Enigma of Darkness//Vkook

By TeaCOokie4u

54K 4.3K 1.4K

Taehyung, a young master of Kims when come to the world after isolating himself in the grief of his Grandfath... More

The troublemaker
The second pillar- Jeon
Omegas are not pets
The unexpected meet
The birthday party
Waltz my way into your thoughts
The missing doctor
This brother of mine
Gandok II
Trouble likes me
Save Merlyn
Troubles in paradise
Hard to say, difficult to hide
The beta and a dog
The dice in enemy's court
Fall of a hero
Heart knows what mind doesn't
His mate
Near yet so far
The true blood alpha won't sit quietly
Don't be afraid, I am here.
Time is all I have
I will accept your hate
Mr. Troublemaker and Mr. Nuisance
The adventurous night of the club
The unique audio messages
A mother's love
What am I doing here?
Fractured hearts
No one is going to know
The Dark Grove
Suits you like your mate
The Antihero Alpha
We are going home.
The true-blood alpha is acting weirdly
A memorable heat
He is just jealous.
The article
Ambivalent feelings
Accident or conspiracy?
A proposal of deliberateness
Drunk Shenanigans
Unfamiliar sensibilities
The unexpected date
Whispers of romance
Troublemakers on the loose
The perilous trap
Veiled love
The soothing embrace of the mate
Kiss of clarity and reconciliation
Bound by devotion
The unyielding and unconditional family bond
Something is wrong with General Jeon
A subtle touch of warmth in chaos
I will protect what's mine
A spring touch
I found my destined mate
The beautiful omega
The fury of justice
A legacy of love and power
The unseen bond
Wild cub, gentle bond
Unexpected antics and silent conversations

The indelible conference

702 65 43
By TeaCOokie4u

From the day Umbra broadcasted the video to the time of the conference, the mindset of the people of Gandok changed considerably. There was confusion and a sense of betrayal among them. 

The Omegas were the first to show their anger and distrust over the Government and threw their collars on the central as a protest against the pillars.

There was a shift in the trust of the people on the pillars. They were not happy with this regime. They wanted answers, apology, and justice. The omegas were not afraid to be arrested and put in confinement. 

They seemed angry to have lost their loved one, to have to do everything the regime says, and to put up with all the lies.

There was no use in them putting collars. The ones sitting in higher positions will use them and traffick them if they want. They wanted justice for their sons, fathers, husbands, and brothers who had lost lives to serve the pillars.

Yeon’s announcement reached every corner, alley, and street that anyone who is found breaking the laws and destroying public property will be punished immensely. He showed the gravity of this statement by putting the omegas behind bars. 

People were shocked. The once-called delicate and lower-hierarchy omegas showed such vigor while the betas and alphas remained hiding in their homes, contemplating what to do. 

They didn’t utter a word even when these omegas were chained and put in confinement. 

A few of them, feeling ashamed of their cowardness went ahead and joined the protest and were beaten badly by the police. 

Taehyung watched this turn of events silently through the screen as the news was broadcast on the television. 

He gravely looked at the cuffed hands of the omegas who were pushed into the vehicles.

He wanted to go and save them, but someone told him that if he did that each time, nothing would change. People have to understand and stand for their own rights and justice. 

Taehyung knew this was wise advice, but still watching it on the screen was painful.

“It is difficult to watch.” Jimin stops next to him, looking at the screen.

“My hands are tied for now, but this won’t always be the case.” Taehyung grits his teeth. This makes Jimin smile.

He has known Taehyung and knows that this man is not afraid to stand alone for the rights of the people. This is something he admires about Taehyung and wishes each of them should have.

“I understand. I can feel your anger, but you are directing it to the wrong person. Don’t you think Umbra knew the effect it would have on people by broadcasting these messages? Look at them closely...They are confused, frustrated, and angry, but still, lack understanding. They have no idea what they should do and whom they should rely on.”

Taehyung stares at the screen and watches the people standing there silently watching as the police take the omegas away. None of them come forward or speak a word.

Jimin is right. The people of Gandok have always been so dependent on the pillars that now when they are face to face with the truth, they are confused and helpless.

Jimin sighs watching Taehyung's clenched jaw. He pats Taehyung’s shoulder. “They will understand eventually. This is the bugle of the uprising.”

“Isn’t it ironic how the omegas are the ones acting in frontlines while the alphas are cowering in the dark?”

Jimin chuckles upon hearing it. Taehyung glances at him with a smile. Both of them then silently watch the report. They were standing in the department's gallery. 

The place was quiet as usual, but today the reason had been the absence of the staff in the rooms. They had all gathered in one place to watch the broadcast of the conference which was going to take place soon.

