─ limitless ; jjk

Por LivelyPotter

15.3K 1.3K 793

─ in which shy, introverted elena morgan meets jungkook jeon and his son. 2024 © LivelyPotter acade... Más

─ 00. synopsis
─ 00. act one
─ 01. intimidating men
─ 02. twenty dollar bill
─ 03. surprise meetings
─ 04. vicious women
─ 05. caught
─ 06. dirty thoughts, innocent mind
─ 07. the book
─ 08. shocking revelations
─ 09. the distance between us
─ 10. limitless
─ 00. act two
─ 11. bruises
─ 12. broken
─ 13. ruined
─ 14. home and heartbreak
─ 15. mind, heart, and soul
─ 16. never like this
─ 17. would i?
─ 18. whole
─ 19. this sucks
─ 20. i wish i could hate him
─ 00. act three
─ 21. string her up
─ 22. family is a choice
─ author's note
─ 23. special nickname
─ 24. mommy?
─ 25. the truth, at last
─ 26. sleepover?
─ 27. madly, obsessively, innocently, and captivatedly
─ 28. homeward bound
─ 29. together once more
─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her
─ 00. act four
─ 31. caught red handed
─ 32. elena's 'great' escape
─ 33. desperately seeking
─ 34. call me by my name
─ 35. bedtime stories
─ 36. late night conversations and confessions
─ 37. a goddess in disguise
─ 38. don't let the hard days win
─ 39. entirely hers, forever
─ 40. my love for you is limitless
─ 00. act five
─ 42. smutty books, addicting lips, and dark promises
─ 43. not so innocent after all...oh crackers!
─ 44. don't worry about me
─ 45. no other comparison
─ 46. kayli made me do it!
─ 47. toy stores
─ 48. being outed by a six-year-old
─ 49. lost without you
─ 50. epilogue
─ limitless; a moment of reflection

─ 41. good girl

254 22 2
Por LivelyPotter

─ 41. good girl




Jungkook rubbed his chest, feeling it ache as he watched his sweet little Elena run out the door.

He wasn't stupid.

He knew she was outright running away from him.

His baby was subtle about it as much as she wished.

And it hurt.

He sighed to himself and frowned, eyes intensely watching his baby run up the pavement, eager to go home. He would watch and wait until he saw, with his very own eyes, that she made it home safe.

He watched and waited patiently until her adorable little frame, dressed in his clothing, disappeared through her front door.

Jungkook slowly backed up and closed his front door, lighter knowing she was safe inside her house. Walking back to the kitchen after hearing his phone ringing, he picked it up. "Hello?" Hearing a familiar voice on the other line had Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.


"Jungkook." Victor greeted stiffly, earning a warning look from Sang as she sat beside him. Victor held the phone to his ear, and cringed once Sang mouthed; 'be nice' with a ferocious glare.

"Listen..." Victor sighed, "I need...a favor." he choked out - as if the words were hard to speak of out loud.

On the other end of the line, Jungkook raised his brows and leaned back against his counter. "Of course," he agreed, hoping to be able to get back on Victor's good side. "What do you need?"

"I need you to watch over Elena...and well, to tell the truth, we didn't leave for an emergency, Jungkook." Victor admitted after Sang elbowed him in the side.

Jungkook's brows slowly rose, near his hairline. "What?" he asked, making sure he was hearing him clearly. If they didn't leave for an emergency, then why did they tell Elena they did?

"Because we all knew Elena wouldn't even be near you if she didn't have a choice." Victor snorted, inching away from a glaring Sang. "Not that I blame her."

Victor was still angry about Jungkook breaking his baby sister's heart - whether he meant to or not. He knew Jungkook was a good person...but he liked being angry at him when Elena was in her room, crying.

Jungkook winced, feeling his chest ache. "I know." he said quietly, risking a glance out the window - catching the blackbourne house in his sight. The house where his sweet little Elena was inside.

"Do you love her?" Victor asked suddenly, holding his breath, clutching the sleek phone in his grip harder.

"More than anything." Jungkook spoke honestly, without missing a beat.

Victor slowly nodded and smiled - even though Jungkook couldn't see it.

"Then fix it - tell her how you feel."

Jungkook felt his world stop, and the phone trembled in his hand.

"Are you giving me your blessing?" Jungkook asked lightly, trying to calm down his rapid heartbeat.

