The Day I Called You Mine{Spi...

By i-have-one-braincell

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A love story between Danny Rand and Peter Parker. They figure out their powers and responsibilities as teen h... More

Chapter 1 "The Beginning"
Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"
Chapter 3 "Jennifer"
Chapter 4 "Knightress and Purple Man"
Chapter 5 "Jessica Jones"
Chapter 6 "Visitor"
Chapter 7 "On the run"
Chapter 8 "Its Over"
Chapter 9 "It's not your fault"
Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"
Chapter 11 "I can never renounce my Spiderman identity"
Chapter 12 "Reminder from the past"
Chapter 13"A Bad Morning"
Chapter 14 "Should we help him?"
Chapter 15 "Shopping + New Character"
Chapter 16 "Hothead"
Chapter 17 "Thursday"
Chapter 18 "Don't you trust us?
Chapter 19 "Harry's Back"
Chapter 20 "Double Date"
Chapter 21 "Getting Party ready"
Chapter 22 "The Party Part 1"
Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"
Chapter 24 "The date"
Chapter 25 "The New Goblin"
Chapter 26 "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 27 "I Don't Deserve Them"
Chapter 28 "He's So Stubborn"
Chapter 29 "You're Cleary Not Good For Him"
Chapter 30 "What a Great Boyfriend..."
Chapter 31 "Promise Me We Won't Keep Secrets From Each Other"
Chapter 32 "Breathe. Grow. Live Again"
Chapter 33 "I'll Always Be Here To Support You"
Chapter 34 "I'm So Scared..."
Chapter 35 "At least I'm trying..."
Chapter 36 "I'll Deal With It"
Chapter 37 "Confessions"
Chapter 38 "Back Home"
Chapter 39 "Just Kill Me Already"
Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"
Chapter 41 "Don't Be Attached"
Chapter 42 "You Can Trust Me"
Chapter 43 "You Didn't Tell Him?"
Chapter 44 "I Can Handle Myself"
Chapter 45 "I'll Protect You"
Chapter 46 "Peaceful Morning"
Chapter 47 "Compassion"
Chapter 48 "Damn you..."
Chapter 49 "Hatred"
Chapter 50 "Babysitter"
Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"
Chapter 52 "Am I Selfish?"
Chapter 53 "Questions"
Chapter 54 "Like A Child"
Chapter 55 "Worrisome"
Chapter 56 "Prom Ready"
Chapter 57 "Are You Okay With This?"
Chapter 58 "Cold"
Chapter 59 "Equinox"
Chapter 60 "Why?"
Chapter 61 "I Envy You"
Chapter 62 "It's His Fault, Isn't It?"
Chapter 63 "Blush"
Chapter 64 "Candle"
Chapter 65 "Sleepover"
Chapter 66 "Does He Scare You?"
Chapter 67 "Move On"
Chapter 68 "Closer"
Chapter 69 "Withdrawal"
Chapter 70 "We Know"
Chapter 71 "Want To Help"
Chapter 72 "Protection"
Chapter 73 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 74 "What Are You Planning?"
Chapter 75 "Winter"
Chapter 76 "It's Your Fault"
Chapter 77 "A Tiger's Death"
Chapter 78 "Warehouse"
Chapter 79 "Bruises"
Chapter 80 "Choice"
Chapter 81 "Left Alone"
Chapter 82 "Reflection"
Chapter 83 "Seperation"
Chapter 84 "Reaction"
Chapter 85 "Imposter"
Chapter 86 "Life"
Part 87 "Loss"
Chapter 88 "Stay"
Chapter 89 "Welcome Home Danny"
Chapter 90 "Involve"
Chapter 91 "Camera Footage"
Chapter 92 "Restruant"
Chapter 93 "For Him"
Chapter 94 "Idiot"
Chapter 95 "Consequence"
Chapter 96 "I love ya, you destructive dummy"
Chapter 97 "Scared?"
Chapter 98 "I'm Sorry For Not Giving Up"
Chapter 99 "Old Man"
Chapter 100 "Nothing's New"
Author's Note + What's To Come

Chapter 1 "It's What Friends Do" (EDITED VERS.)

75 5 1
By i-have-one-braincell

This chapter came out earlier than I thought (о''о). The next one will possibly publish on or before New Years (this next section of the story got me excited and started writing really quickly the past 4 days (ToT).


Raindrops were hitting the car window as the engine of the limo was background noise. Harry watched raindrops race down the window with his elbow planted against it, leaning against his arm.

"I can't believe that woman, leaving you in my hands while she goes on a cruise with other snakes"

Harry eyes his father, Norman, who is sitting in front of him with his phone in hand. His father was rubbing the bridge of his nose as he tightly gripped his phone and finally threw it on the empty seat beside him. Both of them locked eyes but Harry looked away by staring at the houses they were passing by.

