Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x R...

By Blonde_Dumb

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THE AMAZING COVER ART WAS BY @d-bois AAAAAA THANKS AGAIN Y/n comes from a broken home. All her life she had t... More

SEASON 1 :||: Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
SEASON 2 :||: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Season 3 :||: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Fifty

56 0 4
By Blonde_Dumb

Y/n went to her Royal bedroom and wrapped some bandage around her chest, once again reminding herself all too much of the Silent Crusader, but with the burns on her stomach, she had no other choice. The pain was already terrible, let alone if it was rubbing against fabric constantly. She threw on some tights and a black shirt-looking-thing that definitely gave off medieval vibes. It had a hood on it, which she immediately threw over her head. She rummaged the room, trying to find things that might come in handy for a trip, totally abandoning her ruined wedding dress that she got married in hours ago. She found and old, dark leather belt and shrugged as she slid it around her waist. There was a rugged pair of knee-high boots that she threw on as well, tediously tying the strings all the way to the top, which took a very long time, but they fit nicely and she kind of liked the look of them.

"Are you two ready?" Y/n asked the two boys who were flopped over their couch.

"One second, we're still saying good bye to our couch." Damien said.

"You're kidding, right? You know we'll be back..." Y/n shook her head at them in confusion.

"Yeah, but we only got to spend one night in here." He whined.

"Yeah...? Well I was supposed to spend the night with the Princess tonight, and look how that turned out." She glared at them. The two boys looked at each other before standing up.

"Fair..." Damien said after clearing his throat. Pip gathered a small sack of bread and cheese and tied it to his belt. Damien threw a bag of cooking supplies and weapons over Pip's torso. Pip grabbed his messenger bag and rolled up a scroll.

"I've already prepared your message for the Huntress! Can't be a messenger without my scrolls." He smiled to Y/n, who smirked at him.

"So... how long do you think it'll take to find the Huntress?" Y/n questioned as they strolled down the palace halls.

"Who knows? She goes all over the forest, so it could be awhile." Damien said.

"Are you sure you'll be able to track her? How does your tracking even work?" Y/n shook her head at him.

"Demon sight." Damien stared at her with his eyes suddenly glowing red.

"Which is...?" Y/n furrowed her brow at him.

"As long as I have seen the person's face, and they exist in the same realm I'm in, I can envision where they are." Damien smiled, showing his teeth as he rubbed his temples.

"So you have... visions?" Y/n asked in a slight disbelief.

"Oh yeah. All the time. Sometimes even of people I don't remember seeing. Especially when something horrible happens to them." Damien frowned suddenly as he stared forward. Then he smiled again, "Why else do you think it was so easy to find Pip?" He wrapped his arm around him and dug his fist into his hair from under his hat, making him giggle.

"It's true. I am extremely traumatized." Pip smiled at her proudly as he straightened the hat back out.

"And you've never talked about it before?" Y/n questioned him.

"I don't like talking about it... Just like you don't like talking about it whenever you rip ass." He stared at her with an eyebrow cocked, making her look away in discomfort. They started down some random flight of stairs, "It's just a demon thing, besides, nobody wants to hear about it. Wouldn't you get annoyed if I was like- 'oh, sorry guys, just had an evil vision of someone's baby getting chopped in half as a sacrifice to the gods on the other side of the world!'- every couple of hours?" He said, putting his hands up.

"Uhh... yeah, I guess your right, that would get on my nerves." She stated bluntly.

"Exactly, so just be thankful I don't talk about it. Wait– I feel another one coming on... yep, some kid is getting butt-raped by his uncle behind his family barn." Damien said.

"Jesus Christ, Damien..." Y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head in disgust.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." He told her.

"That one sounded kind of like me." Pip looked at him with concern.

"It wasn't you, Pip... are you getting butt-raped by your uncle right now?" He glared at him.

"No... was it my adopted brother?" He questioned him.