Charlie walks towards them, bowing to them in respect. She glances at the news and then checks the two subtly. 

“General Jeon has left for the conference. We are going to the cafeteria to watch it together with others.” She informs Taehyung. He nods, giving her permission to go.

Jimin glances at his watch, "He is not happy with the way Uncle is handling this situation. The atmosphere at my home is very tense these days.” He informs Taehyung. 

Taehyung nods, however, his mind stops at the mention of the name of his mate. Taehyung has not been acting well these past few days. It is like his younger self has returned. He can’t act mature when it comes to Jeongguk.

He has been doing silly things and making a fool of himself. Since the day Jeongguk dropped him home, he feels like he lost his heart and brain in that car to that person.

None of his actions make sense to him. He is being teased and laughed at by the Moon Goddess. As soon as Jeongguk comes in front of him, he forgets what he has to say, what he has to do, and where he has to go. He would just stand there watching his mate’s handsome physique and face.

Whether it is a conference room, office dinner, or Jeongguk passing by in front of him. Taehyung would show signs of being smitten by him to the point of losing himself. He would even want to be enveloped in that enticing scent always.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Jeongguk. The true blood noticed it the first day itself and found pleasure in teasing and torturing Taehyung to his fun. He would either show his charming smile pat the head of his mate or flick his forehead to bring Taehyung’s attention back to the present and enjoy each moment of it. 

What is more embarrassing for Taehyung is that his staff has noticed it and started gossiping about it.

Taehyung heard there was a rumor that even the Alphas couldn’t resist the charm of Jeongguk and that the Alpha was none other than Taehyung Kim.

To control his stupid heart and crazy mind and to calm his heart, he decided to avoid Jeongguk. This decision led to bizarre situations carrying another rumor among the employees. Taehyung became the talk of the office for another reason. 

It all started while he was getting some papers printed and having a conversation with Jimin on an article. Jeongguk happened to have passed by the office, just at that moment.

Taehyung didn’t think twice and bent down, pulling Jimin with him to not be seen by Jeongguk. Their head collided, causing a painful yelp to slip from the two, attracting the attention of everyone present there as well as Jeongguk, who said nothing and passed by.

The same day while going out of the elevator, he saw Jeongguk coming out too, not thinking twice he went back to the elevator, pressing it in a hurry. 

The people present there gasped as they noticed this weird situation and gawked at Taehyung and Jimin who were the only ones in it as the elevator closed. They saw Taehyung shutting Jimin's mouth with his hand. 

The gossip circulated faster than anything, the employees secretly talking about this interesting situation.

The next day, Taehyung was checking the food in the cafeteria Jimin came over there in a frustrated mood. They were bickering when Jeongguk visited the place unexpectedly. 

Taehyung pulled Jimin to the corner and remained hidden there till Jeongguk was out of sight. The people witnessed it.

They witnessed the closeness between these two and how their mood was normal after this incident. This spread rumors like wildfire.

From there on the employees started to watch their minute activity together and posted to each other.

More incidents like this made people reject their earlier theory of Alpha Kim charmed by true blood and replace it with Alpha Kim wooing the handsome Ji boy. 

People started posting their own incidents and some fabricated various scenarios of the two together. They were all talking about the office romance between Taehyung and Jimin. The funny thing was that Jeongguk was used as the villain in the story not allowing them to be together.

This weird gossip came to Jimin's notice. He was unhappy. He even was ready to teach Taehyung a lesson, but as he noticed the lamenting face of Taehyung, he was filled with joy.

He decided to use this rumor to his own advantage and irritate Taehyung. As soon he would see Taehyung Jimin would act like a man out of classic novels.

Taehyung hated it, he hated his decision of choosing this path. What is more troubling is that Jeongguk noticed this change of air. He had been throwing daggers at the two.

Taehyung had no intentions of making his true blood jealous, he is just impulsive.

Taehyung's days were passing with quite an action amusing Moon Goddess to the extreme.

Charlie watches as Jimin informs the news to Taehyung and keeps his eyes on him. She couldn't help but sigh. They were so in love according to her that when together Jimin would never look at anyone else. 

She stares at them in awe and unknowingly a blush spreads on her cheeks, happy for them to find love in the office. 

This is noticed by the two alphas. While Taehyung glares at Jimin, the alpha amusedly looks away, trying to control the tears that are about to come from holding his laughter. 

Charlie walks from there in a hurry desiring to tell it to others. Taehyung rolls his eyes. He turns to scold Jimin but the alpha beats him to it.

“This is all caused by your weird behavior. Don’t blame me for any of this. You should apologize to me for ruining my image of being single.” Jimin says to Taehyung, amused.