It's been a while since he saw his dad. He's been living with him for so long until his mom came back and took him away for a year, both of them wanted him to have the best studies in a prestigious private school.

Harry was supposed to spend the day with his mom after moving in with Norman again but she failed to show up, and went to go on a cruise trip with her friends.

"How are you handling in public school? Did you improve your grades yet?"

Norman grabs a folder from another empty seat beside him with uninterest in his voice as he takes out papers and a pen.

It wasn't that long ago that he enrolled in public school. He was taken out of private school because of how low his grades had gotten which resulted in moving in with his dad for better "discipline", which was the word that his mom said.

Private school was pretty boring anyway, Harry was glad to be out of there. Public school isn't that bad. Some things weren't common in his old school. Fights, vaping, and vandalism were more common in his current school, it's a different breath of fresh air for him.

Harry: School is good, my grades are at a B now so it's been easy so far

"Pfft. Easy. Should've kept that same attitude when you still lived with your mother. Why don't you become like that boy who received all certificates at the award ceremony yesterday?"

Harry mentally gagged and rolled his eyes to the nagging. It ain't fair to be compared to a kid that they don't even know the name of. The boy that Norman was referring to is a kid named Peter Parker. It's a bit hard to forget a kid like him who constantly gets taunted and tortured by the kids at school, it's a bit pathetic in Harry's eyes. It felt obvious that Peter was just acting defenseless to attract attention from Mary Jane, the one who steps in to help him and holds his hand to cross a street.

Mary Jane is a pretty girl. Her standing next to someone like Peter is just odd and unfitting.

Harry: That boy goes by the name of Peter. No one that interesting, aside from his grades that is.

"Either way, you could learn a lot from him"

Learn how to become a punching bag that is, Harry answered to himself.

After passing through a traffic light, the raindrops were becoming heavier and slowly becoming difficult to see the view from out the window. He felt a pulse rise when he saw a familiar figure walking down the empty sidewalk with his bicycle. The figure's white collared shirt and blue backpack were enough to distinguish that it was Peter, speaking of the devil.

Harry: Wait stop! I think I saw someone that I know walking!

"Walking? In this weather?"

The driver stopped as he was told and moved the limo back for the backseat to be side by side with the figure on the sidewalk. Harry rolled the windows down and stared at the figure, it was Peter.

His hair was wet and sticking to his forehead, one of the lenses of his round glasses was cracked but both lenses were heavily covered in water drops, and the bicycle had a blown tire. Harry watches Peter remove his wet glasses and squint his eyes to look at Harry more clearly. His face was confused and surprised.

Peter: Who are-?

Harry: You're Peter, right?

Peter stared at Harry. He was unsure of what to answer but said 'yes'.

Peter: You're...Osborn, right?

Harry slowly nodded and eyed him even more. At least Peter knows who he is, it would've been awkward if he didn't know him despite how much he knows Peter.

Harry: Why are you out alone without an umbrella? It was talked about all day yesterday that it was going to rain today

Peter went quiet and then looked down, he opened his mouth and spoke in a timid tone, his legs and arm shaking as he spoke.

Peter: I-I went over at someone's place today and forgot that it was going to rain...I a bit too excited yesterday

The shaking was obvious, he was shaking as fast as a vibrating phone. For some reason, watching Peter act like this from the rain made him feel a bit pitiful. He's always getting beaten up at school and now he's getting his underwear soaked in the rain.

Harry: Get inside. We'll drop you off.

He could hear a small grunt in Norman's direction but he ignored it, keeping his attention on Peter fumbling instead.

Peter: No I- I don't want to be trouble, I can just-

Harry: Are you sure? You look as if you can't walk anymore

Peter puffed a bright red and looked away from facing Harry. He looked as if he was ready to collapse so Harry pressured some more.

Harry: If I leave you alone here then I'll stay up thinking about you, just get in

It took a few seconds for Peter to finally respond after he wiped his face with his arm. He gave a small nod and quickly, Harry told the driver to open the trunk to place the bicycle inside. Harry unbelt his seatbelt and scooched to the opposite side of his seat for Peter to sit on his old seat.

Harry watches waterdrops from the tips of Peter's hair land on the cushions of the seat. His outfit was completely soaked and must be freezing since his legs were still shaking. He continued to look at his pale face and red eyes when Peter awkwardly introduced himself to Norman.

Peter: S-sorry for disturbing you. I could've gone back home myself-

"Nonsense. How can we leave a kid like you stranded?"

Peter: Thank you, sir.

A cut was on the end of Peter's mouth. A drop of blood was slowly forming each time he moved his mouth to speak. It was as if he opened his mouth past its limit for it to cut. Light purple marks around his neck were becoming more vibrant the longer Harry stared at them.