Victor rolled his eyes on the other end.

"Yes," he huffed, "I am. Just don't fuck it up. Tell her that our trip is being lengthened and if she tries to get out of it - have her call me."

A huge smile broke out over Jungkook's face, "Will do...thank you, Victor. Truly."

"Yeah, yeah." Victor sighed, "Don't make me regret this."

With those words; Victor hung up the phone.

"Wait – they lied just so I would have to stay here?" Elena pouted, picking her head up off Jungkook's chest as they rested on the couch - Dae playing on the floor in front of them.

A day had passed since Jungkook and Elena spoke - and they were taking things slowly. Jungkook smiled and rubbed his chubby cheek.

"But at least it got things cleared up, yeah?" he asked, feeling his happiness spike as Elena playfully rolled her eyes and snuggled back into his robust chest.

Upstairs, Munjin and Ae Ri were packing their things, getting ready to catch their flight back to California. Jungkook felt sad to see them go; but knew they had their own life back in California - and couldn't ask them to stay even longer.

"Are you okay?" he peered down at his sweet little Elena - who was quiet as she laid against him.

His beautiful girl peered up at him with her adorable shy smile. His hand tightened around her hip lovingly.

"I'm okay, Jungkook." trembles of ecstasy ran down Jungkook's spine at hearing his love call him by his name. "I'll just miss them." she admitted, plum pink lips pulled into a sad smile.

Jungkook hated seeing her sad. He carefully cupped her cheek in his hand and ran his thumb underneath her eye. "I know, sweetie." he sighed, giving her a gentle smile, "I'll miss them too." he said to her.

He was glad she got on well with his parents - and loved them as much as they loved her.

"Mommy," Dae chanted over and over giddily, holding a drawing in his little fist, waving it around, "Look!" he said, crawling into Elena's open arms.

Jungkook felt like his chest could explode due to love and happiness as he held his little family in his arms. Elena leaned against his chest, and Dae cuddled in her arms, careful of the braces on her hands.

Jungkook never got tired of hearing his son call Elena his mom.

He was complete.


8 PM

"Take care of them for me?" Ae Ri whispered to me as she hugged me one final time. I smiled softly and nodded.

"Of course I will." I swore, looking over to Jungkook who had Dae in his big strong arms - speaking and saying his goodbyes to his father.

"You're perfect for them," Ae Ri remarked, a calm smile on her lips, "I worried so much about them...but now I see I have nothing to worry about when you're around the both of them."

I felt my soul brighten at her words. Before I could reply; Jungkook's arm wrapped around my waist while holding onto Dae with the other. Ae Ri grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into one final hug before kissing Dae's head.

"We'll call as soon as we land, okay?" Ae Ri said, walking towards their rental car with Munjin in tow.

"Sounds good," Jungkook said, "I love you both. Be safe." he said, sending a quick glance down to me. I sent him a soft smile back and placed one hand on his chest and held onto Dae's little hand.

Ae Ri and Munjin shouted out their final goodbyes and got into their car.

Jungkook, Dae, and I stood in the driveway and watched until their car disappeared.

"I'll miss them," Dae said sadly, lips pouting out.

Jungkook peered down at him, removed his hand from around me and ran his fingers through Dae's hair.

"We'll see them again soon, baby. And you can always speak to them over the phone."

Hesitantly, Dae nodded and huffed. "Okay."

I giggled, "C'mon, let's get you tucked into bed." I said, smiling when Jungkook set Dae down to his feet as the little boy could wrap a little hand around my forearm. I awed at the sight of Dae sleepily leaning his head on my waist.

I raised up on my toes and pressed a quick peck on Jungkook's jaw, the only place I could reach. "I'll be back soon."

Jungkook's eyes flashed down to my lips, "I'll be waiting. I'm going to shower and we'll watch a show, okay?" he whispered against my head, kissing it quickly.

"Okay." I gave him a sweet smile as Dae and I walked inside the house, and soon we were in his bedroom. I helped Dae change into his pajamas and tucked him in.

"I love you, Dae-Dae." I whispered after tucking Tae-Tae and Kookie at his side. Dae's lips opened and mumbled gibberish as he quickly fell asleep.

I pecked his head once and quietly stepped out of the room.

Due to Dae falling asleep quicker than normal, I hurried down to the guest bedroom to change into something more comfortable. Jungkook was still in the shower, I guessed, since I haven't seen him anywhere.

