Fairy Tail Zenkai

By Ballisticblue999

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In the world of Fairy Tail a young Saiyan crash lands in the Kingdom of Fiore. What will happen if the one to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
A/N And Q&A
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

191 6 1
By Ballisticblue999

"Hya ha ha ha ha!!! I'm gonna bring your guide to Hell!!!" Succubus Juvia exclaimed. "You big sow!!!"

"Wh-What is this supposed to be...?" Lucy asked while shaking, worried for Juvia. "Juvia... Wake up, okay...?" She pleaded to her friend.

"What Scuccubus does is it makes my little groupie answer only to my orders!!!" Vidaldus explained.

"You can't be saying that your guitar sound did that to Juvia..." Lucy asked, confused. Suddenly something comes to Lucy's mind. "Huh? Why am I okay then?"

"Heh Heh! Looks like you caught on to my plan! It's no fun if both girls become my slaves!!! What I wanna see is two hot chicks in a cat fight!!! You know the kind!!! The one where th chicks rip each other's clothes off!!!" Vidaldus exclaimed.

"You're the lowest, you know that?" Lucy asked with a disgusted expression.

"The lowest!!! That's the highest praise you can give me!!! Yeah!!!" Vidaldus shouted while rifting his guitar.

"Babies who don't know how to rock should just curl up and die!!!"Juvia exclaimed before turning her body to water and attacks Lucy.

"And I just changed out of my wet clothes!!!" Lucy exclaimed as she blocked the rushing water. Coming up from the water in front of Lucy, Juvia formed and dived at her.

"Now where should I sink my teeth into?!!!" Juvia shouted.

"Wait a minute!!! Juvia, are you serious?!!!" Lucy exclaimed in shock.

Juvia grabbed Lucy's dress right at her cleavage and ripped her dress. "That huge bust is wasted on you!!!"

"Yaaa-hoooo!!! That's what I wanna see!!!" Vidaldus cheered.

Lucy quickly undoes her bandana and ties it around her exposed breast so they are covered. "What do you think you're doing?!!"

"Yaaahaaaa!!!" Juvia shouted before headbutting Lucy.

"Owww!" Lucy exclaimed in pain before covering her forehead where she was headbutted. "You want to get into Fairy Tail, right? Then stop attacking.." But before she could finish Juvia turned into water and surrounded her body.

"Blour blinds..." Juvia then turns her upper body back to normal and grabs Lucy by her hair and throws her. Reforming into her solid form she smiles and drops a few strands of Lucy's detached hair. Lucy slowly raises her head while holding hair, tearing up slightly from the pain.

"Hey!!! That's your hair!!! This makes me tremble all over!!! Hya ha ha ha!!!" Vidaldus cheered again as he played his guitar.

"Water Cane!!!" Juvia launched her arm forward, turning it into a water whip and lashing Lucy.

"Wait!!! Owww!!" Lucy cried out as she was hit by the attack. She then turned towards Juvia, scuffed up and tearing up. "What is this?! Is rock supposed to be some sadistic trip?!"

Juvia turns her body excluding her head into water and prepares to submerge Lucy. "Only because you're a masochist, woman!!! Now you will be crushed within Juvia!!!"

"What does that mean?!!" Lucy questioned before being engulfed by the water. Barely righting herself in the water Lucy began thinking of a plan. 'This is no good!!! She's completely under his control!!! What'll I do?!! I can never beat Juvia in a regular fight!!"

"Lucy-san!!" The disembodied voice of Juvia rang out. It was different from her succubus form, it sounded like the real Juvia. "Kya haha!!! Suffocate and die!!!" Her succubus version shouted. "Juvia doesn't want to do this!!!" Her normal version pleaded.

'That's Juvia's voice!' Lucy noticed. The water raises her up into the air. 'I get it!!! It's because I'm inside of Juvia!!!'

"Juvia doesn't want to hurt her friends... Perhaps it is impertinent for Juvia to call you a friend at this point... I know you are my rival in love..." Juvia spoke through the water.

'I am not... Juvia, you've come to like Fairy Tail? You care about your fellow members... you have fun together... It's so warm... that even when it's raining, as long as you're in the guild, you feel the sun is shining... Juvia... And it seemed like Juvia was just beginning to make friends with everyone...' Lucy said as she got to witness everything from Juvia's point of view. Suddenly Lucy can see Juvia's original form.

