In Love With A Monster©

Por AlexWritesGayStuff

8.2K 337 47

Who knew vampires existed? No one. That's who. Vampires took over the world, proving themselves stronger, sma... Más



169 7 0
Por AlexWritesGayStuff

You know when you're so fast asleep that it feels like you're falling, but then your brain jolts you awake nearly giving you a heart attack?
Okay, imagine that, but you're flying and you don't wake up.

I started to fall. I watched as the clouds slowly got smaller once I broke through. It's a cloudy day, but not enough for a rainy day.

I turned to face the ground and that's when I started to fly. The first thing I noticed was that I had magnificent black wings and I soared around an old English church.

Where specifically I am, I have no idea, but the scenery and open sky is beautiful. No skyscraper obscured the view all around you, no loud traffic, no smoke or steam…just the open fresh air.

I landed on a wall of a school. Right outside a story is being shared and many curious enough stopped in their tracks to listen.

“Listen dear folks! A prophecy by the moon god had given me hope! I had to share it with you all!”

“Another one of your crazy stories! What's it this time? Fairies are going to clean our houses?” A finely dressed chap said as he held onto his cane.

I could tell this man is a vampire. His eyes and aura gave him away. In his eyes he had a silvery-red glint in them where the light had shined through at the right angle. In the old days, vampires hid themselves with a special technique.

“No! Don't be ridiculous! A hybrid creature is said to be born far in the future!” The storyteller looked mostly poor. His clothes were torn and patched up with other pieces of clothing and his shoes didn't match at all.
“No! No! Something beautiful and powerful is going to be born. This creature is the child of the sun and moon! One eye represents the sun, a beautiful golden eye. The other, a magnificent violet color to represent the moving darkness of the night.”

“Wow, it's impossible for someone to be born with those eye colors! It's rare for for someone to just have two colored eyes.” A young woman said. She wore a pink and blue dress, carrying a basket with freshly baked bread and an apple rested between the buns as well.

“THEN this creature's furr! Hair so white that it seems pure. The mark of the Alpha will be on it's neck when it's born! Then, then…they'll rule over ALL creatures! Big and small. Powerful and weak.”

“Even the bird looks confused!” Someone joked pointing at me.
Yes, I'm confused and so about many things. The man turned to me.

When I saw his eyes I flapped my wings in alarm. His eyes were slit and predatory. Not vampiric in anyway. He was something else.

People didn't seem to notice. “This bird will be ruled over by the King Alpha, the vampire and werewolf hybrid.”

This man is crazy! Why am I seeing this in the first place!

I tried flying away to the wooded area nearby, but something was pulling me back to that man.

When the man had his grasp on me, he gently held me in his hand. “Settle down little vampire crow. I don't hurt my fellow creatures of the forest.”

I tried speaking, only to come out as angry squaks and cries.
“You're quite a fiesty one. I'm not going to hurt you. As the Alpha, I protect. I may be poor, but I'm rich in excellent qualities that pull me and my family through.”


Is he claiming to be a werewolf. “You'll be lucky. You'll meat the Alpha King. Protect him with everything.”


Devon frowned when his alarm had gone off. He couldn't make sense of this dream. All this talk of the supposed hybrid creature must've caused the dream. Not thinking much of it, he turned his alarm off.

Today he woke up with Dan almost practically on him. The human had his head almost in Devon's neck. Devon's fingers found themselves playing with Dan's white locks again.

Looking at his phone, he saw he had a date today, but other than that, he's free today.

Perhaps Devon could visit Dan's parents and get some answers. Having a history of Dan's family will help keeping Dan healthy. For all Devon knew, the Robert's could have something unique to them.

Dan yawned, stretching his limbs as he did. When those violet eyes looked at Devon with sleepiness, the vampire smiled. Devon loomed over Dan's body, sitting down on his lap this time.

“How'd you sleep, Dan?” Devon asked.

“Sleepy…” Dan muttered his eyes about to close again. They opened again when Devon softly cupped Dan's cheeks. “Master…?”

“Devon.” Devon corrected him and leaned in again. Dan's eyes opened more, but closed again from the soothing kiss. Devon's tongue explored Dan's mouth, making him go limp under Devon.

Devon smiled, pulling away. As he did, Dan lifted up his head up slightly in an attempt to keep Devon's lips on his.

“Wennie is going to be here soon. I have a date today, so I won't be gone too long.” Devon reassured and pulled Dan up to sit.

