
By Savagetrapprincess

738 41 1

She just wanted to pass time. He was down for it. ***Also posted on AO3*** More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

31 1 0
By Savagetrapprincess

"That was alright. But try it again." He said. I groaned and flopped back on the couch.
"I don't wanna." I whined. He laughed.
"You almost had it. You just fumbled a bit on that middle part."
"How about we just have sex instead?" I lifted my head a bit to peek at him. He deadpanned and I sighed, sitting up again. We had been on my couch for the past few hours, working on various assignments as deadlines quickly approached. Studying with him was becoming routine. It was convenient to have him there when it felt like my brain was melting.
"Get it right and I'll give you head. We still have work to do." He suggested, setting his laptop aside.
"Sounds like a good trade on the surface but seems like I'm giving a lot and not receiving a fair amount in return." I said. His eyebrows pulled together, mouth open.
"What did you just say?" He looked utterly offended but I wasn't going to double back.
"You heard me." I said. One eyebrow was cocked as he ran his tongue over his teeth before sucking his top lip into his mouth.
"Okay." He nodded, sticking out his lower lip slightly. "Present." The hardness in his tone took hold of my spine. Maybe I should have doubled back.
"Present." Well, shit. How did he expect me to not fumble now? I took a deep breath and began. Even with his intimidating gaze on me, arms crossed, and jaw set, I managed to get through my thesis presentation without messing up. "Good job." He smirked and clapped slowly. "Spread 'em."
"Okay, wait, first I didn't mean-." My lips snapped shut when that fucking eyebrow went up again. Oh boy. I uncrossed my legs and he didn't waste time pushing them back and apart, forcing me to lie back.
"So you were insinuating I don't eat you out good enough?" He started massaging over my shorts. Slow circles while looking me dead in my eyes. I couldn't speak. "You're saying I can't get you off, have your legs shaking when I go down on you?"
"That's not what-."
"No need to explain. You know I like a challenge." Yeah, I messed up. He continued to tease me over my shorts and used his free hand to still my hips when I moved even the slightest. Why the hell was he so strong? He finally slipped a finger in through the leg hole of my shorts and traced his finger over my soaked panties. "For someone who doesn't give good head, I sure do turn you on with just a touch, huh?" I wasn't going to give in and indulge him with praises. I wasn't a weak bitch. None of that you always eat me out so well bullshit. Cringe. So I kept my mouth shut. His finger went past my panties and I shivered at the touch. I was throbbing and dripping. He circled my clit and I fought hard to keep still. We could both play this game if he wanted to. He spread the cum around then slipped a finger in. My breath got caught in my throat. He smirked. "So hot and tight." He hummed. "So, so wet." This was going to be harder than I thought. His finger stayed in as he pushed my shorts and panties to the side. He looked up at me before giving me a slow lick. I bit my lip to hold back my whimper. Another lick while his finger made the 'come hither' motion. He sucked my clit into his mouth and my body shook. "Feels good?" I held my tongue. He didn't. He added pressure with said tongue as he flattened it, licking my pussy from the bottom to top. He pressed his mouth against me and hummed. My eyes fluttered closed. The slow teasing was making my head go hazy.