"No, Pip... well... maybe...?" Damien looked up in thought.

"Will you guys just shut up?" Y/n scoffed, "I'm surprised you're not a complete sicko-nasty- creepy monster with the amount of gross shit you claim to see..."

"I don't have any desire to murder or rape babies... if that's what you're saying... The visions kinda sick me out." Damien told her, making her laugh sarcastically.

"Only kinda, huh?" She glared at him.

"Okay, they kinda torture me a little... there, is that what you wanted to hear? That's also why I don't talk about it. My dad had to teach me about intrusive thoughts in order to get over them. It's basically demon OCD. You know. None of our thoughts are real, they all come from nowhere, and if they make us uncomfortable we don't have to talk about them or act on them. Unless you're feeling like you want to act on those thoughts... Then maybe you should see a therapist... or, you know, maybe you're just a literal demon and it's in your DNA to be a sicko-nasty-creep. I was never into it though. My Dad also told me that just because we're the rulers of all those weirdos doesn't necessarily mean we're like them. God gave people free will to be disgusting. Not us. Sure we influence people, but that's all on humans. Even if we see fucked up visions of horrible things happening to real people in real time. Basically, Y/n, these dope horns and wings don't come for free, understand?" He crossed his arms.

"Anyway..." Y/n quickly changed the subject, "You're sure you've seen the Huntress's face?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. We knew her back on Earth." Damien said.

"Wait... who is she?" She looked at him.

"Wendy Testicle-burger, or whatever her name is." He said, waving his hand, making her pause slightly in thought.

"Wait a minute... if you have demon vision, how come you've never seen me being tortured in Cartman's Mom's basement?!" She questioned angrily, leading right back to the subject she was trying to avoid.

"Y/n... I lived in hell when all of that happened, okay? I didn't see your face for the first time until after you were freed. Idiot. You wore a mask all the time? Nobody knew who you were? Member?" He said to her.

"Oh..." She said, before shrugging and carrying on.

"Do you have any visions of her from recently?" She asked him after a long, awkward moment of silence.

"No. But if I focus on her face in my head I can see visions of whatever she's doing right now. The trick after that is trying to locate her based on the landmarks surrounding her." He said, rubbing his temples and eyelids again.

"Sounds easy enough." Y/n said, walking towards one of the open windows with a huge stone balcony.

"It's not. That's where Pip comes in, he's really good at geography. He's a nerd." Damien pointed at him. They stopped at the balcony and looked out into the vast purple-red forest. Thinking she could be anywhere out there, hidden beneath the trees, was daunting.

"If I were Wendy the Huntress... where would I hide?" Y/n questioned herself softly.

"Hmm... I know she often visits the Southern villages to trade. Should we start there?" Pip smiled at her.

"Well, the Voodoo Sorceress is from the Southern forest." Damien chimed.

"What are you doing?" Stan the Ranger questioned, causing the three of them to turn and stare at him from the archway, "Why are you talking about Wendy? T-the Huntress..." He added the last bit of her title as if it were an afterthought.

"Well, since King Dipstick Kyle doesn't want to help me, I'm going to rescue the Princess myself." She told him matter-of-factually, crossing her arms.

"Don't talk about the King like that." He said bluntly, glaring at her. Y/n looked at Damien's bored, annoyed expression and rolled her eyes.

"What are you gonna do, Stan? Tell on me? Go ahead, we'll be out of here before he even has time to get mad about it." She said, turning and resting her hands on the balcony ledge as she stared at the village far below.

"Well... why do you need to find the Huntress? What good will she do?" He questioned her again. She sighed deeply.

"If you must know... She knows the Voodoo Sorceress of the Souther Forest. If I can befriend them with a gift, they might let me borrow their spell book. Unlike some stingy-ass King that lives in this palace..." She told him, mumbling the last part.

"A gift? What kind of gift?" Stan questioned her before gripping his spear, "You didn't-"

"No, we didn't steal anything." Y/n groaned. Even Pip was staring at him with annoyance now.

