Time Entanglement

بواسطة Ssdevan

12.3K 626 2.4K

With the world being under the threat of Voldemort , cloud of despair has shrouded the sun of hope.At the cr... المزيد

Strange Traveller
Not worrying
Changing Equilibrium
New Prophecy
Soul bond.
Good Bye
Sealing the bond.
Time Wheel.
Silver Doe
In Memories
Last Horcux
Restoring The Peace
Family reunion
Unexpected arrival.
Unexpected Revelation
Switched Roles
Greater Good.
Catalyst Indeed!
New stories
Fact she knows not
Does it matter
Path Divergence.


253 17 132
بواسطة Ssdevan


It feels like a dream to Harry. Sirius black, his Godfather, is in front of him staring directly into his eyes. The person who fall in the arms of death to protect him , is in front of him.

"Sirius" Harry speaks again . His voice mixed with surprise and happiness.Overwhelmed with the emotions ,he take a step towards his godfather , spreading his arms to give him a warm hug but his arms crossed his body as like cutting air with the feeling of coldness. He was stunned unless he noticed the white transparent body of Sirus that he missed in his moment of overwhelmed emotions .

"After running away from Azakban I knew that I couldn't live after killing that treacherous rat and May be I couldn't get the chance to tell you the truth . However I did but I didn't know then .So I decided not to leave this world ,so that someday I can tell you that I didn't betray your parents." Explain Sirius .

"Living in the Hogwarts as the ghost was out of my legacy . You can't imagine a marauder following Dumbledore's order . Besides ,this place holds so much memory that I don't want to leave it." He said looking around at the place lovingly

"I was the first one to give you a birthday present. Your first birthday present ".Said Sirius

"Toy broomstick.I read mom's letter written to you". Harry speaks ,unable to hold his tears.

"I'm sorry that you died.". Harry said. "I didn't know that it was a trap."

"Death is bad for the one who is living not for the one who died" Said Sirius "Today is your birthday and you have to be cheer up or else Molly will blame me for making you cry.

"She is not here" Harry replied

"It's your birthday and you can't stop the Weasley " Said Sirius. "All of them would have come downstairs. Don't worry I am permanent residential of Your house ."

"I am glad .You decided to come back " Said Harry wiping his tears" I have really missed you ".

"Don't make a ghost cry" Sirius speaks pretending to wipe his non-existent tears . "Don't worry You are going to regret it when I barged in your bedroom whenever you bring any hot chick ."

"Everyone must be waiting for us" Said Harry diverting the topic but with the smile. He didn't realise when Ron and Hermione have left him alone to give some privacy

"Tell me. Harry. How many girlfriends do you have?" Sirius asked floating behind Harry as he walked forward. " Common I am not your typical uncle .I can give you some really good advice.

True to Sirius words, Weasley have arrived along with Neville,his grandmother and Luna , resulting into complete chaos. He smiles looking at his big family, adoring the diversity .His eyes met with Hermione for a while with unsaid emotions .She smiles at him before indulging into the conversation with Mrs .Longbottom.

Harry comes downstairs and welcomes everyone birthday wish with wide grin on his face. There was a moment of awkwardness between him and Ginny and except that everything was fine. The day was going awesome for Harry. Mrs Weasley and Mrs Granger has taken the charge in the kitchen. David is busy in ending Mr.Weasley's curiosity about the muggle world( Something that David is hating) and Mrs .Longbottom is engaged with Bill and Charley .She seems to be quite proud of Neville. Harry , Hermione, Ron , Neville,Luna , Ginny, twins and Sirius are having their own fun time .

The celebration started in night with Cutting of Big three storey cake which was prepared by Kreacher but the chaotic night started before it when Twins has replaced the candles with their special candles that blasted when Harry blows it, painting Harry's face into blue and red colour. Twins recieved earful of scolding from Mrs . Weasley. Hermione wiped his face with the help of her wand however Ron enjoyed the most looking at his face.

There was funny banters and laughing,music and dance ,pranks and scoldings.Harry is enjoying everything of today. Even after dinner no one is ready to retard to the bed so, David come up with a idea of a game .

"Three chits have been drawn from this bowl . Two chit will contain a name and one will contain a task .Two people have to perform the task or they will get punishment." David announced and everyone gets agreed .

First pair was of Mrs.Longbottom and Sirius .They have to act like each other's personality which was fun to watch . Specially for Neville when he looks at his granny poorly trying be Sirius.