He then dragged his finger out of me and gave me one last suck before sitting up. I let out a shaky exhale, glad for the break, but yearning for more. I looked up at him, ready for him to tell me that was it or make me beg for it, but instead, he pulled off my shorts and panties then dove right in.
"Oh f-fuck." My eyes rolled back. He slurped on my pussy like he hadn't eaten all day. Fast flicks, teasing grazes, soft kisses. Once the first moan slipped, it was over for me. He still stopped me from moving my hips as he kept teasing. Once I was getting somewhere, he slowed down or stopped all together. He would have me nearly screaming, then stop. I lost track of time, but I knew he was dragging this out for way too long. Once I was close to tears, it was time to end it.
"Chanyeol, you win, okay?" I panted. "Please." He raised his head to look at me properly.
"Oh, you want to cum? I thought my skills were subpar?"
"Chanyeol fucking please." He was going to make me trap his head between my thighs and ride his face and I would not give a fuck if he would be able to breathe or not. I never begged this man like this ever. He was fucking me up. He chuckled then resumed his position. His fingers moved faster and so did his mouth and tongue. My back arched off the couch and I started writhing. I couldn't breathe. "Oh my-." My orgasm slammed into me like a truck. I was pretty sure my soul left my body.
"Brooke, you still with me?" I felt a faint tapping on my thigh. I blinked my eyes back into focus. He was looking at me a bit worried. "Are you okay?"
"No I'm not fucking okay." My legs felt like wet noodles but I found enough strength to shove him away with my foot. He laughed but didn't take the hint of getting away from me and instead hovered over me.
"That was so fucking sexy." He said.
"I bet it was." I rolled my eyes. I was still trying to catch my breath. He leaned down and kissed my neck, making me squirm.
"Think you can cum one more time?" He found a spot and started to suck.
"No, I can't." My eyes closed again.
"I think you can." He moved to the other side of my neck and started to undo his jeans. I couldn't find my words anymore. I wanted to argue, but I wanted him all the same. Regardless if I could actually take him or not. He pumped himself a few times then slowly slid in. I gripped onto his shirt and bit his shoulder. I was still sensitive. "Shit." He moaned. His breath was coming out in pants. Then he started moving. He was right. I could reach another orgasm. It was already building quickly.
"Faster." I said into his ear. He immediately picked up the pace and before I knew it, I was shaking under him again. He didn't pull out fast enough. I felt his cum pumping inside of me.
"Oh fuck!" It was a panicked moan. He pulled out quickly when he came to his senses. "Shit, Brooke, I'm so sorry. Fuck."
"Would you calm down?" My body was too heavy to move.
"I'm not going to get pregnant. Chill out." I finally found the energy to open my eyes. He looked scared shitless and confused. "Pussy was that good huh?"
"That's not fucking funny." He said over my laughter. He tucked himself away and flopped down on the couch, crossing his arms. I pushed myself up.
"I thought I told you that we're using condoms as long as you're still fucking around."
"You did." He said simply. "I'm not fucking around." I held his eye contact for a moment before nodding.
"Cool. I'm going to go take a shower." I said, standing. "Finish your homework."

Chanyeol was a good distraction. The reason I was sure he was just a distraction was because when he wasn't around, I felt the hole in my chest opening again. Everything felt heavy again. Just like right before he showed up at my door for a study session. I hadn't wanted to get out of bed but clearly he had other plans. I wasn't giving myself room to figure out what the hell was going on with me and I wanted to keep it that way. It was probably just school. It was all going to be over soon but instead of reminiscing about all the good times and looking forward to the future, my mind was just filled with muck I couldn't clear out. All the things I pushed aside were now falling on top of me, crushing me, and I couldn't find a way out. Chanyeol was the oxygen mask I needed to keep me conscious. Even if it was just for a little while.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and I had one class to go. I felt utterly exhausted. I couldn't wait to get to my apartment, take a hot shower, and crawl into bed. I didn't care that the sun would still be out. I needed my air conditioner on zero degrees and my weighted blanket suffocating me. Dark clouds have been hovering in the sky all day. A downpour was coming soon. I just hoped I would be in the safety of my apartment by then. I hadn't bothered to bring an umbrella or my rain jacket and was definitely not in the mood to be drenched.

