Morning Love. (George Weasley)

By mischief_managed0104

663K 14.6K 26K

~"I am completely and utterly devoted to you." His eyes still on me, brushing more hair from my face and tuck... More

Hi guys!


524 13 15
By mischief_managed0104

Arabella's POV:

I was sat courtyard during free period, laying in the grass against George's chest, him leaning up again a tree and tracing circles against my shoulder.

We were sitting listening to Fred rambling on about his ideas for the shop layout, becoming rather engrossed in the idea on colour scheme and décor.

"- and it should be full of colour! Like to really show the fun and... are you listening?" he whined.

George lightly threw his head back against the tree, letting out a laugh.

I bit back a giggle, "Yes Freddie we're listening, aren't we?" I tilted my head to look up to George.

I took his attention, his eyes softening to gaze down at me, "we are, yes."

Fred nodded, "Good... I mean this stuff affects you too! We want to make sure this shop brings us in a ton of money if we want to live in a huge house-"

"Hang on," I interrupted, sitting up, "you still plan on us all living together even when we grow up?"

"Let's be honest, I don't think George and I will every properly 'grow up'." Fred air quoted with a smirk.

I look back to George, who shrugged in agreeance. I rolled my eyes at the both of them.

"But yes," Fred continued, "my brother and I haven't been separate since birth, and I'd like to keep it that way.

I scoffed with a grin, "well I'd of hoped George and I would eventually move out just the two of us-"

"-and me." Fred smiled cheesily.

I couldn't help but smile at his playfully innocence. "What about Angelina?" I argued.

"What about her?" He shrugged.

I raised my brows, throwing him a shocked face.

"What?" He whined, "we haven't been going out for that long yet, who knows what will happen?"

I threw him a disapproving look, "I'm sure Angelina will be pleased to hear that."

"Oh sod off," he teased, "George you know what I mean, like it's going really well but I don't know-"

Fred's voice muffled out as a group of people walking through the courtyard caught my eye.

It was McGonagall with a few other members of staff, walking alongside Cedric's father, Aros.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, the last I knew he was still bed-ridden from his sudden illness.

My eyes followed them carefully, watching as they engaged in polite conversation, heading into the school doors.

"- and we will head to Potions, okay? Belle?" George's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Huh- sorry what?" I muttered, finally drawing my eyes away and back to the conversation.

"We were just saying we're going to drop these notes off back at the dorm and then head to Potions, you ready to go?"

"Oh, yes lets go." I nodded, quickly rushing to my feet.

The three of us began walking together, before I let my curiosity get the better of me.

"Actually, I just need to go speak to McGonagall quickly, I will meet you in class." I lied.

"McGonagall?" Fred questioned, "about what?"

I thought quickly, "I had to do an additional essay as extra credit- you know due to me almost getting excluded last term."

Fred nodded, still not seeming full convinced.

"First I'd heard of it," George spoke, "but yeah go ahead, we will meet you there."

I smiled, quickly reaching up to peck George on the lips and hurry off in the direction Aros had headed.

I got through the doors, turning left down the halls, away from the dorms and towards the Professors office.

I sped down the corridor, turning right and seeing them in the distance.

I saw McGonagall shake Mr Diggory's hand, smiling before heading into her office with the rest of staff. Aros said goodbye, placing his arms behind his back as he began slowly heading up the stairs ahead of him.

I raced up, slowly down to a jog as I'd finally caught up to him, slightly out of breath.

"Mr Diggory!" I called out, with lack of breath as I reached him on the stairs.

He turned, smiling as he saw my face "Ah, Arabella! Lovely to see you again! Are you heading off to class?"

"You too! Yes I was just finishing free period, but I saw you and I'd thought I'd stop to say hello." I smiled, "what are you doing here?"

"I'd requested to see your Professor just to discuss Cedric's grades," he spoke, us walking up the stairs side by side, "I'd notice them drop slightly last term and I was hoping the school board could offer some support in keeping an eye on Cedric in light of his exams coming up."

"Of course," I nodded, secretly scanning him. He seemed to be in perfect health. He showed no signs of any weakness or illness, easily making his way up the lengthy set of stairs.

We reached the top, finding the corridors to be almost entirely empty, other than a flustered Cedric scurrying down the hall with his head down, bag on his shoulder.