"I must say, you were quite impressive at the awards ceremony yesterday. Winning all 5 certificates is quite an accomplishment, your parents must be very proud"

Peter was a bit quiet for 3 seconds. His words rashly stumbled.

Peter: T-they are! I-I'm just doing my part to make them happy

Harry furrowed his brows when he stared down at Peter nervously pulling his nails and the skin around it, the rapid leg shaking continued. He couldn't see it before but Peter's knees were a bright red with light shades of purple with a few light scratches.

"That's admirable. Perhaps you can teach my Harry a thing or two. He's having trouble searching for some friends, will you be able to-"

Harry: Dad. You're making him uncomfortable

Peter: No no! I-I think it's cool to have a parent who cares, one can learn from them

"Sounds as if you speak from experience."

The fidgeting in his nails was more extreme by ripping his nails off.

Peter: I-I'm raised by my aunt and uncle. They make sure to get my butt back in line when I mess up

It felt as if Peter was about to say more but he stopped himself. It seemed as if Norman didn't notice the pause and instead formed a small smile at Peter's words.

"Sounds like good people. I only wish my Harry to become even half of you, he could use all the support he can get with his grades"

Harry didn't even try to form an argument and instead rolled his eyes and looked out the foggy wet window. He could hear an awkward chuckle from Peter and shuffling in the seat beside him. He watches Peter from the reflection of the window to see the kid's smile fading away and dropping his head down, his hands slowly sliding down to his knees with his fingertips scratching the bruises and cuts on his knees. Norman was continuing his work on his spot and keeping his head down and only glanced up when Harry spoke and scooted close to Peter, his elbow pressed against the headboard of the seat Peter was in.

Peter jumped when Harry got close and spoke, he drew his hands back up to his lap and closed his fists to hide the redness in his nails.

Harry: How did you get hurt? You're badly bruised

Peter kept his head down, his arms shaking. He kept stuttering and muttering 'uh', trying hard to find an excuse. He wouldn't have tripped from his bike, no falls causes a cut on his mouth and bruises on the neck, and a knee would be scratched and bruised but instead, it was both knees, either it was an unusual fall or he was attacked. It's so obvious that it's the latter but Peter trying so hard to find an excuse was just painful to sit through.

Harry: Did you fall off your bike? Your bike was messed up also

Peter: Oh-yes. I fell. The rain came down quickly so I slipped and ended up falling and hurting myself, dumb right?

Dumb? Yeah, it is dumb. So dumb to lie about it. Unless the sidewalk grew out hands to grab and bruise his neck then yeah, it's dumb. Why is Mary Jane around a dumb guy like him? What's so special about him? Is he going to act dumb now by being brave and cry about it when he sees her?

Just the visual image of Mary Jane fondling him made his stomach turn. It's pathetic.

The limo parked in front of a two-story house, lights from house windows were radiant. Peter unbuckles his seatbelt and looks up to Norman with a gentle smile.

Peter: Thank you for dropping me off, Mr. Osborn

"Thank Harry, he was the one who noticed you and helped you out"

Peter looked over at Harry and gave him an awkward smile, all Hary could stare at was the cut on the corner of his lip. It was so eye-catching and hard to ignore. He gave a small nod and looked down to the floor of the limo noticing how weird he must look to be staring at another boy's lips.

"Why don't you walk him to his door, Harry? To make sure he doesn't get wet"

Harry: But-

Peter: O-oh no need, Mr. Osborn. I can walk quickly to my door-

"Nonsense. It's the least Harry can do, right son?"

Harry shared glares with Norman but he shrugged.

Harry: Yeah, whatever. No big deal.

Both kids were walking down the stone pavement heading up to the porch of the house. Harry had an umbrella sheltering both him and Peter which brought them awkwardly bumping shoulders. When they both stepped on the porch, Peter moved the bike against the wooden railing. They didn't say a word to each other after stepping out of the limo since all Harry could focus on were the injuries, such odd injuries.

Harry: Sorry about my dad. He's very bossy and always shits on me about stuff, you don't have to take him seriously

Harry looks down at the wooden floorboards of the porch and the paint peeling off the walls of the house. The air around him got flaming hot from how Peter might react and say next.

Peter: You're new, right? We have Science and English together, don't we?

Harry: You don't need to remember that hard. My dad is just making a big deal about everything

Peter: I don't-...uhm- mind helping you with your grades or...becoming friends. If anything, I need friends too...

Harry: What about Mary Jane? I always see you two together at school

He arched a brow when Peter went quiet, he looked away as he answered.

Peter: Yeah but-...she has her own group. She's only there when she notices me getting beat up by Flash and other kids...I hate relying on others just because they feel bad for me

Harry looks up and down, eyes dashing to Peter's face and down to his neck.

