The Assassin In Twisted Wonde...

By azumaharu070301

41.6K 1.3K 145

Tokaku Azuma is a 17-year-old teenage girl who was raised in the Azuma family, a family with an ancient assas... More

The Deadly Girl
Became A Part of Octavinelle
First Day As ....
Unique or Curse
Her Life Now
That boy...
Octavinelle chapter: Rebellious Encounter
School Business and The Truth About Eurus
Anything of their orders for her desire
Tempting Lure
Temporarily Relief
The Dangerous Fellow
Spine Gold!
Knowledge Squeeze- Episode 19 of Chapter 3
Jolting Electrification- Episode 22 of Chapter 3
Contract Dissolution
Melancholy of the Black Sea
Erasing the Past
So We Settled
Museum Travelogue
Identity Revealed
Dealing with Weirdness
Schemer of the Scandling Sands
Schemer of the Scandling Sands
Schemer Of The Scandling Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Staying Discreet
Cunning Mellow- Episode 20 of Chapter 3
Schemer of the Scalding Sands:Thwarted by Heart
Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Setting the Bait
Schemer of the Scalding Sands: All Caught on Stream
Schemer of the Scalding Sands: A Scathing Retort
Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Aquatic Support
Concern One to Another
Feelings Long Held
Scarabia Conclusion
A Day Without Tokaku
Dealing With The Sulking Floyd
Hard to Let Go Of It- Part 2 Of Dealing with the Sulking Floyd
We're Good Now- Final Part Of Dealing with the Sulking Floyd
Would you like to Join Me?
I'd Join You
Happy Birthday Tokaku Azuma And Azul Ashengrotto
Only Beauty Kidnapped The Ugly Ones
Watch your Attitude
Day One at Pomefiore
Dormmates or Friends
Cannot Deny
Bump At Midnight
Think Creatively
Lake Where We Converse
A Pharmacy Project
A Morning Blueprint- Episode 26 of Chapter 3
A Medicine For The Heart
Return At Last
They Like Each Other
A New But Familiar Mentor
While Tokaku Was Unconscious
The Mentor
A Birthday Gift for Jade
The Assassin, The Mentor and The Students
The Assassin, The Mentor and The Octavinelle Vice House Warden - part 2
The Assassin, The Mentor and The Pomefiore Student
The Assassin, The Mentor and The Savanaclaw
The Assassin and The Octavinelle Vice House Warden
The Assassin, The Pomefiore Student and the Octavinelle Vice House Warden
The Assassin, The Octavinelle Vice House Warden, The Diasomnia Vice House Warden
The Assassin, The Octavinelle Vice House Warden, The Pomefiore Freshman
The Octavinelle Vice House Warden and The Mentor
The Mentor, Assassin and School Staff
The Bad News and The School
The Merman and His Family
The Mentor and The Assassin
Happy Birthday Tokaku 2th Anniversary
The Plan
The Lovely Reunion
A Cruise Day
Cruise Date
Off the Cruise
The Ghostly Aunt And Her Niece
The Ghostly Aunt And Mother
The Unspoken Past

The Assassin, The Mentor and The Octavinelle Vice House Warden

147 7 1
By azumaharu070301

Tokaku went to the infirmary for treatment. When the nurse examined her, she confirmed that Tokaku had a bruise on her arm, caused by Kaiba's forceful grip. The nurse recommended applying ointment and using a warm pack on the bruise. Tokaku nodded in understanding and left the infirmary, where she found Jack and Epel waiting for her. They inquired about her treatment.

"I have a bruise on my arm. The nurse suggested using a warm pack and ointment on the affected area," Tokaku explained.

"Seriously! Kaiba really did a number on you," Jack grumbled.

"That's just his way during our fights. Please don't worry about me," Tokaku pleaded.

"What are friends for if not to be concerned? It's part of our bond," Jack pointed out.

"Listen! I don't worry about myself and never will. Do you know why? Because you, Epel, and Jade are my only concerns. So stop worrying about me getting hurt," Tokaku said, her voice tinged with momentary anger.

"Tokaku, why can't you care about yourself?" Epel asked, causing Tokaku to fall silent.

"It's because of self-hatred," she replied, leaving Jack and Epel taken aback. "As much as I despise Kaiba, I detest myself even more." Her blue eyes cast downward, revealing a brief sadness. Then, she walked away. Jack asked where she was going, while Epel called for her to wait up. Tokaku stopped and turned to address them. "I need to prepare for my Pharmacy class, so I'm going ahead to the pharmacy lab. You guys should go to your elective classes." With that, she left her friends. Sensing the change in her demeanor, Jack and Epel realized that they must have upset Tokaku to the extent that she chose to leave without asking them to accompany her as she usually did. Furthermore, they felt troubled upon hearing Tokaku admit that she loathed herself more than her former mentor.