"Well then, what are you bringing them?!" He asked again.

"A pocket full of Nunya." Damien answered.

"Nunya?" Stan cocked an eyebrow.

"Nunya business!" Y/n and Damien shouted in unison before eyeing each other with a slight smile. Stan stared at them in confusion before rolling his eyes.

"You know I'll have to tell the King..." he warned them.

"Go on and tell him. It's not like it's supposed to be some big secret. He wants to deal with things in his way, and I'll deal with things my way." Y/n told him.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? The Huntress isn't exactly... friendly... trust me, I'd know... And you've already messed things up enough." Stan told her. Y/n gritted her teeth at him.

"Would you prefer the Dark Knight just sit around the castle sulking and not doing Jack shit?" She shrugged at him with a sarcastic smile.

"Well... no..."

"Then mind your damn business." She pointed at him with her eyes narrowed, speaking through her teeth.

"Look, you just shouldn't mess with the Huntress. She used to be apart of this kingdom and she left... Now she wanders the forest rouge, living off the land. And she steals from the Kingdom all the time. She's a foe to us, we've been trying to capture her for, like, forever, making a deal with her might upset the King more than he already is." Stan tried to warn them again.

"The King has forced my hand. If he'd let me study the magic known to the kingdom I wouldn't have to go on a crazy whirl-wind trip to find this forest lady and her witch friend. Cartman has proved that he's too strong for me... I need an actual plan, Stan, and I need to get up to his level of having crazy spells to work with. A sword won't do shit against his spells, no matter how hard I swing it. You've all left me no choice. And it's my sworn duty to protect the Princess, so I'll find her if it's the last thing I do." She explained to the ranger, who finally looked at the ground in thought.

"King Kyle isn't going to like this. That's all I'm saying." He sighed, trying to convince her with one last attempt.

"Well he should have thought about that before threatening to banish me." She said, finally leaving him without words. She nodded to Damien, who quickly transformed into a Pegasus. She hopped on his back and helped Pip up after her.

"Wait..." Stan said as Damien spread his wings again.

"What...?" She looked back at him impatiently.

"When you find the Huntress... could you tell her... I'd like to talk to her again?" He said. She gave him a strange look before shaking her head.

"Sure. Whatever. Bye, Stan." Damien hopped into the air and began gliding away. Stan watched them silently as they soared off into the distance.

They flew towards the Southern Village, which took a few hours to even draw close to. They eventually landed near a cliff side on a small mountain and discussed Damien's visions.

"Uhh... She's cracking a rock against another rock... now she's dipping it into a puddle of water... now she's cracking it again..." Damien explained with his eyes squeezed shut as he crouched down with his legs crossed.

"Ugh. Damien, who cares what she's doing. We're trying to figure out where she is. What's surrounding her?" Y/n questioned him.

"Um... just a bunch of trees..." He said. Y/n stared ahead at the hundreds of trees surrounding them off the edge of the cliff in utter annoyance.

"Anything else?" She sighed.

"Perhaps some sort of landmark, Damien? When we found you, Y/n , it's because you were close to the Blue River. Can you see any mountains in the background? Perhaps a building of some sort?" Pip questioned him patiently, resting a hand on his knee.

"No, no, I don't see anything..." He said before shaking his head tiredly with a sigh of defeat.

"Great... this is going to take forever." Y/n said before anxiously sitting down next to Damien and leaning against the same blue teal-ish rock that he was.

"Don't fret, Dark Knight. I'm sure the Princess is fine." Pip assured her.

"Is she? Damien... have you looked at the Princess?" Y/n questioned him. A look of fear crossed his face.

"Um... no..." He said, scratching his cheek. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What's with the face? Are you lying?" She questioned him.

"Nooo..." He laughed nervously.

"You have seen her! What's Cartman doing to her?!" She questioned him.

