Mira Gilbert: TVD Fanfic

By BiancaEvans2

64.4K 2.3K 189

I know I've done a story where Elena has an identical twin before. But I just couldn't get this idea out o my... More

Telling Matt
Telling Bonnie
Caroline's New Boyfriend
Ultrasound and Telling the Family
Founders Ball
Vampires Are Real
Sexy Suds Car Wash
Elena Knows the Truth
Next 10 Weeks
Studying with Jeremy
50s Dance
Family Night
Elena is Missing
Bachelor Auction
Elena's Double Date
Stefan is a Hostage
Birth of Grayson
Uncle John Meets Grayson
Miss Mystic Falls Competition
Blood Brothers
Meeting Isobel
John's Our Father
Mayor's Wake
Carnival Night
Next Nine Days
Chicken Pox
Where's Elena?
Story of Katerina Petrova
Man in a Suit
Meeting Elijah
Confronting Elena
John's Return
Historical Tea Party
Dinner Party
Caroline Reunites with Matt
Isobel's Return
60s Dance
Klaus' Curse
Last Day
Life for a Life
Damon's Dying?
Shared Birthday
Klaus' Return
Klaus' Family Missing
Next 3 Episodes
Mikaelson Ball
Sired and Linked

Return Home

884 35 6
By BiancaEvans2

So we are skipping it Smells Like Team Spirit, Ghost World and Ordinary People. As Mira is being held by Klaus during these episodes. So won't be in Mystic Falls during the events of these episodes. Lets get to Homecoming.

Mira's POV

It's been two and half weeks since Klaus kidnapped my son & I. He has made about twenty hybrids so far. He hasn't needed my blood. As he did manage to get a few bags from Elena before Damon appeared. Since he doesn't need to use much for them to complete transition. He has been using her bagged blood.

We're currently in Portland. Which appears to be a breeding ground for werewolves. As Klaus has found most of his new hybrids here. I've changed since I left Mystic Falls. I guess being so far from home and having a young baby to protect. It made me stronger, more mature. I've cut my hair and have not let Grayson out of my sight since we left.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Klaus asks as we walk to the car.

"Fantastic time" I drawl as I go to strap Grayson in. As Klaus' phone rings. He answers it.

"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves" he tells the person on the other end of the line. "What did you say to me?" he asks the person. I look at him, what could change his mood so quickly? "Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened" he tells the person.

It must be someone he knows. But who? It sucks only hearing one side of the conversation. "I wanna see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself" he tells the person. Wait, is he talking about the monster Mikael? The one that is a threat to Elena and I. Along with my son. "If you are lying to me Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life: Is what you are saying the truth?" he asks. So it's Stefan, who is in Mystic Falls guarding Elena. Under Klaus' compulsion.

"Klaus, what's going on?" I ask him.

"Quiet love" he tells me. "I wanna talk to Rebekah" he tells Stefan. "Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?" he asks her. "I'll be home soon" he tells her. We're going back to Mystic Falls? He hangs up.

"Klaus, what the hell is going on?" I demand.

"Apparently Mikael is daggered" he tells me.

"Think they are telling the truth?" I ask him.

"Well Stefan is compelled to tell me the truth and I don't see why Rebekah would lie about something like this" he tells me.

"So his gone? We're all safe?" I ask looking at my sleeping son.

"Perhaps, I don't entirely believe Mikael could be taken down by the Salvatores and Elena. Even if they did vervain him. Which is why we'll be going back with my hybrids" he states. "I need you and your son to stay hidden until we are certain Mikael has been taken care of" he tells me.

"No, I want to see with my own eyes that Mikael is gone" I tell him. "I will find somewhere safe for Grayson. But we'll need a plan" I state. He agrees.

(Time skip)

I'm in a black lace dress. Klaus plan is set. He sent Carol to church and Grayson is with her. They'll both be safe there while we deal with Mikael. I watch from an upstairs window as Klaus steps onto the stage. It's homecoming, kind of fitting since we've come home. "Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!" he states.

I go to mingle, staying inside where Mikael hasn't been invited in. I see Tyler. "Hello Tyler" I say and he looks at me surprised.

"Mira?" he asks. I smile nodding my head. He pulls me into a tight hug and spins me around. "We've missed you so much" he tells me.

"I've missed you guys too, hopefully I won't be leaving again after tonight" I tell him.

"That's great" he states.

"Great party, by the way" I tell him.

"Thanks" he says sheepishly. "Though, my mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here" he states. As Klaus suddenly joins us.

"Your mother won't be a problem: I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends" Klaus tells him.

"She has Grayson with her" I add.

"What are you talking about?" Tyler asks Klaus.

