Must Hate The Bad Boy

By jjtheunicorn

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∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽ hate hāt/ verb 1. feel intense or passionate dislike for someone. "that girl hates hi... More

Chp. 1- Must Hate The Ex
Chp. 2- Must Hate The Partner
Chp.3- Must Hate The Punches
Chp. 4- Must Hate The Grief
Chp.5 - Must Hate The Suspicion
Chp.6- Must Hate The Hangover
Chp.7- Must Hate The Truth
Chp.8- Must Hate The Embarrassment
Chp.9- Must Hate The Anger
Chp.10- Must Hate The Regret
Chp. 11- Must Hate The Kidnapper
Chp. 12- Must Hate The News
Chp.13- Must Hate The Nervousness
Chp.15- Must Hate The Assignment
Chp.16- Must Hate The Sadness
Chp.17- Must Hate The Pain (PART I)
Chp.18- Must Hate The Pain (PART II)
Chp.19- Must Hate The Surprisingly Easy Project
Chp.20- Must Hate The Curiousity
Chp.21- Must Hate The Fist Fight
Chp.22- Must Hate The Rumors
Must Hate The Spiral Staircase
Chp.24- Must Hate The Argument
Chp.25- Must Hate The Shyness
Chp.26- Must Hate The Bowling Bowl (PART I)
Chp. 27- Must Hate The Bowling Ball (PART II)
Chp.28- Must Hate The Feelings
Chp.29- Must Hate The Disillusionment
Chp.30- Must Hate The Return
Chp.31- Must Hate The Text
Chp.32- Must Hate The Broken Rib

Chp.14- Must Hate The Dirty Blouse

148 7 0
By jjtheunicorn

** picture of alec & cassandra above **

alec - matt dallas
cassandra - portia doubleday


enjoy ;)


It was currently a beautiful Monday morning at 7:10 in the morning... And Natalia was still asleep.

'Fading in, fading out, on the edge of paradise. Every touch of your skin is the holy grail I gotta find...' Her ringtone rang through the air until it stopped. Natalia shifted in her sleep and smacked her mouth together, feeling drool beneath her lip.

She wiped it off and sat up when she heard her ringtone again. She glanced over at her phone and saw Jeremiah's contact name on the screen. She quickly grabbed it before he hung up again and pressed 'accept'

"Hello..." She stated groggily. She wiped her eyes and stifled a long yawn.

"Babe! Are you ready for your first day?" Jeremiah's overexcited voice said through the phone.

"First day? Wait... Oh sith! I'm gonna be late on my first day! Gotta go, love you lots!"

"I love you t--" She quickly hung up before he could finish his sentence and she shot out of bed and headed straight for her bathroom. Grabbing her toothbrush and turning the water on, she brushed her teeth as fast as she could and smiled in the mirror. Yep, pearly white.

She figured that she would be even later if she took a shower. So instead, she just dumped loads of perfume, lotion, and deodorant on her body. She took out her brush and started combing her super curly blonde hair. (which currently looked like a port gorilla stepped on it) After she finished combing it, she took out hair spray and sprayed it onto her slightly-decent looking hair.

She walked into her walk-in closet and quickly pulled out an outfit-- a white long sleeved blouse and a tan skirt with black peep-toed heels.

She didn't need to worry about makeup though. Sure, it was her first day and she wanted to look phenomenal but she only had 30 minutes to be there; and Dylan specifically told her not to be late so therefore, she couldn't squander any more time on getting ready or looking pretty.

Skipping breakfast, she headed to her car and plopped down in the seat.

"Please be no traffic, please be no traffic." She chanted to God quietly. She did NOT want to make a bad first impression to her boss(es) and coworkers.

Speeding out of the driveway, she noticed that her car was slightly running out of gas.

"You have got to be kidding me!" She slammed her hand on the wheel, causing it to honk at the people in front of them. "Sorry!" She yelled. She fiercely steered the wheel and made a U-turn towards the gas station.

After pumping the gas, she walked into the store and grabbed a bagel and a bottle of orange juice and walked up to the counter which had a long line of angry customers waiting to get their stuff. She huffed out a long breath angrily and walked past all the people with ease.

"Excuse me people! I have somewhere to be! What's taking so long to buy something?" She asked the cashier and he pointed to the first customer who was busy taking out coins-- pennies. The total cost for his purchase was $6.87 cents and he was using freaking pennies! "God, take this! Make sure to have enough money before you enter the line! And keep the change." Natalia handed the preoccupied man a $10 dollar bill and he accepted it with a smile on his face. Golly, people could be so annoying!

The rest of the line flew by quickly as she joined the end of the line again and in just 1 minute she was at the front of it again.

