
By HarlotPlay

234K 4.5K 554

Life started as a never ending uncertainty until the Devil's Disciples MC took me in. There I found family, h... More

Warnings and Triggers
Karma - 7 years later

Epilogue, Karma

11.2K 251 81
By HarlotPlay

Two months later

The last few weeks I've been feeling like shit. I can hardly keep my eyes open and everything makes me nauseous. I'm on my way to the doctor's now to see if I've caught a stomach virus or food poisoning. I can't keep feeling like this. It's been hard trying to hide it from the guys, they'll just panic and smother me until I'm better. If they knew I was sick they wouldn't let me out of bed. Plus Hendrix has been acting weird lately. He keeps caressing my breasts and asking if they feel okay, he keeps track of how much I'm eating, and now he's trying to make me take 'special' vitamins. He's always been the one to care for us as a group, making sure we're healthy, but it's solely focused on me right now. If he knew I was sick he would wrap me in a plastic bubble for the rest of my life. If he tries to force me to take one more fucking vitamin I'm likely to shoot him in the foot.

Too much is going on right now, so I can't afford to be sick. We finally gave Brent's body a proper burial, complete with a ridiculously fancy headstone he would have loved. I buried him under a gorgeous cherry blossom tree, so I can sit by his grave in the shade when I visit him. Sometimes I like to sit and talk to him about my life. I can picture his infectious laugh at some of the antics I get up to.

Emery is helping us track down Scarlet and Digit so we can make them pay for betraying the club when they placed bombs around the compound. We found out the kidnapping asshole's real name was Arthur Burton. After I killed him Emery was able to hack into his phone and computer, where we found several links to more missing women. Boss lady sent teams in and they were able to recover 114 women. We also found out that Scarlet had been on his payroll since the very beginning, when I was abducted. Her brother worked as a guard for him, which is how she got involved. She helped my sperm donor concoct the plan to get me abducted. She's been the eyes and ears for years and no one saw it coming. When we finally find her I'm going to make her suffer. She will beg for death by the time I'm through with her.

Last month we finally made me being the guy's Old Lady official. We had a ceremony where I received my custom leather vest with Property of Ace, Ink, and Ripper stitched onto the back. Of course I made them get a patch saying Property of Karma on it. Fairness and all that Jazz.

I walk into the doctor's office and sign in, ignoring the judgmental looks from the receptionists. I'm wearing my usual look of black ripped jeans, a white crop top, and my leather cut that pairs perfectly with my black biker boots. People are always going to cast judgment but it's people like me who protect them from people just like themselves.

"Karma Daniels?" A nurse calls my name and I get up to follow her back.

"Pee in this cup for a urine sample, please." She says as she hands me a clear plastic cup with a white screw top lid. I look at her like she's crazy.

"What do you need a urine sample for?"

"A pregnancy test, dear." She looks at me with confusion as to why that isn't obvious.

"I have a birth control implant. Pregnancy isn't a concern." I tell her with a roll of my eyes as I try to hand the cup back to her.

"Your chart has you down with symptoms of nausea, fatigue, and sporadic lightheadedness correct?" She lists as she reads the paperwork I filled out.

"Yes but it's because of a stomach bug or something. I'm just here to get some medicine."

"Mmhmm. Just pee in the cup please. The doctor will be in shortly." She pushes the cup back into my hand and walks off. Whatever, cunt. It's not my resources I'm wasting.

After I pee in the cup and leave it in the little metal sliding door thing in the bathroom I wait in the exam room. I must have dozed off because there's a knock on the door that has me jolting up and blinking my tired eyes open. Doctor Ashley gives me a sympathetic look and takes a seat on the stool before opening my chart and facing me.

"Well, Karma. Your test was positive. You're pregnant." The words leave her mouth and my body freezes. I clear my dry throat.

"I have the implant. It's up to date. How is that possible? Your test is probably wrong or something." I ramble.

"Have you been using condoms while being intimate?" She asks.

"Umm... no?" I say as a question more than an answer, she just nods her head with a small understanding smile.

"Let me check where your implant is." I show her my arm where it's at. She feels around my arm with a small furrow to her brows. "You don't have an implant, Karma. There's a small scar here where it looks like it used to be though. Did you recently have it removed and just forgot about it?" She asks.