A small yawn left my lips as I entered the guest room. I flushed once the memory of Jungkook and I's conversation a day ago flashed through my head once I closed the door behind me.

Who knew being pressed against the door would be so...so...hot?

Oh crackers!

My face was beet red as I scurried over to my bag beside the bed and rifled through it, and finally pulled out another sweatshirt ( one that I stole from Silas before he left. But shh, don't tell him! )

I wiggled carefully out of my clothes and undid my bra and slid the sweatshirt over my body. It swallowed me whole, and I had to roll the sleeves up to be able to see my hands. I flexed my fingers carefully; aware enough to not overexert myself and smiled when I felt no pain.

I was sitting cross legged on the bed, brushing through my long hair when I heard a shuffling outside the door. Seconds later; I heard Jungkook's voice.

"Sweetie?" he called out happily, I brightened at the sound of his voice at once.

"In here!" I squealed in excitement. I continued to run the brush through my blonde hair when he opened the door and stepped through.

His shortened hair was damp and messily falling across his forehead, causing my breath to catch - and his sweatpants and tank top he was wearing, showcasing his tattoos made my mouth dry. Jungkook's smile lit up my world when he caught sight of me. His eyes traveled down and his smile dropped.

I was immediately concerned. "What's wrong?"

Jungkook's face fell into an unreadable mask as he stalked closer, eyeing me.

"What are you wearing?" he asked, reaching out and pinching the top of my sweatshirt.

I looked up at him in confusion, "Uh, I stole this from Silas before he left." I admitted shamefully, smiling, "It's comfortable to sleep in."

Jungkook's face didn't change, but a flash of emotion in his eyes had me reel back slightly. "I'll be right back." he said finally, turning away and stalking out of the room.

My brows were high on my forehead, "Crackers, what's up with him?" I muttered to myself, and within a couple minutes - Jungkook walked back into the room - carrying something in his hands. He plopped down on the bed beside me and handed me a black sweatshirt.

"Put this on." He said, placing a warm hand on my knee.

"Jungkook why–" my words cut off when I saw him look at me, warning in his dark doe eyes. "Okay." I agreed, still confused.

Jungkook smiled and held my jaw as he pecked my forehead. "Good girl."

It took everything inside of me to not fall down and die as those words left his lips. A loud giggled left my lips as I preened up at him, basking in his presence.

A tiny little smirk danced on Jungkook's lips as he clearly saw his effect on me, and what those words had done to me. He gave a slow kiss on my upper cheekbone, "I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom, yeah? We'll watch a show and sleep, hmm?"

I nodded, in a daze, and watched after him with my jaw slightly ajar as he left the room. A nervous tremble shook my body.

Oh crackers!

I was going to sleep in his room...with him! Sure, I have before...but this time was different. This time we were both aware that the other knew of our feelings...and accepted them. And then there was the fact that Jungkook implied that he would change the fact that I didn't know...how to...kiss, and I was nervous. To the point where I didn't know how to act around him.

Nevertheless, I steeled myself and changed into Jungkook's sweatshirt. My breath came out in shaky pants as I approached Jungkook's bedroom door after leaving the guest room. I gently knocked on the door once and waited for him to speak.

"Come on in, baby." I heard his low rumble, sending shivers down my spine. I opened the door and shyly walked inside, face lowered to the ground.

I slowly lifted my face up to look at him and barely withheld my gasp. He was sitting in bed, back against the headboard and during my time changing and gaining my courage to come in here; he had taken off his tank top.

A squeak left my lips as I forced my eyes to stay on his face - but by the smirk on his face...I hadn't been too subtle gawking at him.

"Come here, baby." He smiled gently, arms wide open to receive me once I crawled on the bed and onto his lap. His arms wound around me instantly when I snuggled my bottom against his rock solid thighs and blushed up at him.

Jungkook's lips parted in a small smirk ( why was he so much more attractive when he smirked? It honestly wasn't fair ), and observed his clothes on my body. "Much better."

I pouted my lips in thought, "Why did you want me to change, Jungkook? I was comfy."

He raised a brow, looking offended. "Isn't my sweatshirt more comfortable?"

I giggled nervously, "It's so much more comfortable."

"Good." he spoke smugly, "I prefer you in my clothes, Sweetie." he cupped my face in his hands.