As I reached my building, an unwanted figure was pacing nearby as oblivious students passed him. I could run – just leave campus – but I couldn't keep doing that. I couldn't keep letting him run me away. I took a breath and sped up, intending on rushing by him and not stopping no matter what. I kept my focus forward as I approached the building.
"Brooke." His voice made me tense up but I ignored him and kept walking. "Hold on, Brooke." He was following me. I picked up the pace but I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and forcefully stop me just before I reached the door. "Stop running." He snarled, stepping close to me.
"Get off me." I tried to pull away but he tightened his grip.
"You're going to talk to me." He used his height to his advantage and stared me down.
"How many times do I have to tell you that we have nothing to talk about?" I was glad my voice didn't shake, but I felt as if I would start visibly shaking soon. He chuckled and that made my heart seize.
"Oh, yes we do." He said. "People have been talking. What have you been saying?"
"I haven't been saying anything."
"Well someone is running their mouth so who have you been talking to?"
"I'm not talking to anyone." I tried to pull my arm free again, but he wouldn't let go. He glanced around then started to tug me away from the building. "What are you doing?" I planted my feet firmly on the ground, refusing to move.
"We're not talking out here."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Get the hell off me." I tried pulling again but he squeezed and me twisting my arm to get free only caused more pain.
"Come on." He yanked me, causing me to yelp and lose my footing, allowing him to pull me in the direction he wanted.
"Eric, I'm serious, get off." My fighting was futile. I looked around panicked but no one seemed to notice. Everyone was going about their business as usual as he dragged me toward behind the building. "Get off!"
"Shut the fuck up." He shoved me hard against a nearby tree, knocking the air out of me. He pinned my arm against my chest effectively keeping me firmly pressed against the tree. He was close, using his body as an extra blockade. "Shut up." He said lowly, gaze piercing. As petrified as I was, I needed to do something before I broke down and I refused to cry in front of him.
"I will scream." I said. His eyebrows furrowed before he chuckled and shook his head.
"You are making this way more difficult than it needs to be." He said. "Why don't you just talk to me?"
"About what?" I finally took his bait.
"Me and you." His grip finally loosened some. I rolled my eyes.
"What the hell don't you get? We're not getting back together."
"Why not?" I was baffled he was actually asking me that question.
"Why do you think?" I gestured to the fact that he was practically holding me hostage against a tree.
"I'm not the same anymore. I'm just...frustrated." He said. "You won't talk to me, you keep running away, then you start spreading lies about me." His scowl returned and his grip tightened.
"I'm not spreading anything."
"Was it your little boyfriend then?" He said.
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Of course you don't." he laughed. "No one actually wants you. He's probably just using you to keep his dick warm. Just like I did. Just like Sehun did." I went numb. The hole in my chest widened. He wanted a reaction and he definitely was going to get it.
"I'm going to scream." I said calmly. He looked confused for a moment but seemed to dismiss me like he usually did. "I am going to scream." I repeated. "Let me go."
"First tell me who you've been running your mouth to." I opened that same mouth he was talking about and shrieked at the top of my lungs. It startled him enough to back away from me. I saw him about to reach out, presumably to cover my mouth but I moved out of the way and screamed louder.
"Are you fucking crazy?!" He looked at me bewildered. I kept screaming. Not caring that I could barely breathe, that I was getting lightheaded, that my throat was burning. He looked around frantically before taking off. I let the scream die in my throat and leaned against the tree for support, chest heaving. I was shaking. I had to leave. On trembling legs, I hurried toward the exit of the campus. I vaguely heard in passing people wondering what that sound was and asking others if they heard it. I kept my focus on the ground and moved quickly.
"Hey –." I looked up just as I bumped into a solid body. He chuckled as he steadied me, holding me securely by my arms. I pulled away quickly. He looked surprised for a moment, moving his hands away as if he'd been burned. He frowned and his eyebrows drew together in confusion and worry. Great, he was worried. I wanted to throw up. "Are you okay?" I obviously wasn't but I lied anyway with a nod.
"I'm fine." My voice cracked painfully. I had to look away from his big, round eyes. "See you." I walked around him and continued toward the exit.
"Are you getting sick?" I heard him before I saw his figure beside me from my peripherals. He was keeping pace with me even though his legs were much longer than mine.
"Probably." I replied.
"Skipping then?" This, I couldn't lie about. He knew my schedule well. I just nodded. "Cool. I'm in the mood for pizza. You down?"
"Don't you have class soon?" I asked, it was my turn to be confused now.
"Yeah." He shrugged. "So?" I had been seconds away from having a panic attack and now this fucker is asking me to go for pizza?
"Okay." I replied because why not? His smile revealed his dimple. He gestured for me to follow him and we changed directions to the lot.

He kept the conversation light and mostly around school as he drove to the pizza spot. We sat in a booth by the window and he ordered us pizza, wings, and drinks. He played me the final version of his thesis project and teased me about practicing presenting again while licking his lips seductively. I got hot at the memory of that same tongue sliding-.
"You ready?" He asked, swiftly pulling my mind from disappearing to that place. I nodded and followed him out. To my surprise, he drove us back to his place. He sparked up and we were cuddled on his couch as we smoked and watched television for hours. My back to his chest, head on his shoulder, his arm across my torso. It was warm. Then it got hot when his hand slipped under my shirt. Caressing my skin. Gentle grazes as I felt him tug on my ear with his teeth. "Is this okay?" He whispered. I nodded. His hand slid down between my legs and he groped me. I arched into him. I needed to get out of my jeans. Thankfully, he unbuttoned them and his hand went inside.
"Mmh." I moaned, closing my eyes and falling into the bliss. He kissed around my ear and I tilted my head more so he could reach my neck. I spread my legs more so he had ample space. He massaged my clit then slid his fingers lower to tease at my entrance. His arms were long but there was only so much he could do at this angle. He came back up to my clit which was honestly more than enough. My breathing grew heavier the closer I got. "Chanyeol." I panted.
"Hm?" He hummed as he sucked on my neck.
"Can I ride you?" I felt him smirk before giving me another wet kiss.
"Hop on." I quickly rid myself of my jeans and turned to face him. He was undoing his jeans as well. He pulled them down but they didn't get far before I climbed on his lap. I pulled his dick out the rest of the way and kept my eyes on his as I stroked him to full erection. I was tempted to shove him down my throat but I was impatient and my throat was still sore. I positioned myself and pushed my panties to the side. He placed his hands on my hips as I glided down, mouth falling open. I started moving slowly, savoring the feeling of him in me. I was soaking wet and continued to leak around him. He pulled me down for a sloppy kiss as I continued to rock my hips. He pushed up into me and my breath hitched. My arms wrapped around him, head in his neck as I bounced on his dick. "Shit." He moaned. He's probably just using you to keep his dick warm. I started to grind harder against him. He clutched onto my hips tightly, moving his in circles. My body jolted when he found my g-spot. I kept the same angle as I continued to ride him. He made sure to keep at the same pace so I could get off. It didn't take long for me to start spasming on top of him. He took that as his cue to chase his own orgasm. He soon released inside me. I leaned into him, well sated. He littered kisses on my face and rubbed soothing circles on my back. "You should get cleaned up." He's probably just using you to keep his dick warm. I pulled his softening dick out of me and hurried to the bathroom.

