King: of The Forest And The L...

By chaexjune

4.8K 453 253

Jungkook, the guardian of the Crimsonheart Forest, has watched over the ancient woodland for over a century... More

The Curse of The Uninvited Guest
The Hundred Years in Solitary
The Companion in Question
The Guardian of The Forest
The Only Person
The Strange yet Familiar Feeling
The Unspoken Secret and Promise
The Princess' Stories
The Feelings
The Land of Eudaemonia
The Secret Between Us
The Scent of Danger
The Greying Feathers and The Treacherous Tree
The Infamous Vigilante
The Bad Omen
The Inevitable Decision
The Sleeping Handsome in The Woods
The Moment Has Come
The End of Vileness
The Ending Plan
The New Beginning
The Hopeless Queen and The Clueless King
The Lost Sparks Between Them
In the Heart of the Kingdom

The Concealed Truth

159 18 7
By chaexjune

The golden hues of morning light painted a new day in Crimsonheart Forest. Roseanne emerged from the tree castle, carrying a tray laden with warm, honey-glazed flatbreads and a delicate herb-infused cheese. With the tray in hand, she carefully brought it down, her heart brimming with anticipation to share the morning repast with Jungkook.

"Good morning, Cal.", she greeted as she approached him, her voice carrying a soft melody.

"Good morning, Rosie.", he responded, his attention fixed in the wood he was carving.

Curiosity sparked in Roseanne's eyes.

"What are you crafting today?", she inquired about his task.

His response was soft-spoken yet firm—a new mask was needed after his previous one shattered during the perilous encounter yesterday. The sorrow in his voice made her a bit guilty for asking. He surely did not want to remember that incident anymore.

To change the subject, she invited him to share breakfast. His smile widened at the sight of the morning feast she had prepared.

In a swift motion, Jungkook flew up to his tree castle and returned while holding two ripe bananas in his hand.

He offered one to Roseanne, admitting, "I usually have this in the morning."

She felt a twinge of embarrassment. "I may have prepared too much," she murmured, feeling she might have imposed.

Skydance, the blue butterfly was nearby, and it landed beside him, urging him not to dismiss Roseanne's gesture. When he dismissed the butterfly with a gentle shush, he noticed Roseanne's small smile at the interaction, albeit momentarily. Sensing her emotions, he gently took the tray, placing it on his lap.

"These look delicious. Let's eat together, hm?", he suggested, offering her a piece of the honey-glazed bread.

With a smile returning shyly on her face, she took the bread as she settled beside him.

While they savoured their morning meal together, a symphony of laughter and light-hearted conversation echoed through the enchanted forest. Their bond seemed to transcend the realm of friendship, hinting at a deeper affection yet to be acknowledged by either of them.

Every creature, especially the trees, the birds and the fluttering insects, silent spectators to this burgeoning romance, felt a surge of delight seeing their immortal king who they call Caladrius, radiating more happiness than ever before. They revelled in the sight of his contagious laughter, as if the forest itself joined in the jubilation. The trees swayed gently, the leaves rustling in a chorus of agreement, while the insects buzzed cheerfully in harmony. If only Jungkook knew that they loved her for him, yearning for the immortal man to recognize the depth of their affection for the lady who had brought warmth and light into his life.

In a moment of shared humour, Jungkook quipped, "Everyone in this forest adores you, Rosie."

Roseanne chuckled softly, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Oh, come way."

But he was earnest, his eyes glinting with sincerity. "I am not kidding. The animals that helped you to save me yesterday love you, Rosie. Even the trees say so."

Curious, she observed the trees swaying gently before them. They seemed to dance in a rhythmic appreciation of her presence. Jungkook pointed towards them.

"See how the trees move? That's their way of showing gratitude for what you did."

Feeling a mix of humility and awe, Roseanne covered her blushing cheeks, acknowledging the unseen creatures.

"Thank you for accepting me.", she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He smiled warmly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, "You're a part of this forest now, Rosie. They've accepted you wholeheartedly, just as I have."