Taehyung stares at a vase, kept not far from them. He wanted to break it in the face of this alpha but restrained his emotions. “I didn’t do it intentionally. Moreover, you don’t have an image to be ruined. Don’t blame me.”

Taehyung walks away. Jimin follows him behind. “Yeah, I should learn from you how to maintain an image.”

The two glare at each other. The earlier serious atmosphere melted down with their soft bickerings. They hear the announcement of the press conference starting in a couple of minutes. The two quickly reach the cafeteria filled with the employees.

The employees present their glance at the two as they walk in. The two alphas can feel the smile and gossip that burst around. 

Taehyung goes to one side and stands leaning on the wall while Jimin takes a seat next to him, elegantly sitting on the chair like a prince.

An attendant quickly comes to him serving him a colorful drink with a straw. Taehyung stares at this person. They were of the same status but the difference between them looked miles apart.

The news anchor keeps talking about what to expect at this conference and what should be asked. They also collect questions from the people and discuss them. Taehyung glances at the employees present there.

After the Umbra's broadcast, everyone was skeptical even the employees here, but Jeongguk called them all and briefed them on the situation and even apologized for not knowing about the details of this incident to this depth. 

He assured them that he would do his best and needed them to work as they used to before. The employees at Jeon's have a deep trust in Jeongguk and though they were skeptical, Jeongguk's words assured them.

They showed no resistance and have been working like before. Still, this conference is very crucial to know how the pillars are going to defend themselves and how will they gain their trust back.

The three symbols of the wolves of Gandok circle on the screen as the press conference goes live. Taehyung becomes attentive. His eyes travel to his brother noticing any discomfort or hesitation on his face.

Finding him calm like usual, Taehyung feels relieved, then gazes towards Jeongguk and stays focused there for a while, watching him. His heart starts to act up again like crazy. 

“I think your heart is craving for your mate.”

Moon Goddess says amusedly, standing next to him. Taehyung rolls his eyes. 

“Is this your doing?” Taehyung asks unhappily.

Moon Goddess raises her hand in surrender. “I just choose mates rest... they do on their own.” There was a big smile on her bright face. Taehyung was skeptical of her every word.

He hears the host's voice and looks over on the screen. The host welcomes everyone and gives a brief report on the current situation in the Gandok and the reason for this conference.

He bows to the pillars and respectfully asks Yeon to start first. 

Yeon shakes his head. He bleakly says, “I would like the younger ones to speak first.”

The presenter nods and respectfully asks Jin to proceed first and address the people. Jin glances at Yeon who seems to be looking very serious and then turns on his mic, leaning a bit to greet everyone watching them and present there.

He has a very calm and charming aura making the people there despite being upset, attentive to his words.

“There has been no moment of rest since the time the Umbra showed its presence. I know you all feel perturbed and betrayed by us three families, but the truth is these incidents are as new to us as it is to you."

"Your anger and protest are just with the emotions you are feeling at the moment. It is our fault to be unaware of these crimes and not having investigated them properly, but our purpose has always been to serve and bring our people together as a family." 

"The pillars never strayed from the path and the Kim family will keep following this tradition to serve you all. With this, I would also like to tell you the investigations to all the crimes and cases have been opened and any help Kims can provide in the investigation is being done diligently."

"We are not afraid to answer and get interrogated in this hour of turmoil and uncertainties. Still, I would request you to please be patient and not do anything that would lead to violence. With a calm mind only we can find solutions." Jin thanks the people for listening to him patiently and ends his discourse.

The journalists wanted to ask questions, but the presenter stopped them telling them that the questions would be asked after the three had addressed the people. He asks Jeongguk to speak next.

Taehyung watching it live, claps slowly for his brother then as the camera closes up on Jeongguk, he becomes stiff.

Jeongguk greets the host and then turns on his mic. He greets everyone, looking at the camera. Taehyung feels a chill down his spine watching those red eyes. The cap always made his face look more handsome than he was.

“I would like to apologize for the delay we caused in addressing this issue. It has put you all in too much unrest. I know you are uncertain and feel anger towards us. It is quite evident with the recent incidences." Jeongguk moves his gaze to everyone present there.

"I also realized the loopholes in the investigation and the crucial areas that were neglected. Though I was warned by someone. I was still blinded by my duties to family and friends. I wronged you people and I would try to amend it by investigating these cases personally to bring justice to the grieved parties." 

"Your trust makes Jeon's family grow I would want you to give the pillars the chance to do the right. There is no excuse from my side. I apologize for my lack of knowledge and understanding of this case and for not involving myself in it from the start."