I look at the tiny scar she's talking about and the memory of waking up after the guys drugged me in their misguided attempt to keep me safe comes rushing back. I had a small bandage there but they told me I got a small cut from where they accidentally rubbed my arm around the wall and a loose nail was hanging out when they were carrying me to the room. Hendrix had a smug look on his face then.

"Those motherfuckers!" I yell. They are so dead!

The doctor jumps back at my outburst but I don't pay her any mind as I rush out the building and climb on my bike. Those assholes are going to pay!

I've been avoiding the guys the rest of the day, knowing I can't control my temper right now and needing everything to seem fine so my plan can go off without a hitch. It's the weekend and we have a club party going on. I grab three beers and walk up to the guys, handing them each one.

"Thanks, love." Jax says as he takes his beer and kisses my cheek. I smile and take a seat at the bar next to them. Hendrix comes up behind me and grabs my breast, squeezing gently and rubbing his thumb over my nipple.

"Do your boobs feel okay, Little one?" He asks the same question he's asked repeatedly for the last month. Now I know why. I turn and give him a fake contemplating look.

"You know, now that I think about it, they are pretty tender." I say. He beams at me and the happiness radiating from him makes me want to both hit him and kiss him.

He gives a secretive look to Axel and Jax and they all smile and clink their beers together before they drink them. Idiots.

Twenty minutes later the guys are stumbling around and to everyone else they just look drunk. Emery and Snake help me bring the guys to our room and deposit them face down on our big double king bed. Snake shakes his head and chuckles as he walks out. Emery full on laughs as she heads out the door. Before she leaves she looks back at me with a small smile.

"What they did was fucked up and they absolutely deserve what you're about to do but I also know you're happy with everything. I'm so happy for you Karma and you are going to be a kick ass mom." She leaves with that, making tears form in my eyes.

It's true. Being a mother used to be my biggest dream, the guys and I talked about it all the time. Then everything happened and I didn't think I would ever be ready for that. Even though a part of me is excited to be growing our little one, the guys still deserve their own brand of Karma. They took the choice from me and I can't just let them get away with it. I pull down their pants and underwear before pulling out my tattoo equipment.

The next morning I'm wide awake as I sit in the chair in the corner by the large window in our bedroom, waiting for these fuckers to wake up. Finally Axel starts to rouse awake. I can't contain the smirk on my face as he gets up and heads towards the attached bathroom while rubbing his sore ass.

Minutes later I hear a 'What the fuck' right before he slams the door open and comes barrelling out. The smile on my face is wicked and uncontrollable. He goes to the bed and slaps Hendrix and Jax on their heads to wake them up.

"Which one of you fuckers thought this was funny?" He growls.

Jax looks confused and Hendrix purses his lips when he spots me sitting in the corner.

"What are you talking about?" Jax asks Axel.

"I'm talking about which one of you assholes tattooed 'Daddy' on my ass?!" He shouts and I can't contain my laugh anymore.

They all turn their heads towards me as I burst out laughing. Axel narrows his eyes and I lose it even more. Jax goes into the bathroom to see if he has one too. Hendrix just beams at me with a look of pride and acceptance.

"Holy shit." Jax says before he walks back into the room with us.

They all come over and surround me. Axel squats down so he's eye level with me. I just shrug my shoulders and quirk my brow at him. They have no room to be mad at me for tattooing their unconscious bodies when they removed my birth control implant without my knowledge.

"Something you want to say, baby girl?" Axel murmurs.

"Yeah, you three are going to be daddies. Assholes."

"And the best way to tell us was by tattooing 'Daddy' on our asses?" He raises a brow and smirks at me.

"Seems only fitting since you guys decided to make me a mother while I was unconscious." I shrug a shoulder and try my best to keep the smile off my face.

"You having our baby, baby girl?" Axel asks as a look of pure possessiveness comes over him. Tears gather in my eyes and my throat constricts with the overwhelming emotions.

"Ye...yeah." I barely choke out.

Axel picks me up and holds me tightly to his chest. Jax comes behind us and kisses me down my neck as he wraps an arm around me and rubs his hand over my flat belly.

"Thank you." He whispers in my ear.

Hendrix snatches me from their grip and picks me up so I have to wrap my legs around him. The look in his eyes is nearly feral. I know this is something he's wanted from the very beginning. My Hendrix is having trouble controlling his emotions right now.

"Be gentle, Hendrix." Axel warns. Hendrix scowls at him as he sets me down on the bed.

