My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52

Chapter 51

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Shuuko: Rei-chan's mom and I were classmates, they both travel around the world frequently. So they left her in our care for us. Why don't you play with her Shouko?

Shouko: .....

Rei: no, I am fine.

Shouko: -glooming aura-.

The Komi family was having a nice dinner with Rei included, when Shousuke turn on the TV on the news they reported about Naoki.

TV reporter: in very interesting news, NaokiCorp's CEO Naoki Nakamura has announced his campaign to run for Prime Minister, confirming the rumors about Nakamura's political race.

Shuuko: ohh Masa isn't he the one who bought the company you work for?

Masayoshi: -nods-.

Rei got a little curious.

Rei: I know that man... my dad works for him.... he's a scientist at Nakamura's lab.

Shuuko: oh does he? Your mom never mentioned it before.

Rei: my dad doesn't mention a lot about his work.... but he's always busy with who knows what.

Shuuko: well I'm sure your father must be working on something great Rei-chan.

Rei: hmmm... it's fine I'm used to it.

She was uninterested by her father's work since he was barely home and her mother traveled a lot.

Meanwhile at a cafe late at night Keith was waiting on his date, wearing a fancy suit.

He stared at the clock hanged on the wall as the minutes passed by but his date hasn't arrived yet.

Keith: -sighs- guess she's not coming...

???: -opens the door- sorry I'm late, I had a last minute walk in so I had to stay for a while.

Keith: -turns to the person- Maki! I'm glad you made it, to be fair I wasn't sure you'll come.

Maki: I was tempted..... what's with the outfit?

Maki was currently in her casual clothes.

Keith: haha -sweat drops- I might have gone a bit over board.

Maki: you think?... this was just supposed to me a friendly chat, not a date.

Keith: -chuckles- you're right, you're right...

Maki: so what did what did you want to talk about?

Keith: just catching up.

Maki: uh-huh...

Keith: look Maki I know I hurt you, and it wasn't right how we ended things-

Maki: Keith it's fine.... I got over it.

Keith: but it wasn't, you were an amazing woman and breaking up with you like that.... well it was shitty of me.

Maki: on that we agree.

Keith: but I know apologizing won't be enough.... I want to make things right for once... I don't want to be this type of person anymore..

Maki: ....

Keith: this is why I called you... to tell you that I'm truly sorry... and if you let me-

Maki: I'm gonna stop you right there Keith.... I know where you're going with this and I appreciate it.... but right now I don't know if I should trust you... and I don't know if you're responsible enough for-

Maki covered her mouth before talking any further.

Keith: for what?

Maki: ..... I have to go.

Maki got up from her seat and headed outside, Keith followed her behind.

Keith: Maki wait!

Maki: leave me alone!

Keith: what did you want to tell me?

Maki: just nothing okay.. leave me alone.

Keith: wait! -grabs her wrist-

Maki: Keith let me go.

Keith: please Maki talk to me, what's wrong.

Maki: nothing is wrong... I just... I don't want to make the same mistake Keith.

Keith: mistake of what? Of me... look we don't have to be a couple again... but please just let me do things right.

Maki: no.... no you won't, this isn't something you can fix in an instant Keith... and quite frankly I don't know if I want you in my life.

Keith: I understand that Maki... but please I just want to do this right.... Maki just talk to me.

Maki: I won't!

Keith: why not?!

Maki: because if I let you into our lives again, you will just walk away again.

Keith: I'm not gonna- wait did you say "our"?

Maki: -sighs frustrated- I'm pregnant goddammit!!

Keith: .....

Maki: -turns to Keith- ... I took multiple tests.... they all came positive....

Keith: holy shit.....

Maki: yeah.

Keith: I'm.... I'm going to be a dad?

Maki: we did spent that one night at the hotel, what did you expect?

Keith: oh....

Maki: yeah... and now that you know please do me a favor and just drop it... i can raise a baby by myself and I don't need you here, just so you can walk away again.

Keith: Maki I-

Maki: just go...


Maki: what?

Keith: no Maki... I'm not going anywhere.... look I know I may be immature sometimes.

Maki: -chuckles- sometimes?

Keith: okay okay, I'm always immature, but my point is... when there's something as big as having a baby... I want to be involved, I want to be there to support you in every step of the way.

Maki: how can I take your word for it?... how can I know that you won't leave me in the future?

Keith: I understand your point Maki... but I don't want to be that man anymore... i want to change for you.... for us.

Maki: .... can you promise me then? Can you promise not to leave us?

Keith: I promise... I give you my word not to leave you ever again.

