The Reunion

By CathyJensen

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Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy because it got me kickstarted into writing. Good or... More

So High In School
Unskilled Labor
A Discovery And An Innocent Person
A Missing Mom (Trigger Alert Rape)
Moved In A Hurry
A Surprise Visitor
Even Mia
Pedophile Alert
A New Owner
The Power
The Final Blow
They Discovered More
Sex Crazed Maniac Freed
Party Time
College Boundl
The Big Move
Suddenly Susannah Arrives
Class Reunion
College Ahead Of Me
GEH Expands
Dr. Steele
Dating The One?
Bun In Oven
A Nightmare Begins
Always Prepared
Thanksgiving Baby
The Davidson Invasion
Mia Takes A Stand
Gun Found
A New Acquisition
The Baby Is Born
Theodore Arrives
The Approach Was Wrong
Meeting Marie And Camille
The Dust Settled
A Wonderful Life

The Truth Will Come Out

27 2 3
By CathyJensen

I was contacted by someone regarding Jack Hyde and they told me to be checked for AIDS and I made an appointment immediately and six months later I was found not to have any symptoms or virus in my blood. They also tested my child as well. Both of us were lucky. Because they discovered that he did know he had aids and he wasn't willing to tell them about any of his partners. GEH was given a heads up by me and they started contacting the ladies that had filed complainants against him and suggested they get an aids test done at their expense. Two had passed away of aids related complications. The others were not symptomatic and sone were like me and my baby and weren't infected.

The more I am around Alice and her child the more I see why Kate and Elliott have a family and enjoy it. Elliott jr is fun to have around and now he is getting a sibling.if Kate can marry someone with a child then I can. I am trying hard not to fall prey to the gold diggers that think that I am their personal bank account. I have never opened up my wallet to any of them. Feeding them is one thing buying them clothing and other things is not something that I have ever done so they lose interest in me quickly. She is very young but I can't help myself around her. So I start taking her and her child places with me so I can get the family feeling. We have started calling her son Hershey because he likes Hershey candy bars. Mom and dad have a few doubts about my commitment to Alice and Herschel but I am proving to them that I have good intentions towards them bot and they invite her family over for dinner and both sets of parents start talking age difference and finally I just get on one knee and propose to Alice and Hershey. Both agreed to become my wife and my son. The wedding will be a small one and she is wearing her mothers wedding dress and she really just wants family and a few friends. It turns into fifty people attending the wedding and my mom and her mom handle everything, Kate warned her about our mom. But we weren't warned about her mother, so they went to battle over everything until we had just had enough and flew to Las Vegas to get married. The fathers recommended it. I adopted her son as soon as I could. I was hoping to change his first name as well, but it was not happening because it was a family name. It was forced on her by her parents.

Richard told me to confess and get my daughter off the hook for the robbery. I told him that I would not be able to stop Riley from going forward with whatever else he planned.

Carla left me no choice but to go straight to the police and to the Grey family and Ray Steele about Tiley Lambert and his intentions against Anastasia. I drag Carla with me and tell her if she doesn't do the right thing then I will make sure she is outed for taking the gun on Thanksgiving day. She talks in her sleep and that is how I found out what she had been up to. Like Elena they plan in their sleep and discuss how to do it. That is how I found out about her activities initially.

Richard and Carla show up and they have something to discuss with us about how my gun ended up being used in a robbery and murder. We call Carrick and he calls the detective on the case. We soon find out where Johnson is at thanks to Carla. Christian wants to make sure Carla goes to prison and she is arrested on the spot, but Riley Lambert is in Seattle and he is hiding out but it won't take long for him to show his face. He wants me behind bars so he is going to do something else to get that accomplished.

I call Welch, Jason and Ray and we get things recorded after they sign they allowed the recording and videotaped. Dad has made sure they understand what they are agreeing to and the consequence of it all. Carla is going to jail. Anastasia will not be going to jail. She was set up. By her moth, biological father and biological grandfather. We can't prove that Robert Lambert had ordered this, but he probably did knowing the kind of person he is. He just put himself in my line of fire. Ann helped us out with filing 5he reports and taking written statements about it. She had an impartial detective do it all at our home. The charges were dropped and Anastasia got an apology. James Johnson had been working undercover and they had to act like he didn't exist at the police station. It took a lot to set this up and to get it cleared up. I set my sights on the Lambert company and Robert and Riley Lambert. Roz had a huge smile on her face when I tell her to go after the company along with Riley and Robert. I don't want them walking away from this. Apparently Riley turned the gun over to a known criminal who went and robbed and murdered people and left the gun to be found later.

We still don't know who the criminal was that robbed and murdered the people and left the gun behind to be discovered. Someone dropped the ball on this big time. It was all on the security videos at Mia's restaurant. We showed them proof. We think that Robert or Riley greased wheels. Richard decided to file for divorce after all of this. He was getting the documents signed to hire me to get the divorce through when Carla told him she was pregnant. She pulled out the doctors report and she is pregnant. Richard wants custody once the baby is born.

Christian has doubled my security now and he has people looking for Riley and someone is on Robert as well. Roz is apparently enthusiastic about doing this to the Lamberts and their company. I am relieved that I am no longer going to jail. However my mother just caused her own problems yet again.

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