Harry: Are they the ones who made you like that?

Harry pointed his finger to his lip at the corner of his mouth to signal Peter's own cut on his mouth. Peter taps the corner of his ripped mouth and wipes his finger on the cut, blood smears on his finger but the redness remains.

Peter: I fell off my bike, remember?

There was a small hint of sarcasm in his voice, almost mocking. Harry bit back an amused smile at the response, it just told him that he was right since the beginning, he doubted someone his age attacked him on a Saturday from school, but he was attacked by someone. The first secret they formed together is a lie about Peter getting hurt, it feels as if Harry is committing a crime by keeping that secret.

Harry: You're right, I forgot. You fell off and I came to rescue you and dropped you off as a good friend would

Peter nodded and walked towards the entrance to the door, his hand on the doorknob.

Peter: I'll see you on Monday at school...thanks again for dropping me off

Harry: No problem, just make sure you get treated for your fall

Peter didn't give a response and opened the door. A rush of warmth and the smell of cinnamon hit Harry's face when Peter fully stepped into the house. He could feel his weight feeling light as an older woman stepped into the frame to approach and hug Peter despite how soaked he was. There was a sense of color that he saw in Peter's house that differed from how it looked outside, the opposite of Harry's house. Portraits were hung on the wall with caramel brown walls and the bowl of fruit was on the dining table.

The old woman walked to the doorway with Peter under her arm, who was now looking down and scratching his arm.

"Thank you for dropping Peter off. This weather was so sudden, did you have fun with Skip today, Peter?"

Harry nodded her thanks and looked at Peter when the last question was directed towards him. Skip. That must be the name that attacked Peter, at least, Harry thinks so. Peter went white and formed a forced smile with strained words, his nails were digging into his arm as he answered back.

Peter: I-I did, he was-uh- took care of me. H-he just needed help so I wasn't th-there for long

Bingo. Harry hit the nail on the head again. Peter was honestly easy to see through. The secret continues to deepen.

"That's great dear, I'll have to call him for dinner sometime next week, would you like that?"

Peter slowly nodded. The poor lady doesn't see how shaken Peter looks after bringing that person up, he can't even say the truth of his "fall" today.

"Thank you again for bringing him, may I ask for your name?"

Harry: Name's Harry, miss. I saw Peter walking after he fell from his bike so I decided to bring him here

"Oh dear-. Thank you for bringing him, he's still getting used to his new bike and must've fallen off. Thank goodness he has a friend like you to help him"

Peter and Harry exchanged glances, he gave Peter a smile with eyes telling him, 'Happy?'

"Would you like to step inside to eat dinner with us? Peter's uncle will be arriving soon from work"

Harry: I can't possibly stress you enough, and my dad is waiting in the car for me

"Oh dear! Yes, you're right, perhaps next time then. I'll have Peter remind you to come over someday

Harry: I appreciate it, ma'am. Bye Peter, see you at school

He waved his hand to Peter with a big smile while Peter gave an unenthusiastic small wave with a faint smile that went away when Harry walked back on the sidewalk to the limo. The limo shook then Harry hopped inside and placed the closed wet umbrella near his feet.

He looks out to the window again of Peter's house. Everything about it was different from his own. His aunt seems like a nice and oblivious lady who cares for Peter. Wonder how she'll react when she finds out that Peter didn't fall from his bike and instead got beat up by that Skip guy that he was shaking about.

It's weird. Both of them only spoke for a total of 5 minutes and yet they're already keeping a secret together.

"What's that smile on your face? Did something good happen?"

Harry: Well, I got a friend now, it's just what you wanted

"Good. That boy is a good fit for you to better your grades"

Harry spent the rest of the weekend waiting for Monday to arrive. The eagerness for that day to arrive was odd. Maybe it's the rush of having a new friend? Harry had plenty of friends at his old school but not the ones that would form secrets together unlike him and Peter.

When Monday arrived, Peter wasn't at school.

Nor the day after, and the day after, and the day after.

A week had almost passed by when he last saw Peter and Peter telling him that they were seeing each other on Monday. It's currently Friday and they still haven't seen each other.

Harry had forgotten how to get to Peter's house from how cloudy the weather was when they first met and it would be weird for Harry to suddenly pop up at his house when they're not that close to each other yet for that form of comfort.

Either the injuries were more serious than he thought or he must've gotten sick from the rain that day. The latter is more believable.

It was currently the last class of the day, English. A class that he would have with Peter if he was here.

That false promise formed a burn in his throat, the fact that he was so anxious to see him again is embarrassing to admit and think about.

Aside from having the class with Peter, Mary Jane was also in the same class. She sat at her seat near the door with her red hair up in a flower tie, her bangs swaying across her forehead as her yellow mechanical pencil with flower designs was in her hand.