Then pair was followed by Mrs.Weasley and Fred , Charlie and Mrs .Granger, Ron and Luna(Due to Hermione's little arrangment from Ron's request) , Kreacher and George ,Dobby and Mr.Granger .Finally only four people were left. Neville, Harry, Ginny and Hermione.

"Not me and Ginny please" Harry keeps repeating the line again and again , dreading about the possible awkwardness of the situation.

Meanwhile David has his own setting with Sirius and Sirius has his setting with Dobby .

"It's Ginny" Neville speaks . Ginny stands up and walks towards him . She takes out a chit .

"We have to perform a couple dance" She announced and Neville's face lost his all colours.

"Comon Nev. It's not that difficult". Said Ginny keeping aside the chits. Neville gulps looking at her as she takes his hand and lead him to the centre. He is just as nervous as Harry could have been while facing voldemort. But then he remembers that Harry was all cool at that moment

"Just follow my steps". Ginny whispers while putting his hand on her waist.

"I'm sure .I am going to hit on your leg and we will fall in front of everyone".He said nervously looking at the crowd .

"Then we will have a laugh .Afterall it is for fun" Said Ginny giggling ."You don't have to so tough on yourself. Be easy .Just look in my eyes and move ."

The music starts and Neville do as Ginny instructed.

"I am glad we didn't get the dancing thing
I hate dancing." Harry whispered to Hermione who is keenly observing the pair ."What are you thinking?" Harry asked looking at her concentrated face.

"Don't you there something going on between the..." She stops realising that she is talking to Harry about his ex-girlfriend. She bite her tongue mentally slapping herself.

"Er...what were you saying? The dance.Yes . " She focused on Harry's word in hurry to change the topic." You did dance well in the tent"

"It was disastrous " Said Harry with chuckle remembering how ridiculous he danced. "You could't even figure out that I was dancing" Hermione laughs softly while looking at Neville and Ginny.

"But I like it .You know." She speaks and turns to look at him" It always remain one of those moments that I will always cherish till my lifetime " Harry smiles softly looking in her eyes feeling bubble of happiness in his heart.

"I think we should get the dance task" Hermione speaks diverting her eyes from Harry . Harry also concentrates on the Neville and Ginny."It would be fun moments like it was ."Hermione speaks.

"It was our moment " Harry said still looking at the dancing couple . Hermione turns to look at him. "Just ours" Harry looks at her for a second which is enough to convey his feelings .

"Just ours" Hermione whispers to herself diverting her eyes from him.

"They're quite a couple" David said looking at the Harry and Hermione from some distance.

"It's shame that they are not dating " Sirius replied floating in between Jane and David. "I was going to put that idea on his head in his fourth year but Moony stopped me "

"You can do that even now" Said David .

"No.I can't.That prat has compelled me to take oath of our friendship " Speaks Sirius.

"That's why I appreciate whoever the person is. We shouldn't meddle in their relationship. Putting the ideas will make them question the reliance of their love." Speaks Jane.

"Elaborate. my Love " David said.

"They are friends for years . They'll think that whatever they are feeling for eachother is because we've put crap in their mind . They even can't take that completely out from their mind. resulting into the awkwardness between them .Which is not good for them" Said Jane .

"It's shame that I died without meeting you beautiful lady" Said Sirius passing into David body and popping his head out from his neck .

"Get out of my body and don't you dare to flirt with my wife". David said.

"If You have met me earlier, Hermione would be my daughter and Harry would be my son-in-law " Sirius speaks without giving any ears to David. David furiously punch on Sirius face which landed on his own face.

"David.He is not real." Speaks Jane ."Anyways what is written in the chit" She asked looking at Harry and Hermione who walks to take out the chit.

"Something that put the idea in their mind".David smirk looking at them

"Is it kiss?" Sirius ask with excitement.

"NOO" David replied looking horrified." She is my daughter"

"We have to speak some dialogue " Harry announced .David turns to look at Jane with proud who is looking at him without any clue.

"Wow! It's dialogues of Shakespeare's play" Hermione speaks almost jumping on her feet.

"Hear my soul speak:
The very instant that I saw you, did
My heart fly to your service; there resides,
To make me slave to it" Harry read the lines blatantly .

"Wait a minute." Said Jane ."It's not supposed to be like that .You have to look at Hermione and act with these dailogues ".