"Y/n... I think for your own sanity, I should keep that to myself." He said.

"What? No! Tell me!" She said. He bit his bottom lip with his sharp teeth, avoiding eye contact with her, "Tell me, Damien!"

"I'm trying to be a good person and spare your feelings right now!" He exclaimed angrily.

"You've seen him doing some fucked up shit to my Princess and you didn't even think to tell me?!" She grabbed ahold of his pointy ear, making him whimper.

"I didn't want you to freak out!" He said.

"TELL ME, DAMIEN!" She was grabbing both of his ears now, practically foaming at the mouth with rage as she stared into his red irises.

"HE'S GOT HER CHAINED UP BY THE LIMBS AND HAS BEEN ZAPPING HER WITH A MILD ELECTRIC SHOCK EVERY FEW MINUTES!!" He screamed, making her features turn horrified. She finally let go of his face and practically rolled up into a ball of insanity and stress, "I told you! You never listen to me!" He yelled at her. Pip stared between them with fear and concern.

"We need to find the Huntress, now." She shuttered with desperation.

"I'm trying! My hands are kinda tied here." He huffed.

"No. You don't get it. What if it was Pip Cartman had chained up doing that freaky shit to him!" Y/n stared at him with tears in her eyes as she pointed at Damien's messenger boy lover.

"I-" He turned to Pip and replaced him with the Princess in his imagination. The vivid visions showed him every detail of the screams, the look of agony on his cute, pale face, the way his fists and teeth would clench with every jolt of electricity and the tears streaming down his face as he called out his name. His face went red with anger when he snapped back to reality, faced with Pip's adorable glassy eyes. He turned back to Y/n, who had tears streaming down her face. He grabbed her wrist which was planted in the ground.

"I'd fucking kill them..." He said in a low tone. She stared at him before he looked out into the forest again. He grabbed each of their hands and simultaneously chomped down on their pinkie fingers, sinking his teeth into their skin. They both screamed before suddenly the whites of their eyes were swallowed by a deep, glowing red, and their minds were consumed with red-tinted images of the Huntress walking through the forest. She was following a thick path and jumped down from quite a height on a steep hill. She scoured the cliffs and smacked a hefty baton against the rocks, knocking them out of place. One of the rocks fell and revealed a sparkling crystal. She picked it up and analyzed it. It was hard to tell the color of it within the vision, but it dazzled as she moved it from side to side before tucking it securely into her bag.

"I got it!" Pip shouted, causing Damien to release his teeth and all of them to dizzily shake their heads, "That crystal was a Sapphirathyst. They're only found in one location native to this land. She's in the Sapphire hills!" He smiled at them.

"Oh my god, yes, Pip, you genius!" Y/n grinned at him as she flicked her sore hand. Damien immediately changed back into a Pegasus and whinnied at Y/n to get a move on.

"What the hell? They left? What do you mean they left?" King Kyle turned to Stan, pausing in the middle of his meeting. The crowded room was staring at Stan from around the war table.

"I mean they left, dude. Her, your messenger, and their little demon side kick." Stan told him more clearly.

"What? They can't just leave in the middle of—" Kyle caught himself when he realized that he'd just threatened to banish the Dark Knight just hours prior. He stared down at his war table again at the little figurine of the Dark Knight, who they'd already discussed being in their plans for battle.

"W-wh- did they tell you where they went?" He asked in a sudden panic, wondering if he'd completely burned his bridges with them.

"Yes. They're looking for the Huntress..." he told him nervously.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me... what for? It's gonna take them ages to find her! We've been trying to capture her for months." Kyle told him.

"I tried to tell them not to go... the Dark Knight said because you wouldn't let her use the Spell Book that she'd have to go find another one." Stan shrugged, causing Kyle to groan and roll his eyes towards the back of his head, "I guess they're going to try to persuade her and the Sorceress with a gift. I don't know what the gift is though."