His words lingered in the air, and although she returned his smile, a pang of guilt tugged at her heart. She harboured a secret, something significant she had not shared with him or any inhabitant of the forest. If only they found out about it, they surely would not accept her to be one of them. To forget what just came into her mind, she went to take the wooden mask Jungkook had been carefully carving. She held the partially carved wooden mask delicately while returning beside him.

"May I ask about this mask?" she inquired, hoping to steer the dialogue in a different direction.

He nodded, his eyes curious as he watched her inspect the intricate details of the mask.

She gathered her courage before speaking, "Why do you cover your face when you go out to protect the forest?"

A soft smile graced his lips before he spoke with a calm reassurance, "I wear it to remain anonymous. Humans already despise me without seeing my face. I don't want them to recognize me as the supposed 'monster' they believe I am."

His explanation resonated deeply within Roseanne, a wave of regret washing over her for probing into his reason for wearing the mask. "I'm sorry," she murmured, feeling remorseful as she knew he hated to talk about being a monster everyone called him.

He gently placed a hand on hers, offering a comforting gesture, "You don't have to apologize, Rosie. You asked out of curiosity, I understand. Besides, you're different. You see me beyond my appearance."

Though his words brought solace, Roseanne could not shake the remorse lingering within her. She wondered what Jungkook would feel if he found out her truth. He must be disappointed with her and as much as she wanted to live in the forest, she knew that she could not do that because whne the time arrived, she will have a bigger role outside of the forest where her people would need her more than he was.


The setting sun cast a golden glow as Roseanne meticulously prepared a sumptuous royal feast fit for a king—succulent roasted pheasant, vegetables drenched in honey, a bubbling pot of venison stew, and a table adorned with platters of Jungkook's favourite banana fruit and delicate pastries, intended to be shared with him.

The aroma filled the cosy tree castle, yet Jungkook's absence as night approached left Roseanne on edge, anxiously awaiting his return. The sky painted itself in hues of twilight, signalling the onset of darkness. Jungkook had promised to be back before nightfall, but he had not arrived yet.

Just as she mustered the courage to venture into the deepening night, a soft rustle of wings announced his return. Startled yet relieved, she turned to see him at the doorway. However, her relief changed to being puzzled as she saw the emptiness in his eyes as he entered the tree castle, his wings folded tightly against his back.

"Cal, you're back.", she greeted softly. Yet, he moved past her without acknowledgement, his focus fixated on the moonlit landscape outside.

Unsure of his sudden detachment, Roseanne approached him cautiously.

"I have made dinner for us. Let's eat together?" she implored, hoping to break through the invisible barrier that had arisen between them.

Jungkook remained engrossed by the scenery beyond the window, his silence enveloping them like a shroud. Her heart ached a little with the weight of his distance, a sense of unease settling in her heart as she began to wonder what was going on with him. She hoped that it was not what her mind was telling her.

"Cal, let's-"

At that moment, he turned abruptly, his expression twisted in anger, "How could you deceive me, Roseanne?"

His use of her real name sent shivers of realization through her, a confirmation that he had uncovered her hidden truth.

Attempting to explain, she tried to reason with him, her voice tinged with desperation, "Cal, I can explain—"

But her attempts to clarify were cut short by his cutting words.

"I've met him. Mingyu.", he uttered, his voice laden with disappointment. "He's been looking for you, Princess of Eudaemonia.", he added with a hint of pain in his tone.

Panic swept across Roseanne's face as the realization hit her like a thunderbolt. Her attempt to conceal her true identity had inadvertently led to a massive oversight—she had not meant to hide Mingyu from Jungkook. She did not even think that hiding her royal identity would further lead to this. Her oversight sent waves of panic through her, the revelation threatening to shatter the fragile equilibrium she had meticulously constructed.

"You should leave this place now. You can ask the animals outside, any of them, they know the real you too. They will show you the way out of this forest.", Jungkook's voice was firm, yet wrapped in a polite demeanor as he uttered these grave words.