"That'll be three dollars and 25 cents." The man said. Natalia nodded and handed him a $5.00 bill and he gave her back a dollar and 75 cents.

She walked out of the door and took her phone out of her large purse and checked the time. She spent 20 minutes in that stupid store, leaving her only 10 minutes to get to work. She stepped into her car and started it as she took big bites of her bagel.

7 minutes later, she arrived at Science Tech Inc. She had three minutes to be in that building!

She grabbed her purse and stepped out of the car as she tool her keys out of the ignition.

Walking fast with a pep to her step, she opened the front door and was immediately greeted by a group of friendly looking people.

They all were scurrying around the building with smiles on their faces while holding either a coffee cup or a clipboard in their hands.

Natalia smiled and took a deep breath as she started walking again towards the room she once visited yesterday. Sure enough, Aimee and Dylan were there.

He stood up when he noticed Natalia's presence and smiled at her.

"You're late." He said sternly.

"It's only..." She pulled out her phone again and showed them the time. "7:59. Therefore I am not late." She stated confidently. He rolled his eyes and chuckled as he walked out of the room with Aimee walking next to him.

"Your office is on the 15th floor. Here is your key, schedule folder, manual, and name tag." He dumped all of the items into her arms, making her lose her balance. She fell to the floor with all of the things tumbling down with her as a blush rose up to her cheeks.

"Oops.." She muttered clumsily. She stood up immediately and smoothed out her tan skirt, trying to play the incident off. "Sorry. Please continue." She nervously smiled at him.

"Anyway.. Your room number is 3. But make sure that you read every single page of that manual and schedule folder. Put the name tag on the top of your door. After you do all that, contact me at the number that is on the schedule folder and tell me that you are done and we'll start from there. Good luck." He smiled at Natalia before walking away to the restroom. Aimee looked at her and laughed.

"Oh darlin', you look as red as a tomato. Don't be nervous! The manual isn't really all that much to read. Only about 18 pages. But seriously, no need to fret and get all worked up. Your first day should be easy. All you gotta do is don't stress'." Aimee expressed genuinely. Natalia nodded and gave Aimee a quick hug. "Oh and don't forget, tomorrow you can decorate your office... It looks like you didn't bring any decor in today."

"Of course! I'm all about the decor. Trust me, you WILL see so many colors in there tomorrow. But thank you for all your advice, I'm already feeling better. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Natalia chirped before walking towards the elevator. She pressed the number 15 with her finger and it started rising. When it dinged, she walked out and heard something drop to the floor. She turned around and realized that she dropped the manual on the floor. She bent down and attempted to pick it up, but that's when she felt feet trip over her back.

"Ouch!" Natalia exclaimed, rubbing her back in the process.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I did not see you there! Oh gosh... You're covered in coffee. That is not good." An English boy who looked about 26 commented. He looked down at Natalia who was still crouched on the carpeted floor while rubbing her back. "Oh God. Let me help you."

"Yeah that'd be amazing." Natalia said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes as the boy helped her stand up. After she was fully standing, he grabbed her belongings which were on the floor.

"I'm sorry... Look. Um, I have a friend who might have an extra shirt for you. Could you follow me?" He asked.

"Should I?" Natalia scowled. "My back is broken now because your stupid knees tripped over it. What if you spill coffee on me again?" She asked angrily.

"I-I don't have any more coffee... But please! It's the least I could do. Could I treat you to some breakfast? And a new shirt..." Natalia couldn't help how adorable he looked when he blushed.

"Fine," She smiled at him and he smiled back. "You know that this is the second freaking time today that I fell. My poor butt hurts. I think it needs surgery." Coffee Boy chuckled then he stopped walking. "Why did you stop walking?" Natalia asked him with bemusement.

"This name tag says that your office number is number 3. Number three is right here." Coffee Boy nodded his head upwards as he pointed to a room that sure enough said number three on it. Natalia blushed lightly.

"Thanks. You can just set it on the desk and we can get going to that friend of yours." She responded shyly.

After Coffee Boy rested Natalia's belongings on her desk, they walked out of the office and towards a room that was literally one door over from hers.

"Hey Cassandra. This is... Wait, can I get your name please?" He asked Natalia.

"Natalia." She chuckled.

"Right. This is Natalia. She kind of needs an extra blouse because I accidentally spilled coffee on it. Could you help her out please?" He asked Cassandra shyly. She nodded and walked over to a drawer and pulled out a white blouse.

"Here you go, beautiful. I'm guessing that this is your first day?" She asked her as she extended the shirt for Natalia to take.

"Yes," She bit the inside of her cheek. "How did you know?"

"Oh, it's just that Alec's clumsy self has bad luck whenever it comes to new workers. When I first came here, he made me fall down the stairs." Natalia couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh God!" She explained, clutching her stomach as she doubled over in laughter. "How is that even possible?" She asked Alec, whose cheeks were stained with red.