Devon wrapped Dan's arms around his waist and took in the sight. Dan placed his ear against Devon's chest and smiled as he hummed. A slow and steady heartbeat slammed against Devon's ribcage. Devon held onto Dan.
I still don't know exactly why I'm this attracted to him. I shouldn't even be doing this, but it feels too good.

Dan let go of Devon when he saw their clothes floating towards them. Devon got off of Dan to start the day.

Devon noticed Dan staring at him while he dressed, but paid no mind to it. Devon smirked once he had his tie in place and perfectly tucked under his blazer. He turned, facing Dan, motioning to the human to come closer.

Dan tilted his head to the side slightly and crawled over the bed to get to Devon. Dan stood on his knees, Devon pulling him closer for a long kiss. Dan pulled them both down backwards and wrapped his legs around Devon's body.

Dan hoped that Devon wouldn't leave if he did this.
When a knock alerted Devon that Wennie was at the door, he pulled back and he could've sworn he heard Dan growl. Devon didn't exactly register it entirely. “Remember, it's 'Master' when others are around.”

Dan nodded. “Yes, Master.” He said with a smile.
Devon gave a thumbs up and opened the door. “Good morning, Wennie. How'd your evening go?”

“It went by quietly, sire. Thank you for asking.” Wennie turned to Dan who hadn't dressed yet and Devon realized it a bit too late. “Hey, Dan! I found a few things online that'll help you learn music.”

At that Dan smiled brightly. “What are we going to do?”

“Well, I was thinking we tackle singing first. It only requires your voice.” Wennie said and pulled out her phone. She showed it to Devon. “These are all training videos. They teach about the different notes, vocal exercises and types of songs and so on.”

“Do what you think is best. The more he learns, the better.” Devon then noticed the time. “I should get going. I'll send breakfast up to you two.” Devon stared at Dan one last time with a smile and left.

“So, Dan. Why don't you quickly get dressed then we can eat that promised meal.”

Dan hopped off of the bed and took the clothes that Devon had taken out. Going into the bathroom he got dressed.

When he exited the room, he saw Wennie cleaning up the paint, the tarp and the papers. “Prince Devon seems like a good Master.”

“He's the best. He hasn't hurt me once and helped me heal.”

“Heal?” Wennie asked, looking at Dan shocked. “Were you sick?”

“Almost, but I had wounds on my back and chest from my previous master.” Wennie stared shocked at Dan when he had lifted up his shirt to reveal the scars on his stomach and side area.
“Master Devon and his brother is suing the place where they bought me. Whatever that means.”

“Why would they treat you like that, Dan? You're such a beautiful human?” Wennie looked at Dan sadly as she folded up the tarp.

“I wasn't the only one who they hurt, but it doesn't matter. Master Devon told me that the shop got burned down a day after he bought me.”

Wennie went stump at that moment. There's one pet shop that they had burned down. The place infuriated her. The humans they had saved were so frightened that Alpha and her self were worried that they would hurt themselves. Luckily, they didn't.

“You got very lucky then, Dan.”

Dan smiled and turned his attention to the door when a soft knock was heard again.

Wennie stood up and opened the door. “Bitch.”

“Paul. Not now.” Wennie said bluntly.

“So you don't want this lovely breakfast. I'll take it for myself then.” Wennie immediately pulled in the cart, but Paul entered.

Dan stared at the dreadlocked man in front of him. “He matches the description, sorta.” He said.

“Haha, yes. I know, please leave. You're not allowed to be here! The prince might return.”

“What exactly is the plan here?”

“Later. We can talk to tonight, just leave.”

Wennie closed the door and saw Dan looking at her woth suspicion. “Is he your baby mate?”

“EH! MY WHAT?” Wennie said shocked, making Dan flinch from the sudden shout.
“Sorry! Sorry! No, he's just annoying. He's just a friend.” Wennie quickly said more calmly.
“And what's a baby mate?”

“Oh, when the breeders wants us to breed they assign a baby mate to another human of the opposite sex.” Wennie blinked in confusion.

“Er, no. He's far from being that for me.”

“Were you paired up with a girl?”

“No, they thought I looked weird and didn't want more to look like me.” Wennie sighed a breath of relief.

“Enough about that. Why don't we eat something?”

Wennie took Dan's plate and puts it down on the coffee table in front of the TV. Wennie pushed the cart closer to the door, taking her food.

The two of them sat watching cartoons as Dan usually did as he ate.

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