"Ah, Cedric, my boy!" Aros called, Cedric's head shooting up and eyes widen once he noticed he father was not alone.

"Father," Cedric called back, meeting us in the hall, "what a surprise."

Cedric's eyes flicked to mine nervously, my brow raising into return.

"Don't worry Cedric," Aros chuckled, "You're not in trouble, I just came to check on you that's all."

"- I forgot to ask Mr Diggory," I quickly spoke, "how are you feeling after that funny turn you had not to long ago?"

Aros furrowed his brows in confusion, eyes flicking to Cedric before looking back to me.

"I mean from what Cedric told me, I'm surprised to see you out of bed so soon." I questioned.

"Well-" he stuttered, "as far as I'm aware I'm quite well dear- apologies I'm not quite sure what you're talking about?"

I raised my brows with tongue in my cheek, looking up to Cedric with slight anger in my eyes.

Cedric parted his lips to speak, but nothing came out.

Aros sensed the tension, "right well- I'd better be off- I don't want to make you kids late for your class."

"Dad, I-" Cedric stuttered.

"I will speak to you later Cedric, okay?" he spoke quietly, flashing me sympathetic eyes before headed quickly down the hallway and out of sight.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes with an angry smirk, "un-fucking-believable-"

"Arabella I can explain-"

"You gave me all that sob story in hopes that I'd what? Have sympathy for you? Get back with you?! Lord how naive am I-"

"No- it's not like that- please." He pleaded. "I was actually coming to find you- you need to listen-"

I laughed in disbelief, "you really think I'd listen to a word you have to say now? Like what the fuck is going on here Cedric, seriously?" I almost shouted, cautious to keep my voice down to not attract attention.

I attempted to turn and walk away, Cedric's arm reaching out to grab me, spinning me back around.

I squirmed in his grip, scowling as he pleaded with me.

"I had to tell you that- I made it up because she insisted I-"

"She?" I raised a brow, "are you fucking for real Cedric?"

He sighed in defeat, "I know I shouldn't have- but she threatened to tarnish my exam grades if I didn't go along with one final plan-"

"And what plan was that? A pathetic attempt to try and win me back by stirring up sympathetic for your father?- who by the way seems to be fighting fit." I snapped back sarcastically.

"I had to get you alone, to stage a private conversation between us-" he rambled, "so Katie could get evidence..."

My expression dropped, my chest beginning to rise and fall quicker.

"... evidence of what?" I spoke lowly, "Cedric? Evidence of what?"

"Evidence of us." He sighed.

"A stage secret conversation to make it look like you and I were- you know-"

I rolled my eyes, biting back my tongue, "you've got to be fucking joking. Who's going to believe that?"

"Well, the photo's look pretty convincing." He mumbled, looking ashamed as his eyes met the ground.

I sucked in a heavy breath, gritting my teeth, "what photos?"

"Katie... she was hiding in the forest whilst we spoke, snapping pictures of moments between us, so she could use them-"

He paused, meeting my eyes, his full of disappointed, "you better go find George."

My eyes widened, freezing for a moment as everything pieced together in my head.

I shook my head at him, slowly backing away as he stared back at me, defeated.

"I trusted you," I pointed to him, still shaking my head. "You're a fucking pawn, Cedric."

"Arabella -I'm sorry." He tried to call out to me, his voice weak.

"Fuck you!" I shouted, turning and racing down the stairs and towards the dorm.

My heart raced as I sped through the corridor's, worries flashing through my head as I slinked through the crowds of students huddling into their classes.

I finally reached the empty common room, speeding up the stairs and coming face to face with the dorm room door.

I tried to catch my breath, swinging the door up to be met with George standing at the other side.

His face was emotionless, holding what appeared to be three pictures in his fingertips.

I shook my head, staring up to him as he slowly tilted to look down to me, his eyes dark and face still.

"George- I can explain."

"Don't bother." He interrupted, his voice calm.

He took the pictures, placing them against my chest and causing me to step back slightly. My hands quickly grabbed them, George stepping into his dorm room as I brought the pictures to me eyes.

Three images: one with Cedric's hand placed around my arm, another of our hug, my arms wrapped up around his neck and mine around my waist, and the final with his hand placed in mine.