Maki: -sighs- ... I want to believe you... I really do... but you're gonna have to work hard for it okay.

Keith: -nods- of course.

Maki: good... now how about you drop me home then?

Keith: right on my lady.

Maki: please don't call me that.

Keith: okay.

Next morning at the Komi household, Shouko just woke up after bonding last night with Rei, she had a great time and hope that Rei had a good time as well.

It was still early in the morning so Shouko was having her breakfast, while her mother Shuuko was asking Rei what would she like for breakfast.

A calm regular morning like no other...... that is until.


Najimi barged into the Komi household, and Hitohito came along.

Najimi: yo Komi-San! It's been a while, come on we still have some summer days left let's go do something!

Hitohito: s-sorry about that, Najimi wanted to surpirse you.

Najimi: -notices Rei- oh a new kid?

Shuuko: yep.

Najimi: what's your name?

Rei: Natsukido Rei.

Najimi: pfft I bet they call you Nacchi don't they?

Rei: they don't.

Najimi: come on let's play Nacchi!

Najimi picked up Rei and placed her on their shoulders.

Rei: hey put me down!

Najimi: yoohooo!!

Hitohito: -sighs- Najimi don't get too careless.

Najimi: let's go Nacchi, there's a fun day waiting for us.

Rei didn't want to admit it but she began to have fun, even Shouko got a little jealous of how good Rei was bonding with her friends.

Najimi: I'm hungry... how about we go to Wacdonald's?

Hitohito: wait didn't you just had breakfast earlier?

Najimi: yeah but not only that I also want the new toys with the Sokemon collaboration.

Hitohito: you're not serious...

Najimi: come on it'll be fun, right Komi-san?!

Shouko: -nods-

Najimi: what about you Nacchi? Want to tag along?

Rei: pass.

Najimi: what? Come on it'll be fun Wacdonald's... Sokemon.

Rei was tempted by Najimi's invitation so she agreed, after the 4 of them went to the restaurant they ordered the meals with the Sokemon figures.

Najimi: oh Tadano you got Sokachu! Let's trade it.

Rei was also interested in Hitohito's Sokemon, she got a turtle, but she really wanted that one, Hitohito noticed it.

Hitohito: you want to trade?

Rei: -looking away- n-not really...

Hitohito: well I really like the turtle one so if you want to we can trade.

Rei:.... sure.

Rei got the Sokachu figure and Hitohito got the turtle one.

Najimi: you know rumors said that the next collab will be with Guardian.

Hitohito: excuse me?

Najimi: yeah people are excited! Specially the kids who want the new Guardian toy.

Hitohito: great....

Najimi: what do you think Nacchi? You're looking forward to it?

Rei: not really no.

Najimi: what? But Guardian is so cool why wouldn't you?

Rei: he's not cool, he's lame.

Hitohito: (ouch)

Rei: and to be honest that cape makes him look lame, like what's the point of wearing one.

Hitohito: w-well in his defense we're not really sure if he picked his suit like that.

Rei: I just.... don't see what the big deal is about a person who can fly.

Najimi: that is a big deal, who else do you know anyone else who can fly like he does?

Rei: well no but I still think he shouldn't be worshipped like some sort of god.

Hitohito: -smiles- I agree with you.

Rei: ! You do?

Hitohito: -nods- I don't think Guardian would be fond of all the stuff they do for him, I mean he doesn't need his own movie, or his own toy selection.... I think he only does that to help other you know? I think he just wants to genuinely help us.

Rei: yeah you're right.

After their meal they group went to walk back home.

Rei: big brother... can I ask you a question?

Hitohito: sure.

Rei: do you think Guardian will always protect us?

Hitohito: well... that's a hard question, while protecting everyone seems like a nearly impossible task, I believe he will do his best... after all his priority is this planet.

Rei: this planet? What about the other planets, I mean he is an alien after all.

Hitohito: well if there wer other planets in need if help I'm sure Guardian will help them as well.

Rei: -nods- yeah I guess you're right, he'll always protect us

On the open sea a boat was currently navigating on its way to Japan, inside it a small crew of 15 men plus their captain who was a psychopath killer was sent there by the Red Legion to hunt down the traitors who turned out to be alive.

The captain's nickname was Tempest, he was a storm destroying anything in his path.

Tempest: alright lads! We're only 15 hours away from the coast of Japan, remember we have important order to kill the traitors, and we'll make them suffer.

The captain was holding 2 photos.

One of Keith, and the Other one of Mike with a text on the bottom that said the following:


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