The Reunion

נכתב על ידי CathyJensen

1.1K 72 85

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy because it got me kickstarted into writing. Good or... עוד

So High In School
Unskilled Labor
A Discovery And An Innocent Person
A Missing Mom (Trigger Alert Rape)
Moved In A Hurry
A Surprise Visitor
Even Mia
Pedophile Alert
A New Owner
The Power
The Final Blow
They Discovered More
Sex Crazed Maniac Freed
Party Time
College Boundl
The Big Move
Suddenly Susannah Arrives
Class Reunion
College Ahead Of Me
GEH Expands
Dr. Steele
Dating The One?
Bun In Oven
A Nightmare Begins
Always Prepared
The Davidson Invasion
Mia Takes A Stand
Gun Found
The Truth Will Come Out
A New Acquisition
The Baby Is Born
Theodore Arrives
The Approach Was Wrong
Meeting Marie And Camille
The Dust Settled
A Wonderful Life

Thanksgiving Baby

27 2 2
נכתב על ידי CathyJensen

They get Mia to delivery very quickly, Anastasia and Grace arrive and rush to get into scrubs so they can get information on Mia. Everyone else arrives and the waiting room is filling up with family and friends and finally security is guarding their charges. Theresa looks bad because she has blood on her from where she was hurt when she was trying to help the unconscious staff to stop bleeding. Christian sends her to get looked at and has one if the other security go with her. They think Hyde pretending to be a delivery person and he and the young girl came in behind him. The place was hectic and Anastasia and Mia were very busy until Mia had to use the restroom and that is usually run like hell time to assure she makes it.

I go out and tell everyone that Mia has decided two boys are better than one. So both boys are in the NICU and they are getting the best care. I tell Scott he can go see them in the nursery, but Mia is not in her room yet. I don't tell them the doctors are trying to stop her bleeding at this point. Soon Grace tells me they stopped the bleeding in my ear. I am very glad to hear that. I didn't see any other way around shooting the man. I offered to donate my blood but I am not a good candidate. We got news on the man I shot. He survived but is paralyzed from the neck down and they are unsure how he is otherwise. He had some pretty damn good EMTs that stopped the blood flow and kept him breathing. They should be doctors. Ray is standing beside me and I am waiting for more news. Of course the paparazzi got wind of the shooting and surrounded the hospital. Elizabeth Morgan was the only one who didn't need medical attention from the three of them.

I look at my sons and they are so tiny and beautiful and on oxygen and they have IV's and other tubes helping them to stay alive. Grace comes out of the NICU and asks me if I want to touch them? Of course I want to touch them. I put the things on that Grace hands me and I go in and touch and talk to my sons.

Twins usually come early so they might have been ready to come today. The stress didn't help the situation. Mia is probably in shock and not able to wake up yet. He touches his sons as he is sitting between the bassinets. They are responding to his words and grab his fingers. I get photos and videos for them and us. He gave one the name Scotty Edward Davidson and Samuel Ezra Davidson they had already chosen names for the boys. They were going to tell us about the twins today, but they didn't get to. The doctor just discover the other boy on Monday. The heartbeats seemed to beat at the very Sind the other one did. Both weighed four pounds each and 18 inches each. Soon everyone is outside the NICU along with a security team to watch over the boys. Scott asks where Mia is and I tell him she's in the ICU and he leaves to go see her.

I am allowed to go inside to see Mia and she's very pale and she has a blood transfusion going with other IV's going on and she's on a ventilator. A nurse tells me it's not as bad as it looks. Apparently she's critical but stable and she will survive. The nurse tells me to hold her hands and talk to her and I do just that. My phone rings and my mom is on the phone. She has heard the news about Mia and she has grandsons. She is trying to get a flight out to come be with us. Flights are all booked solid. Grace sent me videos of the boys and me and I send them onto mom. Suddenly Mia's eyes open and she starts gasping for air, the nurse calls the doctor in and they remove the ventilator tube from her. She is awake and can't talk yet. The nurse cleans her face up and she helps her with ice chips.

An hour later security is escorting paparazzi away from the ICU. Mia wants to see our sons. A day later they are all in the same room. The boys are able to breathe on their own. No more tubes or IV's.

Detective Colin Forest
I ask Miss Steele exactly what happened in that restroom and where did she learn to shoot. Her father Ray listens to me question her and her motives to kill or injure Hyde. She said that she thought the man was going to kill her friend and she took action against him when she found an opening and it was the precise time he moved the gun away from Mia's head. It just happened that the bullet went through his hand and hit his neck, the gun fell and she move it away from his reach as he fell to the ground bringing Mia down with him. Security ran in at that point and called ambulances. The story fits the scene and what the security saw and heard. The young girl told us that Hyde forced her and Elizabeth Morgan to help him get revenge on the Grey family and he didn't care which Grey. It just happened to Mia. Miss Steele being there and having her gun saved Mia from the man. She told me that she had seen him and a woman following Kate Grey on several occasions and thought they were coverts. She just found out that morning that they weren't covert. So she put her gun on and grabbed her carry and co conceal license with her. Their security guard got distracted and had to attend to an injured staff member who is here with a skull fracture and he is finally stable. Carrick Grey has been listening to this whole story and he says that's enough questioning, you got all the answers she can give you.

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