"Shut up or get out, both of you. Those are your options." He warns Jax and Axel. They look at me and I nod my head.

Hendrix starts removing my clothing with slow, thoughtful ease. He's being so gentle with me right now, like I'm made of glass.

"I'm not going to break, Hendrix." I grumble.

"Hush." Is all he says. There's no point in arguing with him right now, he needs this moment.

Once he has me completely stripped he places his large palm in the center of my chest and pushes me back until I'm laying flat on my back. He removes his cut and places it on the chair before one hand goes to the back of his shirt and removes it in the sexy as fuck way men have do. My eyes drift down his bulky chest and trail over his adonis belt. I bite my lip to keep the girly ass whimper in at seeing his sculpted body. Everything about these men lights my body on fire.

He unbuckles his belt and removes his jeans without ever taking his eyes off of me. I should feel like prey with his predatory stair focused solely on me, but I know all I would have to do is say the words and these men would easily fall to their knees for me. That kind of power is invigorating and makes the wetness between my thighs more prominent.

Hendrix doesn't waste another moment. He buries his face in my pussy and licks me from entrance to clit in a single swipe of his tongue, making me cry out and bury my hand in his long hair. I grab a fistful and angle his head exactly where I want it. I feel the smile on his lips against my core as I start to ride his face without caution.

Right as I start to peak, I feel hands on my breasts and Jax's lips against mine. Axel pinches my left nipple and bites down on my right one, sending me over the edge with the small bite of pain. Before my senses can fully come back, Hendrix buries his cock inside me all the way to the hilt. My back arches as another orgasm rushes through me bleeding right into the last one.

"Fucking perfect, little one." He whispers with pure adoration and love in his voice.

He starts to thrust into me in slow measured strokes, making me feel every ridge on his cock against my walls. Jax grabs my face and tilts my head to face him.

"Open up for me, love." Jax says, making me lick my lips and open wide for him.

Jax slides his cock between my lips and I swallow him all the way down my throat without stopping.

"Holy fuck! God damn, your mouth is fucking heaven, love." He grits his teeth as I swallow around him.

He grabs my hair at the back of my head and starts to fuck my face with abandon. Hendrix takes this as his cue to stop holding back as he grabs both ankles and holds my legs up and out in a wide v-shape. He goes up on his knees and fucks me like a mad man without restraint.

I moan around Jax's cock and he loses rhythm right before he buries his cock deep into my throat and comes. Once he removes his cock from my mouth, Hendrix flips me over onto my hands and knees and re-enters me in a swift and brutal thrust. He smacks my ass and grabs both my hips in a bruising grip that's sure to leave marks. Axel stands beside us, stroking his cock, and uses his free hand to torment my clit.

"Open for me, baby girl." I open my mouth wide for him and he places the tip of his cock on my open lips right as he comes.

He grunts his release and pinches my clit quickly sending me over the edge once again. As my walls tighten around Hendrix's brutal pace he buries himself all the way in me, as far as he can reach, and shouts his own release.

I fall forward onto my front and pant for breath. Jax lays beside me with a wide smile on his handsome face and pulls me up until I'm laying on my side with my head on his shoulder. Axel lays behind me and places his palm against my stomach, rubbing small circles there as he kisses my shoulder.

Once my brain starts to function again I look around for Hendrix but he's not here. I furrow my brow trying to figure out where he went but before I can ask he comes back through the door. He's carrying a large basket in his hands and an instant smile comes over my face.

"You made a gift basket!" I squeal and jump up off the bed.

A blush pinkens his cheeks and I can't contain the giggle from bursting out. My sweet Hendrix made me a pregnancy care basket. I go up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek before I grab the basket from his hands.

"I've been waiting over a month to finally give it to you." He tells me.

I look inside it and see a book, prenatal vitamins, tums, mints, candy, a baby book for logging memories, nipple cream, lotion, bath bombs, and a beautiful necklace that says 'World's most badass mommy'. I can't control my emotions and tears start running down my cheeks.

"Fuck, I'm sorry! Is it not the right stuff? Everything I read recommended this stuff. I'll take it back." He panics, causing more tears to fall.

"Don't you dare! This is fucking perfect. I love it. I'm just a hormonal mess." His face softens and all three of them wrap me in a tight group hug.

"Our woman is having our baby." Axel says as he grabs my chin and kisses me passionately with a shit eating grin on his face.