"Great. Everything just went up in the air! We won't be able to follow through with this battle plan until they get back to the kingdom." Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose as a wave of annoyed groans and banter erupted from the army surrounding him.

"King Kyle... would it have been such a big deal if you did let them research the magic?" The Cleric reluctantly asked him as the soldiers complained in the background.

"Yes! Besides, it's too late to go back on that now. They're already long gone! And who knows when they'll be back? Stupid Dark Knight... how could she possibly be trying to help if she's gonna be pulling stunts like this? They're never going to find the Huntress and that god-awful witch!"

"What if they do find them?" Stan asked.

"What do you mean?" King Kyle stared at him with his eyes narrowed.

"What if they get in touch with them and learn the Sorceress's spells? What would that mean for us?" Stan asked him. Kyle looked at Tolkien who looked down in thought.

"I suppose that would make the Dark Knight more powerful. With her on our side, it would help us with our odds against the Wizard King, but the Sorceress is happy to dabble in Dark Magic. The same magic Cartman uses himself. It's dangerous, her very soul can get sucked into the evil associated with it, and we may lose her as our ally if it consumes her." He explained.

"That's only if she gets involved with the wrong spells... this is exactly why I can't let anyone touch the Spell Book, guys. It's so easy for these things to get out of hand. One too many dark spells can change a person's entire personality," Kyle said, looking back at his ranger, "Ugh, I hate that witch Bebe, nobody should be running free with power like that."

"The witch doesn't use that many dark spells, does she? She's definitely not like Cartman..." Stan asked.

"No, not unless it's to escape our army. But living out there where nobody can see her, who knows what kind of things she's conjuring." Tolkien said.

"No, no, I agree, she's perfectly neutral if you ask me. She's not an idiot, she understands how dangerous magic can be... that doesn't make her innocent, though. One full-moon night with the right conditions and a little too much curiosity could lead to a world of chaos with those two." Kyle said.

"Funny you say that... isn't tomorrow the full moon?" Tolkien mentioned, causing a dead, nervous silence to pass over the three of them.

"This can't be good... Stan, you shouldn't have let them leave!" Kyle turned to him with desperate eyes.

"I-I know, but they—"

"We can't waste another minute. We need to understand the full capacity of Y/n's magic. If there's something more to the Dark Knight that might put us at jeopardy, then we need to know about it." Kyle interjected him.

"Wait a second—" Tweek suddenly butted in, "Don't you remember that— Nghh— creepy ass black thing that crawled out of the Dark Knight's body? Wh-When Princess Kenny was being taken away?" They all stared at him before glancing at each other with confusion.

"You don't remember? It crawled over our arms— Nagh!— when we were holding onto her, and it disappeared when Cartman used his staff!" Tweek said as he trembled.

"Yes, we remember, but what about it? Do you know something about it?" Tolkien asked him.

"No." Tweek said, "Maybe that's what you need to learn about the Dark Knight. That creepy demon that crawled out of her body!"

"He's obviously right. I've never read or heard anything about that thing regarding the Dark Knight. The sword and the armor, sure, but not some weird ghost-apparatus thing." He looked to the Cleric again.

"I have no idea, your highness. Maybe she's been possessed?" He suggested.

"You'd think she was already possessed with that Damien always following her around." He rolled his eyes, "Anyway, It doesn't look like possession, it must be something else." He told him.

"If it's not an evil entity, then I have no idea." Tolkien shook his head.

"Right..." Kyle sighed, "Everyone! Meeting is adjourned! In fact, we may have to scrap this plan entirely!"

"Aw what..." they complained.

"We've been in here for four hours!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know it sucks, but the stupid Dark Knight has apparently made other plans. My Cleric and I need to begin a deep research session and therefore this plan is obsolete right now. Thank you all for your attendance. Now please go." He said, crossing his arms. They continued to groan and protest as they funneled out of the war room, "Tolkien, find me every book, scroll, and manuscript you can find on the Dark Knight. We're figuring out what this mysterious legend is all about."