I was in there for way too long. Eric's words still beating against my eardrums. I felt queasy even though I had no reason to. Of course Chanyeol was just using me. I was using him just as much. We were keeping each other warm. He wouldn't want me. He didn't want me. At least that was something Eric was right about. No one wanted me. I just couldn't believe he still threw that in my face after all this time. I had been vulnerable to him when we first started to date and told him about the fiasco with Sehun. When he was being weird about hanging out with my friends, I thought he was just being defensive because of that. Thinking he wanted to protect me from Sehun but I was completely wrong. He was just fucking insane.
"Brooke?" Chanyeol knocked gently on the door. "You okay?"
"Yeah." I pulled the door open and he was staring down at me with those soft eyes. I stared back. A few moments passed before he spoke.
"Yixing needs me at the studio." He said. My heart clenched in my chest a bit. "Come with me."
"To the studio?"
"Yeah. Chill with us for a bit then I'll take you home." I hesitated for a moment but then agreed. He stepped aside so I could leave the bathroom. I threw my soaked panties in my bookbag and pulled on my jeans. When we were ready, I followed him out.

The studio was cozy. Nicer than what I thought it would be for being an on-campus studio. There were a few lamps giving a golden glow to the room. A couch along one wall, a single person booth, then the main control board or whatever it was called. There were a lot of buttons and switches and lights that had zero meaning to me, but Chanyeol and Yixing knew their way around it well. It was cool to watch them tweak things then hear the result of it come through the speakers. I just listened from the couch. Chanyeol would glance back every once in a while or turn the rolling chair so he was facing Yixing but could look at me from his peripheral vision. They would ask my opinion here and there or bring me into the conversation. I liked Yixing. He seemed so nonchalant and aloof but he was actually brilliant and passionate, especially when it came to music. The way he worked, it was like he was creating magic. I would have wondered if he was single, but I clearly was not in the space for a relationship so I kept my brain from going there. He seemed like he would be a good friend though and an excellent smoke buddy.
"It's been an hour." Chanyeol leaned his head back against the chair and swayed from side to side. "When is she getting here?"
"She said ten minutes a while ago so she should be here soon." Yixing said, tapping away at his phone. Chanyeol let out a heavy sigh.
"Do you really need her on the track? I think it sounds fine without vocals." He said.
"I want to try it out. I just need a few notes." He said.
"In that case, Brooke can do it." Chanyeol said. I snapped to attention at the mention of my name. Chanyeol was looking at me with a mischievous grin.
"You sing?" Yixing turned to me wide-eyed.
"I do not." I said, shooting Chanyeol a glare.
"I bet I can pull some notes out of you." He said with a wink. My jaw dropped and Yixing tried to stifle a laugh. His phone pinged. "Alisha is lost. I'll be right back." He hopped up and left the room. My glare was still hard on Chanyeol but as always, he was completely unfazed by it.
"Fix your face." He blew me a kiss and pulled out his phone. He was extremely nonchalant about outing us to Yixing, but then I had to remember that it was his best friend. He's probably known since last semester even if he didn't have a name or face to make the connection. He laughed at something and started typing. Must be nice to have friends. I waited in the silence until Yixing returned with Alisha. She looked to be about my height, brunette, a tattoo sleeve down her right arm, and multiple piercings. She was pretty.
"Yeollie!" Her face lit up. Okay, not that pretty. She rushed over to wrap her arms around him. He gave her a one-armed hug as she leaned down into him.
"Hey Alisha." He greeted.
"I didn't know you were going to be here too." She stood up straight and ran her fingers through his curly hair. These days he gave off a soft vibe rather than the suave demon I met that night. I liked it.
"Xing needed a hand." Chanyeol said. She nodded.
"Alisha, this is Brooke." Yixing introduced. Alisha whipped around and suddenly all eyes were on me. I gave her a small smile and a wave.
"Oh, hi." She beamed. "You here to sing too?"
"Nope. Just hanging out." I said. I saw the suspicious glint in her eyes as her head tilted slightly.
"Cool." She said before facing forward again, hand on Chanyeol's nape caressing the hair there. He seemed to lean into the touch. "What are we working on?" Yixing played the track then explained his vision. Her hand did not leave Chanyeol the entire time. Not until she made her way into the booth.