It's not hard to believe that a lot of boys like her. Her skin looked pale and clear under the light that brought out her freckles across her cheeks with green eyes that would be compared to waving grass in the wind.

Both she and Peter seemed to be close so...wouldn't she know where Peter is? It wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

Harry chased after her when the dismissing bell rang and everyone was rushing out the doors and bumping into each other. They were a few steps out of the classroom when Harry called for her and she stopped, tilting her head to the side with a friendly smile.

MJ: Hi! Do you need something?

It felt like a bird chirping in Spring, her voice was so light and bubbly that matched her current outfit of overalls with a short-sleeved red striped shirt. Despite the chills remaining in the air after raining for a few days, he felt his body feeling hot.

After realizing that he must've been staring for too long, he spoke.

Harry: U-uhm my name is Harry, and uh- I noticed how you're friends with Peter. I uhm- just wanted to know how he's feeling and if you've seen him lately, he told me that he was going to help me study

Mary Jane pondered by rubbing her chin and hummed. Turns out his lie in the last sentence was believable.

MJ: Thinking about it, I haven't heard from him either. I asked to go to his house but...I was told to not go over at the moment

Harry bit his lip.

Harry: Maybe you should check on him without asking. I uhm...dropped him off from the rain on Saturday so I don't know if he got sick or not

MJ: He probably did. Peter is a bit weak during cold weather, he'll probably come back next week

She excuses herself with a smile. Although it's possible, Harry can't let this go for some reason. If he were to stop talking to her after today wouldn't hurt to give a few information right?

Harry: The thing is, I-I don't know if something else happened to him. That day, he was covered in bruises and cuts. His aunt said something of him meeting with a friend that day before it started raining, he told her that he fell from his bike but-

MJ: He's good with the bike. He got a new one but he's a quick learner. He wouldn't have gotten hurt from that

Good with the bike? Got a new one? How close was she to Peter? To the point of admitting that Peter is good at riding a bike? Accidents happen all the time with bikes and she sounds so positive that Peter is not the type to get hurt from one, talk about being appreciative. The words just formed a knot in his stomach and chest.

Harry: Yeah, so maybe you can check on him today to see how he's doing

MJ: Let's go together. Maybe Aunt May will let us see him when she sees us together

Harry quickly nodded and walked by her side, memorizing the turns and streets to arrive at Peter's house with his driver following close behind.

The scent of flowers kept itching Harry's nose from how close he and MJ were walking together. He doesn't even know how they started talking without Peter being the start of a conversation. MJ spoke so much of him to the point that Harry wanted to pluck his ears out but didn't if it meant not hearing MJ's fluttering voice.

He discovered that MJ and Peter are neighbors and have lived right next to each other for years, which is how they know each other in the first place.

Peter might be a loser at school and at lying but at least he's lucky to have someone like Mary Jane. A person who's always by his side to protect him and to spend time with him every day, and to visit each other's houses since they're so close together.

He's so lucky...Harry thought to himself, completely clueless to what MJ was currently saying until his name got called.

Harry: Huh? Did you call me?

MJ: Yep. How are liking the school so far? It must be different from the private school you were in

Harry: It's interesting so far. You wouldn't see that kind of students at a private school...but how did you know I was in a private?

Harry rarely spoke to anyone and knew anyone before speaking with Peter so it's a bit unlikely that someone he knows began to open their mouths.

Mary Jane froze in her words and looked back forward, her face matching the color of her red hair.

MJ: A-actually, the girls started talking bout it, they said that they heard some teachers talking about you coming here after leaving a private. You won't believe how much attention you have gotten when you first came here. All I ever heard were them talking about you but too afraid to approach you from your expressions and demeanor

Harry: I make them nervous?

He couldn't hold back a smile from being told of being so acknowledged by others...especially by Mary Jane.

They arrived at Peter's house, it was so drained of color under the sun despite how bright the inside was. Mary Jane and Harry were walking up the stone pathway leading up the porch but stopped when a worn-out truck parked in front of the garage. An older man with small square glasses and a plaid collared shirt with jeans and boots stepped out of the truck and gave a wave toward them. Harry stepped back from the weird act but Mary Jane instead formed a bright smile and waved her arm up to the sky towards him.

MJ: Hi Uncle Ben!

"Mary Jane! How's your mom and sister doing? I haven't seen you guys for days now"

The older man's voice was deep, almost hoarse but had a sense of lightness in his words. He patted Mary Jane's head and looked over to Harry who was awkwardly looking up to him and hiding behind MJ.

"Who's your friend?"


MJ: He's Harry. He's been at our school for a while

"Nice to meet you, Harry. How's school been treating you two lately?"