"God, you're so beautiful..." he breathed, nuzzling his nose with mine as I flushed a deep red and giggled.

"No, you are." I giggled.

Crackers, he truly was beautiful. Inside and out.

Jungkook chuckled huskily, "Thank you, baby. But I prefer the term; handsome." he teased lightly, smooching my chubby cheeks.

His hands slid slowly down my hips and held onto my outer thigh. They slightly trembled in his grip when I flushed.

Jungkook caught my reaction, smirked, and said nothing.

"Then you're very handsome, Jungkook." I blushed brighter, avoiding his eyes.

Jungkook smiled brightly, "I," he said, kissing my cheek between each word, "love you," more kisses, "so, so," he grinned against my cheek as I squirmed and giggled, "much." he finished off my kissing the tip of my nose so carefully.

"I love you so much, too." I giggled, basking in his attention. I kissed his cheeks and his forehead and slowly let my hand rest of the top of his shoulders - tracing his tattoos. The tattoos were mostly done in black ink, but some of them were colorful.

"So pretty." I mumbled, hair cascading around my face as I leaned down to inspect them. A shiver tumbled down Jungkook's spine that I could feel. He relaxed back into the headboard and allowed me to trace along the designs of his tattoos to my heart's content.

"Thank you, Sweetie." he said with a grin, wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger, tugging it lovingly.

"Do they hurt a lot?" I asked him suddenly, looking into his eyes, sucking my lower lip into my mouth.

"Not too bad." He mumbled, biting down on his bottom lip, his biceps flexing underneath my careful touch.

His eyes darted down to my lips and darkened.

"What did I tell you about doing that?" he rumbled, leaning closer to my face, pulling my lip out from between my teeth.

My mind flashed back to the day when things really changed for the two of us.

I pouted and looked away from him.

"Not to do it." I said slowly, eyes prettily fluttering as I looked down. My mouth opened and closed - thinking of something to say when he beat me to it.

"What is it?" he asked, cradling my jaw with one hand. He looked deeply into my eyes. "Hmm?"

Oh crackers.

I flushed a deep red and couldn't seem to force the words out; instead, wordlessly, I peeked down at his lips, then back into his eyes, and then back to his lips again - hoping he would get what I was trying to say but couldn't.

The lips I was staring so intensely at; curled up in a tiny satisfied smirk. I squeaked when I met his eyes again and his finger ran soothing lines around my jawbone.

Jungkook chuckled hotly, and his minty breath fluttered across my face.

"You want a kiss, baby?" his eyes gleamed with unrestrained amusement as I nodded wordlessly, pouting.

"Alright," he agreed with a smirk, "Come here."

A squeal left my lips as he dragged me to press entirely against him. I threw my arms across his shoulders to stabilize myself. It was then I realized how close I was to him. His lips were less than an inch away from mine, and our breaths mingled as we stared into eachothers eyes.

I nervously wet my lips and his eyes shot down to stare.

His hand moved back to my jaw and tilted my eyes to the side slightly, "So pretty," he softly remarked, eyes trailing lazily from my lips to my eyes. He pecked my cheek once and placed his lips against my ear.

His slow breath tickled my neck when he started to speak.

"Hold still, baby."

I didn't even nod, but fluttered my eyes closed when his lips captured my top one between his and applied pressure. I released a muffled gasp against his lips and clutched him tighter against me when he moved to give my bottom lip the same attention.

Fireworks exploded behind my eyes as I felt for the first time how it was like to be kissed. Kissed by someone I loved with my entire heart. And they say you experience these types of emotions and sparks in a book. No, this was real.

I slowly kissed back - following his lead.

...Oh...oh this was nice. I'd been missing out!


A garbled moan left my lips as his hands traveled down my sides.

At the sound of my moan, he went to pull away.

Only I wasn't going to let him.

"Please." the word left my lips; breathless and desperate to feel him kiss me again.

"So needy," he breathed, diving right back to my lips, not going to let me go without his touch. I whimpered against his lips, the loud wet sounds of our lips meeting and parting echoing inside the quiet room.

In one smooth movement, Jungkook grasped my hips in a tight grip and easily transferred me onto my back - not once letting our lips part. He hovered over me; lips pressing against mine urgently, giving me what I had craved for so long.

a/n: ahhhh, i love this chapter!

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