I had to say, she had a beautiful voice. She also seemed to deliver whatever it was Yixing was looking for by the way he looked absolutely ecstatic as Chanyeol helped him piece his vision together. The finished product was amazing. The way her voice blended so smoothly with the beat could send anyone into a pleasant trance.
"Thank you so much Alisha." Yixing stood to give her a long hug.
"You're welcome." She cooed. "What are you two doing now?"
"I have to finish a paper." Yixing started to close out and Chanyeol stood. She looked up at him with curious eyes.
"I have homework to finish up too." He said. She pouted at him.
"Boo." She gave him a light shove, hand lingering on his abdomen. "You guys are going to be at John's party this weekend though, right?"
"Probably." He shrugged.
"See you then." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. She bid them a final goodbye and gave me a wave as she walked out.
"Ready?" Chanyeol asked once he and Yixing shut everything down. I nodded and stood picking up my bag from the floor and following them out. I trailed behind as Yixing continued to gush about his new song. Once we reached outside of the building, Yixing said goodbye and walked in the opposite direction Chanyeol and I went. It was a quiet walk. The campus was emptying out as darkness took over. When we reached his SUV, he tugged my arm and pinned me against it. His lips latched onto mine before I could get a sound out. He kissed me deep and palmed my ass with one hand as the other cupped my nape. He had my head tilted back as his tongue infiltrated my mouth. The kiss was salacious and I had no idea what was going on, but I didn't mind it. He slowed down and left me with a few pecks and a grin before pulling the door open and stepping back so my wobbly legs could take me inside. He shut the door once I was settled then went to the driver's side. No words were shared the entire way back. When he pulled up to my apartment, I thanked him and hopped out.

The next evening, I was in the commons with Chanyeol and Yixing. Chanyeol and I had a study session in the library earlier, then Yixing texted him about grabbing food, and Chanyeol decided to drag me along. We dropped our bags off in his car on the way to meet him. I would have thought it was strange that he wanted me to hang out with him and his friend two days in a row, but anything to keep my mind off school and Eric I guess. It was a welcome distraction.
"So what are your plans after graduation?" Yixing asked. I immediately tensed up. I was glad to be able to graduate but I was by no means looking forward to the future. It filled me with dread honestly. I had been doing my best to ignore it but staying focused on the present wasn't helping much with my mental health either.
"Uh, law school." I replied, taking a quick glance at Chanyeol. He looked at me curiously with his head tilted. I hadn't told him. He hadn't asked. Just like how I had no idea what he was doing after graduation.
"Oh, cool. Where are you going?"
"Cypress." I said.
"Shit, isn't that, like, one of the top law schools?" He asked. I nodded and popped a fry in my mouth.
"Well, congrats." He said.
"Thanks." I took a gulp of my water. "What about you?"
"Heading to the west coast with this guy." He said, patting Chanyeol on the shoulder. It was my turn to look at Chanyeol curiously. He just held my gaze, expression remaining neutral. "We both got signed to the same major label. Isn't that cool?"
"It is." I nodded.
"Living the dream with my bro." Yixing beamed. This got a chuckle out of Chanyeol who finally looked away from me.
"That's exciting. I'm happy for you guys." I meant it too. Chanyeol peeked over at me, his expression unreadable.
"Oh shoot, I have go meet with Jongin and Sehun for rehearsal." Yixing stood abruptly. "I'll see you." He waved at the both of us before hurrying off. The silence was thick between us. Both staring but neither saying anything. I didn't like the feeling that was cascading down on me. It was like someone was taking a spoon and scooping out my insides. It was starting to get hard to breathe.
"Ready to go?" His voice barely penetrated the fog in my head. I nodded and stood. He followed behind me as we were leaving the commons.