Surprised, Roseanne attempted to interject, "But, I—"

Cutting her off, his tone grew insistent, "Please leave Crimsonheart now, Princess Roseanne Park."

Struggling to comprehend, she reached out to him, "Cal, please, I didn't mean—"

Before she could continue, his patience snapped, his voice rising in frustration.

"Enough! Just go! I've been alone for far longer than a week you've been here! Just go, I don't want to see you anymore.", his outburst reverberated through the tranquil forest, leaving Roseanne stunned.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she attempted to mend the rift, reaching out to grasp his hand, but he yanked away angrily, severing the connection that once bound them.

Without a word, he moved toward the door to leave the home he had shared with her for a week she stayed there. Pausing before leaving, he cast a stern gaze back at Roseanne.

"You should be gone by the time I return. I do not wish to see you here when I'm back.", he declared firmly, the weight of his words heavy in the air.

His words hung in the silence, leaving her standing there, stricken by the severity of the situation. She watched in silence as Jungkook, with a graceful spread of his majestic wings, soared into the encroaching darkness of the forest, leaving her alone in the peaceful sanctuary now filled with an unsettling stillness.


Roseanne had spent the entire night crying, tears streaming down her cheeks in the aftermath of the heated argument with Jungkook. Exhausted and emotionally drained, she slumped against the wooden walls, her sobs echoing in the quiet chamber until she drifted into an uneasy sleep.

The sudden impact of her head against the wall jolted her awake. Disoriented and in pain, she rubbed her head, tears threatening to spill once again when she recalled what happened hours ago. In that moment of despair, a gentle presence approached. It was Whisper, Jungkook's messenger bird, fluttering softly and patting her back with its delicate wing.

Surprised, she glanced up to see the bird offering a comforting gesture. Despite being an avian creature, Whisper seemed to understand her sorrow. The gentle touch and the bird's empathetic gaze brought a glimmer of solace to her desolate heart.

"Hey, Whisper..", she murmured softly.

As minutes passed, a subtle change in its demeanor caught Roseanne's attention. Surprised by its movement, she hesitated momentarily, unsure of what the bird intended until she followed it to the door. It seemed like Whisper was asking her to leave. Probably, it knew Jungkook would be home anytime soon.

"He's coming, isn't it?",  she asked softly.

Contrary to her expectations, Whisper guided her upwards, using its wings to lead her.

"Where are we going?", Roseanne asked, her curiosity piqued.

Without uttering a word, the white pigeon continued its guidance, gently pulling her along with its wings. Despite her confusion, she trailed behind until they stood before the sealed chamber Jungkook had forbidden her to enter. Anxiety clawed at her thoughts, fearing his wrath if he discovered her near the off-limits room. She attempted to step back, but Whisper halted her, gesturing for her to stay put.

In a hushed tone, she questioned Whisper, "Why are we here? I shouldn't be prying around here. Cal will be furious if he finds out..."

Before she could finish, a faint sound emanated from within the closed room, catching their attention. Perplexed by the noise, she strained to decipher its origin. Before she could vocalize her thoughts, Whisper motioned toward the base of the door, where a shadowy figure moved silently inside the prohibited chamber. Bewilderment swept over her, puzzling over the inexplicable sight.

Recalling the layout of the room, her mind whirled as she remembered the small window as the only alternate entry point but it would not be able to be entered by a human. Plus, she was sure that she did not hear any footsteps walking upstairs when she was all alone in the chamber downstairs. Her thoughts raced to a conclusion—only someone with wings, like Jungkook, could maneuver through the door quietly to go inside.

" that..Cal?", she asked the bird.

Whisper responded with a firm nod, confirming Roseanne's suspicions. Relief washed over her troubled expression as she contemplated departing before Jungkook emerged from the secluded quarters.

"I should leave before he comes out," she murmured to herself, ready to make her exit.

However, as she turned to depart, Whisper's movements intervened, guiding her with a series of cryptic gestures. She furrowed her brow in confusion.

"What are you doing, Whisper?" she inquired quietly, seeking clarity from the messenger bird.