Kenny's eyes were sagging with exhaustion, and her mind was going more and more numb with each jolt of electricity. It wasn't that it hurt too bad, she had definitely felt much more painful things in her immortality on Earth, but it sent her slowly down a pit of insanity from the constant sting and tension of her whole body. She groaned after another jolt pierced down her spine.

"Jesus Christ, just kill me already!" She screamed, suddenly summoning Cartman into the room on his floating, green fart cloud.

"Tsk Tsk, Princess? Getting tired of your torture already?" Cartman questioned her, making her suddenly feel a bit panicked.

"Uhh... yes! Oh god, yes! Please, it's killing me!! Turn it down, I feel like I'm hanging on by a thread!" She screamed, hoping her agonized bluff wouldn't cause him to turn up the voltage somehow. Luckily, Cartman let out a pleased chuckle.

"A few more days of this and you should be completely broken down. I bet it'd be fun for the Dark Knight to find her Princess a soulless, mush-brain zombie when she gets here." He smiled.

Kenny thought it'd take a lot longer than a few days at this rate, but she definitely could see it happening. Especially if the shock got any worse. Her jaw clenched and her back arched as another shock was sent through the chains down to her arms and legs.

"Ughh..." She huffed, letting her head hang when it passed. The hair tucked neatly into braids on her head were starting to frizz out and burn at the ends. Her dress was wrinkled and ruffled and becoming loose at the seams. She panted for a moment, feigning her injuries while he was in the room. Cartman stared at her for a while.

"You know... it's so strange you wanted to take this form on R'lyearth, Kenny... you must've been pretty confident that Y/n would become a lesbian for you." He suddenly mentioned, making her look up at him in shock.

"What... do you mean...?" She questioned, pretending she didn't know what he was talking about.

"How sure are you that she's fully into this trope? Are you positive that she's bi? Or do you think she's faking it for your sake?" He asked as he stared at his grown out nails. Kenny just stared at him with wonder, "you know what I think? I think she's still straight as a pencil. I think she wants to be with a real man." He smirked at her.

"What are you..." She stared at his grim smile, "Y/n is my wife. She married me. How could she fake that? If we wasn't into my hot tits she wouldn't have took my hand!"

"Is that so? You don't think she felt a bit obligated? I dunno, Ken, I think it's be pretty difficult to go from dating a dude with a penis to marrying a girl with tits." He told her.

"Really? Well don't worry about that, fatass. Just wait until I get her in bed. Then she'll be happy, I'll show her the real princess treatme—" The princess was interrupted by another shock, which was a little more painful, and lasted a bit longer this time, accompanied by Cartman's annoyed stare.

"Don't call the King fat." He spat.

"Ugh... fuck..." Kenny whimpered as the shock finally ceased. Cartman floated down from the air and walked up to her before grabbing her face.

"You may have had her on Earth, but this is my world, Kenny. I had her in my basement for months. I fell in love with her... I've brushed her beautiful hair... I trained her to be what she is today. And I've kissed her beautiful lips..." He said softly, getting closer to her face as he spoke intimately about her, "All while you were stuck up the ass of some preppy rich bitch... breaking her heart while she fought you in disguise. I'll make sure she remembers that. I'll make sure she remembers that I made her, and I cared for her. I'll stop at nothing until I have her under my thumb again... and since we're on the subject... under my sheets as well. In fact, I think the first thing I'll do when she becomes my wife is get her pregnant." He smiled, making Kenny stare at him with glassy, disgusted eyes.

"No..." She blurted out without thinking, making him laugh again as he let go and let another jolt of electricity consume her body.

"She's mine." He told her before disappearing from the isolated room.

The Huntress was walking silently, just a few miles away from the Sapphire Hills. She sliced the thick, red tree branches and overgrowth as she made her way back home, carrying lots of goodies from the day of lonely adventures.