MJ: It's been as boring as ever, Uncle Ben. Too much stress for our kids minds

There was a whine in her tone, an exaggerated one at that. The older man laughed at the reaction and placed his hands on his hips while bowing his head down at their level.

"I'll do anything to go back to school again, kid. Be lucky that you're in school, it's a privilege that I didn't have when I was your age"

MJ: Yeah yeah~ I get it Uncle Ben, you say that every time Peter helps me with math

The older man laughed, it sounded like a Santa Clause laugh. Harry stared at the older man who goes by the name of Uncle Ben. Peter mentioned that he's raised by his aunt and uncle, Uncle Ben, and from what Mary Jane has said, Aunt May. They're his aunt and uncle and yet, they treat Peter so would they feel when they find out he gets bullied at school? How about that Skip person his aunt had mentioned of hurting Peter on a weekday?

MJ: Oh! That reminds me, how's Peter? He hasn't gone to school for days and we want to check on him

The old man went silent, the smile that he formed so widely big was gone then the smile was formed again but with a bit of chill in the felt a bit forced.

"Pete is fine, just a bit sick. May did tell me that he got home in the rain and was soaking wet."

Mary Jane and Harry exchanged glances then looked back up to Uncle Ben. Mary Jane pouted and firmly asked again.

MJ: Uncle Ben, are you sure he's sick?

"I'm sure Mary Jane. You can play with him in a few days, I'll tell him that you two came by"

MJ was forced to nod and say 'okay' to Uncle Ben's words and wave goodbye to him as he entered the house. Mary Jane and Harry walk down the pathway to the main sidewalk with their hands either holding the straps of their backpacks or in the pockets of their pants.

MJ: Sorry that you followed me for nothing. Usually, Uncle Ben doesn't get home till later so it's a first that I've seen him return home from work so early

Harry: It's fine. At least I learned more about Peter, he's lucky

MJ: Lucky? For what?

Harry: For having a great aunt and uncle, and...for having you

He turns to Mary Jane with a smile but when he notices how Mary Jane's eyes are wide with her lips in the form of a line he turns away with red on his face.

I shouldn't have said that. That sounded so awkward. No matter how jealous I am of Peter, why did I have to say that? What if she doesn't talk to me after today?

MJ: Do you want to play together tomorrow? We can play at the park and go to a small convenience store to buy chips

Play? Play together?

His first hang out...and with Mary Jane no less.

Harry: Yes! Yeah, I'll play with you tomorrow uhm- what time should we meet up?

He looked back down to hide his excitement and flinched when Mary Jane patted his head.

MJ: Let's meet up in front of my house at 10. We'll walk to the park together

Harry glances up at Mary Jane's smile, a smile so bright that it can outshine the sun which just made Harry's heart race. He felt a lightness on his head when Mary Jane removed her hand from his head to walk down to her house that's right next to Peter's house, both of them shared a waved goodbye.

MJ: Bye! See you tomorrow!

Harry: Yeah...bye...

Harry watches Mary Jane enter her own house before he steps into the limo that his driver was following him in. He tosses his bag on the empty seat and buckles his seatbelt as he looks out the window to Peter's and MJ's houses, his cheeks continuing to burn.

"Did you have a good day at school, Mr. Osborn?"

Harry: Yeah...yeah I did. I got a new friend

Unlike Peter, Mary Jane didn't ghost Harry on the day they hung out together for the first time. She and Harry ran around the park and played soccer, a sport that Harry was unfit for. They took a break by getting ice cream and juice from a nearby convenience store and complained about school and annoying students around them. The topic of Peter didn't pop up at all.

They even began to hang out at school. Both of them talking together at school encouraged more students to speak to him. It was at that point that Harry slightly forgot about Peter when another 2 weeks passed by but he could see how it was affecting Mary Jane.

She was fine for a week then when a new week started, she just looked so empty and shaken. MJ would even sometimes space out when Harry would call for her and form her usual smile towards him, saying that she was okay.

Each time he saw her like that, a heat crawled up his chest. Mary Jane is worried about Peter. Of course she is, both of them are friends and live next to each other. She must miss him.

The heat grew larger when he found Mary Jane sitting on the porch of her house, her head down on her arms. He had to get off his limo when he saw her and approached her, he crouched down to her level and tilted his head to the side.

Harry: What's wrong, Mary?

A pair of round glasses were sitting on the porch beside her, it was a small pair but didn't look similar to Peter's. Peter's glasses were thicker and bigger than the glasses Mary Jane had beside her.

From her clean outfit of shorts, she was prepared to go out but she didn't call Harry to hang out. On instinct, he looks over to Peter's house, something in his gut tells him that Mary Jane crying has something to do with Peter.