Whisper's wings gestured persistently towards the door of the prohibited room, and its beak indicated actions, leaving Roseanne puzzled.

"You want me to...speak to him?" she guessed tentatively, trying to decipher Whisper's intent.

Assuming that the loyal assistant to Jungkook wanted her to communicate with him, she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the impending conversation. She approached the sealed door cautiously, her hand trembling slightly as she tentatively knocked her knuckles against the aged wood.

"Cal, it's me, Rosie.", she called out softly, hoping for a response.

However, he remained quiet within the room, seemingly indifferent to her presence. Feeling disheartened by his apparent disregard, she shook her head at Whisper in resignation, conveying her defeat.

"He doesn't want to speak with me.", she said, felling a sense of dejection.

Yet, Whisper's enigmatic movements seemed to urge her not to give up and because of that, she settled herself beside the closed door, speaking softly despite the lack of acknowledgment from Cal.

"I know you don't want to see me nor talk to me anymore, Cal. But I hope you will listen to me for the last time before I go. I...", she paused with a sigh.

Whisper perched on her shoulder and patted her with its wing, showing her support that she needed to continue.

"I don't want to hear any explanation from me. Well, you already found out everything you need about me, what more explanation I need to do, right? I'm a princess and I have a fiancé looking for me out there. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about these. I have no excuses for hiding these things from you but...I have my reasons as to why I chose to stay here...I wanted to be free for once in my life. In Eudaemonia, I was taught to be the noble princess but the life of privilege stifled me, Cal. I never had the freedom to do what I wanted by myself. From the day I was born, I had five people around me after my mother passed away due to severe bleeding caused by me. I had two nannies, two household staff just for me alone and an advisor. Now that I'm eighteen, they are still there for me. My father even added two more as my personal teachers.", Roseanne disclosed as much as she could before tears escaped her eyes, her voice tinged with longing for a life unrestrained.

"And then there's Wendy, my stepsister, she made it worse for me to live.", Roseanne continued, her voice laced with a tinge of anguish. "Her bullying made me feel guilty for my whole life. She always blamed me for my mother's death. She always hit me, slapped me, pulled my hair every day, especially when no one was around. I hate it.", she added softly, her gaze falling to the forest floor, the memories causing a flicker of pain in her heart.

"I just wanted to escape from all that to find myself beyond the confines of royalty. Even just for a week.", Roseanne admitted, her voice a whisper carrying the echoes of a longing heart.

Standing up while wiping her tears away, she looked at the label on the forbidden door in sadness.

Knocking gently twice on the door, she called out, "I will go now, Cal. Thank you...for everything."

Her voice, though soft, held a tinge of melancholy, her hand lingering on the aged wood, bidding farewell to the temporary sanctuary she had shared with the immortal man.

Whisper, his trusted messenger bird, flew nearby, observing her with eyes that mirrored a quiet sorrow, understanding the impending departure.

As she turned to leave, she addressed the pigeon with a heartfelt whisper, "Thank you, dear friend, for your silent understanding."

Just as she began her departure, the door she had knocked on finally creaked open. Jungkook emerged, his usually serene expression now laced with concern, halting her steps.

"Rosie, wait," his voice, a blend of curiosity and worry, resonated through the wooden walls, reaching her ears.

Surprised, Roseanne turned back, meeting his gaze as he stepped out from the forbidden chamber.

"Where are you headed, Rosie?", his voice held a genuine concern, his eyes conveying a mix of empathy and worry.

However, she remained silent, her thoughts shrouded in a veil of unresolved emotions.

"If you're not yet ready to return to Eudaemonia, you're welcome to extend your stay here in the forest.", his words were a gentle offer.

Yet, she hesitated, torn between the comfort of the forest's sanctuary and the concern of her fiancé who might still be anywhere just to find her.

"Stay, Rosie.", Jungkook implored softly, extending a comforting hand towards her, silently urging her to reconsider her departure.


Whoa, this is the longest chapter I've done. Wonder what Roseanne decide to do next? Is she staying or is she leaving? 😏

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