"It's true!! Juvia brings unhappiness!!!" Juvia said, crying.

"Tears?" Lucy said, caught by surprise.

"Juvia-chan, it's time to finish her off!!!" Vidaldus ordered.

Juvia throws Lucy away causing her to fall to the ground. "Anybody who can shed tears for her friends... is not the kind of person that Fairy Tail turns away!!!" Lucy shouted with conviction as she ripped the side of her dress bottom.

"Lucy-san..." Juvia said while her eyes prick with tears.

"You're a good girl at heart!!! And you made me realize something really sweet just now!!!" Lucy exclaimed while pointing at her with a huge smile spread across her face.

"This is getting boring!!! IT's time to send her to Hell, Juvia-chan!!!" Vidaldus orders as she swings his head around.

" The Water Jigsaw will chop her to pieces!!!" Succubus Juvia claims as she turns her body into a swirling whirlpool and goes towards Lucy. "Lucy-san, try to dodge it!!!" Juvia begged.

Instead of dodging the attack, Lucy thrust her hand forward, stabbing one of her Celestial keys right into the attack. He hand gained multiple cuts and leaked blood. "Open!!! Gate to the Water Bearer Palace!!! Aquarius!!!" She shouted as the Celestial Spirit Aquarius appeared from Juvia's body holding a pot that was spilling out even more water.

The shock was written all over both Vidaldus and Succubus Juvia's face. "You used Juvia's body to call a celestial spirit?!!" Succubus Juvia exclaimed in shock.

"I can call the strongest celestial spirit, Aquarius, wherever there is water!!!! This is thanks to you, Juvia!!!" Lucy said with a smile on her face.

In a fit of rage Aquarius swings the pot around and flings everyone around including Lucy. "Shut up, you noisy, chattering little girls!!!"

The attack broke Vidaldus' hold on Juvia, freeing her. "Noooooo!!!!" Vidaldus shouted before he started absorbing the water into his hair. "That doesn't affect me!!! My hair sucks up any kind of liquid you can throw at me!!!"

"Juvia!!!" Lucy shouted, holding her hand out for Juvia.

"Lucy!!!" Juvia shouted back, their hands connected, intertwining fingers as a glow appeared around their hands.

Back up top with Jellal, the guitar chess piece starts to crack. "What?! Th-This kind of magic power... Those little girls... are doing a magic fusion?!" Jellal said as sweat fell down his face.

"No!!! Wait a second!!! What's with all this water?!! H-Hey!!! You're sending more than I can take...." Vidaldus exclaimed as a whirlpool just kept swirling around him.

"They're doing Unison Raid?!!!" Jellal exclaimed as the whirlpool nosedived and slammed Vidaldus into the ground successfully knocking him out and also cutting all his hair off.

Both Lucy and Juvia smiled and jumped into each other's arms, hugging. "We did it!!!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Juvia is back to normal!!!" Juvia cheered.

"Look at the way you summoned me to this dismal place!!!" Aquarius exclaimed as she got right in Lucy's face. "What's next, summoning me from toilet water?!! BEcause if you do, you're dead!!!"

I-I'm sorry..." Lucy apologized.

"She's scary..." Juvia said, shaking slightly.

After a little while everything calms down and Aquarius smiles at Lucy. "I'm leaving this minute for a two-week trip with my boyfriend. Don't you dare call me!!! Say you agree!!!" Aquarius demanded.

"I agree." Lucy submitted.

"You should find yourself a boyfriend too, and soon!!! Not possible, but..." Aquarius said as she disappeared.

"Leave me alone!!!" Lucy shouted in embarrassment.

"Lucy-san, love is very important." Juvia commented.

"Anyway..." Lucy plops into the water. "We just took down one of those knights!! It isn't going the way Jellal planned!!!" She cheered.

"No. The one who took him down is Lucy-san." Juvia said with a sad smile.

"We both did!" Lucy argued with a smile. "Back then, you called me Lucy!!! I got the feeling we could be friends. It made me happy! You can just call me Lucy!! I mean, we're friends now, aren't we?" She asked Juvia.

Juvia began crying and dropped to her knees as she wiped her tears. "Huh? Juvia...is dropping water from her eyes!!"