"Really.?" Harry asked looking at Hermione who nodded. "Okay I will read... act next dailogues"

"One half of me is yours, the other half yours-
Mine own, I would say. But if mine, then yours,
And so all yours" Harry said loudly putting his hand on his heart whereas Hermione laughs silently.

"Hermione... Act like a sophisticated beauty " Ron said ." Harry is doing nice...."

"Thanks, mate. Sophisticated beauty Hermione " Harry said in joy of correcting Hermione. Hermione nodded and stand straight with her head high.

" Ready"Harry asked and she nodded.

"I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes.
Doubt thou the stars are fire.
Doubt that the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar.
But never doubt I love" Harry read the lines and at the end both of them erupts laughing.

"Buried in eyes . That's horrible..m" Harry said in between laughter making them impossible to stop laughing.

Jane and Sirius glares at David and all of them looks at their failed idea as Harry and Hermione are still laughing reiterating each words of play in comic manner.


The party was over . Everyone return back to their respective house.Harry too decided to come back into Granger's house so that next day he can properly say good bye to them.

"You're not tired yet " Hermione speaks coming out from the washroom while Harry is lying on her bed waiting for her to come out.

"Not at all.I am still energetic" He said jumping at its place.

"I get it" Hermione said with a laughter." I am glad you like your birthday.

"I love it .It was all fun. There was everyone around me , my family. Sirius was with me. Sirius will live with me and top of that My house. Hermione .I never told you but I really didn't know that where would I go after here ."He said lying on his stomach,his eyes following Hermione as she walks from one corner to another, doing the last minute settlement of her things before going on bed.

"I can't live in the burrow . Living in the Sirius house was like ....It sends shiver into my spine....I was literally tensed about my stay but now I am going to live in Godric Hallow" He said enthusiastically, rolling on the bed. "What happen?".He asked suddenly sensing Hermione's gloominess in him.

"Nothing. I am Happy for you". Hermione said looking at him with a smile.

"What's it ?". Harry asked holding her wrist and making her stop when she passed near the bed.

"Oh! It's stupid " Hermione replied.

"I love to hear something stupid from your mouth. It is a rare phenomenon " Harry said.

"It's just..... we've been living under same roof for so long.....so.... It's  ...I know it's stupid. But I am gonna miss you" She said.
Harry sits up realising that from tomorrow She would not be with him.

"I really didn't think about that" He said slowly. From now on there will be no reason for them to be under the same roof .Their path is going to diverge .He is not going to Hogwarts but Hermione will surely continue her study. They may not even meet for months.

"Sorry.I spoiled your mood too." Said Hermione guilty." Anyways it'll feel strange for someday after that we would get used to of not being around each other .

"I don't want to get used of you not being around me." Harry said strongly. Hermione looks at him for some seconds blinking several times before leaving from their to arrange her study table.

"Mione . once you have told me that you would move out from your parents house after Eighteen. Are you still intact at your plan ".Harry asked looking at Hermione.

"Ofcourse I am .After completing my studies I will look for Job and then for a nice cozy house. "Hermione replied.

"Then Shift with me." Harry said and Several books fall from Hermione's hand.

"My house has enough space for two people " Said Harry while Hermione bent to pick up her books. "It is a perfect combination of muggle and magical life . " He give another reason when Hermione does not react to his offer." And you can renovate it as per your taste "

Hermione arranged the books carefully and make a strange huff sound before turning back to look at Harry.

"Can you both ever understand that I am a girl?" Hermione asked looking at Harry. Harry give her a lost look .

"You can't say that to a girl, Harry. ". Hermione speaks with a sigh.

"Why?" Harry asked .

" Living with you is inappropriate"replied Hermione

"We are literally living with eachother for more than a year " Harry said.

"We are living with family whether it is mine or Ron's " Hermione replied.

"When we were on run ,in the black's palace or in the tent ." Harry reasoned." We were practically living in a same room."

"It was due to the situation, Harry." Hermione tried to explain." I couldn't go to my parents and tell them that I am shifting with You because We would miss eachother. Imagine how it sounds?"

"Inappropriate." Harry speaks slowly agreeing to Hermione's reasoning. "I really don't want to live without you. "

"Harry" Hermione speaks understanding his sadness ."It's temporary. Once you will get busy in your life,  you would really don't miss me that much."