Mary Jane had to take a few minutes to calm her crying and wiping her eyes aggressively to give a response but Harry wasn't in any rush. He watched her wait and even sat on the porch beside her, holding the glasses in his hands.

MJ: P-Peter is-...he's hurt right now...sniff-...I-I don't know how to help him

Harry: Hurt? How hurt is he?

Did the injuries he had when they first met not go away? Or is his sickness that bad from the rain that day?

MJ: Sniff- he-...he just met a bad person- and he-he got scared of me...he pushed and yelled at me-...he was so scary when I came over-

Harry was quiet to process her words correctly. Bad person? Is it the same person who gave him those bruises and cuts? The bruises on his knees and neck and ripped felt so odd.

Mary Jane was wiping her eyes and shaking. He raised his hand and slowly placed his arm around her, his heart was beating when he pushed her body against his shoulder, and looking down when MJ looked up to him.

Harry: Talk slowly. What happened between you and Peter?

Mary Jane kept her head against Harry's shoulder, finally having the strength to speak slowly.

Turns out that Mary Jane ran into Peter's house, excited to take Peter out to play after not seeing each other for weeks. Then when she went into his room, he pushed her and yelled at her, she said that he looked like a zombie and that his aunt and uncle had to run into the room. Mary Jane was led out of the room by Uncle Ben since Peter started to react the same way towards his uncle. His uncle didn't tell Mary Jane much, just, "Peter is just tired, Mary. He'll be okay soon. He just...met a bad man".

Harry couldn't give his opinion since Mary Jane went back to crying from describing the look on his uncle's face, she said how he looked soo tired, bags were under his eyes with the inside of his eyes red. It was as if he was trying hard to not crack in front of her but still gave her a smile despite how hurt he was as well.

Harry couldn't imagine it though. The injuries that day were a secret kept between the two of them and yet it seems as if Peter has already spilled what happened that day.

MJ: I don't get it...Why didn't he tell me anything? I could help him like I've always done, he's...always so quiet about these sort of things

Harry listened and thought back to what Peter told him, Peter is open to being friends with him since MJ has her own group and is only there to defend him when being targeted by kids at school, he also lied to his aunt of his injuries when Harry dropped him off.

Harry: Maybe it's because he doesn't want to tell you anything. did point out that he's weak and quiet-

MJ: I did but-!

Harry: I feel like he didn't say anything because he doesn't want to worry you. You're always there when he gets in trouble at school, you two grew up together, he even told me that he wanted to be friends with me because you're with your own friends and doesn't want to rely on you for everything

Mary Jane got still, wiping her nose to sniffle and rests her head heavily on Harry's body.

MJ: That can't be true...He shouldn't be scared to tell me anything, especially if it hurts him

Harry: Then tell him that. Tell him that he shouldn't be scared to open himself up about his problems to you and maybe he'll tell you everything from now on

He felt a slow nod from Mary Jane. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. Harry didn't say anything after that, what more could he say? He doesn't know Peter that much unlike Mary Jane and it left a sour taste in his mouth of vouching for him. It's stupid to keep everything to himself since Mary Jane ended up getting hurt the same way he got hurt.

Atleast it gave him an idea of what Peter is like. When they finally met again, Peter was how he was before, quiet and clean.

From how Peter and MJ kept behaving together, it seemed that MJ actually took Harry's advice to consideration. After Peter came back to school, he spoke to Harry alone in their last class period when they were assigned to do partner work.

Peter: MJ told me that you helped her during the time I wasn't around so thanks for watching over mustn't have been easy

Peter wasn't even looking at him, he just kept his attention on the textbook and nearly filled out worksheet as Harry rolled his eyes and rests his chin on his hand.

Harry: It's no big deal. It's what friends do, right?

Peter stopped writing. An unconscious smile grew on Harry's face when seeing the other's glasses fog up and his face getting red.

Peter:'s what friends do

Harry: And as friends, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. We wouldn't want what happened between you and Mary to happen again so...promise me that

Peter looks up, his brows rising and then tilted his head with one of his brows arched up, looking confused.

Peter: How come we're already forming a promise as big as that one?

Harry: How is it a big promise? It's simple!

Peter: How? Secrets are secret for a reason. What if I did something bad and you attack me for it after telling you?

Harry: It depends on the kind of bad you did and if it hurts Mary's feelings, do you see me as that type of person to the point of attacking you? That hurts my feelings

Peter knitted his brows from the pout Harry gave at the last sentence but he brushed it off with a small smile. He looks over to MJ who was sitting at the opposite side of the classroom with another classmate and looks back to Harry.

Peter: Does the promise apply to MJ too?

Harry: Obviously! It'll just be something between the three of us

Peter bit the inside of his mouth as he stares at Harry who was beaming with a smile.