I halted at the door. He barely stopped in time, chest tapping my back.
"What?" He asked.
"It's still raining." I said. It was actually pouring but, same difference. The rain that had been threatening us since yesterday finally landed and showed no mercy all day.
"It is." He said with a chuckle. I opened the door and stepped out, not bothering to put my hood on. I stood there for a moment letting the rain soak me. Feeling the cool droplets on my skin was centering. It drew back some of the anxiety as the sound of the pattering against the sidewalk soothed me.
"Are you okay?" He asked over the loud pounding of the rain. He stepped into my field of view, hood shielding him from the assault, dimple showing from the grin on his face.
"You know I never played in the rain before?" He raised a curious eyebrow at me. I just smiled and took off, running toward the grass at the center of the courtyard. I heard him call after me but I just kept going. Somehow, I felt a weight lifting from my chest. I was suddenly filled with child-like excitement as I could finally breathe. I stopped running to look up at the sky, closing my eyes to let the rain hit my face.
"What are you doing?" A breathless Chanyeol said once he caught up to me. "You know, turkeys drown like that."
"I'm enjoying the rain because I am not a turkey." I said. Threw my arms out and spun around. I heard him laugh.
"You're going to catch a cold."
"It'll be worth it." I stopped spinning and grinned at him. He smiled back.
"Come on, let's get you home."
"Catch me first." I challenged.
"What?" I was only able to catch his confusion for a brief moment before I took off again. I thought he was just going to stand there and wait until I returned to my senses, but when I looked over my shoulder, he was following. I laughed and picked up the pace, as much as the slippery grass would allow. We must have looked like idiots to other students who were trying to get out of the rain, but I didn't care. "Got you-." I felt his slight touch as he tried to grab me, but his long legs failed him at the same time and he slipped, sliding past me and hitting the grass with a thud.
"Are you okay?" I said through ripples of laughter.
"Not funny." He groaned.
"Aw, I'm sorry." I reached down to help him up. He took my hand with one of his, but the other grabbed higher on my arm and he pulled me down on top of him. I plopped on his chest with a squeak. We both laughed. I felt the adrenaline leave me as the laughter died. I rested on his chest to catch my breath as his arm rested around my back.
"Are you guys okay?" A voice called from a distance.
"All good!" Chanyeol called back, giving a thumbs up.
"Okay, get the fuck out of the rain!" We broke out in laughter again.
"They're right. We should probably get going." Chanyeol said. Lightning flashed before I could get words out, making me seize in his arms. Seconds later, thunder exploded in the air, and I screamed. He tightened his hold on me. "Just some thunder." He soothed.
"Caught me off guard." My face was buried in his chest.
"Come on, I'll drive you home."
"I don't want to get your car wet."
"We can walk." He shrugged. Stared up at him, rain making the both of us squint a bit. Another streak of lightning across the sky brought me out of my daze. I braced myself for the loud thunder and it did not disappoint. "Let's go." He rolled to the side, so I was no longer pinning him down, and stood. He helped me to my feet after. He didn't let go of my hand either. He intertwined our fingers as we made our way off campus. He pulled my hood over my head and used his long legs to keep the pace, forcing me to walk faster than usual. Every time we saw lightning, he held my hand tighter, preparing me for the thunder that roared in our ears soon after. We finally reached my apartment fifteen minutes later. I was relieved to say the least when we were safe in the building.
"Thank goodness." I breathed, pulling my hood off. He chuckled.
"What time is your class in the morning? I can drop your stuff off for you." He started to untangle his fingers from mine, but I frowned and tightened my hold.
"You're about to walk back to campus?"
"My car is there." He said.
"You're soaked."
"Water is falling from the sky." He said. I glared at him.
"Come up." I had no idea what had gotten into me, but I didn't want him to leave. Not yet. He bit the inside of his lip but didn't say anything, so I continued. "At least until the storm stops. I can dry your clothes. You were the one who just told me I would catch a cold from the rain and here you are, already wet about to walk another fifteen minutes to your car while it's still raining to get in your car and drive a whole twenty-."
"Okay, okay, fine." He said, stopping me. He smiled. "I'll stay."

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She needed to be saved, he wanted someone to rescue.
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"I don't understand you so many times..." A gameplay request from an unknown player? Accepted. It was started. Online game to online texts to voice...