A while ago, after attending her Pharmacy class, Tokaku was returning to Octavinelle until she accidentally bumped into Kaiba in the hallway. Kaiba waved, greeting and calling her. Tokaku responded to him with a sharp glare.

"Aww. Is that face saying that you are mad with me because I hurt you during our little fight back then?" Kaiba asked.

"What do you want?" she asked, her monotonous tone tinged with a brief anger.

"I just want to apologize for causing you to meet the nurse," Kaiba said. "But, you know, it's true that you have become weak."

Tokaku scoffed. "I don't engage in fighting anymore. It's one of the school's rules, expressly forbidding any form of physical altercation."

"Since when did I say that you have to fight to be strong?" Kaiba said, causing Tokaku to fall silent.

"I said you're weak not because you don't fight anymore. I mean, it's true that you don't fight, but you continue with your assassin exercises. What I mean is that you're usually cold and distant, but now, your heart is starting to thaw. I've noticed that you've become vulnerable to your friends and the dear vice house warden," Kaiba explained.

"I have to be vulnerable for them," Tokaku said.

"Why?" Kaiba asked.

"Because I love them," Tokaku replied, causing Kaiba to fall silent. "During my time here in Twisted Wonderland, I never asked for friendship or any relationship with a few students here. But they approached me like a force, or like fate. I've formed friendships with Jack and Epel. I've developed a warm relationship with Jade. These are things that I wished to avoid, but they came into my life for good reasons. And I'm grateful to have them as people I warmly welcome into my life," she explained.

"So if you still consider me weak, I don't care. As long as you don't bother Jade and my friends," she said before leaving Kaiba behind.

After his student was gone, standing in the hallway, Kaiba smirked,reflecting her sentence. " As long as I don't bother Jade and her friends, huh?"

At Mostro Lounge, Tokaku, dressed in her Octavinelle uniform, diligently performed her duties of serving food and beverages to the customers. Jade and Floyd, her trusted dorm mates, also contributed their efforts to effectively manage the campus-only restaurant. As Tokaku wiped a table clean, left recently vacant by a customer, her attention was drawn towards the entrance by the arrival of a familiar figure. It was someone she held deep disdain for-the very person she despised. Nevertheless, Tokaku set aside her personal feelings and warmly greeted Kaiba with a smile as he entered the restaurant. Kaiba, known for his signature grin, was delighted to be welcomed by his favorite student. Tokaku guided him to an empty table and handed him a menu to peruse, diligently noting down his order in her trusty notebook.

"Is that all?" she confirmed, ensuring she had captured all of his requests.

"Well, I do have one additional favor to ask," Kaiba began, his voice exuding a sense of authority. "Could you please find Jade for me? I would like to have a conversation with him."

Tokaku fell silent, her blue eyes momentarily blinking. After a brief pause, she nodded understandingly. "Of course, I will go and locate him for you."

Tokaku made her way to the kitchen, detached Kaiba's order note, and secured it to the order string. She then turned to Floyd and inquired about Jade's whereabouts. Floyd informed her that Jade was currently engaged in a business discussion with Azul. Tokaku took note of this information and nodded in gratitude.

"Why do you ask?" Floyd inquired, his hands busy stirring ingredients in a pan.

"My mentor is here to savor Mostro Lounge's special set. He also expressed a desire to have a conversation with your brother," Tokaku explained.

Floyd, already aware of Tokaku's complicated relationship with her mentor, was taken aback to learn that the man had graced Mostro Lounge with his presence. However, he quickly masked his surprise and adopted a carefree demeanor. "Your mentor? I had no idea you had a mentor here, Blue Shark. How delightful for him to come and visit you."

"Yes, quite delightful," Tokaku whispered softly. "I'm heading to the vault room now. Make sure the food is ready by the time I return," she instructed Floyd, emphasizing the need for prompt preparation of the orders.

"Understood, Blue Shark!" Floyd replied with a cheery tone.

Tokaku went to the VIP room where Azul usually conducts his business with clients, counting money and organizing currency. When she knocked on the door, Jade and Azul turned their attention to the door. Azul asked who was at the door, and Tokaku replied with her cold and monotone voice. Azul then gave permission for her to enter. Once inside, Azul asked Tokaku why she had come to the VIP room.

"I'm here because a guest wanted to have a chat with Jade," Tokaku explained.

"A guest? Who is it?" Azul asked.

"My new Math professor, Kaiba. He wanted to have a conversation with Jade," Tokaku answered.

"Kaiba? I know that professor. He's the new Math professor for the freshmen, and there are rumors that he's an excellent tutor even though he's new to teaching," Azul said. "How kind of him to engage in a conversation with you, Jade. I was actually planning to study him when the opportunity came at the right time," he said to Jade.