She paused when she thought he heard the sound of a Pegasus braying up above. She looked through the leaves of the treetops but didn't see anything in that deep-purple, starry sky. She shrugged it off, thinking it's must've been a migrating flock. That's when a fireball suddenly burst out in an explosion on the terrain in front of her, sending her flying back with a scream. Her back hit a tree but she immediately recoiled and pulled out her iron baton as she landed on her knees. She stared up at the flames.

A black Stallion emerged carrying a menacing figure on its back. She saw the shiny horns of its helmet, the red glow on its face in front of the fire, and the bulky clinging of metal as it slowly approached her. She panted heavily with fear and didn't take her eyes away for a second as it paused just a few feet away. Suddenly, a smaller, slimmer figure jumped off of the back from behind them and made its way into view. With the glow of the fire shining on his smiling face, Pip stopped in front of her, leaving her confused and in a daze. He cleared his throat as he pulled out his scroll.

"Rouge Huntress Wendy of the forest. We are happy to have finally found you, and we carry with us a special message." He said, making her hold back her instinct to smack him in the head with her baton. She kept eyeing the huge, dark figure on the demon Pegasus behind him.

"I, Royal Messenger Pip of the Elven Kingdom, bring to you the Dark Knight." Her eyes shot open, "If you haven't heard, the Dark Knight has just been married to the one and only Princess Kenny of the Elven Kingdom. The princess was then captured by the Wizard King Cartman on the day of their wed. We ask of you to show us the Voodoo Sorceress of the Southern forest and—" Pip's eyes shot up and he ducked as she swung her big, metal weapon at his head. He ducked again as it flew back at lightning speed. Before she could swing a third time, the Dark Knight's sword blocked her trajectory, which was immediately thrown across the forest floor by the weight of her sword.

Wendy looked up at her glowing helmet and darted for her baton again. As she picked it up, she turned and swung it at the demon boy behind her. He swiftly dodged each swing before grabbing it with both hands.

"Jesus... would you... just... listen!" He said, struggling before she shoved him back, and finally crouching down and swiping the baton at his legs, knocking him down. She held her baton up and hit him a few times, causing him to yell out a few curse words. Y/n flipped her sword around, holding it by the blade before jamming the end of it into her stomach, causing her to roll over, clutching her torso in pain.

She was finally able to pick the huntress up by the arm, making her stare into the blood-red glow of her helmet's eyes holes. She grunted.

"I'm not going to the Elven Kingdom..." She said.

"Nobody said you were." Y/n told her, making her perk up at the sound of a more feminine voice, "But I might consider bringing you back if you don't cooperate..." Wendy tried to wiggle her arm out of her grasp, but it felt like it was encased in a stone trap. She even tried smacking and punching her arm, which only in turn her caused her hand to hurt. She grunted in defeat.

"That's no way to keep yourself out of an Elven dungeon." She told her, making her whimper.

"BEBE!!" She screamed out the Sorceress's name, even though she knew she'd never hear her.

"Just calm down!" Damien said with a grunt as he stood up, "We're not here to capture you! We're trying to make a deal here! We have no interest in selling your secrets to the Elven Kingdom, we just need your help getting back the Princess!"

Wendy looked towards him and back at the massive armor-plated person carrying her in the air.

"We won't harm you or reveal your hiding spots... as long as you agree not to run..." She told her.

"O-Or fight..." Pip said, wrapping Damien's arm around his shoulder as he struggled to stand on his hurt leg.

"Fine! I won't run, I won't fight... just put me down!" She yelled, causing the Dark Knight to finally drop her, "ugh... who are you three?" She questioned angrily, grabbing her baton again.

"I am the Dark Knight. These are my trusted companions, Damien and Pip." Wendy looked back at the two boys behind her, still lit up by the glow of the dying fire. When she looked back at the Dark Knight, she was surprised to see her armor suddenly dissolving in thin air, still carrying that massive sword.

