their lives to each other. They're bonded for life and they do mostly everything together.”
“They become their own family.”

Dan stared at the screen. “It's so beautiful.” Dan said. He glanced at Devon and smiled shyly. Devon smiled at him, looking back at the movie.

The food were eaten clean off of their plates. Ignoring the movie for a bit, Dan's focus were back on the puzzle. Eventually it had drawn Devon's attention and the vampire joined in with Dan.

The vampire made himself comfortable on the couch, right behind Dan and worked over the human's shoulders.

Dan leaned back into Devon's embrace, facing him. Devon looked into Dan's violet eyes as he puts a piece in its spot. Dan found himself connecting their lips again while cupping Devon's cheeks.

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