I thought back to the conversation in the courtyard, realising how staged each of these moment were. How he delayed pulling away from the hug, strategically loosening the grip from my hair in order to place it in my hand later, his eyes constantly stanning the forest behind us....

I shook my head again in disbelief, stepping into George's dorm in attempts to explain.

George leaned into the dresser, his hands gripping the wood as he stared off out of the window.

I became afraid of what to say, not expecting this reaction from him.

"Where's Fred?" I barely whispered.

"Class." He muttered bluntly.

I understood how he must have been feeling, but his coldness towards me didn't hurt any less.

"George please- you have to let me explain-"

"Explain what?" he shrugged, his cold eyes meeting mind, "how you've been meeting Diggory behind my back?"

I sighed, "no- no it's not like that at all!"

"Is it not?" He questioned, brow raised as he strode over to me, snatching the pictures from my hands, "because from I see, the two of you seem pretty cosy."

He flung the staged images across his floor, sucking in a sharp breath.

"You don't understand," I pleaded, "I was just with Cedric and he told me-"

"You were just with him?" he scoffed with a laugh, "so no extra credit from McGonagall I assume?"

"Can I just fucking explain-"

George ran his hand through his hair in frustration, "one thing I'd never thought you'd do is lie to me Arabella."

I looked to him pleadingly, desperately wishing he knew the context behind this whole thing.

"Do you know how stupid this makes me look?" He raised his brow, standing in front of me again, "hm? – how utterly pathetic I felt when I found these slid underneath my door."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah? And who do you think put them there George? Come on don't be an idiot."

I froze, instantly regretting what I said.

He bit his cheek, smirking, "Right," he spoke sarcastically, "because it's not as though I've been an idiot this whole time, right?"

"No George-"

"-because no you haven't been making me out to be a fucking fool, right?!" he shouted down to me, causing me to flinch.

He seemed to notice, his furrows brows dropping slightly.

He sighed, threw his hands through his hair once more, as I stood there timidly, afraid to speak up again.

"I feel like a complete and utter... idiot." He spoke again, this time a lot quieter.

Tears began to fill in my eyes, my mouth opening slightly to speak, but again no words could escape my lips.

"I can't fucking believe this." He muttered to himself, stepping back and staring down at the floor.

I reached out, placing my heads against his chest and pleading up to him, "George I love you- I would never do this-"

"Oh really?" He scoffed, raising his brow as he refused to meet my eye.

"Yes! You should know I would never do anything to hurt you! Katie's just trying yet another thing to break us, and you're letting her succeed." I tried to assure, my voice shaky.

George shook his head, my attempts to reassure him not overcoming his fury and feeling of betrayal.

"No- I don't believe you."

I gasped slightly, taking a step back as I felt tears fill my eyes more.

"You don't believe me? George you know me, I would never-"

"Do I?" he questioned, breaking my heart further.

My eyes met his, matching the fury and heartbreak he felt with my own.

"What? You think I would lie about how much I love you and want to be with you-"

"-no what I think is that I should have just gotten with Katie that night at Hogsmeade, it would have saved us being stood here now."

My heart shattered, standing frozen still as a tear fell silently down my face.

I watched as his eyes watching the tear fall down my face, seeming to come to a realization of what words just left his lips.

He began to step forward towards me, stopping himself and breaking his gaze on me.

"We're done, that's it- its over." He announced, his voice shaky.

I watched as his bottom lip started to tremble, as he sucked in a sharp breath to keep his composure.

More tears began to fall my face as I trembled, in disbelief. I was utterly speechless.

"I need to go to class, I'm late." He spoke firmly, striding right past me, his arm skimming me and knocking me slightly as he walked out the room.

He slammed the door behind him, my tears escaping all at once as I gasped for the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I backed up against the wall, holding onto my heavy chest as I rose and fell repeatedly. My tears blurred my vision as I began to cry out, slowly sliding down the wall.

I continued to sob, barely able to catch my breath. I brought my shoulders to my chin, wrapping my arms around them and bowing my head in devastation.

I closed my tear-filled eyes, almost shaking as George's words replayed in my head over and over.

Pure devastation.

She had done it.

She'd finally won.


Oh shiiiiiiit.

Well.... anyways I hope you all had a lovely Christmas for those you celebrate!

I love you all.... don't hate me <3

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