"We have an offering for you in exchange to read the Sorceress's Spell Book. We believe it's the only way to beat King Cartman." She explained. Wendy painfully stood up again.

"You know, the very last thing I want to do is get us involved in this stupid war..." She said, dusting herself off, "What makes you think you can just drop in like a cannon ball and tell me what to do? I want nothing to do with either of those Kingdoms!"

"I have no where else to turn... and you won't be involved, at least not directly. All I ask for is a trade. You're a trader, aren't you? I give you something in exchange for information." She told her.

"Not usually on these circumstances... you're lucky you're so strong, or else there'd be no chance in hell! None of Kyle's soldiers have ever been able to corner me like this..." She told her.

"Honestly, putting you in King Kyle's dungeon would be no help to me... it might make him happy, but it would ruin what I'm trying to do here. Besides, the King and I aren't in the best of terms right now either..." Y/n explained, looking towards the ground with that feeling of shame rising. Wendy's expression softened, but only slightly.

"So... you're the Dark Knight, huh? The legends were true... I wouldn't have expected you to be a woman, though." She told her.

"Uh-oh, plot twist... big surprise, right? Look, let's cut to the chase... we're on a serious time crunch here. My Princess is currently suffering in the castle of an evil ass-hat. I need you to teach me how to fight and how to use magic in order to get her back. I offer you my royal wedding ring in return for this." Y/n held up her hand, showing her the onyx ring, which made her eyes light up.

"Oh..." She hummed, "Yeah, I think Bebe would be really happy to hear that..."

"So... you're down to help then?" She asked her.

"I don't know yet... I'd have to ask her and make sure. You guys just came barreling out of the sky in a pit of fire, after all. And we do not mess with the Elven Kingdom like this... we trust no one. And we definitely don't trust King Kyle. He's been after us since we left the Kingdom..." she explained.

"Wendy... please... I'll even let you carry the ring if it'll convince you. I'm not here to betray you or double cross anyone. I just... I can't do this on my own... Don't you have someone in your life that you love? Wouldn't you be in agony if they needed your rescue and you were powerless?" Y/n took the ring off of her finger and offered it to her. Wendy still look distrusting, but considered her words. The truth was, yes, she had someone she was deeply in love with, a princess of her own, that she would go to the ends of the R'lyearth to defend and protect.

"Okay... fine... it's getting late though, we really should get back to our hut before the moon rises any higher. The freaky shit that spawns in the forest at night isn't fun to deal with." She reluctantly took the ring out of her hand and stared at her hopeful smile. She sighed deeply, "Don't make me regret this, Dark Knight." She was startled when the girl dropped her sword and wrapped her in a hug, which almost made her pull out her pocket knife in defense.

"Thank you, Wendy, thank you." She said, embracing her old friend that she knew on Earth.

"Right..." She said, clearing her throat. She pulled away and stared at Y/n's grinning face with concern. They looked back at the two boys. Pip was planting small kisses on Damien's face and pointy ear as he held up his sore leg, still leaning onto the little blonde messenger.

"What the hell is that thing made of? Metal?" He asked, referring to her baton.

"Yes." Wendy responded, making him glare, "made it myself."

"Don't worry, Master, the pain won't last much longer." Pip told him as he stroked his face, making him sigh.

"At least she didn't hit you... I'd be wearing her face like a mask..." He glared at her.

"Enough..." Y/n told him at the sight of Wendy's angry stare, "Excuse my friend... he's a demon."

"Ooh... demon blood? Bebe would probably be happy to hear that, too." She smiled at Y/n.

"Consider it done." Y/n smiled back, and began following Wendy's trail after picking up her sword.

"What? I didn't agree to that shit!" Damien said, grabbing hold of Pip's hand and dragging him after the two girls with a limp. They disappeared from the circle of fire into the dark, treacherous forest.

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