"We were fully expecting you to go crazy on us. Knives, guns, even a baseball bat." Jax murmurs with a smile.

"I thought about it. But after the initial anger from realizing you fuckers took my implant out and purposefully got me pregnant, all that was left was happiness." I say with a smile before I back up and level them each with a glare. "But if you ever pull something like this again, you will be missing body parts." I leave them with that as I go to the bathroom and get ready for the day.

After we're all showered and dressed we go downstairs for breakfast. As soon as we walk into the kitchen, Emery comes rushing up to us.

"I found Scarlet and Digit. They're about three hours from here in a shitty little town. My facial recognition software picked up Digit's face at a motel."

"What do you say, baby girl? Ready to go deliver some karma?" Axel asks me with a devilish grin on his face.

"I was born ready, baby daddy number one." I say with a grin of my own before I kiss his cheek and head to the door for my bike.

"Hey! Why does he get to be number one?" Hendrix grumbles. I just laugh and wait for them to climb on their bikes to join me. "Let me take charge in doling out Scarlet and Digit's punishment and I'll reassign you to number one." I make him a deal and he purses his lips.

"I know you're going to use this as a way to get what you want for now on, but I gladly accept." He says and I just wink, making him laugh.

A few hours later we pull into the shitty motel Emery sent us to. The place is falling apart and the only vehicle here is Digits bike. They probably assumed staying at a place like this would make it nearly impossible to find them. Idiots.

Jax picks the lock on the door and Axel barges in with his gun raised. Scarlet and Digit are both naked in bed, mid fuck by the looks of it.

"What the fuck?!" She screeches, making me wince.

"God, your voice is grating." I tell her and she glares at me.

"Hey, Pres. What are you guys doing here?" Digit's trying to play the innocent card. I just roll my eyes.

I grab my gun from my waist and shoot him point blank in the head. The guys turn and look at me with a brow raise.

"I thought you wanted to drag out their punishment, love." I shrug my shoulder at Jax.

"This place smells awful and it's making me nauseous. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary."

"What do you want to do with this bitch?" Hendrix asks me, letting me be the one in control.

"Tie her to the bed and hold her jaw open. I've got an idea." I tell them with a grin.

She starts to fight and tries to get away but she's no match for my three hulking men. While they're busy doing what I asked, I take my blade from my boot and start cutting off Digit's cock. It's a bloody fucking mess and is slippery as shit but I finally get a grasp on it.

"If you're trying to take another man's cock as a souvenir I'm going to spank your ass red, little one." Hendrix growls and I scrunch my face up as I walk to them.

"If I wanted a cock as a souvenir it would be one of yours. Not this little thing."

I grab Scarlet's thrashing face and pry her jaw open. I shove the cock in her mouth until it lodges in her throat and then pinch her nose closed. Tears are streaming down her face as she turns blue, choking to death. Once she stops moving and her eyes are dead I let go of her and back away.

"Death by choking on cock?" Hendrix muses.

"Seems fitting, don't you think?" I smirk.

"Fuck, I love how blood thirsty you are." Axel grabs me by the hips and kisses the shit out of me.

"We need to go before I throw up everywhere. Peanut doesn't like the smell of this place." I say as I rub my belly.

"Peanut huh?" Jax smiles as he grabs my bloody hand and takes me to the bathroom to clean up.

"Yeah, it's our little peanut." I smile.

"Thank you, Karma. For coming back into our lives and giving us another chance even though we don't deserve it."

Once the blood is off my hands I grab his face and look him in his eyes. I see the vulnerability in them.

"Jax, we were all dealt a shitty hand. We all made terrible decisions but I believe everything worked out the way it was supposed to. No more stressing over the past. We have a chance at a beautiful future and nothing is getting in our way of the happily ever after we fucking deserve."

"You're right. No more talk of the past. Only the future." He smiles as he bends down and kisses my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair as happiness fills my heart.

We walk out of the motel and climb back onto our bikes. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I didn't realize was there. For the first time in my life I'm...content.

"Let's go home." Axel announces as he kisses me before climbing onto his bike.

Later on when I lay in our bed, surrounded by my men, I realize...I am a lucky, happy, blessed woman and my life is finally what I always dreamed about.

The End.

If you are interested in reading about Rogue, or simply want more from this world, Rogue's story is out now. Find her story on my page. The title is Rogue 18+. Also, if you enjoy my writing please follow me. Thank you all so much for reading Karma!

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