"I want you to look around. There is Bonnie, there is Elena and Matt and there's your pretty little girlfriend Caroline. Epic dance was wrecked tonight and who came through with the party? You did. What a pal. But who are all these other people here?" Klaus asks Tyler.

"I have no idea. I've never seen half these people in my life" Tyler admits.

"That's because I've invited a few dozen friends of my own. That's my friend Mindy...picked her up along the way in Kansas. Did you know that there's an entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland? That's Tony from North Dakota and let's not forget the Seattle contingent" Klaus explains.

"Are those people all hybrids?" Tyler asks us surprised.

"Well, they also love a good party. And they, like you, were sired by me. They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate. You're free to warn your friends" Klaus tells him. He holds an arm out to me. I link mine through it and we leave Tyler.

"Lets go see Elena" I tell him. He nods his head. We go search for her and find Katherine impersonating her. Klaus doesn't seem to notice as I wonder where my sister is. "Where's Matt?" I ask her.

"Getting me a drink, we've missed you Mira. I'm so glad you're ok, where's Grayson?" she asks fawning concern.

"Somewhere safe" I tell her.

"Well, seems I have you to thank for Mikael's demise" Klaus states.

"He came at me. I didn't have a choice" she states.

"Still I'm impressed. It's not easy for a human to dagger an Original"  Klaus tells her.

"You forget, she's daggered one before" I remind him.

"Right, Elijah" he says. "You seem nervous" he states looking at Katherine.

"I'm not nervous. I just don't like you" she tells him.

"Let's get straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me for 1000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot. You won't succeed" he tells her and walks off.

"May the best doppelganger win, Katherine" I whisper lowly in her ear. She stiffens. "Enjoy the party Elena, see you at home" I tell her. Before walking away. I find Klaus playing beer pong and lean against the wall watching him. Soon Mindy approaches him.

"You have a visitor" she tells him.

"Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here" Klaus tells her.

"He said his name is Mikael" she states. I stiffen and lock eyes with Klaus. Who looks disappointed and throws the ping pong ball into a cup.

"Then we mustn't keep him waiting. Move everyone out back. I'm gonna have a little chat with my dad. Tony, you know what to do" Klaus instructs. "Mira, stay close" he tells me. I nod and we head to the front door. I stay hidden as I listened to Mikael and Klaus talk.

"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever, with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you any more, boy! What do you have other than those whose loyalty you forced? No one" Mikael tells him.

"Wrong" I say as I come stand beside Klaus. "He has me and he didn't force me. Only told me the truth about what a monster you are" I state. Mikael looks between Elena and I in surprise.

"Katherine" he says.

"Wrong, guess again" I tell him.

"This is Mira, Elena's identical twin" Klaus tells him. "Now I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill her" he adds.

"Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to" Mikael tells him.

"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her" Klaus tells him.

"I'll miss you Elena" I say forcing tears into my eyes.

"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great" Mikael states. Mikael stabs Katherine with a dagger and pulls it out. She falls to the floor. I gasp in horror as tears fall. Mikael laughs as Klaus looks on shocked.

Suddenly I hear something behind us. I turn to see Damon running at Klaus with a stake. "Klaus, look out!" I shout and get in between them. I am stabbed with the stake and gasp in pain as Damon looks shocked. Klaus catches me as I fall. Stefan appears and knocks Damon down and pins him.

"Mira" Klaus says.

"Kill him" I moan in pain. He nods and pulls the stake out of me. I cry out in pain as he launches himself at Mikael. Who had been distracted by Katherine. Klaus drives it through Mikael's heart; he bursts into flames and dies. As I try to keep pressure on my wound.

"What the hell did you do?" Damon asks his brother.

"He's earned his freedom" Klaus states. As he picks me up gently. Stefan stops clutching Damon, gets up and faces Klaus. "Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free" he says un-compelling Stefan. Stefan looks where Damon was, but he has fled. "Here love" he says biting his wrist and offering it to me. I bite it and drink his blood. The pain fades away as the wound heals.

"You can put me down now" I tell him. He does so. "I'm gonna go shower and change before I collect my son" I state.

"I'll have the humans sent home and have my hybrids clean up" he tells me. "Why did you stand in front of me?" he asks. "You could have died" he states.

"I don't know" I tell him. "But Mikael is gone now and we're all safe. And you can reunite your family" I state.

"I can" he says smiling. "Enjoy being home" he tells me. I nod and go grab my bag. I then go to Carol's bathroom and shower. Then change clothes. As I left to go get Grayson, I see the hybrids had nearly finished cleaning. I collect Grayson and go home. Where I'm greeted by an overjoyed Jeremy. We spoke a little before I call it a night after taking some pain killers for my headache.


Picture above of Mira now.

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