"Ah ha ha!! That's a funny way of saying it!!"Lucy laughed out."But, man, did that completely exhaust me!!!"

"Juvia too." Juvia agreed.

Back with Jellal he stares at the chessboard. "They did a Unison Raid? I've heard of a monk who spent his life preparing himself to do a Unison Raid... but it's said he was never able to achieve it. It might not have been intentional, but they achieved something incredible. They may be nothing more than young girls, but they are worthy companions for Erza. Heh heh!" He looks out to the horizon. "I'll just move another piece forward on the board." Suddenly the entire tower starts shaking, a smirk grows across Jellal's face. "Such rambunctious monkeys."

With the magic counsel Sieg continues to argue his stance on the use of the Etherion Cannon.

"The decision to use an Etherion attack against the Tower of Heaven stands at four in favor and five against. Thus with the votes cast, we rule against the use of Etherion." A member announced.

"Wait!!! You people don't understand the true situation yet!!!" Sieg claimed.

"Don't embarrass yourself, Sieg. You've lectured us quite enough. There is a path to peaceful resolution that doesn't call for bloodshed." The tall older member argued back.

"Peace?! You're pursuing that ridiculous waste of time and meanwhile history is being made without you!!! Jellal is trying to revive a dead man!!!" Sieg shouted.

"First of all, we don't even know if the R-System works!!" One argued. "It's too early for an attack!" Another argued.

"Don't you feel it? The overwhelming amount of negative magical power? The fear that is caused by the man he is trying to bring back to life?" Sieg asked as an anonymous energy seemed to infest the air around them.

"What was that?" A member asked in fear. "Sieg what are you..."

"Zeref the Black Wizard!!!" Sieg exclaimed.

Everyone stared in fear, all excluding one younger female member."Sieg, you... What did you just..."

"What I want to know is how you know this Sieg!!" A member demanded.

"........" After a moment of silence he finally spoke. "I knew the information would raise baseless doubts, so I kept my silence! But I know this man Jellal!! And I know what he is trying to accomplish!!!"

"Sieg... You'd better tell us everything!!" The council demanded.

Right outside of the tower Y/N and Daikon are in a deadlock, both their knees are pushing against each other, Y/N holding Daikons right fist with his left hand and Daikon mirroring the young boy, holding his right fist with his own left hand. As the two pushed off each other, electricity crackled off them. Daikon grows a smirk and draws his head back, headbutting Y/N in the face.

"Grahh!!" Y/N exclaimed as he lost his grip on Daikon.

Flying forward throws a fist at Y/N. Dodging just before his fist connected, Y/N swung at Daikon. When he was about to connect the punch however Daikon disappeared before appearing under him and uppercutting him in the gut. Drawing his arm back Daikon charges a blast. "Lancelot's Lariat!!!" He slams the attack into Y/N's face sending him flying through the tower. Y/N comes to a slow stop as he is buried in front of Sho.

"W-What the!!?" Sho exclaimed in surprise.

"Y/N!" Erza shouted from her card prison.

Flying into the hole he created, Daikon slowly lands on the ground. "Don't worry too much, if Ninjin was that easily defeated then he wouldn't be such a threat to Jellal's plans." He turns towards Sho and begins walking towards him before the tower starts shaking. "Huh?!!"

"Fairy Flash!!!" Y/N shouted, launching the attack at him sending him flying. Y/N's entire top was destroyed and his inside shirt was all that remained. He had blood falling down multiple cuts on his face and a large cut on his forehead. "I'll deal with you later! Just get Erza out of here!" Y/N commanded before flying out of the hole towards Daikon.

"Y/N... be careful...." Erza said quietly, watching him fly off.

As Y/N and Daikon battle, Natsu is fighting Fukuro. Fukuro sends a flying kick towards Natsu, crossing his arms to block the attack, causing Natsu to stumble back but does a backflip and uses his Dragon Slayer magic. Natsu ignites his feet in flames and throws a kick at him.

"Karyū no Kagizume*!!!!" Natsu shouted, kicking him in the face with a Fire Dragon's Claw. Fukuro slides to a stop as Natsu rights himself upwards. "Hmph!"

"He can stand up to Natsu!? This owl is no joke!" Happy exclaimed in shock while Simon watched on in fear.