Jeongguk stands up and bows to the audience and the cameras in asking for forgiveness. The people in the cafeteria gasped as well as became emotional upon seeing it.

Taehyung and Jimin both become speechless looking at each other with the stance of Jeongguk. Jimin doesn't seem happy but Taehyung feels different than him.

He knew Jeongguk's actions were required, it was not about the position and responsibility. No one wants to know his burdens. They want to know his mistakes. To stand up for your mistakes is a sign of a strong person.

Jeongguk is not ashamed to apologise and he won't let this happen again. He was the one who signed the report years later and closed the case. 

Being called upon like this Taehyung felt heaviness in his heart. He has often scolded Jeongguk and said things to him in anger, never once he thought Jeongguk would remember his words. It made him miss this person more.

“It is not his fault, he was very young when this incident happened. We don’t blame him.” One of the employees said out loud, the others agreeing. The same was felt by the journalists present there. They quickly get up and bow to him too.

The speaker then asks Yeon to conclude the address. Yeon remains quiet. The host calls him again. The people present there all look at Yeon looking pale. 

Yeon slowly nods and turns on the mic, and with a heavy heart looks up at the people. His eyes were brimming with tears and his throat clogged with emotions. He clears his throat.

“I apologise…” He was only able to say when the teardrop fell from his eyes. The people gasped upon seeing this. They become anxious and murmurs spread in the hall as well as the whole of the Gandok.

The people watching the telecast from the poolside, workplaces, restaurants, streets, homes, etc. all become still upon witnessing this scene.

Taehyung unprepared to see this becomes shocked. He narrows his eyes upon looking at it. Jimin sitting next to him, couldn’t help but chuckle. 

“My uncle has never shed a tear. Not even over the death of his loved ones.” He looks in uncertainty at the screen. 

Taehyung meets Jimin’s eyes, and both turn back to the screen without uttering another word.

“He came prepared.” Moon Goddess says.

Yeon takes the napkin handed to him by his assistant, wipes his eyes, and tries to continue. “Sorry for the inconvenience.” His voice was still shaking. 

“I watched the video. Though it may target me, this was news to me as well. The incident at the mine is still fresh in my mind."

"I was young back then, excited to hold the position and serve the people. I came with dreams to make this place advance and better than it already was, but the Moon Goddess wanted to test me."

"The incident at the mine was an unfortunate one that still gives me nightmares and to bring back that memory and present it in a contorted way to deceive the citizens, is the least I expected from Umbra." 

Yeon inhales sharply, "It had been fault to expect anything good from Umbra. They portrayed the scene as a massacre or a mass murder when all I had to face at that time was the death touching my hands entering my lungs and shaking my bones."

"I protected you all from that grave memory because it is nothing but a nightmare. I tried to pull those bodies out of the mine as they cried for life and used my hands to dig the soil to rescue them. Whom to ask for help, there was no one but a few of us."

"That dark place engulfed my people, my men who dreamed of a beautiful and prosperous Gandok just like me but this truth is not known by many and is presented in such a rude way."

Yeon cries, and so does others. The screen at the back suddenly turns on and shows some photos of the unfortunate incident with blood and cut hands and flesh spread around and the collapsed mine entrance.

The journalists presented their sniffles, the same was the condition of the people around watching this live. Yeon wipes his tears. He is offered the water but he declines.

"This time Umbra has gone over the board. I am still haunted by the images and thus decided to hide it from the world."

His body trembles as he recalls the incident again. “I was there at that time digging the soil, trying to save lives, at least one. The dust filled my lungs and the cries filled my ears. I was there to rescue them not kill them. This is not how envisioned my project to be. The pain I felt, no one can understand.” Yeon sheds more tears.


The host quickly uncaps the bottle for him. Yeon drinks the water glancing at the people wiping their tears. He looks down and continues.

“I was scared to contact families and inform them. I did wrong, I became a coward and provided them aid and walked away. I was not stable at that time. My dream to help people crashed so badly but my father helped me in having that lost hope again. I moved on and tried my best to provide you with all the best I could."

"Still, my friends betrayed me and did things behind my back. Every day I wonder if I have people to rely on. You at least have someone to trust, rely on, and show your anger to, but here in this position, I am alone. I am put under investigation on the matters I have no hand in." Yeon glances at Jeongguk.

"I am not complaining as I liked each minute of my serving Gandok and this I will prove to you all soon enough. The ones protesting against me are unaware of my methods of protecting them. It is all for your benefit." 

"I will catch the people behind Umbra and bring their truth to you.”

Yeon becomes quiet. Jin glances at Yeon and then looks back at the people. Both he and Jeongguk were surprised with this act but they showed no reaction on the face. Right now they wanted to calm the situation rather than escalate it.