"Cassandra! Please don't tell that story!" He whined adorably.

"Please tell!" Natalia pleaded.

"I will when it's lunch time." She responded. Alec crossed his arms and pouted.

"Well then," Natalia extended her hand towards Cassandra's. "It was nice meeting you Cassandra. I will be going now to change. Alec, you could head to the Café. I'll be there shortly." Natalia informed the two before she quickly scurried off to one of the restrooms to change her blouse.

After changing, she came out of the stall and washed her hands. She had to admit, she was already enjoying her first day so far, excluding the parts when she embarrassed herself by falling/tripping. She also couldn't help but admit that Alec had a lovely accent. She definitely felt some type of way when it came to foreign men, especially if they're British.

Sure enough, Alec was sitting in the Café with Cassandra and some other people Natalia didn't know or recognize. When he noticed her, he called her over to sit with them.

"This is Natalia everyone. It's her first day," Alec explained. "Natalia, this is Cassandra, well you already know her. But this is Sandy, Sam, Louanna, Mark, and Dave." She shook hands and smiled at everyone that was sitting at the table. They all seemed very friendly.

Since Natalia already ate that bagel, she decided not to eat anything at all. Instead, she just sat there and chatted with her new friends. It felt like she was in school.

"Wait, so you're saying that his pants and underwear just flew off? That must have been so embarrassing!" Apparently, Mark was telling a story about how Sam got so wasted at a party that he forgot to buckle up his pants so that when he was dancing on a table, his pants flew right off and all his goodies were showing. Yes, all of it.

"Shut up, dude! That story was supposed to be kept between you and me!" Sam muttered angrily while he playfully punched Mark in the shoulder.

"Hey, you should've never drunk that much at the party. You had to at least swallowed up eight bottles of that beer." Mark threw his hands up in surrender and shrugged, causing everyone at the table to laugh obnoxiously.

Suddenly, Dylan showed up out of nowhere and clapped his hands together in a swift motion.

"Lunch time is over, people! Head back to your offices and get to work." He demanded. Everyone nodded and ran to their destinations.

"Um, Dylan, can I talk to you for a moment please?" Natalia asked Dylan.

"Yes. Would you like this to be a private conversation?" He asked. She nodded her head horizontally.

"No. Right here would be fine," She gulped. "So, I briefly scanned over the schedule folder. You know how I'm still in school, right?" He nodded his head. "Well around 5:00 in the afternoon I have to go to school."

"I know. Work ends at 2:00, so you should have enough time. And for your other job, its on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, right?"

"Yes, Sir. At around 10 in the morning to 1:00. How will that work?" Natalia asked him. It sure would be a busy and complicated schedule for her because she has school AND two jobs which all have different times. Maybe on Tuesdays and Wednesdays she could take the day off at Science Tech an just to to Adam's place. Then at 5:00 she could go to school.

"How about after you finish your days with your other job, you come here right after? I know that must be a busy schedule for you. You could stay here and work for three hours, then go home. You'd have an extra hour before going to school." Dylan explained.

"Hmm," Natalia hummed. That surely would be a very hard schedule for her. "I think that I'll be able to do that." She admitted.

"It's settled then." He proclaimed, standing up and smiling at her before walking off.

Whew, this was not going to be easy at all.

HEY! I tried introducing some new characters into this book... I know her schedule might be very difficult to understand but to make it easier this is whats happening:

at 10 in the morning, ON TUESDAY'S AND WEDNESDAY'S, Natalia goes to the Daycare place with Caden (since they work together there). She leaves the daycare at 1:00 pm.

after leaving the daycare ON TUESDAY'S AND WEDNESDAY'S, she goes straight to Science Tech Inc. and works there for three hours. After those three hours she goes home and gets ready for school.

then she goes to school !

On regular days, (Monday's, Thursday's and Friday's) she just gets up normally at 7:00 in the morning to go to Science Tech. When work is over (at 2:00 in the afternoon) she goes home & gets ready for school which starts at 5. i hope that explains everything more clearly!

i know for a fact that i wouldn't be able to live with all that stuff on my plate . but feel free to share what you thought about this chapter in the comments ;)

hope you enjoyed this chapter . i spent almost two hours typing it ._. -.-

so yeah. love you guys!

questions for this chapter:

1. what do you think of Coffee Boy? (AKA, Alec, AKA, the gorgeous British guy from the United Kingdom.)

2. is anyone clumsy like Natalia or Alec is?

3. what do you think of Sam, Mark, Cassandra and the others?

4. who thinks Dylan is strict?

5. who likes Natalia's new job ?

bye for now ! love you guys <3


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