Fukaru leans forwards as the rockets on his back start to fire up. "I'd say it's time to bring the hammer of Justice down upon your head!!!" He shouted as he got ready to launch. "Missile Hoo-ho-hoo!!!!" Fukaru launches the rockets at Natsu.

Natsu was able to dodge the attack by ducking under it, however the missiles turned around to hit him. Once again Natsu dodges, this time by hopping over it. "Whoa!!" The Missiles turn again, this time however two metal hands come out and grab Natsu by his arms and launch off at high speeds. "Noooooooo!!!!" Natsu screamed out.

"Hoo-ho-hooo!!" Fukaru stood watching with his arms crossed.

"It's a cowardly attack, but it is frightening." Simon said as he covered his wound.

As the rocket continued to fly in circles Natsu's face quickly morphed into a face of pure nausea.

"O-Oh no..." Happy said with a look of dread spread across his face. It was clear to everyone, Natsu was motion sick.

"I know your weakness, Salamander." Fukaru said as he watched.

"This is really bad!!! That thing's a moving vehicle!!! Natsu gets extreme motion sickness on moving vehicles!!!!" Happy shouted in horror.

"What was that?!" Simon shouted in horror.

"First weaken your prey, then bring it down!!! This is hunting!!" Fukaru exclaimed. The rockets drop Natsu, as he free fell Fukaru dashed towards him. "Now!!! Capture Hoo-Ho-Hoo!!!!" He then opened his mouth, extending it as Natsu's top half fell into his mouth.

"Wha-?!" Simon exclaimed in shock as he and Happy watched in horror.

"Wait!!!" Natus shouted as he tried to fight but it was too late as Fukaru shoved most of his body in his mouth, holding his heel and forcing him the rest of the way down.

"What do you think you're doing?!!!" Happy demanded as Fukaru finished swallowing Natsu whole.

"He swallowed him whole...?!!" Simon said in exasperation.

"I digest the magic of those I devour!!" Fukaru explained.

Happy flew towards him with an angry expression and a tear in his eye. "Give Natsu back!!!" He demanded.

Furkaru slowly turned and threw a flaming fist at Happy, sending him flying. "Fire Hoo-Ho-Hoo!!!"

"Fire?" Happy said confused as his smoldering and smoking body flew through the air.

"Hey are you all right?!!" Simon asked before turning back to Fukaru. "Digest... That doesn't mean that he can use their magic, does it?!"

"Hoo-Hoo!!!" Fukaru said as fire flowed off his body. Another notable change is the small amount of hair that was identical to Natsu's pink hair.

"Ir... this why the Assassin's Guild is so scary?" Simon asked, shivering.

"We have eight yea votes, and one nay." Back at the Magic council the revote completely shifted. "And so... The motion to use Etherion against the Tower of Heaven is passed!" One of the members announced. One single shorter and older member stood looking down in disappointment.

"Yajima-san... You may not be able to understand this... but you can at least accept that we can't allow Zeref to be brought back to life, right?" Sieg asked Yajima.

"I wash my hands of the whole thing. Be sure you take full responsibility for the outcome." Yajima responded as he walked away, his hands folded behind his back.

"Of course! I accept the full responsibility for this." Sieg promised.

Yajima turned back with an angered face and veins popping out. "What I'm talking about is the responsibility of human lives!!! You are going to live with the weight of the human lives lost on your back, Sieg!!!"

"Etherion will launch its attack in one hour!!! Everyone make your preparations!!!" A staff member shouted as people frantically prepared.

"You'll have your answer to that in a few moments." Sieg said with a stoic expression on his face.

Back at the top of the Tower of Heaven Jellal smiles at the chessboard as the dragon piece falls. "Erza... You've lost your very best piece. Now... What will you do? There's no time left! The light will fall very soon now!!!" He then looked to the left seeing the two monkey pieces shaking from the shockwaves of the battle outside. Each time the tower shakes one of the pieces crack slightly. "Hehe, I love it when you monkeys play rough!"

While running down the hall in pursuit of the group that was searching for Erza, Gray has flashbacks of the first time he met Erza.

'Erza' Gray said before charging forward faster. "Dammit!!! Where did she get off to?!! When I find that Sho guy, I'm going to beat him in the ground!!!" Just as he ran through the ending of the hall he is met with Simon and his group.