"What's life without you?" He asked . Hermione looks at him speechless. She looks away trying to comprehend his words.

"There..... would.... would be your work'.Hermione replied without looking at him." You have thought what would you do" Hermione asked suddenly getting the topic to change the conversation.

"I have recently thought about it" Harry replied ."I don't know I can do it or not".

"What's it ?"Hermione ask curiously.

"It's stupid." Harry said.

""I love to hear something stupid from your mouth .However It is not a rare phenomenon" Hermione reiterated his words.

"I thought so much about it " Harry said. " Earlier I thought to be auror but now I wanted a calm life.I can't picture myself running behind dark wizards. Then I thought about playing professional quidditch but then I don't want to be in limelight .I couldn't work in ministry because I can't stand those feet lickers. But I also want to do something good for society. I can only think of a job that would go well with me ." Harry speaks and Hermione listens to him patiently.

"I was... thinking to pursue teaching as career" Harry continued hesitately .

"That's brilliant idea Harry" Hermione exclaimed happily.

"Do you really think that?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Ofcourse it is . You are the best D.A.D.A teacher I have ever seen . You have taught students elder to you. You brings new sense of confidence who didn't believe in themselves. Moreover There will be so many students , after the war , who would be going through trauma .Many of them would be related to death eaters also. It would be emotionally difficult for them to be in class of D.A.D.A .You can understand the trauma of those students and could also help the new generation to be free from the disgusting past of their ancestors. And if you stayed in the Hogwarts D.A.D.A teacher for more than a year, I am sure you will, everyone can get out from the superstition of its cursed position. Beside that parents would feel more secure and safe in sending their students to the Hogwarts due to your presence. It is the best decision. " Hermione ended her 'short' speech .

"I haven't thought that much.I just feel like I can do that. " Harry confessed gaping at her." But I don't know whether I am eligible for it or not without completing my studies. But I don want to return Hogwarts as student"

"Harry . You are even eligible of becoming Minister of Magic." Hermione replied.

"I don't want to get anything because of my fame" Harry said.

"I know but it is something you deserve and something that everyone needs ." Hermione said.

"There are certain other things too. " Harry said." First of all my age . I would be the youngest professor in the history"

"One more thing added to your legacy"

"I would be teaching people who all are my classmates and my friends."

"You have taught whole bunch of people senior to you.

"What about Teddy? How would I manage him and my work all along?"

"You are sure about Teddy. Aren't you"

"Yes.I am.I know I am too young for responsibility of a child .I don't know I am capable enough to take care of him , Mione. But I will try my best. I want to adopt him.People are telling me that I can take care of him even as his Godfather.I know I can . I can be his Godfather,I can be his uncle or brother. I can be any relation to him .

"But I know that  at some point of time or may be through his whole life he would feel  the voidness of his parents. I don't want to take place of Lupin.I don't want to replace tonks. I just don't want him to keep looking at everyone in hope of finding his parents .I don't want him to accept that his parents will never come back. I don't want him to share my faith"

"I want to try to fill that gap .May be I can never fill that But I still want to try "

"I am proud of you. You know" Hermione speaks looking at him admiringly." I know you will do everything for him that Professor Lupin will do .Ofcourse It will be difficult .I can only say that I am there with you . "

"Mione. If I would become D.A.D.A teacher. You will be there with me." Harry speaks suddenly realising this fact. Hermione nodded suppressing her smile.

"That's it .I am going to apply" Harry said standing up and storms towards the door." Good night,Mione..." He shouted before closing the door behind him.

"Good Night " Hermione said with laughter .She arranges her bed properly .she pick up Harry's watch that he had left in hurry.

"I don't want to get used of you not being around me

"What's life without you?"

A smile appears on her face as his words reverberate in her ears. She descended from the bed and put his watch in front of her dressing table . Her eyes fall on her own reflection in the mirror.

"Ginny is the most beautiful girl ...."

His voice echoes in her ears . She sigh looking at her reflection. The bags under her eyes are still evident . There are several spot on her face .Her hairs are still frizzy and difficult to manage. She touches her cheeks from her hand .She doesn't know which is more rough and dry ,her cheeks or her hand.

"The Most Beautiful girl...  certainly you are not." She speaks to herself with a slight smile which was less radiant than before. She put the watch aside and climbs on the bed to take some sleep.

So how was the chapter?

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