The hall turns into silence. The host then clears his throat and asks the journalist to put up their questions one by one. They raise their hands. He asks one to stand up. The woman journalist sniffles, and clearing her throat she gets up to speak.

“We believe in whatever the Leader says." The lady pauses, giving a pitiful gaze to Yeon, then taking a deep breath she turns her attention towards Jeongguk and in a hostile look she asks her question.

"But we want to know what progress our General has made in finding Umbra?”

Taehyung wanted to applause for these people. He chuckles. Then he leaned back again on the wall while his eyes trained on Jeongguk.

Jeongguk remains quiet for a few seconds and then speaks strictly. “Telling you details means ruining our hard work of months. We are moving on a good pace is all I would say.”

The journalist becomes embarrassed. “Can we at least know how much time will it take till we get to see the end of all this?”

“It won’t take long,” Jeongguk answers, making her quiet.

Another journalist rises and asks his question. He seemed to be full of confidence and in a booming tone asked, “Was not the investigation of the accident of mine under your team? How were you unable to find evidence while Umbra had it? Are they more capable than you?” 

Jin felt awkward with the question, looking at this person in disbelief. Jeon's family has always looked after the security of the Gandok but this and many other special cases were taken under Solace in the leadership of Yeon's father. This fact is not known to all.

Jeon was the only cover while the pages were filled with Solace. Yeon however, still seemed unbothered and waited for Jeongguk to answer. He from time to time sips water and stares blankly at one spot.

Jeongguk raises his eyes and meets the gaze of the reporter. The journalist shivers but tries to stand strong. “You are comparing me to a whole organization that in itself answers your question.”

Taehyung smiles upon hearing his answer. He glances at the Moon Goddess, and she smiles. “Yeon showed his tears so the target is your mate. Quite interesting to watch.” Taehyung however didn’t feel the same.

He was still afraid of some hidden danger lurking over Jeongguk. This press conference is done to check on Jeongguk and his motives. Taehyung glances at Jin and Yeon, his eyes staring at the man for a long.

He becomes somber upon looking at the leader. He knows what he has to do. He has to get that information from Hoseok as soon as possible. Taehyung excuses himself from there and makes a call to Hoseok.

Jeongguk on the other side was still answering the questions of the press. They were pressurizing him to give details of the investigation or his suspects. Jeongguk didn’t reveal a thing. He is the leader of the base and the second pillar for a reason.

The defeated press then asked Jin about his approach in all this. Jin gave them a very simple and diplomatic answer not feeding their gossipy minds. They asked Yeon how he would clean his name and prove to them that he was not involved in any of this.

Yeon was confident. He assured them that the culprit would soon come out in the open for them. The conference is over after an hour. 

It was quite a dramatic conference and several clips were played again and again by the media and debates started on the outcome of the much-awaited conference.

The employees go back to their work, surprised by what they see and hear. There was silence on the streets and for a while people were just processing all the information.

Meanwhile, the officers met up to discuss further actions. Jeongguk and Yeon discussed together and roles were assigned to each of the people regarding the law and regulations to follow during this time.

Jeongguk led the meeting of his people separately and then dismissed them all. While on the way he meets Yeon talking to Ella. 

He greets Ella. The alpha lady looks at him hesitantly, then greets him with a small smile. She doesn't stay for long and takes a leave making a reason.

"How are feeling now Uncle?" Jeongguk asks.

Yeon feels a bit embarrassed but covers it up. "I don't know what took over me, days of tension and thoughts came out as tears." He reasons for his actions. He then asks Jeongguk.

“You said you would reopen the mine case. Do you doubt the investigation?”

“Don’t you?” Jeongguk asks Yeon. 

Yeon sighs. He glances around. “You are not as your forefathers. They knew when to back off.” Jeongguk looks at Yeon sharply.

Yeon changes his tone. “I have no grudge against you. I wanted to make you my son-in-law. I am only thinking of your best. The things you are involving yourself in can be dangerous.”

“Who else is more powerful than you and me here?” Jeongguk asks directly. Yeon opens his mouth and then closes it thinking of something. He checks Jeongguk.

“I know that is why I want you to be aware. Overconfidence can be lethal.” Yeon says in a fatherly tone, patting Jeongguk’s shoulder.

Jeongguk meets Yeon’s gaze, nods slowly, and bows to take his leave. Yeon watches him depart with an unreadable expression. He wanted to take this man down, but he was not a fool, any wrong move and decision taken in fury from his side could lead to the suspicion on him. 

He could only bite back his anger and wait for the right moment to dig this person’s grave.

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