Peter: Okay. I'll go along with the promise if it makes you happy

Harry: You have to be sincere about it. It just sounds like I'm forcing you to make a promise and that you don't mean it

Peter: We don't really know that much from each other so it's a bit sudden to form a big promise before we know each other's birthdays

Harry: If we make a promise to not keep secrets then we'll know our birthdays and everything else about each other, so do you promise to not keep secrets from each other no matter how bad they are?

Peter huffed and nodded, admitting defeat with a sigh then formed a small smile.

Peter: Okay, I promise to not keep secrets that would hurt either of you

It wasn't that long ago that Harry's new life with Peter and Mary Jane had ended when he overheard his parents arguing during the time he was supposed to be asleep. They brought up taking Harry to boarding school since Norman can't trust his wife around Harry and Norman was busy with his work surrounding his company.

Harry was sent to boarding school after winter break of that year and only communicated with Peter and MJ on text and visited them during breaks. He spent time with his father during the weekends despite how busy Norman always looked but he never saw his mom much.

It felt like he was back to square one again.

Harry opens his eyes when the large doors clicked open. Harry sits up straight to glance towards the entrance from the glass cell he remained in, the figure is approaching him with light steps.

Harry often visited Peter's house throughout the time they knew each other so he had a clear view of the picture frames of Peter and his aunt and uncle. He has a few similiar facial features from his uncle in terms of the eye colors, glasses, and brows. So he thought back to that day of Mary Jane crying to him about how Uncle Ben looked that day.

A man trying so hard not to crack from his smile despite how hurt he was...

Harry finally understood how MJ saw Uncle Ben after Peter stepped in front of the glass cell.

Peter had a small smile when he saw Harry with his costume on, he looked ready to collapse and his eyes red. It was like looking at a must be the same way MJ viewed Peter that day he yelled and pushed her.

Peter: Hey Harry...How are you coping so far?

"Hey Harry" greeting him so carefree after how they ended the other day. He called Peter a monster for everything he did and for who he'll hurt by being Spider-Man...Peter just waltzed in here as none of that happened.

Harry: You're a sight for sore eyes. I didn't expect to see you today

Peter: How are you? Last I saw you, you were...

Peter's words trailed off, looking quite awkward to point out either Harry snapping at him or choking on gas in the cell. Harry had his back against the glass cell, his back facing Peter but having his head tilted back to see Peter's face.

Harry: I'm fine. The treatment is working...I guess. Fury and my mom are talking about me possibly leaving but the goblin problem still lies. They don't know how to handle him if he plans on attacking us

Peter went faint. A low dull word left his mouth.

Peter: were right about everything

Harry turns back to face Peter who's currently sitting down on the floor, his back against the cell and his legs crossed, sitting in the same position as Harry.

Harry: Right about what?

Hearing such words from Peter was...a bit strange. Peter is one with a bit of an ego at least around Harry, always wanting to push things away and now...he's saying that he's right?

Peter: About me being a monster...You were right. All I ever do is hurt the people around me for things that I caused. The day we first met when we were 12, Uncle Ben dying, and even your dad...and now I hurt more people

The day they first met? Sure, Harry thought Peter was weird and dumb for lying about being attacked that day and hated him for hurting Mary Jane but...he never once thought it was Peter's fault for getting hurt in the first place. It was the man, Skip, that started it and hurt him.

And his uncle dying was from a burglar and his dad was...

Harry: What happened after we last talked?

Peter: You don't hear any gossip from the agents that come here?

Harry: Sometimes but... I'd like to hear it from you if you want to

Peter:'ll hate me even more

Peter's voice was quivering. Harry haven't heard Peter speak that way before, he only ever heard Mary Jane speak like that before she ends up crying. If the glass wasn't in between them, he would console Peter the same way he did with Mary Jane, pull Peter close and allow him to rest on his shoulder.

Harry: I don't hate you. It'll help to talk out loud about worked for Mary, and maybe it will for you too plus, we made a promise to not keep secrets from each other remember?

He and Peter were meeting eyes for the first time despite the glare from the glass. From the position they were in, it was difficult to see what expressions the other had but Harry could see the outline of a small smile on Peter's face before he turned back forward. A leg was spread out and the other folded up with his arm resting on the knee.

Peter: The promise still stands after keeping me being Spider-Man a secret from you and MJ? Even that same promise with Danny failed before we completed our first week of dating

Harry: Obviously it does! I don't know about you and Danny but with us, the promise still counts as long as it doesn't hurt Mary!

Peter widened from the response. After everything, Harry is still acting like he would usually act before the goblin situation happened. A fuzz was rubbing in Peter's chest of the vision of the three of them together again like before, it's as if Peter can feel hope again can they return the same for everything Peter has done by just existing?

Peter: Okay...I'll talk

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