"Yes, I am indeed lucky," Jade replied with a smile, though he wasn't really. Tokaku had warned him before not to interact with Kaiba under any circumstances. However, he changed his mind when Tokaku looked at him and nodded, signaling that she allowed him to meet her former mentor. With Azul's permission to leave, Jade excused himself from the VIP room with Tokaku by his side. Before they entered the Mostro Lounge, Tokaku stopped Jade to give him a warning about meeting Kaiba.

"Jade, you have to enjoy chatting with Kaiba. Adjust your conversation to his preferences. If he jokes, laugh when appropriate. Talk about things that might please him," she warned.

Jade giggled briefly. "Tokaku, you sound so serious."

"This is SERIOUS," Tokaku said firmly.

Jade looked at her with a smile. He could tell that she was very worried about him having to chat with her unpredictable and dangerous mentor.

"Alright, I understand," he reassured her, gently brushing her hair aside, causing Tokaku to blush.

Then, Jade went to the table where he saw Kaiba sitting, while Tokaku returned to her job. There, he greeted the new professor, who was reading some papers in his hand.

"Oh, Jade? I was expecting you," Kaiba said.

"I was informed by Tokaku that you wanted to talk to me. So, I quickly left my work with permission from my house warden," Jade explained.

"Really? I probably shouldn't have bothered you," Kaiba said.

"It's not an important job that I left, which is why I have time to spend with you, Kaiba-Sensei," Jade said.

He sat across from Kaiba. The new professor began to talk with the Octavinelle vice house warden. He shared stories about his experiences teaching at the assassin training facility, training young assassins, and his fond memories of watching his former students, including Tokaku, graduate and become professional assassins. Jade listened attentively. As Tokaku had advised him, he laughed at Kaiba's jokes and complimented him when the new professor shared sweet memories from his time teaching at Academy 17.

While they chatted, Tokaku arrived with a snack set and two cups of tea for Kaiba. She placed them on the table and bowed, asking Kaiba to enjoy his meal before she went back to work at the restaurant. Jade noticed that she glanced at him, letting him know that she was worried about him.

After she had gone to do her chores at the restaurant, Kaiba started to question Jade about what had transpired when Tokaku arrived in Octavinelle. Jade was initially hesitant to disclose the details, but after Kaiba assured him that he would not reveal anything, not even to his students, Jade relented. He proceeded to explain the events surrounding Tokaku's arrival at Night Raven College as a lost student from another world. However, he only shared the essential information with Kaiba, omitting unnecessary details. Jade was skilled at keeping personal secrets, as he had previously entertained new clients at Azul.

Kaiba listened intently, finding it difficult to believe the story about his former student. "To be honest, I am quite amazed to see how Tokaku has changed since I last saw her, particularly when she is with her friends and you. Back in our world, she rarely showed interest in friendship or relationships with boys. But now, she is in a relationship with you and has Jack and Epel as her friends."

Jade smiled. "Is that so? Are you genuinely surprised?"

"Yes, absolutely! I can hardly believe that my favorite student, Tokaku, is in a relationship with you, Jade," Kaiba remarked.

"Please don't flatter me. My relationship with Tokaku is comparable to that of a dormitory supervisor with his residents," Jade replied.

"Is it?" questioned Kaiba, leaving Jade momentarily speechless. Concealed behind his dark sunglasses, Kaiba gazed at the sophomore with a smile. "I must disagree with your comparison of your relationship with my favorite student to that of a vice house warden and their residents. There seems to be a subtle attraction between you and Tokaku, surpassing the boundaries of a mere resident and a caring vice house warden."

Jade, his smile masking an unsettling expression, inquired, "You can truly see through me?"

"As a professional assassin, I have encountered numerous situations during my assassination missions and while training my apprentices. Naturally, I have honed the ability to decipher people's motives through their eye movements, body language, and overall aura," Kaiba confidently stated.

A sense of caution washed over Jade as he locked eyes with Kaiba. A flicker of realization reminded him of Tokaku's warning about her mentor. This man, Kaiba, was someone whom Jade should never let his guard down around. It became clear that this dangerous mentor was not deserving of respect, especially from students.

"So, admit it. You like Tokaku, am I right? Or am I wrong?" Kaiba  asked the Octavinelle vice house warden.

"I don't just like her..." Jade gently trailed off, his voice a mere whisper. "I love her," he declared without a hint of hesitation.

Kaiba fell into an unusual silence before laughter erupted from his lips. "You? Love Tokaku?"

Jade defended his emotions, unperturbed. "Why should it be wrong for me to love a girl, especially when she happens to be an assassin?"

"No, certainly not wrong," Kaiba hastily reassured, pausing his laughter. "But can't you be the one to shield her from the weight of her family's curse?" His tone shifted, conveying a newfound seriousness.

"The weight of Tokaku's family curse? What exactly do you mean?" Jade queried, genuine confusion etched across his face. Kaiba, sporting his signature smirk, gazed at Jade, resting his head on his knuckles.

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