"Gray?" Simon said as Gray looked at the scene.

"What do you think you're doing?!! Weren't you the one who was supposed to be chasing after sho?!! And where the Hell is Y/N!?" Gray shouted as Fukaru turned to face him.

"I was stopped...and Y/N was attacked by Daikon..." Simon informed him.

"Then get going again!!! If we don't find Erza, we're in trouble, right?!!!" Hellal said he was going to make Erza into a sacrifice!!! To tell the truth. If Erza was serious I doubt anybody could beat her but... with her inside that stupid card, she's defenseless!!!" Gray shouted. "Y/N will take care of that big root guy, you need to go help Erza!"

"I know we shouldn't have told Sho the truth when we did... but I never imagined he'd go off and do that." Simon said, staring at the ground in shame.

"Gray...Natsu was...eaten by that guy over there..." Happy said as he gestures to Fukaru.

"What?" Gray said before slamming his fist into the wall, breaking some of it. "Do you have any idea what you just did?!! Eating that turd-burning fire?!!" He shouted, completely pissed.

"Digestion has already begun!! In ten minutes, Salamander will have melted within my body!! And after it's done, all of his magic will be mine too!!!" Fukaru boasted as he pats his gurgling belly.

"I'll take care of this guy!!! You guys get down!!!" Gray ordered as he placed his hands together as he used his magic. "Ice Make: Lance!!!"

"Karyu no hôkô!!!" Fukaru shouted, shooting a Fire Dragon Roar.

"He sucked up Salamander's magic!!!" Simon shouted.

The fire completely engulfed Gray right along his attack. "Hoo-hoo-hoo!!! You can't use your ice inside of fire!!!" Fukaru claimed.

"AA AA AA AA AA!" Gray shouted/ "You big...jerk!!!"

"Gray!!!" Happy shouted out in worry.

"It's over!!! If you really are one of Salamander's companions, then you know the power of Salamander's flames!!!" Fukaru shouted.

"GAA AA AA AA!!!" Gray's memories slowly drifted back to when he was young. Back to the first interaction they had. One where he tried to provoke her and instead she just insulted him. At the time he didn't know, but this was the start of what would turn into a strong bond and friendship. With a shout Ice formed around Gray and freezes the fire.

"He froze the fire!!!" Simon exclaimed in shock as Fukaru stared in disbelief.

"You call that Natsu's fire? Don't make me laugh!!! You fake freak!!!" Gray taunted.

"Hoo-Hooo!!! Now that's a terrific magical power!!! I'll just capture you too!!!" Fukaru exclaimed as he charged at Gray.

Gray stares in confusion as he charges. "This is bad!!!" Simon shouted.

"Gray, get away from him!!!" Happy shouted, trying to warn his friend.

Fukaru jumps at him with his mouth wide open and captures Gray's head in his mouth as he tries to wrestle the Ice-Make wizard down his gullet.

"Gray!!" Happy shouted in fear.

Before Fukaru could shove him any further down his throat, Gray slammed his free hand into his shoulder as Ice formed on it.

"Ohh-hoo!!! That's freezing!!!" Fukaru exclaimed as ice shot off his shoulder and out of his mouth.

"I've got no time to stand around here playing games with some jerk like you!!!" Gray shouted, preparing another attack. Once again his mind drifts to his childhood with Erza. One where he was so mad at her, he swore he would never accept her as a member of the guild. But now, he refuses to lose her. "I'm going to get Erza back!!!" The memories of what changed it all for him, the day he went to confront her while she sat alone at the river, the day he found her crying. "Uwooo ooo-oh!!!" Gray charges an attack.

"Hoo!! Hoo-Hoo!!!" Fukaru prepared to attack.

"Outta my way!!!!" Gray demanded as he swung his hand forward. "Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance!!!" He shouted hitting Fukaru with multiple Ice blades.

'She was always lonely' Fukaru fell back and hacked up Natsu. '...and putting armor around her heart...' Happy looks on with a tear of joy falling down his face. '...and crying.' Fukaru falls down, unconscious.

"Erza has to be in Fairy Tail!!! So that she doesn't have to cry again!!!!!" Gray said as he stood there victorious. 

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